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Computer admintrator


Smash Master
Nov 4, 2006
Los Angeles, CA
What?? you can delete your system administrator? thats crazy. I dont know how that would happen, but maybe you could reboot your computer to original OS settings? that should get your admin back.


Smash Ace
Dec 31, 2006
Gainesville Fl
This was actually for a friend. I told him to try to reboot it, I just wanted to see if anybody else agreed. He won't reboot it because he says he has to much memory he dosn't want to lose.


Smash Master
Nov 4, 2006
Los Angeles, CA
ah, i see. well tell him that rebooting it sound like the only option he has. or what you could do is go to start->programs->accessories->system tools->system restore and you could restore your computer's memory to a point back in time when he had the administrator. he might lose a few programs (if he had installed them recently) but only if he installed them. if he wrote like a paper or something it'd still be there, but i'd back up some important data just in case. But this will take your computer back in time and change all settings back to the way they were a time in the past that you choose. im pretty sure that will solve your problem without a full system reboot
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