With what tools did the people of Egypt use to build the Giza pyramid? How the hell did they do it?
This one isn't too hard. Stones were super heavy so they did it one of two ways.
1) it's a prehistoric version of concrete and the blocks were formed one at a time (Joseph Davidovitts theory in 1979, you can see the theory here
2) they did something to account for the weight
For #2, most people thought that either there was a large straight ramp used to drag the stone up on sleds or rolled on logs, machines involving counter-weights used to lift one block to another (my least favorite), or a spiral ramp. All three would work, just be difficult.
According to Jean-Pierre Houdin, there was an internal ramp used to move counter weights to raise the nine granite beams for the King's chamber ceiling.
You can see it above shown digitally about halfway through or so.
Is there a true meaning to life that we all share? Are we merely, in truth, organisms operating mindlessly in conjunction with one another in an effort to bring about the propagation of our species, or is there something more to it than that?
Three potential answers.
1) Yes
2) No
3) Maybe
For yes to be true, you have to consider some sort of omnipotent or near-omnipotent diety or creator that shapes our existence. This is not far fetched as you can see that were are pretty fine tuned towards the religious anyway.
For no to be true, you have to consider the fact that we are NOT created by any sort of creator and it is all random happenstance. If this were the case, there would be no "universal" meaning. That said, you could find personal meaning.
For maybe to be true, this would have to have either a neutral god or some other omnipotent creator. The gods of Olympus could be seen in this light. This is also the case if we are actually a simulation of reality, rather than the "true" reality.
When you look at our universe you see some troubling things the more "specific" you get. There's a natural speed limit for acceleration, there's a space limit, and for some reason space can be
ignored entirely on a quantum level suggesting that there is an over-arching framework that ignores both space and time. These have all been more or less proven within our lifetimes.
The only one that isn't entirely true is the speed of light being a limit, because things can go faster they just can't ACCELERATE faster, which prevents them from doing so in the first place. For something to accelerate to the speed of light its mass would become infinite which wouldn't work out at all, but for things ALREADY moving at the speed of light there would be no discernable change. This is theoretically possible with matterless material.
But given all that, the only thing we can really determine is if we are the smallest form of a simulation. Can we simulate our own reality? Yes! We already do on a small scale so we aren't the smallest simulation.
It'd also explain our own existence quite nicely. Who would want to create a bunch of humans other than humans themselves? It is theorized that reviewing past events would be easier via a simulation rather than a time machine or other far fetched ideas. Just recreate the environment with a super powerful computer down to the molecular level and things SHOULD play out the exact same.
So why is that important? Well, if they created our universe to recreate the 1900s to 2100s, our purpose is simply to recreate it. Just like the Sims purpose is to do whatever we tell them to do.
However, if we are a full-on running simulation and they are merely capturing data or already saw what they needed and left the simulation running, then our purpose is already fulfilled and we do not have one. So "maybe", dependent on what time in the simulation we are.
Why haven't the French decided to stop arbitrarily assigning objects to either be feminine or masculine yet? Why did they even start doing that in the first place? What even in the ****.
Language is an inherent part of culture. The American English dialect is unique in that it absorbs everything from every language. We say words from many languages and just make 'em English. Bandana, sayanara (however you spell that), asta la vista, las vegas, san diego, kentucky (indian word for "dark and bloody ground"), you name it.
French and many other languages, on the other hand, do not consider things that aren't french to BE french. And they are correct; the current french culture is dying and being replaced, as every past culture has.
If someone believed that the arbitrary feminine/masculine thing needed to go, france would still want to keep it. They still make people say "courrier electronique" instead of l'email in a formal setting because "email" isn't a french word. Don't expect this to last long.
The reason French uses genders in the first place is because it is one of the Romance languages. It was descended from Latin by the Romans. English, which does not have masculine/feminine, decended from a Germanic language. Latin had six cases, five declensions, and three genders (masculine, feminine, and neuter). While the cases and declensions were narrowed down significantly in the Old French era of 840-1400, the genders remained the same. It later simplified further the same way all languages do: the simpler thing lived on.
This is also why you will see more, not less, txt speak in teh future. Just the same way we write "OK" instead of "okay", you will see more things like this occur. "Then" and "than"? Going to be "then" only within a hundred years. Whom? Already dead and just used by pedants. Languages evolve, but French wants to stick to its Romance roots because it considers it an integral part of its culture and, indeed, it is. To take away a language is to take away how it defines the world in which they live.
Fastest way to lose weight and subsequently reach a body fat percentage of 10%? Then what's the best way to bulk up afterwards while retaining good bodily symmetry and balance for higher levels of attraction?
You should talk to Praxis for this in regards to nutrition, he's a good descriptor. Honestly most of this is determined at a genetic level, but you can influence it heavily.
However: there is no such thing as "cut" and "bulk". That's stuff from like 50 years ago, so if you're reading body building books they are giving you bro science and not real science.
To lower your body fat percentage, lose body fat.
To lose body fat, simply take in less calories than you expend. That's it. Literally nothing else to it.
Calories in, calories out.
Energy cannot be created or destroyed and your body can't run without energy. Period. You can starve anyone and they will get real skinny. You don't want to do that but you can find a safe point where you eat less.
I weigh anywhere between 130 to 140 lbs at my heaviest when I was looking to gain muscle. I now eat one meal a day on average (this is bad but it helps lower calorie count; just be aware that your levels of LDL Cholesterol will be much higher than they should be because of this). You don't have to do this.
You can just eat less at all meals. You can eat candy bars all day and you'll still lose weight if you don't eat enough.
But you probably won't a more regimented answer, so:
#1 Eat your colors
You need low calories, and you need nutrition. How do you do this? Vegetables. Lots of them. Slightly less fruit. Even less meat. Hardly any grains (they are calorie dense). No processed foods if you can avoid it.
To determine what vegetables to eat you can do your research OR you can just eat your colors. Green, red, purple, yellow, orange, fill your plate with colors and you'll probably hit a lot.
You CAN get by on a meat only diet or things like that just to lose weight but this can wreak havoc on your body if you aren't careful. It can be completely safe, but you have to be on your game to do something like this.
Your body can create all the amino acids it needs except for handful. Beans and corn fill all of those amino acids. You can get vitamins, minerals, and the like from all your vegetables.
#2 Keep calories low
We've got a bunch of vegetables and some fruit and some beans and all our major nutritional needs are met, so what now? What do we eat to keep our calories low?
You will eat chicken breast. Lots and lots and lots of chicken breast. This will fit #3. It is high in protein, low in fat. If you want to season it with something, use balsamic vinegar, salsa, salt (if you don't have high blood pressure) or mustard (TRUE mustard).
You will eat NO condiments of any kind that have a calorie count. At all. No ketchup, no BBQ sauce, nothing. If it has a calorie you don't use it.
#3 Protein and Fiber
Protein has a high satiety value. That means it fills you up and keeps you filled up. Fiber does the same thing and while Protein has a calorie content
Fiber does not.
If you eat a lot of fiber (in vegetables, already are) and protein (chicken breast) you will remain full while eating less!
#4 Get rid of fat slowly
You want to lose it fast, but you said you wanted to gain muscle later? Then you want to lose fat slowly. Your body will EAT YOUR MUSCLE if you aren't careful. You HAVE to have good nutrition when losing weight.
Now I'm sure you've seen someone big lose a ton of weight, then gain it all back. This is because your body is smarter than you and it likes fat from a survival perspective. Plus, you NEVER EVER LOSE YOUR FAT CELLS. They are with you for life. If you fill all your fat cells up, you will actually gain new fat cells. When you lose fat, you just SHRINK them down.
So you need your nutrition.
#5. Drink water
Lots and lots and lots of water. You should be drinking two full glasses of water every day the moment you wake up. This speeds up your metabolism and causes your body to use more energy than even exercising in the morning. Seriously. Drinking two cups of water in the morning might be enough to have you lose weight with doing nothing else.
#6. Exercise
Excercise and do it EVERY DAY. Cardio EVERY DAY.
Not only will this improve your body's physique and prepare you to do some resistance training later to gain muscle, but it's how you keep your base metabolic rate at a higher level!
If you sit down all day, you need way less calories.
If you run all day, you need way more.
If you run all day and then one day can't for some reason? Your metabolism burns more because it's used to it. Seriously.
Don't skimp on exercising. Don't like running? Tough. You're making sacrifices.
To gain muscle later, you need to exercise with resistance training and maintain good nutrition. Now what KIND is dependent upon what exactly you want to exercise for. Do you want strength, looks, speed, endurance? Classical or modern look? Square pecs or round pecs? Different styles for all of them. If you life 5 days a week with intensity and focus all year long with great nutrition, you will gain 5 to 10 pounds of muscle in a year. Those are the high end expectations.
You need to get a good workout plan. I linked to one below.
For both, I would suggest watching Scooby1961. He's a great guy and very informative.
If you don't know how to cook or don't like the idea of eating broccoli, chicken breast, and brown rice every day while pumping your cardio, watch this video:
And then review this page here:
If you want to know about cardio, watch this to see a pro going over what he thinks is important:
If you want to know about bulking up and adding muscle:
Workout plan:
Seriously, if you want to actually lose weight and gain muscle, follow Scooby on youtube. The guy sells absolutely nothing and is the real deal and he is a natural at it. Watch his videos while you are changing your nutrition and doing cardio. Save up money while you're doing this for a gym membership or weights. Then when you get your body fat down and you've convinced yourself you can stick to this new nutrition
forever? Get your weights and go at it.
Link to his main channel: