Smash Master
UPDATE (4/23/16):
Melee Toolkit is now obselete. Please see DAT Texture Wizard instead.
Download InternetExplorer's Melee Toolkit.
This program has been around for awhile now, but the power it holds needs to be made apparent to everyone who loves Melee and is interested in creating custom costumes.
NO HEX EDITING needs to be done to add textures to your ISO file, thanks to this program.
OVERVIEW (to get a sense of how easy this is...)
Open Smash ISO in Melee Toolkit --> extract a PNG of a texture --> edit the PNG --> replace original PNG file with your new one using the toolkit.
1) Open Melee Toolkit and hit "Open Disc Image". Point it to your ISO file.
2) Click the "Filesystem" tab and search for the costume file you want to extract images from.
[COLLAPSE="Character & Costume Color File Abbreviations"]
Courtesy of Steelia, the Great.
Captain Falcon
PlCaBu - Blue
PlCaGr - Green
PlCaGy - Grey
PlCaNr - Captain Falcon (Default)
PlCaRe - Red
PlCaWh - Pink-and-white
Young Link
PlClBk - Black
PlClBu - Blue
PlClNr - Young Link (Default)
PlClRe - Red
PlClWh - White
Donkey Kong
PlDkBk - Black
PlDkBu - Blue
PlDkGr - Green
PlDkNr - Donkey Kong (Default)
PlDkRe - Red
Dr. Mario
PlDrBk - Black
PlDrBu - Blue
PlDrGr - Green
PlDrNr - Dr. Mario (Default)
PlDrRe - Red
PlFcBu - Blue
PlFcGr - Green
PlFcNr - Falco (Default)
PlFcRe - Red
PlFeBu - Blue
PlFeGr - Green
PlFeNr - Roy (Default)
PlFeRe - Red
PlFeYe - Yellow-and-white
PlFxGr - Green
PlFxLa - Blue/Lavender
PlFxNr - Fox (Default)
PlFxOr - Orange
PlGnBu - Blue
PlGnGr - Green
PlGnLa - Purple/Lavender
PlGnNr - Ganondorf (Default)
PlGnRe - Red
Mr. Game & Watch
PlGw - All Colors
PlKbBu - Blue
PlKbBuCpDk - Blue Donkey Kong cap
PlKbBuCpFc - Blue Falco cap
PlKbBuCpMt - Blue Mewtwo cap
PlKbBuCpPr - Blue Jigglypuff cap
PlKbGr - Green
PlKbGrCpDk - Green Donkey Kong cap
PlKbGrCpFc - Green Falco cap
PlKbGrCpMt - Green Mewtwo cap
PlKbGrCpPr - Green Jigglypuff cap
PlKbNr - Kirby (Default)
PlKbNrCpDk - Donkey Kong cap (Default)
PlKbNrCpFc - Falco cap (Default)
PlKbNrCpMt - Mewtwo cap (Default)
PlKbNrCpPr - Jigglypuff cap (Default)
PlKbRe - Red
PlKbReCpDk - Red Donkey Kong cap
PlKbReCpFc - Red Falco cap
PlKbReCpMt - Red Mewtwo cap
PlKbReCpPr - Red Jigglypuff cap
PlKbWh - White
PlKbWhCpDk - White Donkey Kong cap
PlKbWhCpFc - White Falco cap
PlKbWhCpMt - White Mewtwo cap
PlKbWhCpPr - White Jigglypuff cap
PlKbYe - Yellow
PlKbYeCpDk - Yellow Donkey Kong cap
PlKbYeCpFc - Yellow Falco cap
PlKbYeCpMt - Yellow Mewtwo cap
PlKbYeCpPr - Yellow Jigglypuff cap
PlKbCpCa - Captain Falcon cap
PlKbCpCl - Young Link cap
PlKbCpDk - Donkey Kong cap (alternate)
PlKbCpDr - Dr. Mario cap
PlKbCpFc - Falco cap (alternate)
PlKbCpFe - Roy cap
PlKbCpFx - Fox cap
PlKbCpGn - Ganondorf cap
PlKbCpGw - Mr. Game & Watch cap
PlKbCpKp - Bowser cap
PlKbCpLg - Luigi cap
PlKbCpLk - Link cap
PlKbCpMr - Mario cap
PlKbCpMs - Marth cap
PlKbCpMt - Mewtwo cap (alternate)
PlKbCpNs - Ness cap
PlKbCpPc - Pichu cap
PlKbCpPe - Peach cap
PlKbCpPk - Pikachu cap
PlKbCpPp - Ice Climbers cap
PlKbCpPr - Jigglypuff cap (alternate)
PlKbCpSk - Sheik cap
PlKbCpSs - Samus cap
PlKbCpYs - Yoshi cap
PlKbCpZd - Zelda cap
PlKpBk - Black
PlKpBu - Blue
PlKpNr - Bowser (Default)
PlKpRe - Red
PlLgAq - Blue/Aquamarine
PlLgNr - Luigi (Default)
PlLgPi - Pink
PlLgWh - White-and-green
PlLkBk - Black
PlLkBu - Blue
PlLkNr - Link (Default)
PlLkRe - Red
PlLkWh - White
PlMrBk - Brown-and-white
PlMrBu - Blue/Jumpman
PlMrGr - Green
PlMrNr - Mario (Default)
PlMrYe - Yellow
PlMsBk - Black
PlMsGr - Green
PlMsNr - Marth (Default)
PlMsRe - Red
PlMsWh - White
PlMtBu - Blue
PlMtGr - Green
PlMtNr - Mewtwo (Default)
PlMtRe - Red
Nana (Ice Climbers)
PlNnAq - Orange costume [with Light Blue Popo]
PlNnNr - Nana (Default)
PlNnWh - Red costume [with White Popo]
PlNnYe - Yellow/Tan
PlNsBu - Blue
PlNsGr - Green
PlNsNr - Ness (Default)
PlNsYe - Yellow-and-black
PlPcBu - Blue [goggles]
PlPcGr - Green [backpack]
PlPcNr - Pichu (Default)
PlPcRe - Red [bandana]
PlPeBu - Blue
PlPeGr - Green
PlPeNr - Peach (Default)
PlPeWh - White
PlPeYe - Daisy [yellow]
PlPkBu - Blue [party hat]
PlPkGr - Green [cowboy hat]
PlPkNr - Pikachu (Default)
PlPkRe - Red [trainer hat]
Popo (Ice Climbers)
PlPpGr - Green
PlPpNr - Popo (Default)
PlPpOr - Light Blue costume [with Orange Nana]
PlPpRe - White costume [with Red Nana]
PlPrBu - Blue [bow]
PlPrGr - Green [headband]
PlPrNr - Jigglypuff (Default)
PlPrRe - Red [flower]
PlPrYe - Yellow [crown]
PlSkBu - Blue
PlSkGr - Green
PlSkNr - Sheik (Default)
PlSkRe - Red
PlSkWh - White-and-black
PlSsBk - Brown
PlSsGr - Green
PlSsLa - Purple/Lavender
PlSsNr - Samus (Default)
PlSsPi - Pink
PlYsAq - Light Blue/Aquamarine
PlYsBu - Dark Blue
PlYsNr - Yoshi (Default)
PlYsPi - Pink
PlYsRe - Red
PlYsYe - Yellow
PlZdBu - Blue
PlZdGr - Green
PlZdNr - Zelda (Default)
PlZdRe - Red
PlZdWh - Light Blue/White
3) Click the file you want to load on the left and then choose "Load Selected File" on the right.
4) It seems like nothing happened after clicking the button, but the DAT file was loaded in the background. Hit the "DAT File" tab at the very top.
5) Hit the "Textures" tab, which is now underneath the "DAT File" you just hit.
6) Choose the texture you want to edit and hit the "Export" button on the right.
7) Use your favorite graphics editor to change the extracted PNG file to whatever you want. Do not change image dimensions.
8) Back in the Toolkit at that last screen you were at, make sure you have the correct image selected on the left and hit "Replace" on the right. Point it to your new texture.
10) Hit "Save to Disc Image" and you are done!
Close Melee Toolkit and boot your game up in Dolphin to test the texture!
11) Share your work in the Melee Texture Hacks Thread.
NOTE: Extracting and replacing textures with the Melee Toolkit only works with character costumes and not things like the Stage Select Screen, Character Select Portraits, stage textures, etc. Replacing those textures requires manual hex editing, the old school way. See the stickied Melee Hack and You thread.
Melee Toolkit is now obselete. Please see DAT Texture Wizard instead.
Download InternetExplorer's Melee Toolkit.
This program has been around for awhile now, but the power it holds needs to be made apparent to everyone who loves Melee and is interested in creating custom costumes.
NO HEX EDITING needs to be done to add textures to your ISO file, thanks to this program.
OVERVIEW (to get a sense of how easy this is...)
Open Smash ISO in Melee Toolkit --> extract a PNG of a texture --> edit the PNG --> replace original PNG file with your new one using the toolkit.
1) Open Melee Toolkit and hit "Open Disc Image". Point it to your ISO file.
2) Click the "Filesystem" tab and search for the costume file you want to extract images from.
[COLLAPSE="Character & Costume Color File Abbreviations"]
Courtesy of Steelia, the Great.
PlCaBu - Blue
PlCaGr - Green
PlCaGy - Grey
PlCaNr - Captain Falcon (Default)
PlCaRe - Red
PlCaWh - Pink-and-white
PlClBk - Black
PlClBu - Blue
PlClNr - Young Link (Default)
PlClRe - Red
PlClWh - White
PlDkBk - Black
PlDkBu - Blue
PlDkGr - Green
PlDkNr - Donkey Kong (Default)
PlDkRe - Red
PlDrBk - Black
PlDrBu - Blue
PlDrGr - Green
PlDrNr - Dr. Mario (Default)
PlDrRe - Red
PlFcBu - Blue
PlFcGr - Green
PlFcNr - Falco (Default)
PlFcRe - Red
PlFeBu - Blue
PlFeGr - Green
PlFeNr - Roy (Default)
PlFeRe - Red
PlFeYe - Yellow-and-white
PlFxGr - Green
PlFxLa - Blue/Lavender
PlFxNr - Fox (Default)
PlFxOr - Orange
PlGnBu - Blue
PlGnGr - Green
PlGnLa - Purple/Lavender
PlGnNr - Ganondorf (Default)
PlGnRe - Red
PlGw - All Colors
PlKbBu - Blue
PlKbBuCpDk - Blue Donkey Kong cap
PlKbBuCpFc - Blue Falco cap
PlKbBuCpMt - Blue Mewtwo cap
PlKbBuCpPr - Blue Jigglypuff cap
PlKbGr - Green
PlKbGrCpDk - Green Donkey Kong cap
PlKbGrCpFc - Green Falco cap
PlKbGrCpMt - Green Mewtwo cap
PlKbGrCpPr - Green Jigglypuff cap
PlKbNr - Kirby (Default)
PlKbNrCpDk - Donkey Kong cap (Default)
PlKbNrCpFc - Falco cap (Default)
PlKbNrCpMt - Mewtwo cap (Default)
PlKbNrCpPr - Jigglypuff cap (Default)
PlKbRe - Red
PlKbReCpDk - Red Donkey Kong cap
PlKbReCpFc - Red Falco cap
PlKbReCpMt - Red Mewtwo cap
PlKbReCpPr - Red Jigglypuff cap
PlKbWh - White
PlKbWhCpDk - White Donkey Kong cap
PlKbWhCpFc - White Falco cap
PlKbWhCpMt - White Mewtwo cap
PlKbWhCpPr - White Jigglypuff cap
PlKbYe - Yellow
PlKbYeCpDk - Yellow Donkey Kong cap
PlKbYeCpFc - Yellow Falco cap
PlKbYeCpMt - Yellow Mewtwo cap
PlKbYeCpPr - Yellow Jigglypuff cap
PlKbCpCa - Captain Falcon cap
PlKbCpCl - Young Link cap
PlKbCpDk - Donkey Kong cap (alternate)
PlKbCpDr - Dr. Mario cap
PlKbCpFc - Falco cap (alternate)
PlKbCpFe - Roy cap
PlKbCpFx - Fox cap
PlKbCpGn - Ganondorf cap
PlKbCpGw - Mr. Game & Watch cap
PlKbCpKp - Bowser cap
PlKbCpLg - Luigi cap
PlKbCpLk - Link cap
PlKbCpMr - Mario cap
PlKbCpMs - Marth cap
PlKbCpMt - Mewtwo cap (alternate)
PlKbCpNs - Ness cap
PlKbCpPc - Pichu cap
PlKbCpPe - Peach cap
PlKbCpPk - Pikachu cap
PlKbCpPp - Ice Climbers cap
PlKbCpPr - Jigglypuff cap (alternate)
PlKbCpSk - Sheik cap
PlKbCpSs - Samus cap
PlKbCpYs - Yoshi cap
PlKbCpZd - Zelda cap
PlKpBk - Black
PlKpBu - Blue
PlKpNr - Bowser (Default)
PlKpRe - Red
PlLgAq - Blue/Aquamarine
PlLgNr - Luigi (Default)
PlLgPi - Pink
PlLgWh - White-and-green
PlLkBk - Black
PlLkBu - Blue
PlLkNr - Link (Default)
PlLkRe - Red
PlLkWh - White
PlMrBk - Brown-and-white
PlMrBu - Blue/Jumpman
PlMrGr - Green
PlMrNr - Mario (Default)
PlMrYe - Yellow
PlMsBk - Black
PlMsGr - Green
PlMsNr - Marth (Default)
PlMsRe - Red
PlMsWh - White
PlMtBu - Blue
PlMtGr - Green
PlMtNr - Mewtwo (Default)
PlMtRe - Red
PlNnAq - Orange costume [with Light Blue Popo]
PlNnNr - Nana (Default)
PlNnWh - Red costume [with White Popo]
PlNnYe - Yellow/Tan
PlNsBu - Blue
PlNsGr - Green
PlNsNr - Ness (Default)
PlNsYe - Yellow-and-black
PlPcBu - Blue [goggles]
PlPcGr - Green [backpack]
PlPcNr - Pichu (Default)
PlPcRe - Red [bandana]
PlPeBu - Blue
PlPeGr - Green
PlPeNr - Peach (Default)
PlPeWh - White
PlPeYe - Daisy [yellow]
PlPkBu - Blue [party hat]
PlPkGr - Green [cowboy hat]
PlPkNr - Pikachu (Default)
PlPkRe - Red [trainer hat]
PlPpGr - Green
PlPpNr - Popo (Default)
PlPpOr - Light Blue costume [with Orange Nana]
PlPpRe - White costume [with Red Nana]
PlPrBu - Blue [bow]
PlPrGr - Green [headband]
PlPrNr - Jigglypuff (Default)
PlPrRe - Red [flower]
PlPrYe - Yellow [crown]
PlSkBu - Blue
PlSkGr - Green
PlSkNr - Sheik (Default)
PlSkRe - Red
PlSkWh - White-and-black
PlSsBk - Brown
PlSsGr - Green
PlSsLa - Purple/Lavender
PlSsNr - Samus (Default)
PlSsPi - Pink
PlYsAq - Light Blue/Aquamarine
PlYsBu - Dark Blue
PlYsNr - Yoshi (Default)
PlYsPi - Pink
PlYsRe - Red
PlYsYe - Yellow
PlZdBu - Blue
PlZdGr - Green
PlZdNr - Zelda (Default)
PlZdRe - Red
PlZdWh - Light Blue/White
3) Click the file you want to load on the left and then choose "Load Selected File" on the right.
- I'll use Normal Falco as an example.
- The program should show the name of the DAT file you selected to load.
- A list of textures for that character file will be shown (with preview images on the right!)
- It saves as a PNG
- Let's make a simple Los Angeles Lakers Falco head (Photoshop)
- The preview on the right will now be your new texture.
10) Hit "Save to Disc Image" and you are done!
Close Melee Toolkit and boot your game up in Dolphin to test the texture!
11) Share your work in the Melee Texture Hacks Thread.
NOTE: Extracting and replacing textures with the Melee Toolkit only works with character costumes and not things like the Stage Select Screen, Character Select Portraits, stage textures, etc. Replacing those textures requires manual hex editing, the old school way. See the stickied Melee Hack and You thread.
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