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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3


Smash Master
Dec 10, 2006
Cts inconsistant antagonist
Whenever I read Aol news stories about obama and the economy, I decide to scroll down to the comments section. Then I realize how ****ing stupid Americans are. No wonder I hate people.

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
does anyone know a site that compares all ticket prices from various like...ticket-selling sites?? >.<; pound tickets this week

edit//<3 mango
www.sidestep.com you're welcome

Whenever I read Aol news stories about obama and the economy, I decide to scroll down to the comments section. Then I realize how ****ing stupid Americans are. No wonder I hate people.
you're just figuring out people are ********?


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
the only items i have trouble catching are freaking link/ylink's bombs. i can't catch them for some reason.

also who said
" more advanced = better"

i never said that?
chops has an advanced falco. this is undeniable. he might not place as high as falcos that are not as advanced as he is, but it is undeniable that his falco's metagame is around shiz's. his experience is lower and his consistency is certainly lower.
please use hte example of Ken and Azen.
Ken clearly had the most advanced marth out there when he was ruling melee. he knew the combo %, the correct combos at the time, the DI tricks, etc.
Azen, on the other hand, liked to fsmash. Azen went around even with Ken and beat him a few times.

More advanced =/= better

come on bros


Apr 5, 2005
Phoenix Foundation
Nobody said otherwise?

Basically, the playstyle that chops and shiz (now going to refer as chiz or shopz) is based on years of playing falco. they perform efficient combos that are guaranteed/minimize the number of reads you have to perform and have advanced laser games and other tricks. basically the falco metagame.
zhu is a few years behind chiz as far as falco mechanics go. his combos tend to rely on a good bit more reading and guessing and they don't ztd all the time since he kind of makes them up as he goes.
on a basic level it's pretty much an efficiency issue. on an advaned level there are a lot of small falco things that he just doesn't do. I'm not saying he's a bad player by any means, he may even be better than shopz considering his tournament placings, but his falco just isn't as advanced.
I think Zhu is strictly better than Chops. But I honestly don't want to have a PoF so I will just leave it with an IMO.

I am bored at work and saw an opportunity to post.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
the only items i have trouble catching are freaking link/ylink's bombs. i can't catch them for some reason.

also who said
" more advanced = better"

i never said that?
chops has an advanced falco. this is undeniable. he might not place as high as falcos that are not as advanced as he is, but it is undeniable that his falco's metagame is around shiz's. his experience is lower and his consistency is certainly lower.
please use hte example of Ken and Azen.
Ken clearly had the most advanced marth out there when he was ruling melee. he knew the combo %, the correct combos at the time, the DI tricks, etc.
Azen, on the other hand, liked to fsmash. Azen went around even with Ken and beat him a few times.

More advanced =/= better

come on bros
I deny that Chops' Falco is more "advanced" than Zhu's. Even if you choose to disagree, I think you're completely delusional to say that it's undeniable. My argument wasn't just Zhu placed better, ergo he's move "advanced," it was that I haven't seen anything particularly "advanced" from Chops aside from laser techniques.

The only argument I've heard you make for him being more "advanced" is that he and Shiz have a playstyle that relies less on guessing than guaranteed combos, yet Chops guesses with fsmash mid-combo more than any other Falco I've seen at a comparable level of play.


Smash Ace
Apr 17, 2006
My <3 is still in CT
Why aren't you playing Melee with Socal?
I don't know anyone!!! :(

Though I am sure they are all nice...everyone in San Diego is nice haha. They have Brawl weeklies, but I don't really play Brawl...only drunk FFAs with items

Edit//I have heard Ken say in interviews he didn't know alot of % and stuff he just went with the flow as he played...maybe he just knew it so well it was second nature to him.


I think 56 nights crazy
Jul 16, 2009
Omg... 4000 pages O.O

And Mike why do you post in this thread? Hometown maybe?

I'm a successful troll Mike.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
I deny that Chops' Falco is more "advanced" than Zhu's. Even if you choose to disagree, I think you're completely delusional to say that it's undeniable. My argument wasn't just Zhu placed better, ergo he's move "advanced," it was that I haven't seen anything particularly "advanced" from Chops aside from laser techniques.

The only argument I've heard you make for him being more "advanced" is that he and Shiz have a playstyle that relies less on guessing than guaranteed combos, yet Chops guesses with fsmash mid-combo more than any other Falco I've seen at a comparable level of play.
idk bro, move choices, pressure choices, platform pressure choices.

ex) zhu likes to shine nair as a pressure approach at lower percentages when sub-40 you can cc shine out of spanimal nairs. shine nair is a legitimate pressure option at higher percentages but at lower percentages that i see it get used at by zhu... he's asking to get cc shined.
following strict combo percentages with specific combos.

although i will agree that chops does do stupid **** in tournament matches, like random guessing fsmashes or deciding to randomly not follow the combo structures.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
when did i say shield pressure?

o my b, i said pressure... and totally combined shield pressure and approaching into one paragraph.
i edited it a few times and i missed that.
my b.

nair to approach sub-40

well, at the same time, if you get someone scared enough that they won't immediately roll away from the shine, then you're supposed to shine -->jc grab instead of nairing to begin with unless it's at higher percentages where a grab won't guarantee a techchase opportunity.

and zhu isn't fading back. and i don' think i've ever seen him CC shine a nair. does he know about it?

and if response is "but it's safe" generally so is shinegrabbing.

this is what i mean, though. if the shinenair shield thing is a bait approach to begin with, but if they're going to shield both hits then why would you not prefer a guaranteed grab that you could guarantee a techchase with? they won't always fall for the shine nair bait, but if they're going to shield both hits then you would probably prefer
A) guaranteed grab VS. B) potential bait hit

i go with A.

and my b on "undeniable." you certainly can deny it and are most definitely able to disagree with me.

i also edit posts like 50 times wtf calm down sleeypk


Smash Champion
Jan 30, 2006
South Africa, playing in the World Cup
my general response to things
Whenever I read Aol news stories about obama and the economy, I decide to scroll down to the comments section. Then I realize how ****ing stupid Americans are. No wonder I hate people.
*high five*
No I've always known, I just didn't realize how stupid conservative independents are.
liberals and conservatives are both equally stupid

demetri lets move



Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
when did i say shield pressure?

o my b, i said pressure... and totally combined shield pressure and approaching into one paragraph.
i edited it a few times and i missed that.
my b.

nair to approach sub-40

well, at the same time, if you get someone scared enough that they won't immediately roll away from the shine, then you're supposed to shine -->jc grab instead of nairing to begin with unless it's at higher percentages where a grab won't guarantee a techchase opportunity.

and zhu isn't fading back. and i don' think i've ever seen him CC shine a nair. does he know about it?

and if response is "but it's safe" generally so is shinegrabbing.

and my b on "undeniable." you certainly can deny it and are most definitely able to disagree with me.
in that vid he nair approaches twice that I saw sub 40, once when his opponent is in shield, the other time is when his opponent was dropping off a platform, neither of which is dangerous. I can guarantee you that he knows how to CC shine. also, as far as I know, if you delay the nair enough, it doesn't matter if they CC it, you still can link it to shine, but I dunno where to find CCed hitstun so I can't verify this.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
idk i see him approaching with nair a lot sub-40 in general. perhaps there is a lot of remnant from older matches in my memory, but i think i've seen him do it a lot recently anyway.

define delay the nair please.
you mean as in

1) delaying the actual hit
2) delaying the actual nair


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
idk chops cc shined me out of that a lot. i tried.

pp did too, actually.

actually, i think it was a straight out shine me out of my nair.
not sure about ccing the late nair either.

they did shield shineoos tho

P. O. F.

Smash Ace
May 5, 2009
2008 Melee Player
Zhu is better than Chops. <-Period
This. Wait.............didn't I like......say this before? Yes, I think so.

I think Zhu is strictly better than Chops. But I honestly don't want to have a PoF so I will just leave it with an IMO.
I LOL'd actually. Try to play Tekken 6 again sometime? I got my bluetooth working.

I deny that Chops' Falco is more "advanced" than Zhu's. Even if you choose to disagree, I think you're completely delusional to say that it's undeniable. My argument wasn't just Zhu placed better, ergo he's move "advanced," it was that I haven't seen anything particularly "advanced" from Chops aside from laser techniques.
We agree on something. yay.

idk bro, move choices, pressure choices, platform pressure choices.

ex) zhu likes to shine nair as a pressure approach at lower percentages when sub-40 you can cc shine out of spanimal nairs. shine nair is a legitimate pressure option at higher percentages but at lower percentages that i see it get used at by zhu... he's asking to get cc shined.
i will agree that chops does do stupid **** in tournament matches, like random guessing fsmashes or deciding to randomly not follow the combo structures.
the purpose of shine nair to pressure shields is to fadeback with the nair so that CC and OoS options miss due to spacing. it's very strong and safe.
This. The dair is high risk...high reward but it combos better but the nair is a good 3x safer. Even still, it really doesn't matter what particular people do at certain %'s....if it works for them....it works for them.

Who grabs?
:laugh: I like your posts lately too.


Smash Ace
Apr 17, 2006
My <3 is still in CT
Oh my god I want to play Melee...I haven't since that random Uconn tournament I went to.

I found out San Deigo has triweekly melee tournaments :D:D


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
Cort, where did "Apple Head" come from?

and pof, i see ya point, but i would argue that most every marth knows and understands the %s for marth's cg to uair tipper on space animals.
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