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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2006
Thunder Whales Picnic
ex) zhu likes to shine nair as a pressure approach at lower percentages when sub-40 you can cc shine out of spanimal nairs. shine nair is a legitimate pressure option at higher percentages but at lower percentages that i see it get used at by zhu... he's asking to get cc shined.
following strict combo percentages with specific combos.
a bit disappointed with this part and with the arguement honestly. Ive heard chops/pbnj say this about other falcos too. I will say this.....just cuz chops doesn't like it doesn't mean its wrong and sadly enough I am getting the feeling that thats whats being conveyed because the argument is flawed at a primary part of how this game is played.

What convinces me that this is a bad way to go about analyzing a players choices is the fact that you are not taking into account situational affects. you cannot sit here and tell me that every time a spacy nairs another at sub-40 that they get CC'd shined ALWAYS. shield pressure varies by much more than you give it credit for especially if its applied relatively regularly during a match. You failed to take into account what the opponent might be doing to answer the shield pressure. you cannot sit there and tell me that EVERY spacy in their shield versus falco is holding down and/or reacts to a nair and CC's it. (given that the following options are viable due to the fact that perfect shield pressure/pillaring onyl exist in the realm of action replay) some options from the position mentioned are making attempts to buffer a roll or buffer a jump which would clearly not lead into a CC'd shine but more likely into the nair hitting them without it being CC'd

you illustrated a poor example imo and by reading your post about the topic i am making the inference that you believe chop's decisions during play to be more absolute and correct in choice in comparison to zhu. Can you explain by these standards how chops drops sets to dr. mario, samus, marth and bowser?(all players considered by the vast majority to be considerably less skilled than him?[specifially pine, MDZ and esam]). If he makes better choices and has better moveset application then how can he lose such matchups lopsided as the latter?

I think you're better than this sleepy and cannot help but think that the example you provided came from an outside source which obviously didn't take into consideration anything that the opponent might be doing. instead the example just assumed the opponent(of relatively high skill i suppose) always buckles down for a CC shine. This is beside my opinion on zhu/chops. you're example is flawed and you are coming off pretty vague which rly doesnt help your argument since you are from the south. I am really disappointed that you or whoever you talked to about this fell back on the spacy matchup. don't you think that illustrating a point about chop's falco on something other than the matchups that he is known for will help convey your point a bit better? we all know that he is one of the best in the US at the fox/falco, falco/falco matchup but what you mentioned(move choice etc. etc. ) should stretch a bit further than just those matchups as they are elements of the fundamental aspects of the game.


"zhu likes" is very very very very unstable for an argument. you dunno what he likes(i mean unless he talked to you and said so). You've seen him play at bit thats all.

On a personal note:
everytime someone mentions a falco or the utterance of a falco not from the south is made.......south jumps all down their throat and gets mad defensive. same thing happened when eggm was playing falco and at the time dominating the tristate circuit single handedly only being dwarfed by the likes of mew2king and somtimes cactuar when he showed. We all know chops is talented, but I cant help but feel that the south just likes to hate on falcos that arent from their region just cuz they are different. Zhu's success recently is comparable to almost any smasher he is obviously doing something right. Why is south so critical of him(and when i south I mean PBnj/chops)? seems so unprovoked and elitist at times. Its like the south can't stand seeing another falco in the spotlight or something. good thing PP is from the south, cuz otherwise I'd bet money on him being hated on too.

P. O. F.

Smash Ace
May 5, 2009
2008 Melee Player
i would argue that most every marth knows and understands the %s for marth's cg to uair tipper on space animals.
What are you talking about? What does this have to do with Falco/Anything?


After 7 I can play. I'll make a drive if you'd like to play. I usually bail from my family after dinner. lol.

Oh and happy T day guys.

Side note: I think Zhu and Chops are getting better at alarming rates but Zhu just performs better regardless of any style. I remember when the community literally used to laugh at Zhu hardcore and thought he was a joke. I talked to Cort about his set at ROM and he literally told me that he played like crap and couldnt adjust to the fact that cort was smash DI'ing his Fox's uair and he thought it was really funny. Ummmm bair anyone? LOL.

I mean come on if you can recover after this:


You're doing something right. I remember when I met Zhu at ROM and I asked him, "Hey, you're the guy that got wombo comboed, right?" he said quietly... "Yup....that was me."


Smash Hero
Nov 3, 2006
Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA - IT'S SOVA, BABY! &lt;
@ Swift

After moving to the South [apparently even Southern VA doesn't quite cut it as The South] in June, I've learned that it's very difficult to get smashers here to see all of the big picture.

Calling them narrow minded would be inaccurate; calling them biased isn't saying enough.

I'll keep the argument out of this post because it's mad late but I'll leave you with this example.

The first time I played Chad down here at a fest in August, Kage was mentioned, and everyone in the room seemed to speak in the same sarcastic tone about how good he is. They mainly cited a couple examples of poor choices on his part [specifically regarding followups and edgeguards] but didn't really delve further into why he may not be as good as he was hyped up to be.

The underlying consensus among them turned out to be that Chad was just better.

Fast forward to Sunday night.

I had to leave ROM2 early because NJ Transit closes early and it was my only way back to the city where my sister lives.

While on the train, I started callin up the GA bros to tell them everything.

In talking with Fullmetal, I brought up that Kage beat Mango.

"Kage??? Whaaat..."

It was less disbelief than it was "oh great, now people are gonna think he's sooo good"

Then I added:.................TWICE.

Fullmetal - "........w-....h-...da-....Chad's better!...........................that's all I got >_>"

So yeah...Southern Pride can be kinda ugly. It tends to cloud people's judgment quite a bit. I mean ****, to hear "Who're your favorite Fox/Falcos? And don't you dare say Egggm" can hurt someone's credibility...but when you've got a whole region voicing the same sentiment?

kinda strange...especially considering how good and otherwise intelligent/logical the players are down here.

[sorry for rambling...tiredJohns]


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2006
Thunder Whales Picnic
@ Swift

After moving to the South [apparently even Southern VA doesn't quite cut it as The South] in June, I've learned that it's very difficult to get smashers here to see all of the big picture.

Calling them narrow minded would be inaccurate; calling them biased isn't saying enough.

I'll keep the argument out of this post because it's mad late but I'll leave you with this example.

The first time I played Chad down here at a fest in August, Kage was mentioned, and everyone in the room seemed to speak in the same sarcastic tone about how good he is. They mainly cited a couple examples of poor choices on his part [specifically regarding followups and edgeguards] but didn't really delve further into why he may not be as good as he was hyped up to be.

The underlying consensus among them turned out to be that Chad was just better.

Fast forward to Sunday night.

I had to leave ROM2 early because NJ Transit closes early and it was my only way back to the city where my sister lives.

While on the train, I started callin up the GA bros to tell them everything.

In talking with Fullmetal, I brought up that Kage beat Mango.

"Kage??? Whaaat..."

It was less disbelief than it was "oh great, now people are gonna think he's sooo good"

Then I added:.................TWICE.

Fullmetal - "........w-....h-...da-....Chad's better!...........................that's all I got >_>"

So yeah...Southern Pride can be kinda ugly. It tends to cloud people's judgment quite a bit. I mean ****, to hear "Who're your favorite Fox/Falcos? And don't you dare say Egggm" can hurt someone's credibility...but when you've got a whole region voicing the same sentiment?

kinda strange...especially considering how good and otherwise intelligent/logical the players are down here.

[sorry for rambling...tiredJohns]
thank you toasty.

let the man get his shine on srsly. someone can say that X player from the south makes better choices or whatever its not been reflected at majors and in some ppl's cases not even in the local scene. When it comes down to it......doing well in tourney consistently, beating big names and performing good overall is what matters not who is more "advanced".


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2003
It all started when Eggm said he doesn't think Shiz is "that good," at which point everybody basically jumped down his throat.

P. O. F.

Smash Ace
May 5, 2009
2008 Melee Player
It all started when Eggm said he doesn't think Shiz is "that good," at which point everybody basically jumped down his throat.
That's a good reason to. His shield pressure is unbelievable. It's quick, flashy, and effective at the same time. His laser game is also very smart and probably the best laser game period of any Falco.


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2003
I can understand John's point of view to some extent, but I guess it makes me wonder, who is Chops to say Zhu's style is "wrong?" Isn't the "right" style the one that wins (something Chops hasn't been doing a lot of lately)?

That's a good reason to. His shield pressure is unbelievable. It's quick, flashy, and effective at the same time. His laser game is also very smart and probably the best laser game period of any Falco.
That's nice, Garrett. Whatever you say, big guy.

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
a bit disappointed with this part and with the arguement honestly. Ive heard chops/pbnj say this about other falcos too. I will say this.....just cuz chops doesn't like it doesn't mean its wrong and sadly enough I am getting the feeling that thats whats being conveyed because the argument is flawed at a primary part of how this game is played.

What convinces me that this is a bad way to go about analyzing a players choices is the fact that you are not taking into account situational affects. you cannot sit here and tell me that every time a spacy nairs another at sub-40 that they get CC'd shined ALWAYS. shield pressure varies by much more than you give it credit for especially if its applied relatively regularly during a match. You failed to take into account what the opponent might be doing to answer the shield pressure. you cannot sit there and tell me that EVERY spacy in their shield versus falco is holding down and/or reacts to a nair and CC's it. (given that the following options are viable due to the fact that perfect shield pressure/pillaring onyl exist in the realm of action replay) some options from the position mentioned are making attempts to buffer a roll or buffer a jump which would clearly not lead into a CC'd shine but more likely into the nair hitting them without it being CC'd

you illustrated a poor example imo and by reading your post about the topic i am making the inference that you believe chop's decisions during play to be more absolute and correct in choice in comparison to zhu. Can you explain by these standards how chops drops sets to dr. mario, samus, marth and bowser?(all players considered by the vast majority to be considerably less skilled than him?[specifially pine, MDZ and esam]). If he makes better choices and has better moveset application then how can he lose such matchups lopsided as the latter?

I think you're better than this sleepy and cannot help but think that the example you provided came from an outside source which obviously didn't take into consideration anything that the opponent might be doing. instead the example just assumed the opponent(of relatively high skill i suppose) always buckles down for a CC shine. This is beside my opinion on zhu/chops. you're example is flawed and you are coming off pretty vague which rly doesnt help your argument since you are from the south. I am really disappointed that you or whoever you talked to about this fell back on the spacy matchup. don't you think that illustrating a point about chop's falco on something other than the matchups that he is known for will help convey your point a bit better? we all know that he is one of the best in the US at the fox/falco, falco/falco matchup but what you mentioned(move choice etc. etc. ) should stretch a bit further than just those matchups as they are elements of the fundamental aspects of the game.


"zhu likes" is very very very very unstable for an argument. you dunno what he likes(i mean unless he talked to you and said so). You've seen him play at bit thats all.

On a personal note:
everytime someone mentions a falco or the utterance of a falco not from the south is made.......south jumps all down their throat and gets mad defensive. same thing happened when eggm was playing falco and at the time dominating the tristate circuit single handedly only being dwarfed by the likes of mew2king and somtimes cactuar when he showed. We all know chops is talented, but I cant help but feel that the south just likes to hate on falcos that arent from their region just cuz they are different. Zhu's success recently is comparable to almost any smasher he is obviously doing something right. Why is south so critical of him(and when i south I mean PBnj/chops)? seems so unprovoked and elitist at times. Its like the south can't stand seeing another falco in the spotlight or something. good thing PP is from the south, cuz otherwise I'd bet money on him being hated on too.
I've rarely seen this much **** in a single post. Good **** swift.

Also I agree Melee is SO situational and SO dynamic/random that you can't make blanket generalizations... If you mean chops is more TECHNICAL than Zhu maybe I can see your point but that's some silent wolf argument ******** shiz (I personally hate 'who's more technical' arguments). When it comes down to it, Chillin beat Ken when he couldn't short hop, and Zelgadis was getting ***** by him.


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2006
Thunder Whales Picnic
i'll add that the eggm beef thingy started when south was questionable in OOS performance. Their scene is so big down there that some pl dun have to travel at all to play in tourneys with decent ppl. Shiz i believe had only played against darkrain at insomnia recently when all of this started and chops I don think had even traveled at the time. For a falco who was at the time taking m2k to the last game in sets, going back n forth with cactuar(think cactuar won majority when he decided to goto tourneys), taking chu to the last game and flat out beating everyone else in the tristate, placing top 3 in md/va consistently at the time(this is b4 jman came along) the questioning of the skill of dashizwiz does NOT seem all that crazy.........shiz didnt have the smash resume he does now back then. and for the record eggman has acknowledged that shiz is better by a good margain on multiple occassions now that he has traveled a bit and been seen against OOS. All dat hate when we traveled to FL was so wak. Raistlin/darksonic are awesome tho regardless of anything.......their hospitality has yet to be matched at any tourny where i have been housed.

thank cog
i know its hard to believe but sometimes i DO flip that troll switch off =)


Smash Lord
Nov 5, 2005
straight outta Locash
i almost forgot cogsmooch was a vegetarian, props to cog :D
and toasty pretty much summed up living in the south. except everyone in the southwest stopped playing so ok/texas has no one to hype.

P. O. F.

Smash Ace
May 5, 2009
2008 Melee Player
so pissed. Went to club 24 thinking "yup, they totally close at 2...time to get a nice workout in before i get fat. False. They closed at 12. Gay.

*watchs sf vids for a long time*


jumping is BAD.... i think i finally get it now

hpythnxgvng everyone
Yeah, it's only good if you crossover or your name is akuma, Rufus, Cammy, or Gouken because they have specials that allow you to throw from an aerial attack or do an armor break hit. So, if someone tries to Focus Attack or do an anti air at most you exchange hits and dont get utterly *****. Gouken and Akuma can also do hadoukens and then do there air attack special move while the hadouken is traveling. Guile also excels at using a LP sonic boom and honing in on his opponents....sometimes in the air works very nicely. Akuma has EX air fireball which are excellent for offense.

Basially, the air is bad but certain characters have nifty tricks or cross ups in the air. Vega arguably has one of the best cross ups in the game because it's really hard to read...but it doesn't lead to anything and he really has no other form of offense. LOL. If you learn to read his cross up hes a joke to play against...hence why he's one of the worst characters in the game.

We definitely need to play at Jams tourney. Jam and I will show you some stuff.

I'm pretty up to snuff with Ken, Gouken, Akuma, Sagat, Abel, Zangief and I know a little bit about Seth and Fei Long. Jam definitely knows more about Chun Li. Not sure who else he plays but his Chun is pretty. I think he played Blanka and Sakura as well....not sure.

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
Nah, I only played Chun Li. And all I really know is to spam EX legs.

Say what you will about the game, Brawl's soundtrack is frakkin' incredible.

*Goes back to listening to Tetris Type B*


Smash Hero
Nov 3, 2006
Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA - IT'S SOVA, BABY! &lt;
*watchs sf vids for a long time*


jumping is BAD.... i think i finally get it now
this made me laugh a good bit

I remember when I first played SF4, I was so used to Smash properties that I forgot you couldn't DI your jumps XD

granted that's infinitely better than the year I spent playing Melee instead of Halo...and then coming back to Halo and throwing a grenade at a rocket because I tried to spot dodge it >_>


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2003
Exchange of texts between me and SleepyK:

Me: Happy Gookseating.
Him: Happy Gingersreceiving.

Happy Thanksgiving, guys. Eat your weight!


Smash Champion
Jan 30, 2006
South Africa, playing in the World Cup
granted that's infinitely better than the year I spent playing Melee instead of Halo...and then coming back to Halo and throwing a grenade at a rocket because I tried to spot dodge it >_>
halo for me is like riding a bike, granted the bike has mlg rulesets

but that should have worked

i also realize i was subconsciously CCing in sf..... :(

S l o X

Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2009
bridgeport, ct
Happy Turkey Day ♥ Everyone!

Hope you all have/are having a great time.

Played GoW2 yesterday for the first time and after about two rounds, I went beast mode. :D

Anybody know how popular it is online?


Smash Hero
Nov 3, 2006
Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA - IT'S SOVA, BABY! &lt;
Hah trademark I find myself trying to DI out of combos or throw out mid-air combo-breakers when I used to play SF [borrowed sticks when I played but then I moved and returned em...so now I have a box that I just watch Netflix Instant Movies on >_>

At least I got to catch up on 30 Rock because of it =D


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
i've been on the receiving end of a consummate ******, it seems.
thanks for that, swift. going back over my posts, it sounds like i spent too much time over at pb&j's. not to shift blame or anything since it was my decision to swallow a pill of blind agreement.
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