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DC vs. Marvel: Infinity Crisis

Infinity Sorcerer

Smash Champion
Sep 24, 2020
Right Behind You
Ok I want to aclare that Im doing this in mobile since my keyboard is quite buggy so it would have a different Style to my usual moveset, The moment I repare my keyboard I would change it asap.

The Batman Who Laughs is a curious boss, it has the same amount of Life than a regular character but he makes use of an absurdly amount of dirty tricks to evite to be near you, basically is like if he comes from a rainbow edition of the game.

Unique Ability: Calling Robins
The Batman Who Laughs sends a Robin to bite the opponent, they can also do a suicide attack.

Special Moves:
  • Crisis Chains: The BWL uses his chains to do different attacks that covers the entire screen either Low, Mid or High (I Based this in Axl Low). He can do these moves in succesion and in different combinations.​
  • Joker Toxin: The same as our regular Joker but it has a larger hitbox.​
  • Emancipation: BWL enters in a stance where he gains superarmor and all the damage he receives is usted to boost his attack.​
  • Red Death: The BWL sends one of his Dark Knights, Red Death, who pierces through the opponent at mach speed leaving only his trail.​
  • Playing with Bombs: The BWL throws multiple objects to the air, some of them are harmless balls while other are bombas that explodes to contact.​

When the Batman Who Laughs is near dead his second phase starts using his second Unique Ability:

Unique Ability 2: Death is Cheap
The BWL becomes the Darkest Knight, a shadowly figure with near-omnipotent power. Thought for give us a chance, The current character would receive the status Blessing of Hera by Wonder Woman that gives the player increased resistance to the Darkest Knight moves.

The Darkest Knight actually doesnt has special moves and is mostly stationary floating and sending dark projectiles from all sides (think on this similar to Marie's final phase in Skullgirls). But it has two Super moves:
  • Dark Metron (Level 1): The Darkest Knight summons the Metron Chair and heals himself, thought he cant heal more than the 30% of his life.
  • Death Metal (Level 3): The Darkest Knight defeats a shadow that represents Perpetua. After win he finally can destroy the universe and bring to reality the Dark Multiverse to replace it. Causing Instant Death to the player, thought it must be say that it can be blocked.


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2018
the building from smash mouth's astro lounge
So, there's actually a lot of X-Men members to sift through when you stop to think about it. Like, tons. However, I think there's a few particularly notable choices that would be actually interesting to see. I came really close to submitting either Mimic or a teamup of Cypher and Warlock (with the latter being grafted to the former) but ended up deciding on someone much more integral to the X-Men's cast, that being...

Character Name: Archangel/Angel
First Appearance: X-Men #1 (Sep. 1963 as Angel), X-Factor #23 (Dec. 1987 as Archangel)

Whilst I felt a founding member of the X-Men would be a solid inclusion, I was also 99% certain Jean/Phoenix would be submitted at one point (and Beast kind of already fulfils archetypes we have in the game, plus I'm like 80% certain someone will submit Iceman) so I decided to go with Archangel. My reasoning for that was moreso based on his moveset potential - utilsing his wings as weapons and being able to fire knife-like steel feathers as projectiles, as well as their ability to shield his body if required, and even some additional abilities exclusive to this form such as a hypersonic scream and neurotoxin-laced wings if you wanted to include them. Of course, he'd have various Angel looks as other costumes, but he'd primarily be focused on this version.

As for the why, I think it'd be interesting to see a classic member of the lineup take their place here, and honestly, Angel really doesn't get enough recognition in that respect. He'd have a really unique aerially-focused moveset with a defensive playstyle, that'd make him unique to a lot of the cast - but at the same time, his lightweight nature would mean you'd need to play him well to succeed. In terms of importance, he's also been heavily involved in a lot of different stories and roles - be they as one of Apocalypse's Horsemen, or as a character with many of his own villains to his name - and I even think he'd be a great opportunity to see a Premiere costume of a comic-accurate Falcon.

Overall, I think this would be an interesting addition. It's a little out of the ordinary for that sort of thing, but I think this gives a plentiful supply of choices and options to work with!
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Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2021
Job 224:Psylocke

images (1).jpeg

Elizabeth Braddock is a X-Men member,she is a pelepath that worked security of S.T.R.I.K.E. until sge got involved in adventures with her brother that is Captain Britain. Outside in comics,she appears in X-men 1992 cartoon,two X-Men movies and some Capcom games

Her moveset would be kinda similar from Capcom's fighting games as Marvel Super Heroes and X-Men:Children of The Atom

Infinity Sorcerer

Smash Champion
Sep 24, 2020
Right Behind You
Alias: Illyana Nikolievna Rasputina
First Appearance: Giant Size X-Men #1 (May, 1975)

Illyana is Colossus's sister, his dear little snowflake...or it was.

One day she was captured by the evil Sorcerer Belasco and turned into Magik after spending 7 years in Limbo even if for the rest of the world it was just a pair of seconds. As Magik she became far more darker and troubled not showing mercy for her enemies and punishing them in the bottoms of Limbo.

Her mutant power are the Stepping Discs that allowed herself and the other to teleport across space and even time,these abilities where later linked to the Limbo that became the midway point between the original location and the destiny. But Magik's power arent only these, since she is also the Sorcerer Supreme of Limbo meaning that between that dimension she is the strongest magician with knowledge of both Dark and white magic, even being later trained by Stephen Strange himself who also considered her a candidate for being Sorcerer Supreme of Earth or even of the Galaxy (the first one did happen in both a What If? and in Doctor Strange: The End); between her magical abilities there is energy manipulation, summoning, astral projection, matter manipulation and psionic abilities. But over all things maybe her main attack source is the Soulsword that while it has variable limits sometimes not being able to harm physical things even traspassing them like a ghost to working just like a normal blade but in general is a very powerful weapon against the mystical that can also cast a cool armor around her.

General Playstyle
Magik is a rushdown fighter with a big repertory of mobility option. Her style allows her to evolve during the combat building her power through the rounds.

Unique Ability: Eldritch Armor
Magik has an Armor Level meter above her regular super meter that increase with the more damage Magik inflicts to the opponent, it has a total of 5 levels (includijg Level 0) each one unlocking additional abilities alongside a boost to her powers.
  • Level 0 (No armor) - Her basic stage, in this stage Magik is a lightweight fragile speedster with average damage.​
  • Level 1 (Left arm and chestplate) - In this stage Magik gains additional damage to her sword-based attacks.​
  • Level 2 (Boots and crotchplate) - In this stage she gains additional defense and gets access to the move Stepping Disc.​
  • Level 3 (Full armor) - Increasing her defense and becoming heavier reducing the knockback received, in this stage she unlocks the move Full Deflect.​
  • Level 4 (Demon features) - A Install-like state, for a limited time Magik gains a huge attack and speed boost becoming an even more dangerous threat than usual. After a while she goles back to the previous level.​
The armor level can be decreased if she receives too much damage or can also be sacrificed with the move Eldritch Break being a very heavy resource-management character.

Apart of this, Magik can also do a midair jump and an air-dash using her stepping discs. Also certain moves of Magik can nullify magical-based projectiles (much like Hakumen in BlazBlue) referencing to the Soulsword's main power.

236 + XMagik thrust her blade forward and overcharge it with magical energy relwasong a burst at front of her; the stronger the boton the heavier the damage and longer the distance, thought it also increase the charge time making it quite risky. It counts both as a physical Attack (the thrust) and as a projectile (the blast).
Surprise Slash​
623 + X
(Air OK)
Magik teleports forward and Attack in different wehs depending of the button pressed.
  • Light: Magik reappears at front of the opponent slashing forwards.
  • Medium: Magik reappears at the back of the opponent doing a slide kick followed by a sweep slash.
  • Strong: Magik teleports above the opponent while doing a spinning slash like a buzzsaw.
Magik can also cancel the follow-up attack holding the button.
Queen's Command​
63214 + XMagik opens a portal to Limbo using the Soulsword, and summons her demon servant S'ym for a ground slam attack, before he jumps back into the portal. She can summon him in the middle of a combo for crossups.
Mystic Blast​
22 + XMagik stabs her Soulsword in the ground generating an eruption of flames around her working has both a launcher for the grounded opponents and has an anti-air for the airborne opponents.
Stepping Disk​
2 + X (Airborne during Lvl 2)Magik casts a Stepping Disk that she can step and mantain for increase her aerial options. The disk dissapear trough the time or if its attacked. The opponent can also use the disc. It can only be one Stepping Disk per Magik during the fight (so, in a Mirror match, there can only be 2 Stepping Disks, one for each Magik).
Full Deflect​
623 + UA (during Lvl 3)Magik deflects the damage and effects on any move back onto the opponent, regardless of what the attack is.
This move has a limited window upon activation, requiring precise timing in order to be effective.
Eldritch Break​
214 + UA (during any Armor Level except 0)Magik sacrifies her armor to do a powerful explosion around her with HUGE knockback that can be uses even when she is attacked (in fact, its quite based in the Burst mechanic from Guilty Gear, thought this move does damage), depending of how much level it was acummulated the stronger the attack its, during her Level 4 it doesnt automatically removes her armor but heavily decrease her time for the boost.

Lvl. 1 Super
Astral Projection​
214214 + XMagik summons an astral mirage of herself that imitates her attacks with a slight delay similar to Loki thought instead of him Magik's mirage is always alongside her.
Lvl. 1 Super
Healing Fire​
214214 + UAMagik surrounds herself in magic flames that start to passively heal her to more or less a 15% of her total health.
Lv. 2 Super
Sudden Death​
236236 + XMagik leaps to the air while her swords brights surrounded by power and then she does a descending slash creating a explosion around, being unlockable but avoidable this move can be directed with the button that determinates the distance she covers being Light near her actual position and Strong the farest option.
Lvl. 3 Super
Queen of Limbo
All Buttons PressedMagik does a teleport slash brutally stabing the opponent, if connects this starts the cinematic; in which she teleports both herself and the opponent into her home dimension of Limbo. Magik transforms into her Darkchylde form, and calls upon a demon army (composed by imps, hydras, flying demons, etc) which then surrounds the opponent. The demons relentlessly attack the opponent one by one, ending with Magik performing a powerful black magic sword strike that teleports the opponent back into the stage, ending the cinematic.
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Previously 1SecondNinja
Aug 4, 2022
Definitely like most of the changes made to the moveset, thought I do have a few discrepancies with 1 or 2 attacks. Otherwise it definitely streamlines some of my original ideas.
I'm not really a fan of the 2 different Level X Supers but I think it works really well for Healing Fire and Astral Projection, and Sudden Death is just an overall better move than Power of the Soulsword.

With that said, if Magik does win a further discussion about the moveset can be had; I did already decide on a different character to nominate anyway. Renominate, actually. Surprisingly, I did forget what number of renominations I was at, but I wanna say this is my 5th? But anyway.
Job 140 224: X-Men Character (DLC)
Alias: Nathan Summers
First Appearance: The New Mutants #87 (March, 1990)

Marvel's premiere time-traveling gun-toting badass, and Deadpool's partner-in-crime, and the son of X-Men Leader Cyclops, it's none other than Cable!
Coming from a post-apocalyptic future ruled by, uh, Apocalypse, and being infected with a techno-organic virus, the young Nathan Summers was trained from infancy to become the ultimate mutant warrior capable of defeating Apocalypse; Eventually, he traveled back in time and joined forces with the modern day X-Men, including his own parents, and become one of the most powerful mutants on the team, before eventually going solo, and becoming a legendary hero throughout all of mutant-kind; So legendary that he even starred in Deadpool 2, played by none other than Thanos himself!

Being the son of the mutant Jean Gray, Cable was born with the powers of telekinesis and telepathy, granting him a multitude of abilities, including creating forcefields and manipulate matter; In fact, Cable is frequently cited as the most powerful telekinetic and telepath to ever live (across all mutants), being listed as an "Omega Level Telekinetic", meaning at full capacity he could lift whole islands, control minds at a planet wide level, and ionize the entire atmosphere of Earth!
Unfortunately, the full extent of his mutant powers are severely limited by his deadly illness, meaning Cable has had to fall back onto heavy weapons and equipment to keep his edge in combat; a metal regenerative bionic arm, a cybernetic eye with infrared vision and can fire lasers, his iconic plasma rifle (which he has a telepathic link with), a pair of dual plasma pistols, combat knives, grenades, and he's an expert in hand to hand combat, making him a formidable force on the battlefield, and one of the best soldiers to have ever fought against Apocalypse.
The results of his being infected by the virus also forced him to become a cyborg to keep his bodily systems alive, and by extension granting him cyionic powers, including super strength, speed, stamina, endurance, and the ability to teleport and, of course, travel through time!
If all of this isn't enough, Cable also has an entire moveset from Marvel vs. Capcom 2 to pull move inspiration from; In short, Cable is packed with a ton of powers, abilities and equipment that over-qualifies him for a potential moveset.

Reasons for Inclusion: Since his introduction, Cable has quite easily become a fan-favorite among X-Men fans and a central character in the lore, allows for easy representation of the X-Men beyond just the core team, has a whole truckload of moveset potential to his name, and fits in nicely with characters already on the roster.
Cable is a character I would like to see added, though with this being the last season I somewhat doubt he'll get the chance, which I'm fine with. But I did want to put a nomination in and aside from Magik, Cable is my next-best candidate and I'll be putting him up on the nominees list.
I think everyone knows who he is and what he's capable of, so he's a pretty ripe candidate for a fighting game anyway.

Infinity Sorcerer

Smash Champion
Sep 24, 2020
Right Behind You
Definitely like most of the changes made to the moveset, thought I do have a few discrepancies with 1 or 2 attacks. Otherwise it definitely streamlines some of my original ideas.
I'm not really a fan of the 2 different Level X Supers but I think it works really well for Healing Fire and Astral Projection, and Sudden Death is just an overall better move than Power of the Soulsword.

With that said, if Magik does win a further discussion about the moveset can be had; I did already decide on a different character to nominate anyway. Renominate, actually. Surprisingly, I did forget what number of renominations I was at, but I wanna say this is my 5th? But anyway.

Cable is a character I would like to see added, though with this being the last season I somewhat doubt he'll get the chance, which I'm fine with. But I did want to put a nomination in and aside from Magik, Cable is my next-best candidate and I'll be putting him up on the nominees list.
I think everyone knows who he is and what he's capable of, so he's a pretty ripe candidate for a fighting game anyway.
I would glady hear your thought. At the start I just used Astral Projection but later I considered that for minimizate her "glass cannoness" she could make use of a healing super.


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
I was thinking that we could use this as an opportunity to represent the women of the X-Men property, since I feel like we're a bit lacking on that front. I debated between Jean Grey and Rogue; Rogue has some interesting potential for a unique ability and a good dynamic with Gambit and Captain Marvel, but in the end, I think I'm going with...


One of the original five X-Men, Jean has gone through a lot of changes since she first joined the team, chief among them being possessed by a cosmic entity of death and rebirth. While I'm still reading through Chris Claremont's run (so I'm not fully familiar with those events or their aftermath), Jean has remained one of the most prominent X-Men since the creation of the book in the 1960's, with even death not being a deterrent to that.

Given her psychic powers, Jean would likely be a zoner; she has some hand-to-hand combat skills, but she's best known for her telepathy and telekinesis among other similar abilities. I only have a vague concept in mind for her moveset (I'm not even sure what her unique ability would be), though I could see her having several level 3 supers - a standard cutscene super, a resurrection super that turns her into Dark Phoenix if she dies with 3 full super bars (though I feel like it would have to be balanced to keep it from being cheap - maybe she only revives with half health, or her defense is lowered), and maybe a separate level 3 super while she's Dark Phoenix. (or maybe it's the same super but with a different ending; like I said, it's a vague concept at this point)
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Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
We'll be using Infinity Sorcerer's Batman Who Laughs moveset! Here are the nominees for the X-Men round:

x-men dlc nominees 2.png

-Archangel ( KneeOfJustice99 KneeOfJustice99 )
-Psylocke ( DragonRobotKing26 DragonRobotKing26 )
-Nightcrawler (@Darkonedagger)
-Magik ( Infinity Sorcerer Infinity Sorcerer )
-Kitty Pryde ( cashregister9 cashregister9 )
-Cable ( PinkFlare PinkFlare )
-Phoenix ( Megadoomer Megadoomer )
-Gwenpool ( NanayaGaming NanayaGaming )

Vote for your top three, and your own nomination can't be in first.

1. Magik
2. Phoenix
3. Gwenpool


Job 225: nominate a DC boss character

I figure we'll stick with the same pattern as last season - a DC boss, a Marvel boss, and a boss from one of the guest franchises. As of now, we only have two DC bosses (the Anti-Monitor and the Batman Who Laughs), so there are a lot of options to choose from.


Previously 1SecondNinja
Aug 4, 2022
Just for funsies, I went through the history of this thread and looked at the previous nominations.
Magik has been nominated a whopping 4 times, specifically during:
  • The First All-Women Round (Base Game)
  • Magic User Round
  • The Second X-Men Round (DLC S1)
  • And, finally, the Second All-Women Round (DLC S1)
Interestingly enough, every time she's nominated she gains more points than last time; Could this round finally be her moment?
Of course I'm just building suspense here. My votes for this round (and by the way, lots of good nominations, as expected for an X-Men round) are:

1. Magik
2. Cable
3. Kitty Pryde

Magik just makes the most sense; She's clearly a fan-favorite character, both in and outside of this sub, but even disregarding bias, I think she does quite a few other things in one that we need to round out the X-Men.
  • Out of all of Marvel's IPs, I think X-Men has the biggest history of representing women by miles (Better than Captain Marvel, might I add); For every Wasp or Black Widow on the Avengers, there are like 3 Mutants that are equally, if not more, developed; Yet, on our roster, we only have Storm. Yeah, she's the most popular, but if we're talking about another X-Men I 100% think we should go for another woman, X-Men has plenty of them.
  • While our current X-Men characters are hugely important and popular, we also kind of just picked all the "standard" characters. Like, they're the main guys. We definitely should branch out to major members of other team, and pick out a less popular character but one with a lot of history. And yeah, while Magik definitely has a tenure on the main X-Men team, she's not one of the obvious 20 members that everybody already knows, which I think works in her favor.
  • She does Magic and we've been lacking that this past 2 Seasons of Marvel DLC
  • Also, her moveset potential is off the charts. With the given moveset Infinity Sorcerer Infinity Sorcerer and I worked on, we have a reverse-rage mechanic, non-flying air mobile fighter with a changing weight class. Like, I don't think any other character so far does that stuff, and I don't think the other nominees will either. But even if we want the moveset to be changed there is still entirely different routes to go; it all works, really.
So, yeah, a bit of a huge blurb but Magik is overall my #1 pick here and she gets my highest votes. As for the other two:
Cable is a self-vote but I would go for him to be the next rep if not Magik; I think the idea of a passive-play moveset with a focus on intangibility makes Kitty and interesting pick.
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Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2018
the building from smash mouth's astro lounge
1. Nightcrawler. I feel like this might be a weird pick to have as my #01, but I think Kurt Wagner is a perfect choice for a game like this. Fast-paced, stage-controlling moveset with elements of both rushdown and evasive archetypes? Sign me up. He's also just really cool.
2. Phoenix. It's an obvious pick. But, in fairness, it's a logical pick. Jean Grey is an icon of the X-Men lineup, a really solid character, and could have a wide variety of moveset potential with plenty of interesting additions. Go for it!
3. Gwenpool. I honestly think her potential for the use of her incredibly unique abilities in her moveset would be a good enough reason alone for me to vote her, but honestly, I just really like her. She's cool.


Character Name: Mr. Mxyzptlk
Character Origin: Superman #30 (Sep, 1944)

Mister Mxyzptlk isn't your traditional "vastly powerful being." Unlike something like the Batman Who Laughs, driven mad by its very nature, or the Anti-Monitor, a sentinel of ultimate power... Mxyzptlk is just an imp. Albeit a 5th-dimensional imp, but an imp regardless. His abilities of reality-warping would be primarily focused on him using "cartoon physics" in various ways and doing very strange and unusual things - perhaps he could bring out McGirk, his friend in the form of a statue, for one attack. He's a prankster, a trickster, a fun-loving imp - so his attacks should indicate this. Also, I think it'd be fun if his intros had him reading the intro comic of the character he's facing against, and possibly even having Bat-Mite (a fellow 5th-dimensional imp) appear with him, before leaving him to do his own thing!

This goofy lil guy might seem like an odd pick for a boss, but I think his ability to represent various elements of Golden Age weirdness would be incredibly fun.

Deleted member


A villian who Superman and other heroes have faced off against many times. He is the ruler of the intergalactic combat arena known as Warworld (more on that later.) He is a bloodthirsty warlord, and this would be reflected in his gameplay. He'd attack with heavy, brutal strikes. I considered the likes of Braianic or Doomsday, but wanted to give the spot to someone who hasn't been a boss before. He makes a lot of sense for the story we've set up.


Beating Mongul unlocks Warworld itself as a reward. Takes place inside the arena, sort of like Shao Khan's arena from the Mortal Kombat games. Mongul sits and watches over the arena. Various aliens have gathered to watch the battle, including varoius alien races from the DC universe, and even cameos like Lobo (unless he gets in as a playable character later) and Mongul's own daughter Mongal.
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Previously 1SecondNinja
Aug 4, 2022
Job 225: DC Boss
Alias: The Amazing Android!
First Appearance: Brave and the Bold #30 (June, 1960)
I actually had this idea back when I nominated Doomsday; As I was typing this up, I thought to myself: Huh, Doomsday is really cool as a Justice League villain; I wonder if there are any other characters with this much of a reputation that could work well as a boss. And then I realized: Oh yeah, this guy!
I had already typed up the entire Doomsday prompt and didn't want to delete it so I nominated Doomsday; A bit of a mistake, really. Looking back I probably would've picked Brainiac again, since he's just a more interesting boss character, and truth be told he'd probably have won against BWL (Not a fan of his inclusion, btw)
But yeah, whatever, final DC Boss, I have this idea, and I think he'd be more interesting than both Doomsday and Brainiac put together for his central gimmick; the very thing that makes him such a threat against the Justice League.

General Playstyle
Amazo is an absolute powerhouse; Functioning as a bruiser, he uses the player's best strengths against them, and has plenty of defensive and offensive options to his disposable. Unfortunately, he can only use one ability at a time, and is left open when charging powerful attacks; If the player is equally as adaptive as Amazo to dodge/block their attacks, they have a chance to use their stronger attacks against Amazo and deal significant damage.

Unique Ability - Absorption Cell Technology
For any special move the player uses when fighting Amazo, he will automatically add that to his databank and use it against them. He can only copy one special move at a time, but can change which one he has saved in his moveset.
This has a cooldown so that he cannot immediately switch which ability he copies.

Obviously, this ability will not work if the player does not use a special move against him. Good luck trying to do that, though, because there is a high chance Amazo will kick the player's *ss otherwise.

Special MoveDescription
FlightGiven that multiple heroes have flight, and this just being a very basic power in general, Amazo has this from the start; It functions similarly to Superman's (and most other characters') flight.
Opponent's Special Moves (Unique Action)The special move he copies from the opponent goes here
Black Lightning's ThunderboltAmazo electrically charges both his hands, and fires a bolt of lightning at the opponent as non-physical projectile, with a 25% chance of stun occuring.

Just to differentiate this from Static and other electric heroes, BL's lightning will be yellow and not blue.
Hawkman's Nth Metal MaceAmazo morphs his arm into not just a mace, but Hawkman's mace! Replicating the same Nth Metal material it is constructed from, Amazo swings it across as a powerful melee attack; If it connects with the player, the impact creates a shockwave that sends them flying!
Red Tornado's Wind Manipulation (Anti-Air)Of course, given that both of these androids were built by T.O. Morrow, I had to include a reference to Red Tornado somewhere!

Amazo's hand begins twirling as he replicates the powers of his Android kin; He then blasts the player with a gust of wind, and if they are caught in the attack they are thus caught in a whirlwind in which Amazo can now air juggle them.
Stargirl's Cosmic Converter BeltAmazo shapeshifts his torso to now be wearing Stargirl's signatured red belt!

He uses this to drastically enhance his defense, speed and attack for his next several movements
Firestorm's FlamethrowerAmazo's hands light on fire as he replicates the atomic power of Ronnie Raymond!
Amazo quickly sets a part of the stage aflame, meaning the player will take flame damage if they step within that zone.
Mister Terrific's T-SpheresBased off of Mr. Terrific's extremely sophisticated technological sphere, he begins splitting off small parts of him to replicate them (3, exactly).
Lacking Terrific's imagination, he simply utulizes them as a heatseeking explosive weapon, flying around the stage with unpredictable timing for when they explode
Green Lantern's ContructsThought the first 4 Lanterns of Earth have gone to fight Thanoseid and the invading universes, there are still plenty of others left on the side; And unfortunately for them, they had to taste the might of Amazo!

Amazo surrounds himself in a green aura, and encases himself in a shield. Damage taken is now significantly reduced, but the shield can be cracked and temporarily stun Amazo
Vixen's TotumReplicating the power of the Tantu Totum, Amazo glows with the spirit of 1 of 4 animals, which can be seen emerging behind him), as he lunges towards the player for an attack. Depending on the animal he summons, it has a different status effect

  • Sabretooth Tiger: Bleed
  • Electric Eel: Stun
  • Elephant: Double Damage
  • Falcon: Knockback

Super MoveDescription
Level 1 - Atom Smasher's Growth FormulaAmazo begins to grow greatly in size, until only his foot can be seen on screen. He then crushes the player beneath his feet for a devastating blow before shrinking back to normal size.
Level 2 - Captain Atom's Nuclear BlastAmazo flies in the air and his hands begin to fuse; Dangerously, he is fueling up to blast a single beam with the power of a nuclear bomb; He then fires it upon the stage and the screen turns white before fading back

This can be blocked but only upon precise impact; It can also be dodged, but Amazo will try to target the player, making it difficult to do so.
Level 3 - Spectre's Unlimited Power
Amazo activates this move by slamming his fist into the stage and cracking the ground the player is standing on. If the player is caught within the shockwave of the initial impact, the cinematic starts.

Amazo begins tapping into the power of the most powerful metahuman in his database: The Spectre. This begins to overheat his system, causing him to smoke out of his circuitry joints, but Amazo intends on finishing the job. He freezes time around him like a bubble, and rewrites reality by increasing his strength tenfold. Flying towards the frozen player at a rapid speed, he picks them up by the throat whilst his eyes glow. Flying upwards, Amazo attempts to finish the player off with a deadly blow through the chest, until his systems overload, and in a bright flash of light, the player is caught within an explosion of godly energy that sends both them and Amazo flying downward onto the stage.

This does massive damage to the player, but has a trade-off in which Amazo is incapacitated as his self-regenerative takes hold, leaving an opening for the player given that they survived.


So, I thought about this for a while. I had ideas for about 25 different special moves that Amazo could have used, all based on different members of both the Justice League and Justice Society. Obviously it was too much so I had to find a way to cut it down, but one goal I had was to represent less famous heroes and members of both teams that are not actually present on the roster; And, then it hit me: Just focus on that latter aspect solely. Why? Well, I have three primary reasons for it.

1. The Unique Ability of being able to copy special moves of present playable characters would obviously cause issues for his moveset: What if he copies a move from Superman or Batman that he already has in his moveset; Sure, I could change that, but it starts to cause a lot of "What if" scenarios where I'd have to circumvent him copying X character's move that he already has. Plus it just gets redundant with him already being able to copy special moves anyway, so it was just easier to eliminate using playable characters entirely.
2. I wanted to represent superheroes that didn't make the roster, and likely won't even have a shot in the future (given that we only have 3 DC rounds left), so I think this makes his boss fight stand out more when as the references will be to characters not already present for hypothetical players to play.

And, finally, and hear me out on this one, but I think there is a perfect narrative reason for it too: So, what if, while the playable roster of heroes was out solving the Multiversal crisis brought upon by Thanoseid, Amazo was simultaneously runamuck on DC's Earth, and the remaining members of the Justice League teamed up with the Justice Society to lock down the threat? And of course, it ends horribly for the heroes as they are defeated by Amazo, and now, having copied the abilities of the several heroes he has faced, he begins to target the next immediate threat and picks a fight with the player character?
I think this is a very neat, and very wonderful way to incorporate and tie-in non-playable characters into the background of this game's ongoing narrative of the Multiverse.

So, uh, that's basically my explanation for why I went with this specific direction for Amazo; But really, the possibilites for him are completely endless, because after all, the ability to copy anyone's power means he can literally do anything. I'm definitely open to further discussion about this if he were to win, and if there is a consensus to change the moveset I'll roll with it, but I had this idea in mind as I was making the nomination and I think it makes for a stronger presentation of what he can do by including it now.
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Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
Psylocke: 3
Kitty Pryde: 3
Gwenpool: 6
Phoenix: 8
Cable: 11
Nightcrawler: 14
Magik: 15

Looks like fourth fifth time's the charm, because Magik is joining the roster!

magik 5.png

Congrats, Infinity Sorcerer Infinity Sorcerer !

Here are the nominees for the DC boss round:

dc boss nominees 3.png

-Trigon ( cashregister9 cashregister9 )
-Mr. Mxyzptlk ( KneeOfJustice99 KneeOfJustice99
-Mongul (@Darkonedagger)
-Amazo ( PinkFlare PinkFlare )

Vote for your top two, and you can't put your own in first.

1. Amazo
2. Mr. Mxyzptlk


Job 226: nominate a moveset for Magik

I'm not sure if anyone has any alternatives to Infinity Sorcerer's moveset (that was based on 1SecondNinja's moveset that was posted when Magik was previously nominated), but I figure I should give people the chance.

(also, as a reminder, Static's moveset job is open for another day)

Job 227: nominate costumes for Magik

As usual, we'll go with a default costume and up to seven alternates for Magik.
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Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
We'll be using Infinity Sorcerer Infinity Sorcerer 's Magik costumes, and Static's moveset is open to whoever wants to come up with one. Magik's moveset job is still open in case anyone else has ideas.

As for the boss results...

-Mr. Mxyzptlk: 1
-Mongul: 3
-Trigon: 6
-Amazo: 11

This means that the next boss (and likely the last DC boss, if we stick with the "one per season" pattern) will be Amazo! Congrats, PinkFlare PinkFlare !


Job 228: nominate arcade mode rivals for Static and Magik

As usual, pick a character from the opposite company to serve as a rival for these two.

(I don't think I want to jump into stages or costume packs just yet, since this would be the last stage for the main companies outside of rewards for boss challenges; it means that today is going to be a quieter day as a result, most likely, but I figure the occasional day like that couldn't hurt)
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Previously 1SecondNinja
Aug 4, 2022
General Playstyle
Static is a glass cannon; He is physically weak but can build up and dish out heavy amounts of damage with his powers, and is highly mobile due to his light weight.

Unique Ability 1 - Amp up the Juice!
Static has a Charge Gauge that indicates how much electric charge he has; The Unique Action button allows him to naturally charge his raw electromagnetic energy, but leaves him open for physical attack. However, if Static is hit by an energy-based attack during this, he will absorb the Kinetic energy and drastically boost the rate at which the Charge Gauge is filled.
By filling up the Charge Gauge, Virgil's attacks will become more powerful and deal more damage due to the excess of electromagnetic energy he has built up in his own body. At its maximum, the Charge Gauge will, for a limited time, electrically charge Static's basic attacks in addition to boosting the damage output of his special moves.

Obviously, using electric based attacks drains the Gauge, but it can be built back up again.

Unique Ability 2 (Passive) - Psychic Resistance
Static takes reduced damage from psychic attacks of any kind

In addition to both of those, Virgil can wall-jump and wall-cling
Special Move NameInputDescription
The Static SaucerQCF + X + DirectionalVirgil summons his signature flying saucer with an electromagnetic pulse; Riding it will increase his movement speed and grant him a double jump; The saucer is on it's own health and can be destroyed, and Virgil only gets one per round.
Using the input again with a directional input will end with a different action:

No Input - Virgil hides the Static Saucer away, fighting on his two feet
Up or Down: Static uses the Saucer as a shield to deflect attacks
Left or Right: Static throws the Saucer at the opponents as a buzzsaw
Feel the ShockBack, Forth + X (Hold)Vergil blasts the opponent with a continuous electric stream; It does not affect the opponent's movement but they take continuous damage the longer they are caught within it
Charge it UpHCF + XVirgil shoots out a small wave of electricity towards the opponent; It does no damage, but if the opponent is wearing metal or has a metal projectile for an attack, they now get a temporary conductive charge that boosts the damage from Virgil's attacks
Volted Aura (Anti-Air)QCB + XVirgil reaches out his hand in a diagonal motion and lets out a sporadic bolt of electricity; If the opponent is caught within, Virgil takes control of their electromagnetic aura and stuns their movement in mid-air, causing them to fall straight to the ground
Nova BombDP + XVirgil gathers an electric charge into a explosive ball, and them throws it at the opponent as an, uh, explosive
Depending on the attack button used, the range the Nova Bomb is thrown changes

L - Thrown at a close range
M - Thrown at a medium range
H - Thrown at a far range
Taser Punch (Parry)Down, Down, XVirgil charges up his fingers with electricity and taunts the opponent; If he attacked during this brief window, Virgil would quickly dodge the attack, electrically charge his hand and punch the opponent, immediately stunning them and leaving them open for a follow-up attack

Super Move NameInputDescription
PulsewaveHCB + XVirgil creates a forcefield around himself as he charges himself up with energy; Once enough charge has been built up (or the player lets go of the button), he lets out a blast of electricity in the form of a shockwave that covers a certain radius

The radius covered is dependent on the Charge Gauge
Living Magnet2QCF + XStatic shoots out an electric blast that creates a dome of electricity; Acting as a magnet that pulls on a person's electromagnetic charge, the opponent, if in range, is forced into it unable to move; Then, they are bombarded by a series of metallic objects pulled into the dome due to their magnetic charge, before the dome disappears

The time in which the dome is active is dependent on the Charge Gauge
The King of Sting (Cinematic)All Buttons PressedStatic charges the ground in front of him to electrocute the opponent, which is unblockable; If it connects, the cinematic starts.

The opponent, now briefly stunned, is quickly wrapped around in a plasma coil as Virgil quickly takes advantage of the situation. Hopping on his Static Saucer, Virgil flies into the air dragging the opponent with him; He quickly throws them sky high, electrically charged his free hand, and then tethers them up and close and Virgil punches them square in the abdomen; The opponent's nervous system is then lit up as Virgil charges them from within, causing a high amount of damage. Virgil creates a Nova Bomb, then jumps off his saucer as he free falls to the ground while an explosion goes off above him.

Just as he is about to hit the stage, Virgil summons his Static Saucer with an electromagnetic pulse and hovers just above the ground, whilst the opponent falls right in front of him, smoking from the excessive amount of electric energy they intook.


Previously 1SecondNinja
Aug 4, 2022
We'll be using Infinity Sorcerer Infinity Sorcerer 's Magik costumes, and Static's moveset is open to whoever wants to come up with one. Magik's moveset job is still open in case anyone else has ideas.

As for the boss results...

-Mr. Mxyzptlk: 1
-Mongul: 3
-Trigon: 6
-Amazo: 11

This means that the next boss (and likely the last DC boss, if we stick with the "one per season" pattern) will be Amazo! Congrats, PinkFlare PinkFlare !


Job 228: nominate arcade mode rivals for Static and Magik

As usual, pick a character from the opposite company to serve as a rival for these two.

(I don't think I want to jump into stages or costume packs just yet, since this would be the last stage for the main companies outside of rewards for boss challenges; it means that today is going to be a quieter day as a result, most likely, but I figure the occasional day like that couldn't hurt)
Well, it's up to you if we have another DC boss or not. I just assumed base on past jobs that it would indeed be one per season. But, moving on.
Since Amazo won I'll go ahead and finish up his Level 3 Super, but I'm open to further discussion about his moveset regardless.

Job 228: Rivals
Magik's rival should be Raven, as previously suggested. It fits like a glove.
Static's rival should be Miles Morales.

On the topic of this job, though, I feel like we probably should've just jumped straight into the next character job as well. It keeps the momentum of activity going, and Rivals isn't really enough to dedicate a whole day to it. Thought regardless it's your thread so if you want to run it this way that's fine by me.
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Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
On the topic of this job, though, I feel like we probably should've just jumped straight into the next character job as well. It keeps the momentum of activity going, and Rivals isn't really enough to dedicate a whole day to it. Thought regardless it's your thread so if you want to run it this way that's fine by me.
I probably could have, but I didn't want to make it feel like I was rushing to get through the season.

On a related note, if people wanted something to discuss, I've got a visual for the roster so far:

marvel vs dc final roster.png

Does it feel like we're missing any big/obvious picks? I realize it's impossible to please everyone, but I figure this could get people thinking for who to nominate in the upcoming rounds, particularly the wildcard one.

(I realize I probably could have organized this better, but I came up with the order on the spot)
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Infinity Sorcerer

Smash Champion
Sep 24, 2020
Right Behind You
I dont want to create any polemic but I just feel that with our current lineup is imposible to create what, at least in my opinión, would be a definitive roster, thought I would be lying if I said that I dont like the roster at all, sure some decisions during the past seasons where controversial and there are other that I just dont like but in general I think that its going better than what could have be.
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Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
Raven will be Magik's rival, while Miles/Ultimate Spider-Man will be Static's rival! If nobody has a problem with it, I'll include Infinity Sorcerer's Magik moveset, since it's a collaboration between 2/3 of the people who normally contribute movesets, and I've got nothing to add to it or change it.

Job 229: nominate a DC anti-hero

Anti-heroes are anyone who isn't traditionally heroic (so, generally speaking, someone like Superman wouldn't fall into this category) Examples given when this category was nominated were Red Hood, Peacemaker, Bloodsport, and Lobo, though there are definitely others. (I'd argue that Booster Gold counts, for example, since he's very self-centered, using time travel for fame and profit)
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