Whenever I have to memorize long lists of things I try and eat/chew on something that has a strong/distinct taste/smell. I use gum for example. Why?
It's because of how the physiology of your brain works. It's something about smell that directly goes toward your hypocampus (which is concerned about memory). So you basically use the sensation of smell to associate those memorized words. If someone can back me up on this that would be tight lol.
I do it all the time, especially for memory based subjects like pysch or ochem.
So on the quiz or test, I chew gum and that smell literally accesses my memory bank faster. All other sensory inputs have to go through another part of your brain before it hits that hypocampus, but not smell, that **** is directly connected.
And I get good grades and I'm sure it's been working at least on some small level.
Or maybe gum is like my placebo?
Either way, give it a shot.