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Brawl 64


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Smash 64 is the most balanced in terms of the percentage of balanced characters, where Brawl is the most balanced in terms of amount of characters (especially without the MK factor). Melee is somewhere inbetween them. Honestly no one smash game is much more balanced then the other.


stuck on a whole different plaaaanet
Jun 12, 2008
Because people are too busy trying to get it to be like Melee? Hmm, I don't know but heck I'd play Brawl64 if there were codes for it.

It'd be fun...=D


Smash Lord
Jun 10, 2008
Toronto & Kingston, Ontario
Just compare Pikachu and Ness. All of Pikachu's moves will beat Ness'. Especially in the air.
??? Ness in 64 = ridiculous aerial priority + DJCs

Anyway this game with broken z-canceling (IE no lag whatsoever, as it is in 64) and long hitstun and lack of DI in many places where Melee and Brawl have it would make Brawl so hilarious and kickass. I would love to play the game this way. The zero-to-death combos that people would come up with??? It would be too cool. I can just visualize my Marth becoming a total combo beast this way... Also Falcon will retain some of his former glory.

MK would become more impossible to beat however.
Ike would stand more of a chance though.

You'd also have to make grabs broken again. But this would be offset by the shieldstun and long-lasting shields, so shield-grabbing as we know it commonly used in Brawl wouldn't happen much.

Naturally, also take out the instant-ledge-grabbing... that **** is way too easy, people should actually have to put effort into sweetspotting it. I want to be able to dsmash low-recovering opponents at the edge in this game too, stuff like that.

never said it wasnt, but comeon, its kind of hard to argue
Come on... have you played 64 at a decently high level? I have way more fun with it than Brawl. Brawl is tons of fun, no doubt, but if I had to live on a desert island and take only one Smash game it would be 64 between the two. Thankfully I don't and I can play all 3 whenever I want :D

Seriously though have a Falcon ditto in 64 on Dreamland and it will be the fastest 5 stocks you've ever gone through. TOO intense, and a far cry from the 8-minute long 3-stock battles of attrition you see in Brawl tourneys.


Smash Hero
Writing Team
Apr 26, 2007
Brooklyn, NY
Brawl is in one way like smash 64

One way overpowered character (in smash 64 its Pika....in brawl its Meta)

Otherwise, smash 64 is the most balanced smash game......in what other smash game can a bottom tier (Samus) do well vs a high tier (Jigglypuff). It is the reason why I like smash 64.

Brawl with smash 64 combos would be crazy, I would love to be able to DJC again as yoshi or Ness......and use Z-canceling
Once more, with brawl's controller switch options, I would just change Z-cancelling to my L button and have melee L-Cancelling

I would have liked brawl with a combination of melee and smash 64
Smash 64 balance + melee speed/Good DI.......
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