Not sure if anyone cares, but I was messing around with shield codes to see if I could mimick blocking from traditional fighting games just for kicks and out of boredom. My thought was - what if we had a shield that regenerated while you held it so it was always at maximum, and regenerated super fast when you were walking around - strong enough to block most attacks, but specific attacks like Shield Breaker and the like would still have a chance?
Unfortuantley, the end result at this point is that it's impossible. To achieve a regenerating shield that regenerates
while being held requires a negative value for shield loss. That's fine. Unfortuantley, it seems that there is a dropoff point where anything smaller than -1 (from my testing) instead acts as if it were -1. My first shot was -99, and, well,
you can see what a disaster that is after holding the shield for a good 10 seconds (Note: it doesn't actually zoom out like that automatically, I just mean it's stupid to have a shield that covers the entire screen). I went to -1 and it was mediocre, so I tried -.5 and it felt the same, and then -.15 and again it felt the same as -1.
My next thought was to fix the problem of ever expanding shields by changing the shield max to 20 (somewhat arbitrary), but that only affects the most Shield Gain can regen you. Unfortuantley, I didn't want shield damage to do much with this concept so that's a problem. If only the shield max cap applied to negative shield loss...
Now, here are the values I last used and it IS somewhat playable. A player could just sit and grow a huge shield if they wanted, but the opponent can move freely within the shield and grab you whenever they wanted. If timed properly, Marth's uncharged B and DK's Side-B both break the shield in one hit. Pound takes two hits. Yoshi's dair won't break it but if you follow with a tilt or another quick dair it works. However it isn't nearly the way I want it to be.
Shield Max [spunit262]
04B88440 41A00000
Shield Loss [spunit262]
* 04B88450 BE8F5C28
Shield Gain [spunit262]
* 04B88454 42C60000
Shield damage ratio [spunit262]
* 04B8847C 3E199999
If I didn't want to perserve moves like Marth's B, I would set Shield Damage to 0, Shield Loss to 0, up shield max to 60 or 70, and increase shieldstun by quite a bit. But that's a boring and obvious solution, and who really wants trad fighter shields anyways?
Just a little experiment was all.
I wonder what happens if you have a negative Shield Gain value. Paired with a negative Shield Loss value, that'd be pretty interesting I think. You would lose shield as you didn't use it, and would have to "charge" it or something by holding shield out. I might mess with that.
ON a related dissapointment note, I've decided that the directional air dodge from HAD is way too long and game breaking, and despite how much I thought I wanted it I see now that it's unbalanced and blows. I haven't played against a human with it yet, so I'll give it one more shot, but it's not looking too good.