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Colorado's Uber-hawt Ranking Thread


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
Did away with the horrendously dated Melee rankings. Very tenative Brawl rankings goes here!

1.) Ferdi/Tim/SNSG
4.) Izzy/Nite/MikeZ/Yang/Lunchmeat/LEO
10.) BlueMycon/ET/Ryyu

We need to do our ranking tournament, bad.


Putting in the final Melee rankings.

1) Jeris (SNSG) - Luigi
2) Ferdi (spiritdragon) - Counter-picking ****/ Rafa (El_LoVo) - Link
4) Tony (InterimOfZeal) - Peach
5-10) Prolly something like Nite/Mike/Yang/Erg, Tim/Bloshi/Ken


Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2005
Westminster, CO
Maybe if I stop trying to look cool and be more effective I would be better
(stealth jon)

Anyways, IMO Smashgod is either tied/better than me in the rankings. I'll let people decide.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 28, 2004
near Balboa Park BART, San Francisco
Thoughts about the New Rankings

I am very glad that Tony took over the Rankings, I believe he'll do a very good job of maintaning them. I completely agree with what Tony has posted as the current rankings. Tony, i'll try and get Sean to come to more tournaments, he's a very smart player with a lot of potential he just doesn't like SSBM like he likes SSB64 lol. Ferdi, you have a better record in tourney and friendlies overall than SDSG does, that's why Tony ranked you higher and i agree with him. SDSG may be tied/higher than you, but only more tourneys and smashfests will determine that.

P.S. Tony, if you go http://www.ccct2k.com/contact.htm there is the contact info for DFG...if the link doesn't work for some reason it says his phone number is 303-808-7746

Imposter Professor Ken

Smash Apprentice
Jun 8, 2006
1st hahahahahahahahaha zeal your funny

2nd waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

3rd hahahahahah SpiritDragon your funny

4th rafa u rule everything i think everyone knows that silly

Brown NITE

Smash Apprentice
May 23, 2006
Aurora Co.
Why the **** is bloshi above me i can whoop his ****en *** im not sure how my capt would do against joeys ganon but im sure i would beat it and why the **** is peachs pan still in the rankings when he hasnt played anyone at all


Smash Ace
Apr 24, 2004
Monument, Co
rofl nite i love how pissy you get. **** its not even towards the end of the month. chill
but thats fine with me, joey really doesnt care, and i already know that he can beat you. So i think someone needs to hold another ranking tournament *cough* cough* victor cough* cough* Colorado Rankings Tournament 2*


Smash Apprentice
Sep 28, 2004
near Balboa Park BART, San Francisco
victor i thought u retired -_-
Victor never really retired, and I think he means to have the ranking tournament to satisfy all of you random smashers who care so much about what the rankings look like cuz I don't think he cares that much about his rank cuz he knows how good he is.

Vic: I think it's a great idea, you hostin a tournament, I dont' care whether it's a rankings one or not, but we should try and stay as active here in CO as possible...


Smash Ace
Apr 24, 2004
Monument, Co
Kenny, i actually do care about the rankings and im also going to hold a rankings tournament because you and me are tied.


Smash Ace
Apr 24, 2004
Monument, Co
Thoughts For Co's Rankings

Yes, Yes, Kenny i know we should focus on getting more OOS and getting better BUT that also takes some fun out of being competative in Co. I noticed that everyone randomly listened to AZ's rankings. Im not trying to be mean or anything but im just trying to say that Colorado has to decide its own rankings and not another state. Seriously, Colorado smashers know eachother better and how they play at times better then OOS do. Im not saying we should go decide new rankings again unless everyone wants to. Anyways ive had a thought, there should only be a select few who control the rankings. I was thinking that the people who have the right to discuss and make the official rankings should be the people who have won tournaments with an exception of tony because he owns this thread. So basically that would put Kenny, Ferdi, Me and Tony incharge. Im not saying that we make the list between the four of us but i was thinking that mabe everyone can post their rankings and then Kenny,Ferdi,Tony and I can get together on aim or something and discuss them and come up with the final rankings. I also think that there should be rankings in Colorado because since colorado isnt the greatest state, ppl always want to be near the top because that means they're closer to "not sucking". post your coments plz.


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado

Why the **** is bloshi above me i can whoop his ****en *** im not sure how my capt would do against joeys ganon but im sure i would beat it and why the **** is peachs pan still in the rankings when he hasnt played anyone at all
Because he gives most people a harder time than you do. Also, he's still in pretty decent shape, whilst you played like **** at CSS. Fact of life, if you play crappy, people are going to knock you down in the rankings.

I'll toss Ken and anyone else I forgot onto the rankings later.

Danger Chap

Smash Apprentice
May 22, 2006
Plan 9 From Outer Space (bO_O)b

Because he gives most people a harder time than you do. Also, he's still in pretty decent shape, whilst you played like **** at CSS. Fact of life, if you play crappy, people are going to knock you down in the rankings.

I'll toss Ken and anyone else I forgot onto the rankings later.
This is Nite

and ***** your thr only one that sucks agaisnt his yoshi cause i have beaten him with both my bowser and falcon easy... if your getting you *** kicked by people that are lower then you then they shouldnt be going up you should be going down
i need to play you again cause my falcon can beat lovos now and if i can beat his i can beat anyones in CO Nyugas AND I MEAN ANY FOX (exept for probably victor since well hes victor and i havent seen him use fox)


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
Ferdi, I love you.

Nite, I'd be more than happy to spank you again. Who ended up beating me in CSS? Rob, and Ferdi. Two players I consider to be better than me. Ken beat me one round, Ben beat me one round, everyone else was sweeped by me, despite me freaking out during the tournament.

And beating LoVo's Fox doesn't mean anything. Kenny 3 stocks you, I 3 stocked you the last time we played... So you can beat Rafa's playstyle, it's nothing to really brag about. 3 stock Kenny, and then it will matter.

I wonder if I can best you with your own character, still.

Danger Chap

Smash Apprentice
May 22, 2006
Plan 9 From Outer Space (bO_O)b
This is Nite

And ok ill take on kennys and your fox and that tournament doesnt mean **** since you camped a lot and why do you name who beat you cause i also got beat by ferdi and SDSG two people who are not also better then me but you as well so naming who beat you is pointless cause we didnt get beat by bloshi or anyother people you put above me


Smash Ace
Mar 22, 2006
The Triad of Power, NC
What we really need is a round-robin rankings tournament because brackets have too much to do with chance and who you played. That would be an awesome tourney as well because a ton of matches are gauranteed for everybody. It just takes a long time, so a good date must be found.


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
Hey... Hey Nite? Last time I checked, camping was not a game-winning strategy. Camper Bob loses to Ken, and he's the campiest camper ever. If Ken can't play smart and beat me when I camp, it's his own fault. There were countless times where he could have grabbed me when I ran by, but he didn't, because he froze. I couldn't play technical during the tournament, so I made up for it by playing it safe. It's not my fault if Ken isn't good enough to overcome that obstacle, just like it's not his fault that I couldn't infinite drillshine that day. It wasn't Ben's fault that I was lacking in confidence about my Fox, since it was only his second tourney ever, and I decided to gay it up with ICs. At least Ben didn't get 3 stocked when I went into gay mode. He adapted, and made it fairly close. STFU about the tournament meaning nothing. You played like a C-rank player, and placed and were ranked accordingly.

Girls before games is great and all, but if you don't spend any time getting better, you shouldn't ***** about where you are in the rankings. The only people that have been getting better are the people in the top 8 or so. Everyone else is stagnant. Why else would I pick up 1 handed play? Because it's too **** easy to beat you guys when I use 2. I even beat you with your own character after the tournament, and I don't even practice w/ captain.

For the record, I still love you guys, but ****... get better, or don't complain. Ken's been improving, Yang improved by a ****load, and NEITHER of them complained about where they were ranked (if they even were). Seriously, don't trip, especially when you aren't dedicated to getting better.


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
We need a date soon. I'd aim for this weekend, but since our two biggest tourney hosters are away at OC2, I can't talk to them about holding one.

Actually... let's all try to get one together for next Saturday. Sound good? If so, either I or someone else can make a thread. People cool on this, lemme know.


Smash Ace
Mar 22, 2006
The Triad of Power, NC
I can't tell you if I can make it until I know where it is going to be. But I want this to happen really badly, because tournaments are so fun. We will need way more food stockpiled up, however, so things can run smoother. Whose house is big enough besides Nite's and Chap's that can accomodate alot of people?

Oh yeah Tony what happened to OC2?
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