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Convince Me! (April 30 - Wonder Red)


Smash Lord
Feb 19, 2011

Welcome to Convince Me!

The basic idea of this thread is that every couple of days a prospective character will be posted, and people will have a chance to chime in with things like game mechanics, movesets, or story elements that they think make this character a good addition to Smash Switch.

To be clear, this isn't a discussion of how likely a character is, nor how past patterns/release schedules/etc indicate this character is likely. I'm looking for things like unique gameplay or personality traits that will make people excited for the possibility of these characters!

By the same token, I'm not looking for why you don't like this character, or think they're unlikely. Let's keep this thread a space for positive discussion.

I'll be posting characters that I hear mentioned a lot around here, but if people have a potential fighter in mind they'd like to see featured, feel free to PM me.

Covered so far:
  • Bandana Waddle Dee
  • Dixie Kong
  • Micaiah
  • Isaac
  • Waluigi
  • Wonder Red
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Smash Lord
Feb 19, 2011

The spherical spearman himself, Bandana Dee! A loyal sidekick and player 4 to Kirby’s heroic adventures, I see a lot of support for this guy on the forums, and now is your chance Bandana fans! Show everyone why he’d be so cool.
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Deleted member

Just a question, what exactly are you looking for in a character? Uniqueness? Importance? Cuz there are different strokes for different folks.


Smash Lord
Feb 19, 2011
Just a question, what exactly are you looking for in a character? Uniqueness? Importance? Cuz there are different strokes for different folks.
Whatever people want to use to support them really.

Things I think would be good:
• Movesets
• Unique traits
• Series significance
• Interesting backstory/plots

Not what I’d look for:
• Likeliness/release window predictions
• Patterns of past character selections

Deleted member

Whatever people want to use to support them really.

Things I think would be good:
• Movesets
• Unique traits
• Series significance
• Interesting backstory/plots

Not what I’d look for:
• Likeliness/release window predictions
• Patterns of past character selections
I see.
I'm gonna finish my moveset first, then I'll post it here.
I think he fits the second criteria as well, and he diefinetly fits the third one (I'll explain everything in detail in the same post as the moveset, so look forward to that), but he kinda struggles with the fourth one.
I'll be back soon.

Sorry for double posting but here's my moveset (Gonna share it in google docs since there's no table option in the text editor and I don't want to go through the trouble of reformatting it). My english still has some room for improvement so I hope it's readable.
Also one thing I want to note is that the spear transforms into the parasol when he uses parasol based attacks. It's not something that exists in canon but I don't think that's too outlandish.

As far as importance goes, I'll just direct you to the OP of his support thread, but I also want to add that he's the only Dream Friend in the base game that has a moveset that isn't based off a copy ability that appears in Star Allies.
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Smash Lord
Feb 19, 2011
Sorry for double posting but here's my moveset (Gonna share it in google docs since there's no table option in the text editor and I don't want to go through the trouble of reformatting it). My english still has some room for improvement so I hope it's readable.
Also one thing I want to note is that the spear transforms into the parasol when he uses parasol based attacks. It's not something that exists in canon but I don't think that's too outlandish.
I dug the moveset for the most part. It was well put together and very thorough :)

My only question is (and maybe I just missed this), where do the elemental powers come from? The spear often has elements attributed to its attacks, but I didn't see where those are selected or earned.

As far as importance goes, I'll just direct you to the OP of his support thread, but I also want to add that he's the only Dream Friend in the base game that has a moveset that isn't based off a copy ability that appears in Star Allies.
Read through that, and there's a lot of solid points. Perhaps I''ll even invite the support thread owner to weigh in...


♥Smash Beauty♥
Aug 6, 2012
This place is very interesting... I will keep an witness eye here
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Deleted member

I dug the moveset for the most part. It was well put together and very thorough :)
I'm glad you like it.

My only question is (and maybe I just missed this), where do the elemental powers come from? The spear often has elements attributed to its attacks, but I didn't see where those are selected or earned.
That's from Star Allies. I had to add some spice into the moveset.
If you mean what determines the element that's used in the moveset, it's completely random, and they're only activated at full charge.


Smash Lord
Feb 19, 2011
That's from Star Allies. I had to add some spice into the moveset.
If you mean what determines the element that's used in the moveset, it's completely random, and they're only activated at full charge.
Makes sense.

Also, I LOVE the victory theme you picked out for him. One of my hopes for Smash Switch is that each character gets their own victory theme :)

Ze Diglett

Smash Champion
Writing Team
Dec 7, 2014
Rivals 2
Oh man, where to start? Well, the Dee's a spear user, for one thing. Smash has never had any of those, which would make him unique on that merit alone. Furthermore, him being playable in multiple Kirby titles now means he basically has a moveset already written for him, and one that would be very easy to translate over to Smash given a few tweaks. In terms of relevancy, Bandanna Dee's looking very good there, too; he's made some sort of appearance in nearly every Kirby game since Superstar Ultra and is even playable alongside Kirby himself in three of them, (essentially being regarded as the fourth member of the "main cast" now alongside Kirby, DDD, and Meta Knight) so he's basically the most relevant Kirby character not already represented in Smash. Barring some serious Sakurbias, I really don't see much of a reason for Bandanna Dee to get the shaft this time based on his merits alone, especially considering Kirby, one of Nintendo's biggest franchises, completely missed out on a new rep last game.
...now that I've gotten my spiel out of the way, I really like this thread. I'll definitely be keeping an eye on this place for future rounds.
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Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
The inherent problem with Waddle Dee is that his "merit" far outweighs any sort of unique factor he could bring to Smash other than his spear which is more or less the only aspect he has to offer. And even then, Palutena already executes a lot of moves that you would conceive in a spear-based move-set. This is the sort of character that Sakurai would have to take creative liberties with.


Smash Ace
Aug 6, 2014
parent's basment
Where do I begin? First of all Bandana Dee is one of the 4 main characters in the Kirby series. He started out as a small unimportant character in a mini-game called megaton punch. It wasn't until super star ultra were he got a more prominent role as a mini boss/ Supporting character. After that in RtDL He Got his most important role, He became a Playable Character. He only got more popular for the Kirby fanbase from then on.

Bandana Dee's Moveset potential was crystal clear as soon as you played him in RtDL. Not to mention how fresh, simple and fun it was to use him. With the New Kirby game that just released, only gave more variety to his moveset even if they are a bit minor. Adding elements to his spear.

A lot of the charm that comes from Bandana Dee is the fact that he's a Waddle Dee. The Most Basic Enemy in the Kirby franchise. That may sound like an insult to some but hear me out. Waddle Dees are just as recognizable as Kirby himself. They have been in the Kirby series since the beginning. With Bandana Dee, he represents Waddle Dees as a whole. He strives to be as strong as Kirby, and look were he is now. He represents the underdog, and actually made it to were he wanted to be. But at the same time he is humble (shown In Battle Royale).

So the real Question is why shouldn't you consider him?

Sorry for the long read.

Deleted member

Makes sense.

Also, I LOVE the victory theme you picked out for him. One of my hopes for Smash Switch is that each character gets their own victory theme :)
Sorry for the late reply, but I completely agree with you on that.
I'm also hoping Meta Knight gets a new victory theme because his current one just feels so lazy to me.


Smash Lord
Feb 19, 2011
Sorry for the late reply, but I completely agree with you on that.
I'm also hoping Meta Knight gets a new victory theme because his current one just feels so lazy to me.
Yeah, I mean the guy has music of his own, so the electric guitar version of Kirby's theme is a bit uninspired


Smash Lord
Feb 19, 2011

I'm a little less sold on her so far. She's certainly a front-runner to become the third DK rep, so there must be some great things she brings to the table. Let's hear 'em!

Sailor Waddle Dee

Smash Journeyman
Jun 10, 2014
Dixie Kong huh?
alright, let's start with this little factoid. she was playable in more games in the original Donkey Kong Country Trilogy than Donkey Kong himself!
On top of that her hair would mean she'd have a better air game than either of the other kongs currently in the roster.
plus in Tropical Freeze, she received a Bubble gum popgun which could give her a gimmick to stop opponents in their tracks. preventing them from moving. allowing her to get away or prepare an attack.
while K.Rool may have a louder supporter base. Dixie is still a very important character to her franchise. and does deserve some recognition. plus she'd add more female representation to the roster.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 5, 2015
Dixie is the secret star of the Donkey Kong series. That may be a bold statement to say about someone who didn't even appear in the first Country, but seriously - her ponytail-induced gliding expanded the limits of the level design of DKC2 and 3. They're all broader and much more open than the first game's, and all the better for it. She's the star of two of her own games, Country 3 and Land 3, and pretty much steals the show in Country 2 and Land 2. It's telling that when the Country games returned with... well, Returns, Retro kept it to the more "iconic" duo of Donkey and Diddy, but knew deep down in their hearts they knew that something was missing, and gave Diddy the ability to hover with his jetpack from 64. But Dixie did it first. Diddy Kong is kept awake at night by the sinking feeling that he knows that he was just a cheap imitation of his girlfriend in Returns. Then Tropical Freeze happened and he was completely usurped by her as the superior Kong yet again anyway. She's a bona-fide Nintendo All-Star, and one of the few missing from Smash.

Of course, status isn't the thing that convinces skeptics. A lot of people's issues with Dixie are her similarities to Diddy. Other than her hair and guitar, what does she offer that's new? Well, this operates under the assumption that every new character has to reinvent the wheel. But this doesn't have to be the case. Part of Sakurai's forte is taking characters that on paper look very samey and doing something radically different with them. On paper, Ike is another blue-haired swordsman, and conceptually has a lot of the same specials as Marth - in the broadest possible terms, neutral B is a sword thrust, up B is an upward slash, side B is a sideways slash, down B is a counter - but they play nothing alike. Pitch Ike to someone in those broad terms pre-Brawl and they'd probably yawn, but give them him to play and it's plain to see he's his own beast entirely. And Wolf? Uses Fox as a basis, sure, but plays so completely differently that he loses the clone status altogether. It's often hard for fans to convey what would make their character of choice distinct, but Sakurai finds nuances to exploit to make them unique, and there's plenty of material for him to do that with Dixie - who is at a conceptual level far more different from Diddy than Ike is from Marth or Wolf is from Fox. Smash fans far smarter than I and more well-versed in the mechanics and intricacies of the game will probably argue this case much better than I have, and there are so many prospective movesets for Dixie out there that are super unique and unlike anyone else on the roster. But even if Sakurai doesn't go that far, even if Dixie isn't a radical departure from Diddy, that doesn't mean she'd have to be samey. I think one of Nintendo's leading ladies has earned herself the benefit of the doubt, with more than enough material to work with for Sakurai to make a distinct character out of.


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2013
Dixie was the star of her very own Donkey Kong game. An honor only DK and Diddy had. She is also one of the few Nintendo heroines to get her own game as well. In addition to that, she's made her triumphant return to the DK series in the recent Tropical Freeze. She's a very important DK character no doubt.

If someone was to add a new DK character to the roster, they would probably want to capitalize on Tropical Freeze and most likely add the girl with the whirl.
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Smash Master
Jul 9, 2009
A warrior's grave...
Okay, so why would Dixie make a great choice? She is the Third Hero of the DKC trilogy, debuting in DKC2 and instantly becoming the preferred choice over Diddy in her 1st game and maintaining that status in DKC3 and Tropical Freeze, all thanks to her unusual hair abilities. She stands among Samus as one of Nintendo's first female protagonists, has never been a damsel in distress--which even DK and Diddy can't claim--and provides gameplay mechanics that the other Kongs can't. In DKC2 and 3, Dixie was able to glide safely through hazards while her partners were less fortunate. In Tropical Freeze, her hair provided a sort of double-jump as well as allowed her to swim quickly through the water like she was using a propeller. She was often the favorite choice among many for the gameplay twists she provided.

So, why go on about the uses of Dixie's hair? If she steps into Smash she'll be swinging her ponytail for the basis of her moveset. She can use her hair to glide and ascend, lift objects much heavier than her, and attack with it. But how would that work you might ask? The way her hair functions it might as well be a massive arm growing out the back of her head; this alone gives her potential to be a 3-armed fighter, with her strong "arm" being her ponytail and packing more power than her actual arms. Not to mention, her tendency to grab with her hair can make her a grapple-oriented fighter, not only giving her a Cargo Grab like DK but also letting her lift crates and barrels like they're lightweight objects. Have a fighter who incorporates that, then add things like bubblegum and soundwave attacks from a guitar and you could have a character that plays nothing like the other fighters in Smash. There are no dedicated Grappler-type characters outside of improvised chaingrabs, nor are there 3-armed fighters who can use their strong arm for attacking, grabbing, balancing on it, and gliding through the air.

We don't need to worry about her being a Diddy clone, cuz as Bowser Jr.--the most obvious clone candidate--proved, a similar look doesn't guarantee even a remotely similar moveset. There's so many possibilities that Dixie can provide and users on Smashboards, myself included, have scratched the surface with plenty of movesets, illustrations and an analysis. You can check the Support Thread for a more in-depth case for her inclusion, but for potential moves I've brought ALL of the ideas users have cooked up on the thread. Feel free to browse our attempts to stir the pot of creative potential:


Using her hair for support, she sits back and kicks her feet forward; Dixie pedals her feet back continuously to rack up damage.

Then, to finish her rapid kicks, she uses her hair and body to thrust herself forward feet first to give opponents a forceful shove. Thanks to her hair's length she's able to move a nice distance for her finisher.
Originally I thought of the 2nd drawing as a forward tilt backup idea, but after seeing the introduction of standard attack finishers in a Pic of the Day months ago, I knew what to do with this move.

I thought up a forward tilt for Dixie Kong

She coils her blonde hair behind her and leans on one side of her body, then shifts her weight to the opposite side to swing her hair and make it spank the ground. Those who get hit by it just as its about to smack the ground receive a stronger strike, while those who get hit in mid-swing are punished less. The move's not TOO powerful, but it can kill, particularly the full swing...once certain percentages are reached, of course. Has good range thanks to Dixie's hair and the fact that she leans outward.

Dixie's UpTilt involves her body facing us as she shuffles gracefully left to right or vice versa. She literally tilts; as she does so her hair sways with her to whack opponents above her, behind her and in front of her to move them around. It has great range and its effective at crowd control, but it has little knockback and by extension no real killing power. It is however good for disrupting aerial approaches and those that are too close as it displaces them, and if a foe's damage is substantial they'll be swept around through the whole animation instead of part of it. It's best to use this on airborne targets as they'll typically get stirred more than grounded opponents, who are more likely to get smacked depending on where they are, how close they are to Dixie and what stage her attack's in. It's generally a carrying attack. She'll always start the move from behind where she's facing; this is good to for getting those who rolled around her.

This is the attack's layout. At position 1, she starts the move and foes directly above as well as those beside her get hit and swept to position 2. Grounded opponents who got hit during position 1 will be swept and usually left here. Airborne victims likely won't. At P2, new victims both grounded and aerial will be whacked and likely carried with the airborne victims of P1 and swung to P3 where the attack ends. From this point, victims will either hit the ground or be chucked forward a bit, especially if their damage % is EXTREMELY high. Enemies who make contact at P3 will simply get whacked and pushed back. They only take damage ranging from average to below average from this move at these 3 points. Good for displacement, close-quarters crowd control or setting up the Forward Tilt or Forward Smash.

To pull off her Down Tilt, Dixie does a swift handstand and lets her hair fall forward to smash into the ground. Opponents hit by it will be bounced upwards with semi decent force if their % is at or near zero; the knockback (or more accurately knock-up) is good but the move's not KO worthy unless on really high percentages, though it's a nice and quick way to bounce opponents off.

Here's the attack layout. At Position 1 there's no attack, but the transition to P2 is something to be aware of, as the startup swing does negligible damage but may knock you forward if grounded or swung with slightly more force if aerial. In either case, if you get hit at this transition, you should be pushed just out of the reach of this DTilt, with minor damage if you're higher than 20%. If your % is lower than 20, you're likely to endure the full attack. At P2, Dixie's hair swings downward, so anything hit from this point on the way to P3 will nudged or forced underneath the hair. At P3, the hair makes contact with the ground and BAM! The attack has unfolded. Anything it immediately touches will be bounced upwards as the attack is complete, and those that were forced through the whole move will be slammed into the ground, bounced up and receive higher damage and knockback than those making contact at P3. P4 is simply Dixie returning to her neutral position.
The move is quick on the startup side but has just a touch of ending lag; about the speed of Diddy's Forward Tilt, and as the move bounces foes upward I liken it to a 1-directional shockwave with (surprise surprise) nice reach thanks to her hair. It's quick and strong but not a killing move, however you might be able to use it to set up her Up Tilt at the right percentages. Just think...Dtilt-> UTilt-> FTilt/FSmash. This is one of Dixie's "Get back!" moves.

Alternate Down Tilt: Swift Spank

Based off Tropical Freeze. She kneels and leans forward, allowing her hair to strike twice in front of her with a relatively small range. It's quick, reliable and has a stinging quality, but the attack is always 2 strikes per input, which means if the hits don't connect Dixie could be vulnerable to a counterattack. As I wrote before, the moves quick so she's not in too much danger if she misses, right?

I came up with the Handstand Slam just before I saw Dixie do that hair-banging groundpound from DKC Tropical Freeze, and I gotta admit it looked cool so I drew up something based on it. I find it practical; it's swift and she leans low unlike in the other which she is more open to danger, but it's not as strong and looks similar to her Forward Tilt. Still, both ideas are good but I prefer the Slam over the Spank. As long as I get ideas circulating in others, every drawing I show will serve its purpose. So in this case, if I have more than 1 idea to show for the same attack then the more the merrier.

Dash Attack:
Gotta start cranking out these moveset ideas. Here's another:
Dash Attack: Ponytail Pirouette

Dixie uses her spin attack from Tropical Freeze in Smash Bros.! She starts by kicking a leg out and briefly extending an arm while simultaneously turning to spin. As she rotates, an arm, a leg and her ponytail smack opponents up to four times. It's a quick move that carries foes like most other tornado attacks (like DK's or Mega Man's) through the animation and is fast to perform with little startup or ending lag.

A pretty straightforward, 4-hit attack; I just wanna point out that the poses above represent different stages in the move's lifespan. The first pose is the startup, the 2nd and 3rd are the attack itself, but different points. The closer Dixie's left arm is to her paralleling her left leg, the closer the attack is to finishing. I looked at ballerinas spinning and noticed they don't always keep their arms or legs in the same pose throughout, so I did the same with Dixie. Keeps me from being bored having to draw the same pose but at different rotations. Hopefully I caught a sense of momentum with these.

Smash Attacks:

To begin her Forward Smash attack, Dixie coils her hair around herself and turns her back to her foes. As she charges the move her hair tightens and snakes around her body; she balances on one foot in preparation for what's to come, unaffected by her own constricted grip. The extent of the coil grows with each second while Dixie grows more determined to maintain her posture. The pressure mounts...and then finally...!

WHAAAOOOOoomsshh!! She makes a fierce spin and unravels her hair, slashing the space around her! While she turns, her ponytail extends to whip the air with immense might and smack anything it collides with HARD. The force behind this move is extreme and her strongest smash attack without a doubt, and you can even hear the wind crack while the move's used. She easily surpasses her boyfriend's strength and practically rivals DK's!
This is a high-powered move with amazing knockback and high killing power, so do your best to avoid it! This move is a stationary spin attack that, thanks to her hair, gives this kong an elliptical strike range with impressive reach, damage, knockback and KO potential. The move starts quickly but has a bit of ending lag, for a revolution that fiercely performed needs a moment to keep balance. The upside to this however is that Dixie's using her hair to attack, and thus has a bit of a backswing that foes should beware. The backswing isn't as deadly (far less tbh) or powerful but it still packs a punch, so rolling around Dixie or standing behind this attack will leave you with a nasty surprise.
Dixie's UpTilt is a good setup for this move.
I finally got to show a smash attack. The idea behind it is a powerful backhand move where hair is used instead of hand, and I think it works out nicely

Dixie starts her Up Smash with a handstand pose. Her arms and hair stay bent on the ground to support herself and cushion her head, for balancing in that position can be painful.
The blood flows down as the attack charges, but she remains clear-headed and focused. And then...

ssSSSHWEEEEEemsh!!! She launches herself straight up to collide with foes and knock them higher! Her hair goes from a curled cushion to propel herself upward; as she does so she extends her legs in the hopes of impacting enemies with blunt force. She uses her hair merely for assistance, as this attack has her rely on her feet to deal the damage, and boy is it strong. The force she uses to blast upwards coupled with the overall trajectory makes this quite a jolt for her!
A near - strictly vertical attack from Dixie. The extended length of her ponytail matches the length of her body, and thus like many of her moves she's granted some good range. As she shoots upward her feet have incredible force; it's not as powerful as her Forward Smash, but it has quite a healthy bit of killing power. Also, due to the vertical nature of this move, it's most effective on those directly above her and the knockback is vertically oriented as well.
In regard to Smash attacks, Dixie's Forward relies mostly on her hair to deal damage; her Up reverses that "role" and her Down has no reliance on her hair. A nice dynamic IMO.

Onto more moveset ideas. I'm not sure how much these posts will affect her chances with the ballot with just 12 days left, but I want to finish these ideas since I'm so close. I have a few concepts here in the hope that at least one appeals to people's imagination if the other(s) don't. Another massive post is here, brace yourselves, if the post is annoyingly long I'll wrap spoiler tags on it.
Down Smash: Quick Split

As she charges her Down Smash, Dixie strikes a pose. Her hand seems poised to shoot up while her hair curls too. With each passing second she becomes more determined to unleash the attack. And then...

ssSSWOOOM!! She performs a split! This Smash attack is a quick maneuver in which Dixie uses her feet to do damage. The attack is the fastest of her smashes, but also the weakest. While her Forward Smash has huge KO potential--the most actually--and her Up Smash isn't bad at killing either, her Down Smash isn't reliable for KO's off the bat. Higher percentages notwithstanding. Her hair deals no damage, but it does smack foes while it unravels just before she splits. The chance of getting hit by it is remote and just disrupts you in that split second before she splits.

And that's the default idea for a down smash. It fits the dynamic I have with the other 2; while the Forward Smash has her rely strictly on her hair, and her Up allows her to use her hair and feet, her Down Smash has no real reliance on it and instead the damage comes from her feet. There's barely any ending lag and almost none on the startup side. It's a simple yet practical attack, one that many fighters can do, and because of that I feel the need to show ideas that could be more unique and specialized:

Alternate Down Smash 1: Sit Spin Sweep

The cute Kong wraps her hair around her and crouches while doing so, letting her hair wrap tightly but still maintaining her balance. Sound familiar? Well it is but--

sSSSSHHHoooWOOOMSSH! She unleashes the attack and performs a figure skating move called a Sit Spin, and in the process uncurls her hair to smack foes while she spins! It's essentially her Forward Smash at a lower height, the only differences here is that you control how much she spins. Do a quick Smash and she'll spin once, charge it halfway and she'll spin twice, but charge it fully and you'll get three spins! The hair smacks foes away throughout either spin, and the one before the last is the strongest (ie: 2 spins means the first will be the strongest and 3 spins means the 2nd will be the strongest) as Dixie will be winding down momentum to finish the attack.

And here's the finisher. No matter how long the Smash is charged, the final spin will end with her making this pose. Anyone hit by the hair will be knocked away, but what's most important about this part is that the amount of spins determine how much ending lag you'll get. She'll be holding that pose for a bit to regain balance; how long exactly is up to you, so keep that in mind when charging the attack.

Like the Whiplash Smash the Sit Spin Sweep is powerful; not AS powerful but can be slightly stronger than the Up Smash, if we're talking about the strongest spin in the set when fully charged. A graceful and strong spin, and a good idea IMO, but as it is her Whiplash Smash re-purposed--which isn't necessarily bad, I have yet another idea:

Alternate Down Smash 2: Spinning Kong

Dixie balances on one hand while the rest of her limbs and her hair seem poised to strike. What could she be getting ready to do while keeping most of herself in the air?

...A Spinning Kong of course! Like DK, Dixie can pull off that Kong tornado move, but she uses it differently. She performs the attack while upside-down and stays in one place, and spins twice, but if you charge it longer she'll spin three times and four if fully charged. Like the 1st alternate Down Smash the ending lag depends on how much you charge the move, but it's not exactly powerful, and the final spin is the strongest. While the other spins rack up damage and keep you in the cyclone like Peach's Down Smash, the final spin knocks you away with good knockback if fully charged, and decent if not. It's a wild attack that highlights her savage side.


Those are the Down Smash ideas. While I'm going with the first one, I can't deny the other two are cooler and more unique. I felt the need to have her use a quick and reliable attack at the cost of raw power, and complete the dynamic I have with the Up and Forward as well as show that she's not 100% hair. Each of the three smashes in this post have their strengths and flaws, so it's best to pick your favorite of the bunch.

All that's left are the Specials and her "Glide". Stay tuned for it.


A nice whirling kick. She spins twice to let her feet hit you; it pushes enemies back on moderate damage percentages and hits two times when used on those with low percentages. Nothing too special about the move, but its reliable and gets its job done.

Another practical attack for Dixie, her forward air has her do two kicks: right leg then left. Like the alternate down tilt idea the input yields 2 hits per use, and you can attack repeatedly with it to rack up damage. Enemies are knocked upwards and backwards slightly with each kick--enough to push them back by just a bit but not enough to keep foes from escaping another dose; time it right and you'll get much more than 2 hits from these strikes. The move's quick on its own and not KO-worthy, but with Dixie's airspeed being the best of the Kongs and a unique ability of her own, you can practically chase foes around using this move repeatedly and slowly descend to the ground.

While the attack isn't as spectacular as her Up and Down Air (coming soon) or as strong as her Back Air, it's great for aggressive approaches. She moves faster than DK and Diddy in the air and can stay off the ground longer than they ever could.

Dixie's Forward Air is a go-to move for horizontal momentum, while her Neutral is a quick way to push others back; her Up Air is deliberately meant to rack up damage and disrupt her own falling speed while it's being used, almost to the point of floating in mid air (which she technically can't do, but "gliding's" a different story). Her Back Air is strong and can kill once certain thresholds are crossed, and her Down Air...is perfect for..displacement..

Here we have a hair-assisted whiplash attack. She curves her hair around her then immediately turns 180 degresss, extending her hair in the process to smack foes, much like her forward smash but reversed. She then turns back to her start position. A powerful move, no doubt, but not quite the fastest airborne attack of hers. It takes a split second to get to the part you see above (while most BAirs are practically instantaneous) and the ending lag's roughly the same, so you might wanna use this move preemptively if you're sure it'll hit, and when it does it pays off. Not quite as fast as other BAirs or Dixie's other aerials, but still a reliable speed with good power. It is her strongest aerial move, and if you've ever had the misfortune of being hit by one of Ike's aerials, you'll have a very solid idea of its KO potential.
Also, as it is a tad slower due to startup and ending lag, it would be tougher to use this move as much as others before you land. Dixie doesn't have to worry too much though, because she's got an ability to stay airborne for quite some time. It's an ability...that I'll detail later..

While airborne, Dixie can use her hair for more than maneuvering. She can treat enemies above her to a violent display of her hair's spinning ability, in which her ponytail twists and throttles wildly; it jerks and whips in a dangerous fashion, abandoning the more graceful movements it's known for and embraces a feral nature. The ponytail lashes and contorts relentlessly in a strange circular form that resembles a tornado, and thus she's able to gain multiple hits while enemies are caught in this cyclone.
Dixie makes a sort of free falling pose to pull off the move. Her arms are stretched outward while her head dips so that her feet are the highest point of her body; this allows her ponytail enough room to swivel uncontrollably without smacking herself, and her body is poised to help her with her movement, for the turbulent nature of her Simian Cyclone slows her good air speed. Fortunately this move slows her falling speed considerably, as she is spinning her ponytail afterall.
Great for racking up damage and trapping enemies in a hairy cyclone, not much of a killing move.

Another moveset idea has arrived!
Down Air: Hair Hook

The Third Hero does one acrobatic spin while her hair curves at an angle, acting like a hook-shaped appendage in hopes of catching a foe. Once someone is snagged, they're swung by her hair and tossed above her. Where exactly? Well that depends on where Dixie catches them; If they're caught at the beginning of the attack they'll be flung a good distance away, but if caught near the end they'll barely be thrown. Here's an example:

As you can see, the earlier she catches someone the further away she'll throw them, but the later it happens the easier it'll be for her enemy to retaliate. Say for example she catches Mario near the end of the swing; that means he'll be free to hit her with say, his Meteor Smash after he's tossed and spike her before she can react. He'd basically be right on top of her and ready for payback, so if you use this move, TIMING IS KEY.
If Dixie's lucky, she might be able to use her Up Air right before her foe strikes back..

Although the move doesn't do much damage, the strength of her throw is absolutely no joke--it can become KO-worthy quickly, especially if you're caught at the beginning, and I should mention: the throw trajectories shown are based off a foe being tossed at 0% damage (they won't be at 0% after the throw however), and the attack radius is the length of her ponytail while swinging, not the trajectory lines which means fighters will be thrown from the tip of her hair, not the lines you see branching out. Those are only the level of force you can expect from each point in the swing. One last thing, only one enemy can be snagged per each usage; other enemies will just get smacked by Dixie's hair while it swings the victim, and they'll take more damage from being whacked than the one who's being thrown. I know most of that was shown/written in the drawing but I wanna be 210% clear about this.

The move, along with her Up Tilt and a certain Special is meant to show off her capabilities as a grapple-oriented fighter. In this case she has an aerial throw as an attack at her disposal, and it's perfect for displacing enemies by sending them somewhere they probably didn't wanna go, whether they're grounded or aerial. Incidentally, this works better on grounded foes as they're typically below you, and the swing has a downward arc. You can force opponents into the air with this, or just displace already airborne fighters. Since Dixie does have a lot of air-oriented options to work with you can best believe she's forcing you to fight on her terms.

You guys wouldn't believe how long this drawing took. I could never get it right when it came to the pose and the angle lol. The rough drafts looked like she was on the ground, too stiffly posed or badly proportioned, so I'm glad to finally get to show this one. This was meant to be her Aerial Down B when I first brainstormed it BUT I came up with something else and figured this would be a cool/unique Down Air instead. With this posted, the Aerial attacks are all complete, like the tilts. Dixie's air attacks utilize her hair in some cases and kicks in others while her tilts have her rely strictly on her ponytail. All that's left are the grabs/throws, a Smash, Running Attack (guess what it is) and the dreaded Specials. But I'm not done with the air yet...

Midair Jump: Ponytail Twirl
In Smash, Dixie uses her hair like she does in Tropical Freeze for a second jump. She rises up like in that game but afterwards she can hold it to do a maneuver known as a Descent.

It's activated like Peach's floating, and it behaves differently. Unlike Floating, a Descent is affected by gravity and can be used until you are attacked, break out of it or touch the ground. The above image shows the default trajectory, which is Down, but your fall speed is slowed moderately. If you don't use a directional input the above is how your Descent will be depicted.

You can move left or right too while doing this; if you press lightly opposite of where she's facing Dixie will drift back slowly...

And if you press Forward she'll move like this, letting her airspeed shine as her mobility becomes a clear benefit. If you press opposite of where she's facing on the Analogue (AKA Control) stick with standard or greater force, she'll move this way in that direction, which is faster than the "Slow Drift" version. You can change direction anytime while Descending--going Downward-Diagonal Left or Downward-Diagonal Right--just always keep in mind your growing proximity to the ground.

Now, while Descending, if you air-dodge, press B, touch the ground or get hit, you'll cancel the move. This will even happen if you try to use most attacks as it'll disrupt Dixie's spinning ponytail, and because of that there's only one move that you can use while Descending:

Remember that Forward Air I showed a long while back, and its basic nature? Dixie can use it while Descending! Simply press A or hold the Analogue (Control) Stick in the direction she's facing and she'll do 2 consecutive kicks per input. Combined with the aerial mobility of her Descent and her airspeed, Dixie can use these kicks to chase down opponents while staying airborne, giving her an offensive option while moving through the air. This is the only attack she can perform without stopping her descent; as most of her other aerials have her using her hair and/or spinning she can't reasonably use the Twirl at the same time, making her simple FAir very useful for approaches and the like. Her Descent slows her fallspeed and leaves her aerial mobility in tact, unlike her Up Air which nearly stops her fallspeed temporarily but greatly slows her airspeed too, which is useful in some cases but certainly not all.

Of the Kongs, Dixie has the best airspeed and can stay in the air longer thanks to this, Squawks and her Up Air. In general, she weighs more than Diddy but less than DK, as hair is heavy and Dixie has quite a lot of it. She's also stronger than Diddy and at times rivals DK--those times usually depend on if she's using a hair attack like her Forward Smash--and she's slower than Diddy, who is the fastest Kong. DK's the Powerhouse, Diddy's the Mauler and Dixie's the Grappler.

I didn't know whether to have this as her Down B or her Spring Leap at first but I chose the latter. That said, this would make an interesting Down B with the right tweaks.

Up Special: Squawks

One of the DKC series' most popular Animal Buddies pops in to help Dixie recover. While holding her with his talons, Squawks can fly freely and carry Dixie to safety; each time you press B or the Jump Button, Squawks flaps his wings and goes higher. It works like Kirby's multiple jumps--or more accurately, Squawks controls almost exactly like he did in DKC2, but with some differences.

For starters, Squawks doesn't vomit nuts at threats--making him defenseless, and Dixie's damage percentage affects his mobility. He can't carry you so quickly if you're at or near 0%, meaning he'll tire fast and struggle to stay in the air. As he loses his stamina, he'll begin to fall faster as time passes, no matter how many times he flaps his wings. Eventually, his fluttering will go from allowing you to go higher, to maintaining a certain height, to simply stalling your inevitable return to land. The flaps are infinite, but it's really weighed down by the circumstance. He won't let you go until you touch the ground, or if you--as well as any enemies--make him let you go.

Does that deflate your enthusiasm? Well don't let it bother you too much, because the higher your damage percentage, the longer it takes for Squawks to get exhausted! He'll move a bit faster too--not Lucario levels of speed but not too bad either. A Dixie Kong at 999% damage won't be forced to return to the ground for quite a while, but when you're at THAT damage threshold, does it even matter how long you can stay airborne? Also, in the interests of fair play, this mechanic is nerfed considerably during Sudden Death Matches--we wouldn't want Dixie pulling a Sonic and hiding under the stage forever...

Basically this Special's better when Dixie's hurting, but why? Because the higher your damage percent, the easier it is to launch you, and if it's easier to knock you away then it must be easier to carry you too! This makes your damage a bit beneficial, but I wouldn't play recklessly, because Squawks can get hit...

...Leaving you completely helpless. He'll vanish in a puff of feathers and smoke like most enemies in DKCTF, and you'll fall. Dixie can also get hit while he carries her; Squawks will let her go and fly off the screen, but she'll be able to use "A-Button" Attacks and her Glide-like ability. Specials won't be available until she touches the ground. She can even let go of Squawks by Air-Dodging or pressing the Attack button at any time, in which case she won't be able to use her pseudo-Glide, but since her Up Air nearly stops her in place for a few seconds like Fox's aerial Down B, she might figure something out.

That's the idea for Squawks. Hopefully the concept doesn't make him seem too overpowered. The idea is giving Dixie infinite but heavily regulated jumps, with restrictions that slowly and steadily decrease with more damage taken. It should be very difficult to survive to the point where these jumps keep her in the air for dozens of minutes, so making it to 999% damage should be a near-impossible reward of exhaustion-free flight. It's obvious that attacking the already-defenseless Squawks is priority 1 when Dixie's carried by him, so be careful when using this.

Forward Special: Sound Blast

Dixie takes out her guitar from Tropical Freeze and strikes with a wave of sound! Simply press the input and you'll get a small wave, but smash the input like Samus's Missiles to get a wave like the one above. The closer the opponent is to the guitar itself, the stronger the strike--it's like when you put your ears too close to a microphone, only weaponized in this case.

The result can be deafening, but the wave isn't far-reaching even when pressed with force. It travels almost as far as the starbits from Rosalina's Luma Shot, and those that are hit by the wave are pushed away and may be stunned, depending on how close they were to the instrument. When it comes to damage, it's laughable, but the real power comes from the knockback--which isn't spectacular, but very reliable for pushing people away--as well as the hitstun, which really kicks in for those who get too close. The most potent blast comes from the inner blue circle--those hit by that will be pushed through the entire wave and paralyzed at the same time, about as long as a fully charged shot from Zero Suit Samus. That will no doubt give Dixie time to hit you or catch with her Neutral Special, which is a grab, so be careful. Luckily though, that only applies to those caught in a full blast; if you're only caught in the outer wave of a full blast you'll be stunned for a second and still be pushed back, and if you're hit with a regular blast you'll be moved back without any hitstun.

This move is mainly defensive, meant to teach close-quarter opponents about personal space and allow Dixie to unleash some mean hair attacks. Those at the edge of the wave won't be feeling the strength of this strike, and while the inner circle isn't deadly like Jigglypuff's Down B or Luigi's Up B, it's still a potent force.


That's the concept for the Forward Special. I wanted her to use her guitar but I wasn't sure which one at first. DKC2's is nostalgic but I like DKCTF's more so I used that, and as a musical instrument attack I looked at DK64, Jungle Beat, DK's Final Smash and Barbara's AT for inspiration. I wanted it to be like a depowered version of DK's and focus on one direction as well as be defensive. I also colored it in a way that separates it from the latter 2's sound attacks. This is likely to be the only Special I can show you guys in time however--I might have Squawks ready but I doubt it. I'll still finish what's left but as these threads might get locked after Oct 3rd, I'll probably upload these somewhere else. Hope you guys and gals like the drawing!

Neutral Special: Hair Snare Swing
I've established that Dixie doesn't use her hair for traditional grabs in this moveset, but she does for this Special. It's not a simple "Press B to grab" scenario though, it's a little more involved than that.

Once you press B, Dixie takes a stance. A mode has been activated for her, in which she stands still and ready to react in various ways. The stance is easy to assume and thus has no startup or ending lag; you can't walk around while in this stance, but you can easily get out of it by pressing B or A, jumping, dodging or by getting attacked. You can also shield while you're in the stance, and unlike the other options above, you'll automatically return to this position. Retaliating won't be a problem for you.

Most of the specifics are either written in the pic, mentioned or will be mentioned in a few more sentences, but the move is easy to perform.

So, you know how to cancel this, but what is this used for? This Special is Input-Sensitive on the ground, and the inputs are strictly directional. One thing to note is that if someone comes up opposite from where Dixie's facing, you can press back on the Control Stick for her to reverse her stance at any time. Now, Dixie has 3 real options when in this stance: Forward, Diagonal and Upward. If you press the Control Stick in any of these directions, she'll grab with her ponytail.

Here's the Forward Swing. She extends her hair in hopes of catching a foe. This is the critical moment; it's fast, far-reaching and can grab those right behind her at the start of the swing, but if Dixie misses she'll return to the "Ready Stance" above with negligible ending lag preceding it. There'll be nothing stopping her from trying again, so break her out of that stance ASAP.

If she does catch you with this move...

You'll be grabbed, swung and likely slammed opposite of where she caught you. In this case it'll be behind her initial stance. The strength of the Neutral Forward is the weakest of the 3; a nice trade off for not punishing Dixie for missing her target. The ending lag of all the successful swings are the same. In the Forward's case that means it's worse than when you miss, but only slightly. Here's the layout:

I asked the Sandbag to do a few more demonstrations, but it adamantly refused. Its agent said this was too many throws for one fighter. Oh well, this nonspecific mannequin showed up and didn't mind filling in.

Anyway, those caught are snared and swung in one swift motion, making the attack-throw quite quick. Where Dixie slams her hair into is important, because the force of the impact will hurt whoever stands there. Those who didn't get grabbed should keep that in mind. This move can work on projectiles and items in a limited sense as well; if you use this on a crate or barrel she'll pick it up with her hair like in DKC 2 and knock away smaller items, but she doesn't reflect projectiles, especially not things like Link's arrows or Fox's lasers. At best, she can deflect--not reflect--grabbable projectiles, but it's not a reliable move for that.

We've got the Forward input out the way, now let me escalate the energy with the Diagonal Input:

The Diagonal Swing is meant for catching combatants coming from the air, at an angle. Say for instance, Dixie assumes this stance as someone runs toward her; the opponent anticipates a Forward Swing and so jumps to avoid it, but instead Dixie swings her hair diagonally. Or, an airborne assailant approaches at an angle, allowing an appropriate application of this move. What's likely to happen?

She's sure to swing the Hair Snare into the ground at a diagonal angle, slamming snatched smashers at an angle opposite of the grab. Since this is a grounded throw, the trajectory is a reverse of the swing itself, but what's interesting here is that regardless of whether you catch someone, Dixie will slam her hair like this and won't return to the Ready Stance. She's swinging at an angle and in a way that makes her unable to ignore the impact; missing means she'll have more ending lag than when she succeeds. She'll shrug off a failed swing and take no damage, but if she catches someone she'll rebound quickly to her idle pose, free to do whatever. Here's the layout:

Like the Forward Swing, where her hair hits the ground is important. Non-grabbed victims are at risk of being hit by this, and there's more force and damage in the Diagonal than the Forward swing. The stakes are higher here, so Dixie's throwing more might into this.

Next up is the Up Swing. Have a look:

Pressing Up has Dixie swing her hair to catch those directly above. It's strictly vertical, and like the other 2 swings is performed quickly.

And the launch trajectory is vertical as well. Dixie slams her hair and victim into the ground and bounces them up with sheer might. The raw power behind this is on par with her Forward Smash fully charged, enough to startle heavyweights. IT IS THE STRONGEST OF ALL HER THROWS, and when using this one it is absolutely necessary that this move connects, otherwise Dixie's gonna be in trouble. Have a look at the layout:

As you can see, she'll rebound quickly if she succeeds and send her opponent flying, but if she misses she'll crash into the ground, toppling over as if laid out by a terrible punch. A far cry from a graceful fall--one that leaves a valuable window of opportunity of vulnerability. She doesn't take damage from failing, but the amount of pain a fighter can unleash makes that a cold comfort. She's putting everything she's got into this swing, and this move is one she wants--no NEEDS to succeed. Good luck with it.

The Up Swing is high-risk, high-reward. Of her 3 Up throws, this one is the only with vertical trajectory. Her traditional throw is diagonally oriented while her Cargo Up has her throw at a highly curved arc.

On the ground, her Neutral Special is tactical, simple but strategic and meant to accommodate a shifting situation. It can be used in the air too, but it's much simpler off the ground.

She does one spin, tossing whoever she touches in front of her an alright distance away, regardless if they were in front already. It is quick, not spectacular and the antithesis of the ground version. Simplicity in the air, versatile on the ground. This is her 2nd aerial grab, but her Down Air is better.

Her Neutral Special, Down Air and Forward Throw all highlight her possibilities as a Grapple-oriented fighter--allowing Dixie to have 12 throws in her moveset--9 added to her 3 regular throws. Those standing directly behind her when she performs either swing will get swept into the entire sequence, and if you're swung with more force based on where you get caught in the swing. Here's one last illustration:

Down Special: Spring Leap
Ever wanted to get high into the air without needing to use Squawks first, and still be able to use your unique midair jump or Squawks afterwards? Well when on the ground, Dixie's Down B allows this to happen! Simply press the input and…

Guh-THOOONG! Dixie uses her ponytail to launch herself at an upwards-diagonal angle, allowing her to jolt higher than her regular jump; once she reaches the highest point of her Spring Leap the move ends officially. From here she's free to do whatever, like attack, use specials or her Ponytail Twirl. The move is mainly meant to give Dixie altitude quickly, catapulting herself to heights that can be increased with her midair jump and Squawks even further.

While airborne or during the move's trajectory, she can do a somersault in which her hair smacks foes. It's like ZSS's kick for obvious reasons and can spike if sweetspotted, but it's more difficult to pull this off than Donkey Kong's (not Diddy) Forward Air, which it is also inspired by. She's spinning like DK does and thus you gotta time it right to get a powerful Meteor Smash out of it. Also, the Spring Leap only launches Dixie if she's on the ground; you'll get this attack if you decide to do it in midair. You'll be able to use Specials after performing this move, but only if you use her aerial Down B. If you Press Down B while on the ground and then attack while going through the trajectory, you won't be able to use Specials, leaving you semi-helpless like Diddy, similar to how he is after kicking while Monkey Flipping. Here's the layout:

She rolls forward, allows her hair to push against the ground and shoots up into the air. The aerial version simply lets her swing her hair at an angle that while it's tricky to catch someone with, it can be a strong attack.

It's like a hybrid of Zero Suit Samus's Down B and Diddy Kong's Side B, with its own differences of course. While ZS Samus's trajectory travels strictly on an arc and Diddy's is very horizontal, Dixie's is diagonal. It's similar not only because of being a maneuver with options, but also because if you press the attack button while in the trajectory you'll activate a hidden move. That said, I tried to make it distinct from Diddy and Samus, so I included a small diagram to reinforce that:

Dixie's skilled in the air, and this is a good way to get her in her element without a hassle.

Pummel and Throws:

While holding her victim, Dixie spins her hair and smacks them twice with it. Each input yields 2 quick strikes that do 1-2% of damage per hit, so in the best case scenario you'll get 4% damage for one input or 2% for the worst case. This pummel has 1.7 seconds worth of ending lag however, meaning that while the strikes are quick and have fluctuating percentages, the move itself is hard to abuse and unreliable for racking up damage. But hey, it IS a pummel after all and not meant to do as much damage as her throws.

That's one idea for a pummel; hope y'all like, but if you're not too crazy about the idea I have another:

Alternate Grab Pummel

Here Dixie takes a more traditional approach, in which she knees her foe whilst they remain in her grasp. There's far less ending lag in this one--about 0.9 seconds in this case, and she usually gives 0-3% damage per each singular strike. The chances for each percentage is random.

Since she's using her knees here I drew her with kneepads, but like my signature it's kinda hard to spot in this one. The 1st pummel is my favorite of the 2 but I can't deny the 2nd was sketched better. You guys are free to pick whichever you like more though (if you like either to begin with XD); I'm all about choices ATM.

Now onto a throw!

Forward Throw:
So, y'all may have noticed that in my moveset, Dixie grabs with her hands, not her hair. Weird right? That doesn't make sense; why have her do that?? Using her hands over hair seems like a missed oppurtunity--one that's too iconic for her to pass up, right? Well it would be, if her Neutral Special didn't have it covered, and that's a topic I'm saving for later. For now, let me show you what happens when you throw enemies forward.

When Dixie throws someone forward, you get her:

Cargo Grab:

After pressing forward while holding a foe, Dixie tosses and rolls them onto her ponytail and wraps it around them tightly. Man, Sandbag's in for it now...

With her victim snugly squeezed, the blonde kong is able to walk around with them, like DK but with her own differences. For one, she walks on all fours so she doesn't sacrifice speed, but her jump height depends on the weight of her victim. She's a middleweight, so characters lighter than her barely affect her jumps, but those with more weight than her do. Heavy fighters put a noticeable dent in this, and Super Heavyweights like Bowser and DK ensure she barely leaves the ground at all, reducing her to short-hop heights at best. She can't even jump if carrying a Metal Bowser. Her speed remains unaffected though, and her Cargo Carry's faster than DK's equivalent.

So, we know what happens when Dixie uses her Cargo Grab, but what about her Cargo Throws? Let's start with her Forward:

Cargo Forward: Cruel Catapult

As the name implies, Dixie effortlessly shifts her body forward and catapults her victim. The strength behind it is reliable, but not a guaranteed killer.
Cargo Down: Hair-Hamma Slamma

Dixie slams her foe down HARD. They bounce up with intensity, as this move is actually stronger than her regular Down Throw. There's no fire involved, I just got carried away with the ink.

Something about the name of the throw reminds me of that DKC cartoon...

Cargo Back: The Bucking Back Kick

Dixie rolls her foes of the tip of her hair and nails them with a mean back kick, like a wily horse unseating its rider. It's only a tad stronger than her standard back throw, but it has less knockback.
Cargo Up: Hair Hurl

Lastly, Dixie uses her hair to swing victims upward at a curved arc. It's far less powerful than her normal up throw, and the trajectory is less vertical than its counterpart too.

The Throws are finished and Sandbag can finally rest. I wanna extend a huge congrats to it for putting up with not 4 but 7 demonstrations as well as one massive thank you! Oddly enough, Dixie has a total of 12 throws in my moveset--more than any fighter ever. She has the potential to be a grapple-oriented fighter, the likes of which Smash has never seen, and it's all thanks to that huge arm growing out the back of her head. I've shown 8 (all these plus her Down Air) of her throws, the last 4 will be shown later, and each of them are very Special. Thankfully Sandbag won't be demonstrating, and what's even better, is that the next entry won't be as humongous as this. Hope y'all enjoyed this set, and keep the Dixie hype alive!

After holding onto an enemy, Dixie casually tosses them behind her in a small arc. There's not much force behind it honestly and it seems weak...until she swiftly follows up with a flip kick and launches them like a beach ball! The throw turns out to be more powerful than it seemed at first, as the kick gives the extra oomph needed to be a dangerous move. Foes are launched a good distance and while it's not insanely powerful, the right percentages will grant a satisfying KO.

And here's the layout. From Point 1 to Point 2 Dixie casually tosses the foe, doing 2-5% damage. She uses her hair as a balancing agent and flips back immediately, kicking the victim as you can see at P3. Here, the main portion of the attack's power is given, inflicting percentages that are higher than P2's initial toss and launching the enemy. Dixie continues the momentum she created to swing to P4 where her part in the throw ends and she gets ready to return to her neutral position.

The idea is a 2-hit throw in which Dixie flipkicks with the grace of a gymnastic fighter in a swift arc. Slightly elaborate but fast to perform. Good knockback, and KO worthy at the right thresholds. I hope y'all like, and I'd like to give a special thanks to the Sandbag. Most people wouldn't make a guest appearance in moveset ideas just to get wailed on, so mad props to it! Unfortunately for it, we have more..."demonstrations" coming... :grin:

Up Throw: Bubblegum Blast

Dixie whips out her Bubblegum Popgun, modified by Funky for Smash, to blast foes away. Instead of firing a gumball, Dixie's gun inflates a wad of gum until it's ready to pop, and it's helped along by her victim. The gum's explosion is strong, and sounds a lot like when you lose a life in the original DKC. The sound of those balloons popping back in the day was painful for a kid y'know...but MUCH more for whoever's receiving this.

Dixie starts the move by crouching and pulling her foe's face with her, as you can see at Point 2. If you look closely you'll see a wicked grin on her face; perhaps she knows what kind of pain her victim will receive? Anyway, at Point 3 Dixie springs up and tosses her enemy above with standard force. She keeps her hands up, and while transitioning to Point 4 her gun appears in a puff of smoke, like most hammerspace items in the original trilogy. At P4 the gun's out and she charges it while the gum inflates; at the same time, the foe's falling down with no choice but to land on the sphere of gum. Once they make contact, the pressurized gum combined with the weight of the victim and the speed of their fall result in the explosion, blasting them away as you can see at Point 5.

The knockback behind the blast makes her Up Throw the strongest of her traditional throws, and it works slightly better on heavier characters. They make the pop stronger, but since they fall faster to begin with the transition from P4 to P5 will be quicker, compared to lighter characters who don't impact the gum bubble as strongly as heavyweights. Also, this is the only time she uses the gun in my moveset--a shame too, since this could make a good Alternate Up Smash. Ah well, maybe it'll inspire someone else to imagine some uses for it in their moveset.

With her Up, Down and Back throws out the way, looks like the Sandbag has to endure one more demonstration before it can finally call it quits. That is, unless Dixie's Forward Throw works a lot like DK's...

As she clenches her opponent tightly, Dixie uses her hair as a balancing agent then leaps into the air with her victim and crashes into the ground--all while using her foe to cushion her own landing! I've combined elements of her Up Smash and Down Special to create this throw; it's not too fancy but it feels pretty sweet to do this to someone.

And here's the layout. The Sandbag has graciously agreed to be part of the demonstration--I'm so glad it's fine with being the throw victim for any hypothetical moves! So nice of it! Anyway, as you can see Dixie rolls back, launches, crashes down with the foe then happily jumps off them. They're unwillingly taken for a ride like how Kirby and Metaknight treat their opponents, but Dixie's trajectory isn't nearly as high as theirs. Also, I wasn't sure if the victim should be bounced opposite of Dixie as she jumps off or even if she'll jump forward or backward after, so I'll leave that to the imagination.

I came up with special moves for Dixie & Kiddy... I made some gifs to illustrate how the character dances in my mind.

B: Kong Slap

Let's pretend that Donkey is Kiddy and Dixie is on Kiddy's back in this gif. When the player holds down the B button, Kiddy starts slapping the ground much like Donkey Kong's Down+B move.

But when Kirby inhales Dixie & Kiddy, he wears Dixie's hat and hair... and when Kirby uses this move, he slaps the ground with the hair much like what Dixie does in this gif.

Side+B: Kong Roll

Let's pretend that Donkey is Kiddy in this gif. When the player uses this move, Kiddy starts rolling along the stage and Dixie balances herself on top of Kiddy. The player cannot use this move the same way one would with Yoshi's Egg Roll move because the duo can only go forward, not back and forth willy-nilly. Pushing the control stick in the opposite direction will only make them stop rolling.

Let's pretend that Dixie is balancing atop the rolling Kiddy in this gif. Anyway, the player can make the duo skip while rolling like this by pressing the B button. This could be useful for attacking opponents who might try to jump over them.

Up+B: Kong Toss

Kiddy throws Dixie upward. Don't worry about Kiddy... just make sure Dixie recovers! When Dixie successfully recovers back to the stage, Kiddy will automatically float up toward Dixie.

I repeat, don't worry about Kiddy. Yes, it is visually similar to Ice Climbers' Up+B move but it functions more like Bowser Jr.'s Up+B move. So what if Kiddy falls off-screen... Dixie will just break a DK Barrel that appears out of thin air the moment Kiddy falls off-screen and she is back on Kiddy's back.

This way, Dixie & Kiddy are always together like Duck Hunt or Bowser Jr. and his Koopa Clown Car and not easily separated like Ice Climbers. No need for AI for Kiddy like Nana.

Down+B: Kong Pound
Dixie and Kiddy switch places. Dixie throws Kiddy up in the air. Kiddy lands on the ground hard to cause small earthquakes and bury enemies (if Kiddy lands on them).

Don't worry if Dixie throws Kiddy off the stage. A DK Barrel will appear in front of Dixie and it will immediately break... and Dixie is suddenly on Kiddy's back again. Well, why not? The Koopa Clown Car appears from thin air when Bowser Jr. ejects himself from it and lands on the stage.

Double Jump (press the jump button again while jumping)

Again, let's pretend that Donkey is Kiddy in this gif. Dixie carries Kiddy as she propels her hair.

Float (hold down the jump button while jumping)

It functions like Peach's floating jump except it descents slowly. Use this as a horizontal recovery... but if the duo are still below the stage after floating, quickly use Up+B to have Kiddy throw Dixie.

Entrance: Dixie and Kiddy burst out of a DK Barrel.


Neutral A: Dixie punches once, then again, then Kiddy takes a swing.

Holding B while in the air: Dixie twirls her hair while Kiddy hangs on, and their descent is slowed.

Dash Attack: Kiddy rolls forawrd while Dixe, balacing on top of him, twirls her hair.

Idle Animation: Dixie drinks some Juice, while Kiddy pulls on a loose thread on his onesie.


Nair: Kiddy punches forward.

Uair: Dixie kicks upward.

Dair: Kiddy punches with both fists in a downward arc.

Fair: Dixie whips her hair.


S Tilt: Dixie swings with her Baseball bat from the Mario Baseball games.

D Tilt: Kiddy does a headbut.

U tilt: Kiddy holds up Dixie, who kicks in both directions.

Smash Attacks

Side Smash: Kiddy throws a TNT Barrel forward, which explodes when making contact.

Down Smash: Kiddy throws a Steel Keg, which keeps rolling until falling off an edge.

Up Smash: Dixie throws a Cannon Ball upwards.

Grab Attacks

Grab Attack: Dixie smacks em' with her hair.

Forward Throw: Kiddy chucks the opponent like a Barrel.

Up Throw: Dixie, using her hair, chucks the opponent upwards.

Down Throw: Kiddy throws the oppoent downwards.

Back Throw: Dixie uses her hair to throws the opponent behind them.


Neutral B: Kong Roll-Kiddy starts rolling forwards with Dixie balancing on his back. Pressing A in this
state will make hip skip. Pressing B again stops the roll.

Side B: Kong Throw-Kiddy throws Dixie forawrd, after she stps, he defies all physics and laws and goes
straight to her. Can be directed sideways, upwards, downwards, or diagnoally.

Down B: Kiddy Toss-Dixie picks up Kiddy with her hair and chucks him in an arc. This can not be directed.
Upon landing, Kiddy creates a small shockwave before going back to Dixie.

Up B: Squawks the Parrot-Sqwuaks appears and Dixie grabs on to him, while Kiddy grabs her. They fly
upwards for a second or two, before the Kongs jump off and Squwaks dissappears.

Final Smash: The Mother Bannana Bird- A swarm of Banana Birds come and attack the opponentes, before
the Mother Banana Bird drops a giant egg on the stage.

Side Taunt: Dixie blows some Bubblegum, which then pops, spooking Kiddy.

Down Taunt: Kiddy holds Dixie up with one arm and smiles, while Dixie kicks her feet in anger.

Up Taunt: Kiddy hops up and down while Dixie giggles.

Victory Animation 1: Dixie rocks out on her guitar while Kiddy bounces up and down happily.

Victory Animation 2: A Bannana bird flys around the duo, who watch it n awe.

Victory Animation 3: Kiddy juggles sevrial barrels while Dixie watches in amazement.

Lose Animation: Basically the same thing they do when they lose a life in DKC3.

Dixie Kong

Innate ability: Like Peach the jump button can be held. If this happens, Dixie will descend slower while twirling her hair and gain the ability to move back and forth.


Up B Squawks: Appears above in a burst of feathers and grabs Dixie's pony tail. There is a small vertical jolt when the parrot seizes her hair. Squawks can then navigate freely. A press of A will have him shoot out a nut from his mouth. Eventually he will let go and fly away or a press of the jump button will have Dixie freefall away from his talons.

Down B Bubble Gum (inspired by Shorties Dixie Kong moveset): Holding Down B will cause Dixie to blow a pink bubble which swells and slowly raises Dixie Kong off the ground. A release of Down B will cause the bubble gum to fly off in a descending arc. Anyone hit with it will pop up as it explodes, but if it collides with a wall or floor the gum will become a sticky puddle. An enemy that collides with it will become temporarily stuck.

The puddle eventually disappears over time or if Dixie uses another bubble.

Toward B Barrel roll: Dixie flips upside down and during the rotation grabs a DK barrel out of hammer space and runs in place on top of it. The longer she goes in one direction, the faster the barrel rolls.

Can change direction if the barrel is not going too fast, otherwise she can tumble off. The barrel will smash if it collides with a wall or character. Dixie can jump off. Though it is slower to execute if the barrel is going fast. A clever Dixie can slow down the speed of the barrel by slowly going one way then another, then jumping off. The barrel will be stationary and become an item she can pick up.

In the air, Dixie gains a bit of a pop as she takes the barrel out and runs on top of it. But she cannot jump off until she hits the ground. Barrel can bounce.

B Hair Grab: Dixie swings her hair hair back and then forward when it becomes a grab. When the tip connects with the foe, the hair wraps around the enemy.

Aerial: Constricts immediately and pops the enemy upwards.

Ground: Wraps around enemy and then unwinds sending the enemy forward as he or she twirls really fast. The enemy gains control of the movement as momentum wanes down. The higher the percentage, the faster and longer the spin. The enemy cannot jump or perform moves.


A: Pivots her hips forward to deliver a butt attack. Good bounce.

Tilt A: Supports her body with a one hand, as she kicks forward with both feet and then slinks back into a stand position

Crouch: Low on all fours with her head tilted and her long pony tail laying on the floor trailing parallel to her body.

Down A: Swishes her pony tail forward low on the floor. The tip pushes away, the middle pops the enemy, and the base can trip if hit just right

Up A: Supports her body with a curved pony tail, leans back, and performs a back flip with one leg extra extended. Big hitbox, but comes with lag.

Dash A: Performs a grounded helicopter pony tail attack.

Up Smash: Looks at screen and head bangs once shooting her pony tail straight up. Knocks opponents away and the tip can grab them, pulling them back to the stage to bounce off the floor.

Down Smash (inspired by BirthNote's drawing): Jolts her neck to the side and slaps her ponytail hard against the floor behind her, then jolts her neck to the other side slapping the floor once more with her ponytail. Good clear move and could KO at higher percentages

Forward Smash: Spins her hair behind her like a giant blond fan propelling her toward the enemy as she swings an accelerated punch. Goes far with decent power.

Aerial Attacks

Forward Aerial: Leans back and does a succession of bicycle kicks (five total kicks, last hits the hardest)

Down Aerial: Looks at screen and slaps downward with both open palms, which leads into a somersault and another double open palm slap

Up Aerial: Flips upside down, holds her beret with both hands, scrunches like a spring and kicks straight up

Back Aerial: Locks hands together forming a hammerfist and flips backwards smashing her interlocked hands on the opponent's head. Hits down and away. Reverse DK forward aerial. But less powerful.

Neutral Aerial: Split in the air


Grab: Grabs with hands. Open grab she jumps on opponent's head and wraps her hair around their body.

Jab: Pounds a fist on their head

Forward throw: Starts wildly slapping their head. Can control the opponent's movement at this point by moving them forward or backwards. At the end, Dixie is shrugged off into the air by opponent.

Down Throw: Dixie leaps into the air, her hair (still wrapped around the enemy) pulls her body back down, crashing onto the opponent's head sending them into the floor

Back Throw: Jumps off in front of opponent and hoists them above her head (like how she holds a barrel) and then tosses them. KO potential.

Up Throw: Flips off opponent and hoists them straight upwards with her ponytail before releasing.

Dixie Kong Moveset

Dixie Kong is a more defensive oriented grappler. She cannot run as fast as DK or Diddy or jump as high as the boys, but she has two projectiles, long-ranged hair attacks, and other means of approaching rather than a full on sprint. Her neutral (A) gives her a boost of air speed as she twirls her hair, able-ling her to navigate the skies. Her Up B doubles as a grab.

Ground Attacks
(A) Butt Bounce - Pivots her hips forward to deliver a hit with her butt. Keeps opponents away with good knockback.

Dash (A) Pony Twirl – Just like in Donkey Kong 2, she propels herself forward while spinning her hair.

Tilt (A) Launch Kick - Supports her body with a one hand, as she kicks forward with both feet and then slinks back into a standing position.

Crouch: Dixie lowers herself on all fours with her head tilted and her long ponytail laying on the floor trailing behind her body. She can crawl.

Down (A) Ponytail Sweep - Swishes her pony tail forward low on the floor. The tip pushes away, the middle pops the enemy, and the base can trip if hit just right.

Up (A) Pony Flip - Supports her body by curving her ponytail into a flexible ‘S’, and performs a flip up and over her hair with one leg extra extended. A big hit box that connects all around her.

Up Smash Spring Kick - Looks at screen and propels herself upwards with her ponytail, coiled like a spring. She performs an upside down kick with both her legs at the apex and then returns to the floor.

Down Smash Pony Slap -Jolts her neck to the side and slaps her ponytail hard against the floor behind her, then jolts her neck to the other side slapping the floor once more with her ponytail. Good clear move and could KO at higher percentages

Forward Smash Batters Up - Spins and swings her ponytail forwards like a bat. The knockback is stronger at the base.

Aerial Attacks
Forward Aerial: Leans back and does a succession of bicycle kicks (five total kicks, last hits the hardest)

Down Aerial: Looks at screen and slaps downward with both open palms, which leads into a somersault and another double open palm slap.

Up Aerial: Throws her hair out in a quick fan-like motion above her. The strongest part is the middle of the animation when the ponytail is directly above her. Good range.

Back Aerial: Locks hands together forming a hammerfist and flips backwards smashing her interlocked hands on the opponent's head. Hits down and away.

Neutral Aerial: A quick revolving spin that hits with her hair. Gives her extra air speed during the attack to move left or right. This allows her to replicate her slow descent ability in the DK games.

Special Attacks
(B) Gumball Popgun – Press of (B) shoots a high bouncing gumball that has low stun and low damage. Holding B will cause the gumball to bounce higher and have higher stun.

If the max charge is reach, Dixie unloads a mass of gumballs in front of her on the floor in a puddle. If anyone walks or runs over the gumballs, they will trip and scatter the gumballs off the screen.

Toward (B) Hair-propulsion – Dixie Kong’s hair whirls behind her like a fan, propelling her forwards the distance of Fox’s illusion and leaving a jet stream behind her that could push back.

A press of any button, will have Dixie Kong perform a punch and end the animation. The punch is strongest when used at the last moment and weakest when used right away. Dixie goes into free fall afterwards.

Down (B) Barrel Roll – A barrel puffs into existence below Dixie. She runs in place on top of the barrel as it shoots forward. Dixie can jump off the barrel, however the barrel does more damage to the opponent if Dixie is on top.

If used in air, the Dixie will descend downwards at a 45 degree angle while running on top of her barrel. The barrel will either:

1) Bounce once and then roll on the floor if the move is used if Dixie has not used any jumps.

2) Bounce once and then crash onto the floor causing splash damage if Dixie has used one jump.

3) Crash onto the floor with greater knockback to an enemy if Dixie has used two jumps.

Up (B) Hair-copter – Dixie does a powerful twirl and then shoots up with her hair spinning like a helicopter blade. She rises, with her hair performing multiple hits before she free falls.

However, the initial twirl is a grab. If an opponent is hit, the end of her ponytail wraps around them and her spin attacks hit harder against other enemies as she rises. At her peak ascent she throws the opponent horizontally behind her.

Dixie reaches out with her hands.

(A) Head bang – Performs an ongoing head bang as if in a metal concert, smashing her head into her opponent.

Forward Throw – Her forward throw is similar to DK’s cargo throw. She picks her enemy up off the ground and above her head just like she holds barrels in the DK games. She then could walk and jump and throw her opponent is any cardinal direction.

Back Throw – Turns around and tosses the enemy away with both hands. A weak toss.

Down Throw – Grabs her enemy’s legs with her hair and smashes them behind her on the floor and then in front of her, which pops them up. Does very good damage.

Up Throw – Grabs her enemy’s legs with her hair and tosses them high above her head.

(ranked between S-F, S being the best & F being terrible)

Overall Strength: D

Size: B

Weight: E

Dash Speed: B

Traction: C

Basic Attack Speed: C

Basic Attack Range: B

Jumps: B

Aerial Mobility: D

Overall Recovery: B

Grab Range: B

Note: She can crawl, wall jump, & wall cling

Pros & Cons

+ She has great ground game

+ Her ponytail is great for recovering & attacking

+ She has strong throws

- She is among the lightest characters

- Her aerial game lacking due to her poor air mobility & weak aerial attacks

Notable Animations


Pops out of a DK Barrel

Fighting Stance

She chews gum & blows a bubble (DKC2 & 3)

She will occasionally pop that bubble (DKC3 tag-in)

She will occasionally do a quick back-flip

Taunt 1

Diddy tag-in; the animation is the same as DKC2

Taunt 2

Faces the screen & waves her arms cheerfully (Donkey Kong Barrel Blast)

Taunt 3

Takes out her guitar & jams on it (DKC2)

Taunt 4

Does two fast back-flips & faces the screen

Victory Pose 1

Dixie plays her guitar & Diddy raps with a stereo on his shoulder; both play in tune with the victory music (DKC2)

Victory Pose 2

Diddy throws Dixie in the air & spins around putting his hands in the air; Dixie then lands on Diddy's hands & she claps for the rest of the animation

Victory Pose 3

The team do a hand slap/shake combo then they both pose in a celebrated fashion facing the screen

Special Victory

On rare occasions, Victory Pose 2 will go wrong & Dixie won't fall back down; Diddy Kong will take off his hat, look upwards, puzzled, & he scratches his head for the rest of the animation

Loser Pose

Her loser pose could be her crying (Like in DKC2 & 3)

100% Tired Fighting Stance

She is sleepy & nodding off, waking up occasionally

Stamina Mode Fainting Animation

Runs off the screen like in DKC games


Neutral Special: Feather Crossbow

Tiny Kong's weapon in DK64. Dixie can shoot feathers quickly but it is rather weak. You can compare this attack to Fox's gun. Her attack isn't as fast as Fox's & it causes opponents to flinch. Rapidly pressing B in a sequence, without pausing, allows Dixie Kong to continually shoot feathers. Each feather hit is less than 1% damage. She will have to take a break after shooting about 10 feathers & recharge for about 5-7 seconds.

Side Special: Monkey Toss

Diddy Kong will quickly jump onto Dixie Kong's shoulders. During this phase Dixie Kong can walk around & hop at a short height. Shielding will will cause Diddy to jump off Dixie's shoulders & continue like he was in the background. When you press the A button, Dixie Kong will throw Diddy Kong & he will preform a kick. When you press the B button, Diddy Kong will jump & latch onto the opponent. You will then be able to attack the restrained foe with Dixie Kong. If you press the B button while Diddy is latched onto the foe, he will hand-slap when he is on the ground or jump off the foe if in the air. The more damage the foe has, the less time Diddy Kong is latched onto them; the foe can try to free themselves by quickly pressing buttons. The damage & knock-back is also the same as Brawl's, the kick is 10% with very low knock-back, the hand attack is 15% with low knock-back, & the jump off attack is 10% with medium downward knock-back. Be careful when throwing Diddy Kong off the stage, he can be lost; & he will only come back when you lose a stock. If the toss misses the enemy, Diddy Kong will go into an animation like the one in DKC2 where he is laying on the ground confused, he can be recovered when you walk past him.

Side Special: Wild Move (if not teamed with Diddy Kong)

This attack's weapon is featured in Donkey Kong Barrel Blast. Dixie Kong launches forward with her rocket bongos in a fiery blast. The distance is about a little less than half the size of Final Destination. Being hit by this attack will cause you to receive fire damage & be quickly knock-backed at an upwards angle. If Dixie Kong is hit during this attack her bongos will explode causing damage to her & those around her. The priority of this attack is impressive, only strong attacks such as Falcon Punches, fire-based attacks, & some Smash Attacks will interrupt the attack; but in doing so will cause the explosion. When the attack is used in the air it will move at a downward angle & end in a helpless falling state. The attack damage is between 12-15% with low to medium knock-back. The explosion is between 20-25% with very high knock-back. Dixie Kong takes 12% damage & low knock-back.

Up Special: Ponytail Twirl

Special originated from DKC2. Dixie Kong spins her ponytail around like a helicopter enabling her to fly. Dixie Kong has great movement in the air during this special. You can control her movement with the control stick by tilting it in any direction. When you tilt it to the side or down, Dixie Kong will correspond quickly. If you tilt it upwards, she will slow down some & consume more of the time duration. Opponents can be damaged by the top & sides of her hair spin receiving about 3% with each hit with minimal knock-back. The special can be canceled by another attack or by shielding. It will not be usable again until she hits the ground. Dixie Kong is also vulnerable to gimps while she is flying. If she is hit, Dixie will stop spinning he hair & start to fall, after a short time she can attempt to use her recovery again. Near the end of the special, Dixie Kong will become tired & eventually fall into a helpless animation. The duration is about 7 seconds. When used on the ground, the special will act like an uncharged spin-attack & hit enemies multiple times for up to 4 hits.

Down Special: Cannon Shot

Special originates from Mario Hoops 3-on-3. A barrel cannon appears behind Dixie & she back-flips onto it. Shielding will cause Dixie to cancel the attack & jump off the barrel. Pressing the B or A button causes Dixie to shoot fruit in a red explosion followed by a burst of confetti out of the barrel. She can shoot up to 3 shots at a time before jumping off the barrel. She can only angle the cannon directly in front, at an upwards angle, or at a downwards angle. She can randomly fire 3 fruits: bananas (4% damage), pineapples (8% damage), & watermelons (12% damage). Bananas have minimal knock-back, pineapples have low to medium knock-back & watermelons have high knock-back & can cause a spike. Bananas that hit an obstacle will leave a peel behind. The duration of this attack can last anywhere between 3-10 seconds based on how long it will take for shots to be fired. When Dixie Kong uses this special in the air, she quickly summons the barrel & shoots once directly below.



A quick slap with one hand; causes a flinch & 2% damage

A (Hold)

Continues slapping until she hits something


Slaps with the other hand; causes a flinch & 2% damage


Quickly spins around & hits with her hair; very low knock-back & 5% damage


Spins forward with her hair. Up to 3 hits for a total of 11% damage & low vertical knock-back (DKC2 & 3)

Side Tilt

Places both hands on the ground & swings her legs forward. A strong tilt, but somewhat slow. Getting hit by Dixie's body or legs will do 10% & low knock-back & being hit by her feet will do 14% & medium to high knock-back

Up Tilt

A decently fast head-butt. Doing 8% & low knock-back

Down Tilt

Spins around & kicks with her foot doing 4% damage & causes a flinch; this attack has a chance of a trip


Side Smash

Dixie slams her guitar it in front of her like a mallet. A strong but slow smash. Charged 27% with high vertical knock-back & uncharged18% with medium vertical knock-back

Up Smash

Jumps up & does a fast back flip, hitting with her foot. Charged 20% with medium to high knock-back & uncharged15% with low knock-back

Down Smash

Spins around really fast with her hair stretched out hitting multiple times. Charged 18% with medium knock-back & uncharged14% with low knock-back



Spins around, hitting with her ponytail. Has low knock-back & damage is 7%


Quickly slaps with one hand. A weak attack doing 4% damage & minimal knock-back


Does a backflip followed by a kick with her foot. Does 10% damage & medium downward knock-back


Does a headbutt followed by a hit with her ponytail for a two-hit attack. Knock-back is low & the damage is 8% total


Does a “ballerina” type spin with her legs crossed, similar to the number 4, hitting multiple times with her foot. Knock-back is very low & damage ranges from 8-10%


Dixie grabs the opponent with her ponytail & quickly throws them at the angle of the control stick. Damage is 12% & knock-back is low to medium



Grabs with her hair & holds them in front of her. The grab lag isn't that bad even though it is a long-ranged grab.


Rapidly slaps at opponent with both hands doing about 1% damage with each hit.

Forward Throw

Throws opponent forward like animation in DKC2. She throws the opponent in a straight path with her ponytail, doing about 13% with medium to high knock-back.

Back Throw

Spins around once then flings the opponent backward doing 5% damage upon throw then causes them to hit & bounce off the ground doing 6% damage. Thisthrow has a set low knock-back.

Up Throw

Jumps up & throws opponent above. Not her best throw doing only 9% & low knock-back.

Down Throw

Jumps up & slams opponent on the ground causing them to bounce up doing 11% & medium knock-back.

Final Smash: Barrel Blast

A spinning barrel appears & Dixie jumps in it. Aim carefully at an opponent & press a button to quickly blast bananas. Occasionally bananas cause foes to trip. The second to last bullet will be Kiddy Kong. After a hit or miss, he waves & goes off screen. Then aim again & blast Dixie at your foe. The final smash ends afterward. Dixie & Kiddy Kong take a little longer to shoot than bananas. The duration is about 10 seconds. Bananas do 4% damage with minimal knock-back & Kiddy & Dixie Kong do about 30% damage with very high knock-back.

^B Hair-copter: On the ground it works similar to Ice Climber’s spin attack, only lasts a little longer, and moves quicker. It is however, slightly weaker as well. In air the move is a useful gliding tool.

B Chewing Gum: Hold down B, and Dixie will begin to blow a bubble. The longer you hold it, the bigger the bubble gets, but if you hold it too long it will EXPLODE in your face and cause you damage. When you release it it slowly floats across the stage, acting as a moving bomb, one touch and BOOM! You can use it’s slow moving properties to your advantage and aim to knock your opponent into it, if you’re cool.

B> Hair Grab: Dixie whips her Ponytail forward for an extra long reaching grab. If the opponent is too close to you however, it will simply act as a normal attack, and just hit them. So it can be used as a hair slap, or a hair grab. YOU DECIDE!

VB Barrel throw: Dixie puts her long blonde ponytail to work, and throws a barrel forward. Depending on how long you charge B, you could get a wooden barrel (Just rolls normally) a metal barrel (Bounces, but moves slower), or a TNT Barrel (Explodes when it comes in contact with something/someone, but moves the slowest)

Neutral B - Vine Lasso is Dixie's Neutral B special move. Dixie pulls out a vine lasso and starts twirling it above her head. Simply pressing B will cause Dixie to chuck the lasso a short distance. However, holding down B and charging it will cause Dixie to throw the lasso farther. If it hits the opponent, they will become stuck in the lasso and stunned for 6 seconds, no matter how much it is charged. In the air, the stun will last 5 seconds. Moving the the control stick and pressing the attack button may quicken the time. Dixie can also use this to latch onto the side of the stage. The lasso itself does no damage but it can be set up for combos. When Kirby copies this ability, he cannot tether onto the side of the stage.

Side B - Spinning Hair Top is Dixie's Side B special move. Dixie rushes forward while spinning in a circle for 3 rotations. Her ponytail is spread out hitting the opponent each rotation. The attack does 5% damage per hit for a total of 15% damage. It also be used as a recovery move since Dixie moves forward in the air. However, it is slower in the air and doesn't gain that much distance but it still a decent recovery move. She can't double jump out of it but she can wall jump if she gets near a ledge.

Up B - Hair a'Copter is Dixie's Up B recovery special move. Dixie jumps high in the air much like Peach's Recovery move in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. However, she begins spinning in the air and slowly falls to the stage while spinning. Each rotation does 1% damage and she does between 6-10 rotations. This is one of the of the best recovery moves in SSB4 because of it's long range and combo ability. She goes into a helpless state if hit from the air during this unless she gets near to a wall in which she can wall jump out of it.
Down B - Orange Grenade is Dixie's Down B special move. Dixie takes out a orange grenade and tosses it across the stage. Holding down B will change how far the orange grenade is thrown. If it will explode if it hits something on impact. The grenade lasts for 4 seconds after thrown and will explode. Holding down B doesn't change how big or damaging the explosion is. While in the air, Dixie slightly jumps up in the air while chucking the grenade downwards. This gives her a slightly higher boost. She can then do a double jump or a recovery move. The boost in the air is very small but can help her grab onto a ledge.

Final Smash - Cannon Shot is Dixie's Final Smash. A cannon barrel falls to the ground and onto Dixie Kong. It then takes aim, charges dramatically, and then fires Dixie Kong into opponents. It does 73% damage with high knock back but, the only problem is if the cannon shot misses, Dixie falls into a helpless state so it's best to hit your opponents since this stops her movement and the fall to her death. It can also be used as a recovery move.

Proposed Dixie Kong Move Set

Ground attacks


Neutral Attack - Dixie Kong slaps once, then twice, and then swings around and starts slapping the opponent with her ponytail. Each attack does 1% damage while the repeated ponytail attack does 1% damage each hit.

Dash Attack - A spinning ponytail spin. Hits the opponent once for a good knock back. Does 6% damage. Very little ending lag. It can be combo'd shortly afterward.

Strong Side - Round house kick. Hits once and does 9% damage with a little starting lag but little ending lag. Below-average knock back.

Strong Up - Claps above her, much like DK's Up Smash. Slow start up lag but can easily be combo'd after. Does 5% damage. It does below-average horizontal knock back.

Strong Down- Does a grounded spinning kick. It does 5% damage one hit and 3% behind her for a total of 8% damage. Slow ending lag. It launches a opponent horizontally if hit on the side of the stage while hanging.


Side Smash - Spins back and slaps the opponent with her ponytail twice. Each slap does 7% damage uncharged, 9% fully charged for a total of 14% to 18% if fully charged. Decent knock back.

Up Smash - Swings her ponytail over her head in a wide arc. Little ending lag and has a wide range of attack and a long reach. It does 10% uncharged and 22% fully charged. High vertical knock back.

Down Smash - A unique attack where she punches the opponent stuns, and then stands on her hands quickly and kicks the opponent up in the air. A little lag and does 14% damage uncharged and 26% damage charged. This is her strongest smash attack.


Ledge Attack - Launches herself up and spins in the air with her leg out. Does 6% damage. It has little knock back but it can be combo'd afterward.

100% Ledge Attack - Climbs up and sweeps the opponents legs from underneath them. Does 8% damage. No ending lag.

Floor Attack - Gets up and spins her ponytail in a circle. Very quick. Does 4% damage and a horizontal knock back.

Aerial Attacks

Neutral Aerial - Spins around and stretches out her ponytail for an attack that does 6% damage. It has very little knock back but no landing lag at all.

Forward Aerial - Swings around and smashes her hand against the opponent. One of her stronger aerials and it does 12% damage. However, if it connects at Dixie's shoulder or middle of the arm, it only does 10% damage. Moderate knock back ability.

Back Aerial - Does a drop kick and then starts spinning for a drill-like affect . A bair that has a good amount of knock back potential. It does 4% damage for each hit for a total of 14% damage. A little ending lag after finishing.

Up Aerial - Overhead Flip Kick. Decent knockback, fairly fast.

Down Aerial - Turns upside and thrusts her ponytail downwards. Quite possibly one her stronger attacks. It is a meteor smash only when the tip of her ponytail connects with the opponent. It does 10% if not a meteor smash, 15% if meteor smashed.

Grabs and Throws

Grab - Dixie Kong grabs with her ponytail.

Pummel - Squeezes the opponent with her pony tail strength. It does 3% damage each time.

Forward Throw - Crunches them in her hair and then chucks opponents forward. Does 7% damage with high knock back potential.

Back Throw - Slams them on the ground in front of her with her hair and then tosses the opponent behind her. The first slam does 6% damage and the toss does 2% damage for a total of 8% damage total.

Up Throw - Takes the opponent and chucks them high into the air with her hair. It does 12% damage and is her strongest throw. Good KO potential and vertical knock back.

Down Throw - Jumps up int he air and then slams the opponent down using her hair. It does 10% damage overall. The opponent bounces back up to Dixie allowing her to combo into the throw.

Neutral: Bubblegum Popgun - Dixie fires a small, fast projectile that bounces a couple of times along the ground like in TF. It has similar versatility to Mario's fireball, but less damage. Decent for landing and for conditioning reflectors/shields.

Side: Chimp Cyclone - Command grab. Dixie spins horizontally while moving forward and grabs an opponent with her hair before throwing them forward. Goes into special fall on whiff. Great for edgeguarding, but risky.

Up: Helicopter Spin - Dixie spins her hair so fast that she soars upward with a windbox below her. She has a hitbox on her hair going up that can knock opponents away. She slows her spin after a second and transitions into her iconic spinning animation from DKC2-3 and slowly decends. She can cancel this animation into an aerial.

Down: Guitar Blast - Dixie strums her guitar, emitting a small shockwave around her that stuns opponents. Has a bit of startup and can be blocked, so it's best to use for dodge reads or after a grounded footstool.

I picture Dixie having a strong grab game on the ground, but average grounded mobility (She has around Rosalina's dash speed). She is floatier than Diddy with disjointed aerials and great aerial acceleration with good aerial speed. She feels a bit like Mewtwo in the air and has around Pikachu's weight. She also has two midair jumps to mix up her landing.

Ze Diglett

Smash Champion
Writing Team
Dec 7, 2014
Rivals 2
Dixie won't get in because we already have a female character who fights with her hair. :4bayonetta2:
In all seriousness, although I don't intend to speak for anyone here, I think the main hangup among Dixie skeptics isn't whether or not she's a viable candidate for the Smash roster - by most reasonable measures, she most certainly is - the issue, I think, is whether she's a viable DK rep over K. Rool. I, personally, see no reason DK can't stand to gain two reps this time around, but part of me also thinks that's unrealistic considering how relatively little representation DK has gotten in Smash compared to the other "big boy" series. And given only one DK rep to play around with, I can't help but feel like it's gonna be K. Rool; he's arguably more important to the DK series than Dixie herself is, has just as much, if not more moveset potential with his many different personas throughout the series, and has managed to maintain extreme popularity over the years (especially in the Smash sphere, if you haven't noticed) despite being effectively MIA for the past decade or so - and Sakurai is more than comfortable giving oldies who haven't seen the light of day in years a shot in Smash anyway, if precedent holds up. Like I said, in a perfect world, both Dixie and K. Rool get in Smash so DK finally gets the representation it deserves, and I'm open to either getting in, but realistically speaking, I just don't think the former is liable to get in over the latter. I'm curious as to what the Dixie supporters have to say on this, however, so what do you guys think gives Dixie a fighting chance against K. Rool?
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Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2013
I don't think it's more realistic. While K. Rool has a vocal fanbase out there, that doesn't change the fact that Dixie has been appearing more often than K. Rool and she has appeared in the most recent DK game. It would be kind of crazy not to put a character from Tropical Freeze in Smash. Sakurai kinda likes to put characters that have been in recent games as well as some retro NES/Arcade characters. Anything else gets the assist/costume treatment.

Look, this is coming from a guy who would rather have K. Rool over Dixie. But I'm being realistic here. Dixie is far more likely thanks to Tropical Freeze.
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Smash Lord
Feb 19, 2011
Dixie won't get in because we already have a female character who fights with her hair. :4bayonetta2:
In all seriousness, although I don't intend to speak for anyone here, I think the main hangup among Dixie skeptics isn't whether or not she's a viable candidate for the Smash roster - by most reasonable measures, she most certainly is - the issue, I think, is whether she's a viable DK rep over K. Rool. I, personally, see no reason DK can't stand to gain two reps this time around, but part of me also thinks that's unrealistic considering how relatively little representation DK has gotten in Smash compared to the other "big boy" series. And given only one DK rep to play around with, I can't help but feel like it's gonna be K. Rool; he's arguably more important to the DK series than Dixie herself is, has just as much, if not more moveset potential with his many different personas throughout the series, and has managed to maintain extreme popularity over the years (especially in the Smash sphere, if you haven't noticed) despite being effectively MIA for the past decade or so - and Sakurai is more than comfortable giving oldies who haven't seen the light of day in years a shot in Smash anyway, if precedent holds up. Like I said, in a perfect world, both Dixie and K. Rool get in Smash so DK finally gets the representation it deserves, and I'm open to either getting in, but realistically speaking, I just don't think the former is liable to get in over the latter. I'm curious as to what the Dixie supporters have to say on this, however, so what do you guys think gives Dixie a fighting chance against K. Rool?
Ideally we'd have both, but nothing in the past indicates DK is likely to get two characters this time around. Personally, I'd go for K.Rool first, but people have certainly made strong cases for Dixie, and the roster would feel a little incomplete without her...

Honestly, I think it could go either way.


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2013
People's biggest argument against Dixie is that K. Rool is more likely when honestly the reverse is true.

K. Rool is important to all of us but is he that important to Nintendo? If he was, wouldn't he have made his comeback in Retro Studio's sequel to Donkey Kong Country Returns?

We got Dixie and Funky Kong back in Tropical Freeze, but once again the Kremlings and K. Rool were gone. Showing that Nintendo and Retro put more importance on bringing back Dixie than K. Rool.

This isn't how I feel, this is just what is evident. I don't know if Nintendo cares to ever bring back the Kremlings or not. They may someday, it's entirley possible. But I do know that they are in no hurry to do that and that Dixie was a bigger priority.
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Smash Hero
Jun 13, 2013
Gainesville, Florida
Switch FC
Honestly, the fact that DK Tropical Freeze didn't capitalize on K. Rool when friggin ViKING K. ROOL writes itself is telling about how relevant he is to Nintendo nowadays. Dixie is definitely more of a priority in the DK series, so I'd bank on her over K. Rool. Ideally I'd like both, but Dixie certainly has the edge when it comes to overall significance to the series.


Smash Lord
Feb 19, 2011

Time for another contender, Micaiah the mage from Fire Emblem! I don't know a lot about FE, but as a female non-sword user, she already stands out as something new for Smash. Can some more in-the-know people make a good pitch for her?

Deleted member

Might be a good idea to share it in her thread.
I'd do it myself but I'm not a supporter and I have to go to bed.


Smash Lord
Jun 7, 2014
Your guess is as good as mine
oooh I'll chime in for Micaiah.
Micaiah is unique amongst the FE main characters due to the fact she's the only character who uses magic exclusively. She heavily favours light magic, but creative liberty could be used to give her access to other elemental tomes. She has her own personal tome called Thani, a light magic tome that deals extra damage to armoured units, and in her promoted jobs can also use staffs which are capable of warping, buffs, debuffs, and even used as whacking tools themselves. All this comes together to create a heavy zoner playstyle, capable of keeping the opponent at bay while stripping down their defences. An ability also exclusive to Micaiah is Sacrifice, a healing command that saps energy from Micaiah herself to heal allies. This can be implemented exactly as described, healing allies at the cost of Micaiah's %. Micaiah is also a rather popular character, entering the top 10 of both the Fire Emblem Heroes polls.
I'm not entirely sure what else to put here, so I'll just throw in a moveset I made like a year ago.
Micaiah in Smash is similar to how she is in her own game, a squishy long-range spell caster. Her running speed is around the same as Peach's with slightly faster air speed. Imagine a whole lotta sparkles in this moveset.

Entrance: Micaiah warps in just like most of the other FE cast then strikes her battle ready pose.
Idle: 1)Micaiah brushes dust off her tome. 2) She opens the tome and starts reading it for a few seconds. 3) She holds the tome closer to her chest, looks backwards, then forwards.

Jab: 2 slaps with the tome, followed by her opening the tome with a burst of light. Pretty much Robin's jab finisher.
Ftilt: Shoulder bash, meant to represent Shove. Quick, short range, and good for getting opponents away from you.
Dtilt: Lays her hand on the ground in front, creating a small light pillar. Good for string setups.
Utilt: Pirouettes with the tome held high, shooting out a quick short range light ball projectile straight up. The tome opening also has a hitbox, but it's unlikely to hit with both the tome and the light ball.
Dash: Micaiah stops abruptly while bringing her free hand in, then jumps back as she slashes out with her hand. The jump back gets her out of range from most shield grabs, but the attack has notable endlag so it can still be punished of the opponent is quick enough.

Fsmash: Micaiah thrusts the tome forward then lets it go with her arms stretched out. The tome hovers and lets out a potent burst of light. The burst is so powerful it shoots the tome back into Micaiah's chest and she catches it with both arms. Good killmove but laggy.
Dsmash: Summons a ball of light on either side of Micaiah that drop down and explode on the ground or on whatever they come in contact with. The balls can be reflected but they shoot back up and don't usually hit Micaiah.
Usmash: Micaiah does the exact motion she does during her introductory cutscene when she raised her hand and blinded the guards. Multihit attack that is a good killmove, but is unlikely to hit people beside her unless they're tall enough and close enough.

Nair: Brings the tome close to her chest and spins, creating blades of light around her. Pretty much Zelda's nair with wider hitboxes.
Fair + Bair: Shoots out a quick ball of light forwards/backwards. A cross between Villager's Fair/Bair and Lucas' PK Fire. Thanks to Micaiah's human proportions, easy to duck under.
Dair: The tome hovers below Micaiah with its pages turning wildly. Micaiah them strikes the spine of the book with her palm, creating a burst of light from the tome. Spikes at the sweetspot (right below the tome) but quite a bit of startup.
Uair: Micaiah turns her body upwards so her back faces the ground, stretches out her arms and creates a swirling vortex of light above her. Multihit disjoint with good damage but not a kill move. Notable landing lag until the final hitbox ends.

Grab: She simply grabs with her free arm. Not much range to balance with her long range attacks.
Pummel: She hits the opponent on the head with the tome.
Fthrow: Grabs the tome with both hands and just violently whacks the opponent in the face with it. Not that strong.
Bthrow: Hits the opponent lightly with the tome, spinning them around her until they end up behind her. Micaiah them lightly places her free hand on the opponent as they're behind her and without looking, creates a burst of light from her hand that knocks the opponent away. Strongest throw but doesn't kill until high % at the edge.
Dthrow: Throws the opponent to the ground and drops a ball of light on them. Alright combo starter but Uthrow combos better.
Uthrow: Vertically sweeps upwards with her hand, hitting the opponent with a pillar of light. Good combo starter.

B: Thani. Chargable shield breaker projectile.Upon pressing B, Micaiah will do the start of the casting animation from Radiant Dawn where she holds her finger up. A small translucent ball of light then appears above her, the longer B is held the higher up the ball rises and the stronger it is. Upon letting go of B Micaiah does the twirl of the casting animation, the ball becomes more material and gains a hitbox while falling at a 45 degree angle exploding as soon as it hits something. At minimum charge the ball hits point blank range but does slightly more shield damage than Jiggs' Pound. At maximum charge the ball breaks full shields and hits down at half the distance of FD. The ball itself does alright damage and alright knockback so at max charge it's better to take the hit than get your shield broken. Useful to use in the air to pressure shields at a distance by simply tapping B. Halts your momentum in the air as you let go of B.
Side B: Purge. Upon use Micaiah sends out a tiny ball of light that travels horizontally with no hitbox and moves slowly on its own, allowing Micaiah to act shortly after casting it. Upon reaching a certain distance the ball of light explodes into a multihit attack with good damage. If Micaiah is hit at all while the ball of light is out then it disappears immediately. Using this move as it's already active removes the current ball of light for the new one.
Up B: Rewarp. Typical teleport. Range is in between Palutena's and Zelda's warp with no hitbox but windbox facing towards Micaiah at start point and away at end point, allowing for some good tricks to move foes around too.
Down B: Elsleep Counter. Counter move that sends your opponent to sleep if they're on the ground or bounces them away Bumper style if they're in the air. Used to create distance from opponents attacking from the air or to punish kill high % foes on the ground.

Final Smash: Rexaura. Micaiah freeze frames the match a creates a giant sphere of light in front of her. If any opponent is inside the sphere then the Rexaura animation plays, with the sphere exploding in a brilliant display of light magic doing heavy damage and knockback.

Taunt 1: Yune flies in from wherever and Micaiah strikes the pose from her artwork.
Taunt 2: Micaiah turns to the camera and holds the tome out in front of her while closing her eyes. The tome opens and wildly turns pages as it sparkles.
Taunt 3: Sacrifice. Micaiah gathers energy into her free hand and slowly stretches it forward, creating a single sparkle out of her hand that lasts for a few frames. In regular battles this does nothing, but in team battles if a teammate touches the sparkle they recover up to 10% as Micaiah gains what the teammate recovered.


Smash Rookie
Apr 6, 2018
United Kingdom
Micaiah, eh? I personally would much rather have her partner Sothe, but I can see why people would want her. I'll add some other details about her since Luminario covered her abilities already.

Micaiah is the main protagonist of FE: Radiant Dawn, the only main series game she appears in. She's a fortune teller that has a foresight ability, although it seems to be random and not something she can control. She is Branded, having the blood of both Beorc (human) and Laguz (sub-human), and is detested by both races since being Branded is considered taboo by both races. Being branded increases her life span considerably, so she's lived longer than her appearance would suggest.

Micaiah has a bird friend called Yune and although Yune doesn't fight, creative liberties could be taken to include Yune in her move set somehow, like ramming into enemies or imbuing Micaiah with more power or something. Or she could simply be a taunt like Navi for Link.

(ENDGAME SPOILERS: Micaiah's revealed to be the long-lost sister to the apostle (ruler) of Begnion, and as such is the true apostle. Being the apostle means that she can sing certain songs called Galdr that are imbued with magic, which is something only the apostle and certain laguz species can do, making it an incredibly rare ability. Also, Yune's actually half of a goddess.)

As for series significance... well, not including her recent appearance in Heroes, she's only been in one Fire Emblem game, and that game came out in 2007, so her time in the spotlight is over.
That being said, she placed 17th of 791 and 13th of 818 in the two Choose Your Legends polls for Fire Emblem Heroes, and placed among the top 10 of all the female characters in both polls. Needless to say, she has quite a large fan following. Though there are a hefty amount of people who don't like her because of a questionable plot device in Radiant Dawn, there are evidently way more who love her.

Overall, her use of tomes and staves on top of unique abilities such as the Galdr and Sacrifice would make her very unique among the Fire Emblem characters. She may not stand as much of a chance compared to characters like Lyn or possibly the new FE16 protagonist, but her inclusion is neither impossible or unreasonable to expect. She's the one to ask for if you're not satisfied with Robin due to his sword attacks.
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Smash Master
Jan 24, 2015
I started supporting Micaiah because one of my best friends show me how cool the idea of Fire Emblem Full Mage would be in Smash Bros, magic is a way of fighting open to many kinds of tricks and properties; and while someone like Robin is a bit more similar to the concept of a Mystic Knight or Red Knight; Micaiah has a magical approach going beyond that.

Micaiah is a full mage unit; in fact, her "evolved" versions shows this even more for giving her additional magic tricks (more in the supportive side this time), in the form of Staves; which are objects in Fire Emblem with very special utilities.

Staves has tons of interesting utilities, like teleporting people (or herself in the cases of the Rewarp staff), debuffing enemies (in multiple ways actually, there exists Berserk Staff, Sleep Staff, Silence Staff), and helping allies in other very useful ways.

Some time ago I write a post to Source Gaming with some of my gameplay ideas (in fact, there is a moveset).


And well, the story don't ends here, I started supporting Micaiah because of her potential, but I'm becoming so passionate with the subject because I ended up like her beyond that.

Micaiah it's a character that show me a lot of things in her franchise and in my life... but focusing in the story thing, she is a blessing for Fire Emblem existence; but one that people took too much time to understand, we can see the attempts to create a narrative going in a direction that the franchise hasn't do since the SNES Days... Micaiah is was the perfect character to experiment a lot of stuff creating main characters outside of the "Marth" like and the "Hector" like; and without feeling like they're pulling too much from Celica outside of the fact she is a female MC.

Micaiah is humble, a bit lonely and peaceful (and also a bit passive/reactive in the game's beginning); but it's strong-willed and passionate, if she has an objective in mind, she doesn't let her fears to overwhelm her; not matter how unlikely are the sittuations... She is a devout to her loved ones, but it's also the kind of person that can be funny showing her more snarky side with her close ones like Sothe... I love this woman.


Smash Ace
Oct 15, 2007
Los Angeles, California
I can't really convince you as I don't know much about her, but I do remember she got a lot of run on these boards way back in the Brawl speculation days. Radiant Dawn was the most recent FE, Ike had been revealed and we didn't know if Marth was coming back or if he was a one and done. In the post- Awakening world, she doesn't get brought up too much anymore.


Smash Lord
Feb 19, 2011

Time to move on to the next :) People have been clamoring for this guy since the Brawl days at least. Could the ballot finally help push him over the top? Let's hear what people have to say!


Smash Master
Jan 24, 2015

Time to move on to the next :) People have been clamoring for this guy since the Brawl days at least. Could the ballot finally help push him over the top? Let's hear what people have to say!
I'm happy we're able to post some nice opinions around here.

I hope the Isaac fans have fun doing this like me.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 17, 2014
I had only been watching a few threads, so I missed this one. Thanks for posting in the Isaac support thread.

Isaac is one of the most unique and versatile fighters in Nintendo's library. The potential allowed by the mechanics and overall design of Golden Sun is simply staggering.

As demonstrated by his stint as an Assist Trophy, he wields telekinetic abilities that he can use to manipulate his environment and other fighters. While the "Move" Psynergy he uses as an Assist Trophy is the most basic, it is far from the only one. He can also use these powers to grab distant objects, pound items into the ground, lift objects, strike objects from afar, and more. Many of the puzzle aspects of the series revolve around the use of these abilities, and it is possible to build an entire viable move set just from these moves.

However, these are but scratching the surface of what he's capable of. As a Venus Adept, Isaac can also manipulate the element of Earth. Generating earthquakes, growing thorns and plants, dropping rocks from the sky, rip the land asunder and pelt the enemy with the rising rocks, or even summon giant magical swords to attack his foes. Again, one can easily build a move set around just these earth based attacks for Isaac that is viable and in-character.

This too, however, sells Isaac's abilities short. The series also features small elemental helpers called "Djinn". When equipped to an Adept like Isaac, they boost his stats and provide him with the ability to use their own unique powers. These range from striking a foe, poisoning them, shielding Isaac, healing him, siphoning energy from his opponents, or even flinging a globe of earth at his targets. Isaac's move set could also be based entirely upon Djinn, and the Djinn I've mentioned are only Venus Djinn, who match Isaac's own element of Earth!

Because there are many more Djinn out there, and Isaac can equip them all. By wielding a Djinni of another element, Isaac's class can change, granting him access to entirely new ranges of Psynergy abilities, including Fire, Water, and Wind elemental attacks. And, of course, these other elemental Djinn have their own effects if used in battle.

So, his move potential is staggering. I've created multiple move sets for him off the top of my head that both represent him and his series well, and don't share any moves between them.

He even has an obvious Final Smash that pulls upon ANOTHER battle mechanic that I haven't even mentioned yet: Summons. After Djinn are used in battle, they can be Summoned back to the Adept who used them, calling upon spirits from mythology to strike foes with unequaled power. And the strongest Venus summon from the original Golden Sun is the most likely choice, the iconic Judgement summon.

Truly, I can think of no Nintendo character who can match Isaac in terms of sheer number of possible moves and fighting styles he could have.

In addition to that, his series is one of the most beloved to have originated on the GameBoy Advance. A cult classic that has stumbled into some dark times due to some unlucky timing and lack of marketing. A presence in Smash could reinvigorate a fantastic franchise that is still sitting on a cliffhanger from eight years ago, and add another beloved franchise to Nintendo's growing list of active IPs.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 22, 2014
I think Golden Sun representation would be great because it's really the only RPG of its kind that makes me really think about 'The Elements' as a major point of the world. Robin uses Wind, Fire, Lightning and Dark magic but I don't really feel the essence of those moves, you know?

With Isaac and the Adepts it feels like a really robust system, and the Djinn also help with that.

Anyway, I made up a moveset (just Smashes and Specials) some time ago; it's kinda long but here it is.
I incorporated Djinn, and Psynergy of the 4 elements mixed with sword-play.

- Isaac starts a battle with 4 Djinn sorrounding him; one each for Venus, Mars, Jupiter & Mercury. They fly around him and are done in a similar manner to Pikmin ghosts, kinda translucent just so Isaac doesn't look too cluttered.

I will refer to each Djinn as their Element instead of a name just to make it easier:

- The 4 Djinn circle Isaac and have two states; Set and in Recovery.

- Djinn are Set by default. Set Djinn allow Isaac to use his Specials. For example, if Mars is in Recovery, Isaac cannot use Planetary and so on.

- Every time Isaac accumulates 36% damage, a Djinn will enter Recovery. This is decided by the element of the last attack Isaac performed. For example, if Isaac last used Plume Edge, and reaches 36% (from 0), Mercury will enter Recovery. Applies to Ragnarok, Wild Growth/Nettle and Stone Spire (Smash attacks) and Plume Edge, Death Leap, Cure and Planetary (Specials).

- Recovery lasts 8 seconds; Isaac cannot use the special corresponding to this element for that period. Taking damage while a Djinn is in Recovery adds 2 seconds to the Recovery timer.

- No more than one Djinn will enter Recovery at a time. It is possible to have multiple Djinn in Recovery if you continually take damage while a Djinn is already in Recovery.

- Healing does not slow down Djinn from going into Recovery. If Isaac is at 30% and heals 8%, you will still only need to deal 6% (meaning a Djinn would now go into recovery at 26%) to put a Djinn into Recovery. Healing with Cure reduces the Recovery timer by 1 second for every 3% healed.

- Every time a Djinn goes into Recovery, the % needed for the next one is reset i.e if Mars goes into Recovery, Jupiter now has the standard 36% damage threshold before they go into Recovery.

- Djinn cannot be hit and do not have any hit-related properties.

- Venus grants Isaac special benefits if it is in a Set state. Detailed after each applicable attack below.

Forward Smash - Ragnarok

- Isaac plunges his sword in front of him, Ragnarok style. Good, low-hitting range.
If Venus is Set, a mirage of Ragnarok begins forming as Isaac charges, dealing very light damage. If the A button is pressed again after the initial stab (similar to Toon Link's Forward Smash), Isaac plunges the blade further into the ground and causes Ragnarok to crash into the ground in front of him.
The second part of this attack leaves a blind spot right in front of Isaac
At max charge, when the giant sword plunges into the ground, it additionally creates an AoE (similar to the games, looks nice) that deals light damage and covers Isaac's blind spot in front of him.
This attack does not ignore elevation; if there is a platform between the sword and the ground it would hit, it will stop at the platform. If used on empty air, it will continue travelling downwards and dissipate after around an Isaac's worth of height below Isaac.

Down Smash - Wild Growth/Nettle

- Similar in pose to Megaman's Down Smash, Isaac kneels on one leg and touches his hands to either side. While this move is being charged, the ground lightly erupts, dealing light damage and stun.
Releasing the attack creates a violent explosion of thorned vines (or nettles, I like those more) that grow upward, up to about two Isaac's worth of height.
The mass of thorns then persists for up to 3 seconds, depending on how long the attack is charged. Hits after the initial explosion deal light to moderate damage, also depending on charge time.
If Venus is Set, the initial explosion is followed by a second, stronger explosion of thorns. Does not persist like the first version.

Up Smash - Stone Spire

- Isaac manifests a rockfall around two Isaac heights above him, with the number of rocks appearing depending on how long the attack is charged. During the charge, small debris falls from the source of the rockfall, dealing light damage and stun.
The rocks do not immediately come out after release, but Isaac is free to move as soon as they appear.
If Venus is Set, the rockfall is preceded by an outward explosion of debris in all directions, trickling down to match the Recovery version of this move.

Pretty quirky smash attacks, but I think it'd be pretty cool since they're all Psynergy from the games and they cover a good amount of area.
Thought of these with having Isaac play as a stage control kind of character.

On to specials.

Neutral Special - Plume Edge

- A chargeable move. Isaac places his hand on the ground in front of him. Water begins bubbling around 1/4 of a meter from his hand, dealing light damage. This charge can be stored.
When released, Isaac pushes towards the ground and a geyser, ranging from knee-height to 2 Isaac-worths of height depending on amount of time spent charging, erupts. This is a multi-hit move, with the last hit of the geyser having the kill power.
Additionally, you can press B again during the geyser to have Isaac uppercut any caught enemies with his sword.
When done in the air, Isaac instead unleashing this attack as ice, slashing twice in succession. The first slash leaves a trail of ice and the second shatters it, creating a shower of ice shards in a fan shape in front of Isaac.

Side Special - Death Leap

- Isaac teleports behind you. "Nothen pers-"
- Isaac leaps forward with his sword in a stabbing position. This is a command grab when used on the ground.
If it lands, Isaac takes his victim with him into the air, shocks them and then kicks them down.
If performed in the air, Isaac makes a shorter jump that causes him to leap off anyone he comes into contact with, also electrocuting them.

Down Special - Mind Read

A Counter.



- Isaac raises his palm skyward and is bathed in a light; after being held for 1.5 seconds, he begins to heal at a rate of 1% every 1.5 seconds. This increases to 2% every 1 second after 4 seconds.
Has considerable ending lag to avoid easy/unpunishable healing.
If Venus is Set, Cure increases your launch resistance for 4 seconds. Launch resistance buff has an internal cooldown of 8 seconds.

Up Special - Jump/Planetary

- When grounded, Isaac charges for a max of 4 seconds. When activated again, Isaac does a jumping somersault, distance depending on how much he has charged (ranging from a normal full jump to 6 times as high), and becomes able to activate Planetary any time during this jump. The jump can be aimed like a normal jump.
Planetary causes Isaac to become enveloped in dragon-shaped flames and, if activated while the first jump is still active, also causes him to carry all of the momentum towards his original destination.

Notes about this move:
- Damage, knockback and speed depend on how much time was originally spent charging.
- Planetary (second part of the move) can be completely re-aimed if the full jump is used but will start losing momentum if it is re-aimed more than 60° in either direction from its center. Otherwise, it continues in the direction of the jump.
- Grounded opponents take 25% more damage (+25% of what they would normally take, not a flat 25%) from Planetary.
- Planetary will deal additional damage and knock back based on how long it has been travelling downwards or at a downward angle (gravity, yay).
- Performing Up B in the air will not yield the charging portion. Since Planetary is a momentum-based move, it will be very short when used upwards in the air. Should be used right after a jump for best aerial results.
- This move does not put Isaac in free-fall at any point, but aerial Planetary cannot be used again until you land.
- Charging this move and then going off-stage and activating it will not yield a longer Planetary.

Final Smash -

I probably ran with it way too much but I had fun thinking about it.

I think Isaac works great as a sword + magic kind of character due to the way some Psynergy and critical hits (weapon Releases) work in the game, whereby the Adepts incorporate their weapons as part of the magic attack (and also why I think Robin doesn't really fulfil the whole spellsword archetype for me; it's either one or the other, but anyway).

I think this can be taken even further thanks to Smash taking liberties with characters so that they fit in more. They could incorporate this by making some of ISaac's moves two-stage, like the Links' F-Smash; additional button presses add a visual and elemental effect to attacks.

Color palettes are also very easy to do for him; 4 main elements, each party member belongs to a different one, so changing it as a reference to his teammates would be a good idea.
If they decide to also do alternate costume, Isaac could get Felix's and Matthew's clothes.

Damn, got ninja'd by Skyblade
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Smash Journeyman
Feb 17, 2014
There are the 4 basic alchemic elements, the Djinn, the summons, the unleashes, the items, and Psynergy. There's so much in Golden Sun that you can take any of those things on their own and create a completely unique moveset with ease. I created this Isaac moveset with Golden Sun's overworld puzzle mechanics in mind. It utilizes Isaac's earth and hand Psynergies to create rock formations and shape the stage.

Isaac is not your usual sword user. Yes, he does use a sword, but he focuses more on zoning than spacing. He does this by shaping the terrain and pushing people away with his many tricky attacks.

Neutral Special: [Quake] -> [Grind] Isaac lifts up his hands and a large stone wall erupts from the ground. It will act and interact with characters like Villager's tree but it will be much, much more versatile. Isaac will be able to interact with the obstacle with many of the following attacks. If the obstacle sits there too long, takes too much damage, or if the player uses their neutral special again, the obstacle will shake, cause minor damage to anyone close, then disappear. It has a fairly slow start up and deals moderate damage.

Side Special: [Move] One of the most iconic abilities in the Golden Sun series. This is a non-damaging, short ranged, utility Psynergy that is used to push opponents away as well as reflect projectiles. If it is used on a Quake obstacle, it will push it a fair distance away from the user and inflict mediocre damage to anyone in the way. It acts similar to Palutena's Reflect Barrier.

Down Special: [Ragnarok] Isaac charges up and causes a large stone sword to come out of the ground and strike opponents diagonally upwards. The longer the move is charged, the greater the distance will be between the sword and Isaac. The player can slowly walk and jump around while charging the move. It takes a while to fully charge and deals the same damage throughout. The knockback is very strong but it doesn't scale very well.

Up Special: [Retreat] Isaac spins around and disappears in an explosion of rainbow-coloured orbs then reappears elsewhere in a controlled direction. A simple teleport that does no damage.

Jab: [Odyssey] A seemingly basic 3 hit jab with a sword but with a twist: for the final hit, Isaac will throw out his sword for slightly more range. It will then fly back to him, Mjolnir style. It's slower than most jabs and has fairly low damage. It's mainly just used to throw opponents into Isaac's ideal range.

Dash Attack: [Flint] Isaac summons the Djinni Flint to jump forward and slash. This attack does solid damage, but it doesn't have nearly as much knockback power as Link's jump strike.

Side Tilt: [Centurion] Isaac takes his sword and stabs forward repeatedly, similar to the downward hit of Marth's Dancing Blade.

Up Tilt: [Sabre Dance] Isaac tosses his sword above him as it spins magically, then Isaac catches it again. It uses magic to emphasize Isaac's uniqueness. It's similar to Palutena's forward tilt or Ike's Aether.

Down Tilt: [Spiral Assault] Isaac tosses the sword low to the ground as it spins magically. Basically a copy of Palutena's down tilt.

Side Smash: [Force] Isaac shoots out a projectile in the shape of a fist. It will increase in range the more you charge the attack. It's similar to Megaman's Charged Mega Buster in that regard. It's also able to interact with Quake. If this projectile hits a Quake obstacle, the obstacle will fall down and deal a lot of damage. It's a very deadly attack, but both the fist and the obstacle are reflectable.

Up Smash: [Lift] Issac Attacks by using a Psynergy hand to slap enemies upwards. It will be similar to Ragnarok in that the distance between the player and the resulting attack will increase based on how long the attack is charged. If it interacts with Quake, the obstacle will flip upwards and spin comically for a second. It will then fall and burry anyone standing underneath it. It won't do a lot of damage, but it will help you control the stage.

Down Smash: [Crush] Isaac summons two Psynergy hands to smash in front of him. Again, the distance between the player and the hands will increase the more they charge it. If it interacts with Quake, the obstacle will break under it, sending projectiles flying in all directions.

Neutral Aerial: [Spin Strike] Isaac spins his sword around him. Similar to Ike's nair.

Forward Air: [Critical Move]
Isaac swings his sword vetically down from above him. Similar to Ike or Cloud's fair.

Back Air: [Sonic Smash] Isaac swings his sword multiple times behind him while spinning. Similar to Meta Knight or Link's bair.

Up Air: [Rolling Attack]
Isaac swings his sword above him. Like Marth or Roy's uair, but with more range around Isaac.

Down Air: [Fearless Attack] Isaac visciously slams his sword downward. If it hits, the sword will explode and the opponent is sent straight down.

Grab: [Catch] Isaac sends out a Psynergy hand to grab his opponents. It has a fairly long range, but it also has a lot of end lag.

Pummel: [Grip] Isaac crushes the opponent in his Psynergy hand. Slower than most.

Forward Throw: [Slap] Slaps the hell out of the poor soul you just grabbed.

Back Throw: [Lash] Pinches the opponent by the head and throws them behind you.

Up Throw: [Carry] Tosses the opponent up and hits them like how you would set a volleyball.

Down Throw: [Pound] Isaac uses two Psynergy hands for this. One hand throws the opponent to the ground and the other smashes it with a fist.

Final Smash: [Judgment] (Idea 1) Isaac takes out a stopwatch and uses Halt on everyone in an area in front of him. He then teleports them to a grassy field where Judgement appears out of the sky and blasts its laser. The laser destroys everything and the screen is filled with light. Then we come back to the stage and we see the opponents getting btfo as Isaac poses.

Final Smash: [Judgement] (Idea 2) Isaac jumps up and dons some heavy armor. Then he aims down and shoots the stage with a huge laser. If it hits the stage, the laser will explode into a large ball. You can control this laser like Lucario's Brawl Final Smash.

Shield: [Granite] As Isaac tries to block incoming attacks, the Djinn Granite will spin around him.

Spot Dodge and Rolls: [Sand]
Isaac transforms into a pillar of sand and quickly disappears. He reappears elsewhere after crawling along the ground as a pile of sand. He will be vulnerable as he is transforming back.

Entrance: [Teleport]
Isaac appears on the stage in a puff of rainbow energy. A summon circle also briefly appears on the stage itself.

Taunt 1: Isaac plays with a Djinn.
Taunt 2: Isaac emotes with a random expression. (..., ^_^, >.<, etc.)
Taunt 3: Isaac smugly sits on a Psynergy hand like a chair. (Smash Flash)

Victory 1: Isaac picks up a flower (maybe Cybele?) that sprouts out of the ground.
Victory 2: Isaac hi-fives a Psynergy hand and poses.
Victory 3: Isaac plays with some Djinn.

Fanfare: A nice mix of Golden Sun's main theme and the victory fanfare.
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Ze Diglett

Smash Champion
Writing Team
Dec 7, 2014
Rivals 2
Well, consider me at least partially sold. I know next to nothing about the Golden Sun series and its characters, so I, like most laymen, was under the impression that Isaac is just another anime swordsman with a cool hand attack. In this case, I'm happy to be proven wrong. I'll probably get around to trying Golden Sun at some point to see what the hype is about myself, hopefully in the seemingly unlikely event that a new game drops.
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Banned via Warnings
Jul 17, 2014
Well, consider me at least partially sold. I know next to nothing about the Golden Sun series and its characters, so I, like most laymen, was under the impression that Isaac is just another anime swordsman with a cool hand attack. In this case, I'm happy to be proven wrong. I'll probably get around to trying Golden Sun at some point to see what the hype is about myself, hopefully in the seemingly unlikely event that a new game drops.
An interesting note that we found when looking through the official artwork in the Isaac thread the other day: There is only one piece of official artwork for Isaac that even shows him with a weapon out. And even in that art, he's casting a spell. He's presented primarily as a spellcaster. Most of the art is of him summoning rocks or firing magic at his foes. With one or two silly pictures of just the party hanging out in non-threatening situations. So portraying him as just a sword wielder would not only be a disservice to the series by not representing its most notable mechanics, but it would also be out of character for the official presentations of Isaac.

Golden Sun is also unique in being one of the best series I've ever seen at offering characterization to a silent protagonist. Throughout the first game, you're playing as Isaac on his journey, following after the villains. And most of the events in each town revolve around fixing problems caused either directly or indirectly by the antagonists that you are chasing. In the second game, you take on the role of Felix, following on as the one directing the journey...and even though they're both silent protagonists, the difference in characterization cannot be more obvious. Felix spends his journey acquiring power and abilities for himself, sometimes outright stealing them from the villages he visits. "We're just happy to learn your Psynergy." Isaac is on his journey, but always quick to help whenever someone's in trouble, while Felix is mostly self-serving first, more concerned with his journey than what happens to those around him. He'll help, but not if he has to go out of his way. Even Piers he only helped so that he could get his ship (after failing to get the ship Briggs stole). Considering both characters are silent protagonists, there is a huge shift in how they are portrayed, and it shows the strength of the writing in Golden Sun, something a lot of people dismiss.


Smash Lord
Feb 19, 2011

Well done everyone.

The newest featured fighter is Waluigi. I see a lot of talk about him, but I'm curious what people want from him other than "meme potential." Fire away :)


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Here's my take on Waluigi's moveset. I tried to bring together all of the notable aspects of his character, namely his love of tennis, dancing, cheating, and himself.

Normal Attacks:

Jab: A two strike move, where Waluigi takes his tennis racket and does two quick strikes. One from the left, one from the right. Each swing is punctuated with a "Waa."

Dash Attack: Waluigi lunges forward and dives at the opponent with arms outstretched, grabbing for their ankles. This move may cause the foe to trip, as Waluigi takes them to the ground with him, but it relies on good spacing so that Waluigi's arms line up with the foe's legs. A risky move, as it has notable end lag, but it's offset if the foe trips, as they'd need to get up before striking back.

Side Tilt: Waluigi does a soccer-style kick upwards, and pressing side tilt again causes his foot to come back down in an axe kick motion. The first hit is punctuated with a Waa.

Up Tilt: Waluigi points skyward and swings his hip, performing the Disco Finger move. Hitting this move again will have Waluigi withdraw his finger, which has an additional hit box. Up tilts can be chained together for a combo move as Waluigi dances.

Down Tilt: Waluigi crouches down and crosses his arms in front of his chest, extends one of his legs outward and spins while sitting on his other foot. There's a name for this dance move but I don't know what it is, but you bet your bottom dollar Waluigi knows what it is.

Aerial Attacks:

Neutral Air: Waluigi performs a split in mid air, launching foes that hit his feet completely horizontally, not unlike Jigglypuff's down smash (though obviously far less powerful...Waluigi can only cheat so much).

Forward Air: Waluigi uses his tennis racket and spikes the foe, sending them downward. There's a bit of a startup here as Waluigi aligns his shot, but otherwise it's a fairly standard forward air dunk.

Back Air: Waluigi swings his body around in a three strike maneuver. First he hits with a backhanded racket swing, then his right leg, and finally his left leg.

Up Air: Waluigi pulls a potted Piranha Plant out of hammer space and holds it upward. It chomps three times before Waluigi puts it away, with the third chomp inflicting higher knockback. A three strike move.

Down Air: Cheating physics once again, Waluigi stays right where he is in the air and stomps the "ground" twice, Waa-ing angrily and somehow kicking up a dust cloud. Can be used to stall Waluigi's fall.

Smash Attacks:

Side Smash: Waluigi takes a running start before smashing his racket into the foe, sending them flying. This is Waluigi's best kill move, showcasing his tennis prowess. The longer the move is charged, the further Waluigi runs before striking.

Up Smash: Waluigi pulls out what looks to be a baseball. He then tosses it skyward, not unlike Snake's up smash, where it's revealed the baseball is simply a crudely-painted bomb that Waluigi snuck into the battlefield. It explodes on impact. The charging animation involves Waluigi quietly laughing to himself as he tosses the ball lightly up in the air and catching it.

Down Smash: Waluigi pulls out a small yellow and black remote control with a big red button on it. Upon releasing the move, Waluigi pushes the button, causing the ground on either side of him to blow up. That's right, Waluigi is very thorough in his cheating. He planted remote bombs inside the stage just for this purpose. The charging animation features Waluigi taunting the foe, muttering "I'm gonna press it!" while hovering his finger over the button.

Grab, Pummel, and Throws:

Grab and Pummel: A standard grab, with the pummel involving Waluigi bashing the foe overhead with his racket. Each pummel is punctuated with a Waa.

Forward Throw: Waluigi pulls a full sized cannon out of his pocket, stuffs the foe inside, and fires them away.

Back Throw: Waluigi twirls around and tosses the foe as one would a frisbee, waving at them as they go. "Bye bye, loser!"

Up Throw: Waluigi swims skyward, holding onto the foe, before lobbing them up.

Down Throw: Waluigi leaps onto the foe as both are covered in a cartoony fight cloud. Waluigi emerges victorious as the foe bounces off the ground.

Special Attacks:

Neutral Special: Rally/Zone Shot - If the button is pressed, Waluigi tosses a tennis ball up and whacks it with his racket, sending it hurdling forward. A rally then starts. The opponent is able to knock the ball back at Waluigi, but it returns to him slightly slower than how he launched it. Combined with his near lagless neutral special, Waluigi can send the ball back at blazing speed, and it gains a minor homing effect. This makes it easier for Waluigi to reflect it and harder for the foe to dodge it. Waluigi can hit the ball back at the foe twice (not including the initial serve), but on the third attempt, Waluigi's racket shatters as he stares at it in disbelief, leaving him susceptible for a counter as he pulls a new racket from hammerspace.

Side Special: Fake Item Box - Waluigi pulls out a fake item box from the Mario Kart series and lobs it overhead, letting it land on the stage. It stays there for about the length of one of Diddy Kong's banana peels before disappearing. If an opponent is hit by the box or runs into it while it's on the stage, they get stunned for a bit and take electrical damage, allowing Waluigi to come in for the kill. This move showcases Waluigi's trickery and deception.

Up Special: Air Swim - One of Waluigi's most iconic, and arguably strangest, abilities is his ability to cheat logic and physics themselves and swim through the air. It's an ability he's had since his debut in Mario Tennis, and it makes for the perfect recovery move in Smash. Waluigi propels himself in the direction the control stick is held, being able to perform upward to three strokes. In application, it's somewhat like Greninja's Hydro Pump or Pikachu's Quick Attack. It doesn't go as far, but it causes quite a bit of damage in comparison.

Down Special: Bomb Launcher - Waluigi pulls out a pitching machine and plants it on the stage, which he can then use as a turret of sorts. Pressing the button next to it has Waluigi yell "Fire!" and launch an explosive out of it. As well, while Waluigi is yelling "Fire!" the player can still control the bomb's trajectory mid-flight, referencing Waluigi's penchant for cheating, as well as things like the Liar Ball from the Mario Baseball series, where this sort of illusionist trickery isn't something Waluigi is above.

Final Smash: Whirluigi - Waluigi begins to dance as a spotlight shines on him. Eventually he begins to rapidly spin, putting him in the eye of a massive tornado. The player takes control of this tornado and can move it around the stage, picking up enemies, trapping them, and shooting them outward at the end of the move. Waluigi then stops spinning and strikes a pose.

Special Gimmick: Waluigi Time!
Waluigi's love of cheating is only beaten by Waluigi's love of himself. Boastful and quick to jeer his opponents, Waluigi is known for his flare for the dramatic. As such, Waluigi gets a small boost in power if he taunts after KO-ing an opponent, and a slightly larger boost if he does well enough to warrant a crowd cheer. A smaller gimmick that isn't as noticeable in the heat of battle, not unlike Bowser Jr.'s knockback resistance when hit from below, but it could help in a pinch and fits Waluigi's personality.

Side Taunt: Waluigi poses as he tosses a rose behind him. This actually does damage, as well, for every rose has its thorns.
Up Taunt: Waluigi tosses his head back and raises his arms as he laughs maniacally.
Down Taunt: Waluigi performs his infamous crotch chop.
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