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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
Does anyone want to play Melee today?

I want to play badly.

Seriously, I'm not going out tonight. Last night was good enough for me. :) My car got egged last night while I was up at Central and I got madd trashed with some kids up there. The car ride back to my friend Johsn house was epic..I literally had to pee the ENTIRE ride back and almost pissed my pants. I had to get out of the car and literally just hopped out and went instantly. Haha, It was too funny. I was debating on downloading Saw V and watching that tonight LOL. That movie is going to be so bad that it will be extremely entertaining. IV was the biggest waste of time too...it was so funny.

But yeah, who the **** wants to play today? Call my cell phone if you do.


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2003
Even if his APM is kind of low, I think it's beneficial to at least TRY the strat to understand how it works.

You're not really going to be able to do ANYTHING "properly" with the 40-50 APM that most people start out with, but it never hurts to try.


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2003
Trade, it's been really slow at work lately (meaning I'm broke), so I think I'm gonna have to pass on the Jersey tournament.

It's probably gonna be really busy tonight though, so depending on how much I make, I may reconsider. Just figured I'd give you a heads up.


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2003
without high apm, you're much much better off including tanks in your army and playing more slowly and under control
I agree, but that's only if you actually care about winning, which I don't think you should when you're just starting out.


Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
you won't learn much when you're constantly foiled by one defiler and two lurkers

SKTerran isn't that complex strategically; if you develop high apm using other builds, there is no reason you wouldn't be able to simply switch over


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2003
It occurs to me that when I'm playing Smash with somebody who's just starting out and has little to no idea of how to play, I usually tell them not to play Fox in favor of characters who are easier to control, so... conceded.

Tanks are really good and stuff.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
D: Well I have nothing to do tonight Cog...
>_> If you're still in town...and have a controller or something.


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
The story of how I almost got robbed last Friday.

lol yup, I almost got robbed last Friday, which is why I didn't show up at Tim's until like 8. I left work kinda late and it's a 10 minute walk from Ft. McNair to the metro station. I work in Southeast DC in case you didn't know, and at dark the place becomes sketchy as hell. All the creepy people come out and haunt the streets. So I made mistake of leaving work at 6 30 and stopping by the atm (which is right next to the stairway leading to the metro about a minute away) to get money for the weekend.

As I left the atm I noticed I was being followed quite closely by someone, so I sped up and moved more to the right to make room between him and I. But the person caught up to me and asked, "Yo man, you got change for a 5?". I stupidly answered, "Nah man, all I have are 20s". "Oh, so you can break a 50 then?", he responded. "I guess so", and I whipped out my wallet to give the man his change and get it over with so I could get on the metro.

Now, at this point in time, the two of us where near a street intersection about 100 yards from the staircase leading to the metro. Around 30 or so people were moving all around us so I figured it would be safe to make the exchange here. However, as I looked through the 20s in my wallet, I quickly realized I was surrounded. I didn't notice, but six or so other guys were in a circle all around me and my heart stopped.

Then, out of nowhere, the main guy walked away from me and the six other dudes followed suit. They walked toward the Safeway, which was to the right of the direction of the staircase. Figuring that he changed his mind, I brushed this off and continued along my way. I was about halfway to the staircase when I realized that again I was being followed. This time I could tell, it was at least 2 of the group that surrounded me. I never looked back, but I could tell they were behind me.

I quickened my pace, and as I made it down the staircase I sped into a mid jog to get to the bottom faster. You see, when you get to the bottom there is a tunnel leading to the area where you swipe your metro card to get to where you need to wait on the trains. And it is also 50 feet from here that the only metro attendant that there is at Waterfront Station is sitting. I felt I'd be safe if I made it within that person's sight.

As soon as I came to the end of the escalator, a hand almost grabbed my backpack and I heard, "YO!". I made sure to reach the ground before turning around, only to see the main guy of the group from before along with another friend of his who looked about half his age. They were just a couple feet behind me and looked as though they had rushed down to catch me.

"Yo man, you said you were gonna give me change", he exclaimed. "Yeah, man you walked away. I thought you didn't need it anymore", I quickly retorted. "Nah man, I still need it. You still got change for a 50?", he eagerly said. I gazed swiftly at the electronic board further down that tells you when the trains are coming. The one I needed to catch was 9 minutes away. "There's no way I can stall that long", I thought. The other train headed in the opposite direction, however, had just 2 minutes before it arrived. "I gotta go my train's about to get here", I spouted in hopes of getting them off my case. "It's cool man, just give me the money", he stated very oddly. I looked him directly in the eyes, "Alright, man you got the 50?". He moved his hands up and down through his coat very gently, all the while keeping his eyes on me. I became genuinely scared. "Oh ****, I don't got my wallet", he said after a few seconds. "He'll give it to you", he gestured toward the younger person standing next to him. I looked carefully at this kid. He seemed about 19 years old.

Not wanting to waste anymore time, I pulled out my wallet again and grabbed two 20s and a 10. Their eyes lit up as if I had produced gold in my palms. "How much is that?", the younger one inquired while reaching his hand toward mine. His fingertips grazed the bills in my hand before I recoiled hard and stuck my other hand out. "You got the 50?", I asked again. "Yeah", he said. "Let's see it", I firmly demanded.

The kid rustled through his coat in the same manner as the older man. Very gently and all the while his gaze staying on me. After a few seconds he stopped searching through his coat and stood there expecting me to just hand him the money. The older man grew impatient, "Look just give me the money and he'll give you the change!", he growled. His face had come closer to mine as he said this. My heart began pounding loudly in my chest. His eyes were wide and his hands outstretched. I was going to get robbed.

"Man, I don't have time for this. I have a train to catch", I said as I turned away from the two and shoved the 50 dollars deep in my pocket. I played it cool and walked only slightly faster than I normally do until I made it to where I could swipe my metro card and make for the trains. Once I did, I made sure I was safely out of view then bolted down the next flight of steps, ran down to the other side of the waiting area, and jumped onto the train going the opposite direction I needed to go.

Breathing heavily, I regained my composure and got off at the very next stop. I waited 5 minutes for the right train I needed to catch and got on that. Problem is I still wasn't thinking straight so I got off after one stop again, which landed me BACK at Waterfront. I kicked myself for not realizing it. The thugs from before could have followed me down here and might be at the waiting area.

So, I made for the corner and hid behind a large pillar for 10 minutes until the right train came. There was no sign of the two guys ever coming down so I was relieved. I made it safely to Tim's house after that.

Yeah, so that's the reason I was late to the smashfest lol. Btw that happened last Friday and I'm a bit terrified that it might happen again tonight. So, I'm leaving work about 45 minutes eariler than before and I'm ignoring all other humans until I make it on my train.

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
That really sucks, I'm glad you made it out of that fine. But you should try your hand at creative writing, that was very well written.


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
Really? Thanks, I wrote that really rushed because I'm at work and I didn't want my boss to see me on smashboards lol. There are probably a ton of grammatical errors and such, things I'd fix if I spent a bit longer on it. But yeah, it was a very scary experience. I'm actually afraid to get home now. It's already 5 48 I'd better leave now if I don't want that to happen again.

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
Well then, I would be very interested to see what you could produce if you put more time into it.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
why would it follow that you have change for a 50 if all you have is 20s? :laugh:

also i haven't seen a 50 dollar bill in like 8 years
CT is so loaded that our ATMs frequently give you 50s when you withdraw $100+ -_-. It's actually stupid annoying cause I always feel like a **** using a 50 unless I'm like, buying $30-50 worth of alcohol (not frequently since the British dudes who were training at my company left) or gas (not frequently since in CT that means going inside when you can just swipe your card instead).

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
So I started watching Saw V and after the intro I was like, "Well, maybe I'll just go watch some basketball or just do some homework." True story. haha

Also-I downloaded the Legend of Zelda overworld theme, Saw theme, and the Green Greens song on Guitar Hero. Too good. PS3 Guitar Hero > every other system.
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