How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Look we do not know whether Megaman is TRULY out or not, with Inafune as suprisingly happy as he was discussing Brawl I fail to believe Capcom or Nintendo DID NOT contact each other at one point about Megaman. Than again maybe he just slipped through the cracks.
People need to just calm down and wait and see, if Inafune is anything like his friend Sakurai, he can mindgame us as well. All the Anti-Megaman groups need to shut up and the Pro-Megaman group need to shut up, we all need to WAIT till Januray 24th and see if this was a mindgame or for real. Inafune neither confirmed nor denied the possibility of Megaman in Brawl, anyone who fails to see this needs to recheck it. He didn't change ANYTHING about Megaman's chances he just said,
"Well I haven't been contacted yet" did not confirm him.
"But there is still a few months left, maybe Nintendo will contact me and let him in!" did not deny him.
We are still at square one, nothing has changed just everything just got a little bit angrier. Nuff said.
People need to just calm down and wait and see, if Inafune is anything like his friend Sakurai, he can mindgame us as well. All the Anti-Megaman groups need to shut up and the Pro-Megaman group need to shut up, we all need to WAIT till Januray 24th and see if this was a mindgame or for real. Inafune neither confirmed nor denied the possibility of Megaman in Brawl, anyone who fails to see this needs to recheck it. He didn't change ANYTHING about Megaman's chances he just said,
"Well I haven't been contacted yet" did not confirm him.
"But there is still a few months left, maybe Nintendo will contact me and let him in!" did not deny him.
We are still at square one, nothing has changed just everything just got a little bit angrier. Nuff said.