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Crashing the Party, Taking a Chance!~Koopa Kid for Smash!


Smash Journeyman
Jul 17, 2018
Over there! (Note: Not a 100% guarantee)
It was supposed to be a slackers' game! Grr! This makes me so mad!


~Who is Koopa Kid?~
The Koopa Kid(s) are considered the precursor to Bowser Junior and are Bowser's minions throughout Mario Party 1~7. Whether he's swiping all your coins or cursing his victims with inverted controls, he always serves as a thorn in the players' side. He has even been playable on certain occasions (specifically Mario Party 5~6) He has since faded into obscurity, with the resurgence of the Koopalings and Junior's inception, the Koopa Kid(s) is now superfluous now that Bowser now has an entire army at his disposal...
However, his prevalence throughout the early Mario Party games gives him enough merit (small it may be) to make an appearance in Smash.
~Whatever could he do?~
Some have suggested Koopa Kid as a Bowser Junior echo and while I respect this opinion, this concept seriously undermines Koopa Kid's potential as a playable character. Koopa Kid's moveset could reflect early Mario Party in general. Koopa Kid could also adopt several Mario Party items, Bowser Spaces and even transforming into Bowser (ala Koopa Kid's ability in MP3's Duel Mode)
~What are his chances?~
Koopa Kid holds the distinction that not many first~party characters share; that being that he has never been represented in Smash in any capacity, be it trophy, sticker or spirit. This is obviously due to his obscurity, but technically he has never been deconfirmed. His chances are slim to none however, which is why his fanbase needs to speak up and let the general public know that this character is a legitimate candidate for Smash, obscure he may be!


~Koopa Kids (Supporters)~
BonafideFella BonafideFella (hey that's me!)

C chocolatejr9
Verde Coeden Scalesworth Verde Coeden Scalesworth
fleshdude.gov fleshdude.gov

I feel like a good way to differentiate Koopa Kid from Bowser and Bowser Jr. would be to lean heavily into the items and general friendship-ruining insanity of Mario Party (particularly the GameCube entries and their Capsules) for his moveset.

A good way to do this, I think, would Ben to make him a disrespectful brat whose primary goal isn’t really even to win - it’s to mess with their opponent.

I decided to make part of a moveset for him:

Neutral Special - Bowser Bomb - Koopa Kid tosses a Bowser Bomb in a short, predefined arc. Upon landing or hitting an opponent, the Bowser Bomb explodes with a decently sized explosion.

Down Special - Bowser Capsule - Koopa Kid opens a Bowser Capsule from Mario Party 7, dropping it below his feet and leaving a Bowser Space on the ground. This will either randomly explode or emit a frigid blast when an opposing fighter walks on it, launching them upwards in either case. The Capsule itself is a projectile that bounces off of Fighters in a similar manner to a Pokeball, doing minor damage and knockback.

Side Special - Chain Chomp Capsule - Koopa Kid opens a Chain Chomp Capsule from Mario Party 5, and then grips the chain of a Chain Chomp as it leaps forward and then disappears. The Chain Chomp, if it hits an opponent, will then jump up and flatten them, “stealing a star” and healing Koopa Kid for ~10%. Note that the Chain Chomp can lead you into the abyss if you aren’t careful before using it.

Up Special - Flutter - Flutter carries Koopa Kid way up, with some horizontal movement depending on the player’s inputs, before dropping them into free-fall. A very good recovery.

Final Smash - Party Pandemonium - Koopa Kid slaps opponents in immediate radius with the Dueling Glove before barraging them with various minigames, finishing them with a gargantuan fireball.

Bonus Smash Attacks:
Up Smash - Koopa Kid blows up a Balloon of Doom from MP4 with his mouth, which then pops.
Side Smash - Koopa Kid swings a hammer from the Hammer Slammer minigame in MP2.
Down Smash - Koopa Kid spins around, swinging their arms up and down.

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Smash Hero
Sep 30, 2018
I've been thinking this over for a bit, and while I don't have much of an attachment to the character, I'm not against him either. He would be an easy Echo of Bowser Jr. (and let's be real, that's probably what they would do), or he could be a unique character dedicated to the Mario Party series. Throwing dice, summon various items, and his Final Smash could be something like that River Survival mode from Super Mario Party to represent the modern games, as controversial as they are. Consider me a supporter.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 17, 2018
Over there! (Note: Not a 100% guarantee)
I've been thinking this over for a bit, and while I don't have much of an attachment to the character, I'm not against him either. He would be an easy Echo of Bowser Jr. (and let's be real, that's probably what they would do), or he could be a unique character dedicated to the Mario Party series. Throwing dice, summon various items, and his Final Smash could be something like that River Survival mode from Super Mario Party to represent the modern games, as controversial as they are. Consider me a supporter.
Ah well, I'm glad to consider you a supporter!
I'm not particularly a fan of Koopa Kid echoing Junior but as you said, that's probably what they'd do. Koopa Kid's never really used the Clown Car though and I can't think of a suitable replacement. Maybe the Clown Car Bowser adopted in Mario Party 8's big finale? I just prefer the idea of this little Bowser running around that's not as beastly as Smash Bros. Bowser and throwing punches, kicks and Dice Blocks instead of scratches and bites. I've heard people complain that Bowser isn't as goofy as he is throughout the Mario franchise, so Koopa Kid worked as a supplement of sorts.
I do like that River Survival Final Smash idea too! My idea was Koopa Kid slapping opponents in immediate radius with the Dueling Glove before barraging them with various minigames, finishing them with a gargantuan fireball. I'd love to hear more of your ideas though!
Also, I've never heard of Super Mario Party being controversial. Did someone break their control stick again?;)
Sorry about the ginormous post. My goal for my support threads is to hold a place of discussion on the character in question. Again, I'm glad you support!


Smash Hero
Sep 30, 2018
Ah well, I'm glad to consider you a supporter!
I'm not particularly a fan of Koopa Kid echoing Junior but as you said, that's probably what they'd do. Koopa Kid's never really used the Clown Car though and I can't think of a suitable replacement. Maybe the Clown Car Bowser adopted in Mario Party 8's big finale? I just prefer the idea of this little Bowser running around that's not as beastly as Smash Bros. Bowser and throwing punches, kicks and Dice Blocks instead of scratches and bites. I've heard people complain that Bowser isn't as goofy as he is throughout the Mario franchise, so Koopa Kid worked as a supplement of sorts.
I do like that River Survival Final Smash idea too! My idea was Koopa Kid slapping opponents in immediate radius with the Dueling Glove before barraging them with various minigames, finishing them with a gargantuan fireball. I'd love to hear more of your ideas though!
Also, I've never heard of Super Mario Party being controversial. Did someone break their control stick again?;)
Sorry about the ginormous post. My goal for my support threads is to hold a place of discussion on the character in question. Again, I'm glad you support!
Yeah, I haven't played Mario Party in who knows how long, so my memory about it can be a bit hit-or-miss (i.e. the fact Koopa Kid never used the Clown Car). That being said, I do feel that if they wanted to include a character based on a party game, the least they could do is reference the minigames in his (Koopa Kid's) attacks. I was at least thinking about the more popular minigames, like Bumper Balls, which if used properly, can induce some good old fashioned PTSD. :)

Also, I wasn't specifically calling out Super Mario Party as controversial, more so the games released after 7. Though I have heard some complaints about a lack of boards and minigames, I haven't played it myself, so I can't agree or disagree. I just thought I'd clear that up.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Actually, maybe taking Melee's Bowser's moveset design, with changes, could work here. Koopa Kid pretty much doesn't slash, so punches make sense. He also could use other items in the MP series as is(though that would be a necessity to be based upon Junior, which seems like a stretch).

There's no doubt using some of Junior's assets would happen to upgrade his model, but his body shape is pretty similar to Bowser's in Brawl.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 17, 2018
Over there! (Note: Not a 100% guarantee)
Actually, maybe taking Melee's Bowser's moveset design, with changes, could work here. Koopa Kid pretty much doesn't slash, so punches make sense. He also could use other items in the MP series as is(though that would be a necessity to be based upon Junior, which seems like a stretch).
That would be the best-case scenario IMO. It would cement the Bowser connection while acknowledging his Mario Party roots. The idea of him functioning less beastly and more slapstick works too, considering that Sakurai likes to represent the root of a character and their franchise when creating a moveset, and Mario Party is generally a pretty goofy game series.

Either way, can I consider you a supporter?
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Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
That would be the best-case scenario IMO. It would cement the Bowser connection while acknowledging his Mario Party roots. The idea of him functioning less beastly and more slapstick works too, considering that Sakurai likes to represent the root of a character and their franchise when creating a moveset, and Mario Party is generally a pretty goofy game series.

Either way, can I consider you a supporter?
Yes, yes you can~

And yeah, despite obviously being the predecessor to Bowser Jr. to a degree, he's a spin-off unique variation meant to be like the Koopa Kids and created just for Mario Party's story modes. If I remember right, he first appeared in 3, and then became playable in 5?


Smash Journeyman
Jul 17, 2018
Over there! (Note: Not a 100% guarantee)
And yeah, despite obviously being the predecessor to Bowser Jr. to a degree, he's a spin-off unique variation meant to be like the Koopa Kids and created just for Mario Party's story modes. If I remember right, he first appeared in 3, and then became playable in 5?
Close. He first appeared in Mario Party 1, became playable in 5 and stopped making appearances after 7. A tragic tale, I'll tell you that...

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Close. He first appeared in Mario Party 1, became playable in 5 and stopped making appearances after 7. A tragic tale, I'll tell you that...
Indeed... he'd be great to keep as a Mario Party exclusive.

This feels like Young Link vs Toon Link in a way.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 5, 2018
I feel like a good way to differentiate Koopa Kid from Bowser and Bowser Jr. would be to lean heavily into the items and general friendship-ruining insanity of Mario Party (particularly the GameCube entries and their Capsules) for his moveset.

A good way to do this, I think, would Ben to make him a disrespectful brat whose primary goal isn’t really even to win - it’s to mess with their opponent.

I decided to make part of a moveset for him:

Neutral Special - Bowser Bomb - Koopa Kid tosses a Bowser Bomb in a short, predefined arc. Upon landing or hitting an opponent, the Bowser Bomb explodes with a decently sized explosion.

Down Special - Bowser Capsule - Koopa Kid opens a Bowser Capsule from Mario Party 7, dropping it below his feet and leaving a Bowser Space on the ground. This will either randomly explode or emit a frigid blast when an opposing fighter walks on it, launching them upwards in either case. The Capsule itself is a projectile that bounces off of Fighters in a similar manner to a Pokeball, doing minor damage and knockback.

Side Special - Chain Chomp Capsule - Koopa Kid opens a Chain Chomp Capsule from Mario Party 5, and then grips the chain of a Chain Chomp as it leaps forward and then disappears. The Chain Chomp, if it hits an opponent, will then jump up and flatten them, “stealing a star” and healing Koopa Kid for ~10%. Note that the Chain Chomp can lead you into the abyss if you aren’t careful before using it.

Up Special - Flutter - Flutter carries Koopa Kid way up, with some horizontal movement depending on the player’s inputs, before dropping them into free-fall. A very good recovery.

Final Smash seems good as you have it.

Bonus Smash Attacks:
Up Smash - Koopa Kid blows up a Balloon of Doom from MP4 with his mouth, which then pops.
Side Smash - Koopa Kid swings a hammer from the Hammer Slammer minigame in MP2.
Down Smash - Koopa Kid spins around, swinging their arms up and down.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 17, 2018
Over there! (Note: Not a 100% guarantee)
I feel like a good way to differentiate Koopa Kid from Bowser and Bowser Jr. would be to lean heavily into the items and general friendship-ruining insanity of Mario Party (particularly the GameCube entries and their Capsules) for his moveset.

A good way to do this, I think, would Ben to make him a disrespectful brat whose primary goal isn’t really even to win - it’s to mess with their opponent.

I decided to make part of a moveset for him:

Neutral Special - Bowser Bomb - Koopa Kid tosses a Bowser Bomb in a short, predefined arc. Upon landing or hitting an opponent, the Bowser Bomb explodes with a decently sized explosion.

Down Special - Bowser Capsule - Koopa Kid opens a Bowser Capsule from Mario Party 7, dropping it below his feet and leaving a Bowser Space on the ground. This will either randomly explode or emit a frigid blast when an opposing fighter walks on it, launching them upwards in either case. The Capsule itself is a projectile that bounces off of Fighters in a similar manner to a Pokeball, doing minor damage and knockback.

Side Special - Chain Chomp Capsule - Koopa Kid opens a Chain Chomp Capsule from Mario Party 5, and then grips the chain of a Chain Chomp as it leaps forward and then disappears. The Chain Chomp, if it hits an opponent, will then jump up and flatten them, “stealing a star” and healing Koopa Kid for ~10%. Note that the Chain Chomp can lead you into the abyss if you aren’t careful before using it.

Up Special - Flutter - Flutter carries Koopa Kid way up, with some horizontal movement depending on the player’s inputs, before dropping them into free-fall. A very good recovery.

Final Smash seems good as you have it.

Bonus Smash Attacks:
Up Smash - Koopa Kid blows up a Balloon of Doom from MP4 with his mouth, which then pops.
Side Smash - Koopa Kid swings a hammer from the Hammer Slammer minigame in MP2.
Down Smash - Koopa Kid spins around, swinging their arms up and down.
Excellent ideas! I'll add this to the OP.
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