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Brawl+ and Uptilts...?


Sega Stockholm Syndrome.
Aug 13, 2007
Something that's been on my mind for a while. (I really have a habit of looking hard for details and small-medium sized things lmao)

Even though utilt's in Brawl+ aren't a problem. I was wondering are we going to work with them, if any, to alleviate the "repeatitive utilt" stature and make things "less easy" and what not?

Maybe its me, but I don't think 3-5+ utlts belong in Brawl+, especially since we're going back a bit to look back on changes that gave certain character moves the E-Z status and we're removing a few E-Z mode tactics like Falco SHDL and Fox Dair > Usmash and Falco Utilt and etc etc.

What do you guys thing?


Frame Savant
Jun 20, 2008
Kent Lakes, New York
A month ago I would have said this was totally unnecessary and we shouldn't mess with it. I've come to the realization though that there is no true downside to messing with nightly builds. Once we go gold we won't be able to make these sort of changes as easily.

What up-tilts actually need this change though? Fox's up-tilt chains aren't the stupid bulls*** they were initially. Jiggs up-tilt, for example, doesn't combo into itself well above like 20%, and the combo actually is always escapable with good DI (there's no reliable setup for uptilt either).

More important than "uptilts" here, is the concept that watchability and variety are good reasons to make changes in the game. They are, if you think otherwise you should really remember that we need people to actually play B+. As many people as possible. People who watched the Apex finals and thought, man, that s*** was lame (fox's/snake's overcentralized moveset having been the problem, not Yes! exploiting it...)


Apr 27, 2006
Cleveland, Ohio
There's only like a few problem Utilts in this game still I think and those being: Mario (combos 3 times into itself, possibly 4 times if you predict their DI), Falco (getting fixed though or rather, already is), and I think Diddy's chains into itself a few times (haven't touched him in forever so I forget exactly). So there's probably a few I'm missing as well but, Mario's really sticks out to me.


Flute-Fox Only
Feb 7, 2007
Mario's U-tilt BKB was raised to 40 from 28 in the latest build. SMK, we'll playtest it upon my return.


Smash Hero
Mar 19, 2008
Marth's might seem potent because the test build still used the whacky speed change that was like 1.52875blahblahblahx instead of 1.5x. I fixed that for the PSA port. Plus with all Utilt changes reverted, the move shouldn't chain into itself so much anymore.



Apr 27, 2006
Cleveland, Ohio

No one tested MY latest Mario utilt build. <_>

But DK/Marth/Luigi/Diddy/PT/Lucario/Pika/MK are possible ones too.
DK's only hits 2 times on floaties, probably 1 on Luigi (loooooool). Fastfallers it's obviously probably 3, but, other than that DK doesn't really rely on Utilt chains anyway. You should only do two Utilts with him anyway because by the third one, they might be sent too high to do Uair. Heck, in several cases, DK's Utilt may only actually work once and not be able to chain into a second one.


Dirty camper
Mar 20, 2006
Playing melee and smash ultimate

No one tested MY latest Mario utilt build. <_>

But DK/Marth/Luigi/Diddy/PT/Lucario/Pika/MK are possible ones too.
SMK already covered DK and viet covered marth.

I dunno anything about luigi and diddy, so no comment.

We already nerfed squirtle's utilt into oblivion because of his utilt combos, so at least squirtle is fine. I don't remember charizard or ivy having very long lasting utilt combos, either.

I don't think I've ever seen a lucario go past three utilts, and usually only does two at low percents before going into aerials, which is fine imo.

Pika shouldn't be using utilt combos for very long, either, since the move already has pretty substantial growth, and he'd rather be uairing. If pika has repetitive combos, it's not because of utilt (and no, his uair does not need nerfing; it's not even legit between the time he lands and when he uairs again).

MK's utilt has a tiny hitbox that only hits like right above him, so I don't see where the problem is on that one, either.

Yeah... like I told you over aim... utilt combos aren't that big of an issue anymore. We took care of most of the big ones, already.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
i agree with anything that removes an EZ mode feel of the game. i dont like an extreme number of guaranteed combos (except those completely based on reading DI, sort of like dthrow knee in melee with falcon)
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