Smash Lord
A few months back sakurai showed us that you can record up to 3 minutes of brawl footage. Lately we've seen that we can send in our homemade stages and pictures to Nintendo and they would be sent to every player who could recieve them. These were dubbed stage of the day and picture of the day. Well I think there should also be Brawl of the Day. You record your 3 minute match, send it to Nintendo, they rate it on awesomeness and post it in a worldwide viewing area in the Wifi connection port. This way you would'nt have to download it to your system, but you could wake up each morning and be like, "well lets watch the brawl of the day....... oh ****! that was sick! i gotta try that!" and so on and so forth. And lets say the video you sent gets the prestigous award of getting brawl of the day, well id have to say that deserves an award. Nothing too epic as far as awards go, everyone expecting me to say, "you win brawl of the day, Warning, Challenger Approaching". No not that epic, but something more along the lines of like, a 250 coin award. Thoughts?