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Blazblue Mafia Extend: Game Over - NYANCAT In Charge!

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Condensed reads in case somehow I die before I get out of work:


Town lean


Scum lean


#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
EBWOP: I read Bardull a little bit more and I decided to switch him to a town-lean because I think he has a lot more to work with and read off of comparative to Fanny/Raziek. He's a little bit more caught up and my town lean is a bit meta in that I think Bardull would be a bit more obnoxious towards Laundry with his read on him, even if the snide 'lel' is fairly obnoxious. If FML comes back with a solid reason as to why he dissappeared and what happened to Ruy I'll probably switch him back to town-lean too. I think I'm pretty confident in my list regardless.


Smash Champion
Jun 14, 2013
Laundry is definitely leading this, and I'll agree that the collective thought process is following his logic. But I think that's because it makes sense.

I don't agree with a large portion of Soup's points, or Moosy's, but I also don't feel that they're my enemy.

I REALLY hate when someone votes for themselves, which is a big reason I voted for Zaix. But it also seems that everyone is moving away from him now, so he's not looking like a viable lynch candidate anymore. Or am I wrong?

I don't think we're going to lynch J or Glyph today, and I see where Laundry is coming from regarding wasting time on them. However, they're both very strong players, and I definitely still don't like Glyph's actions at the beginning, so we should continue to look into them, maybe just not today.

Maven is weird. His posts don't seem consistent at all. While I disagree with both Moosy and Soup, I tend to see where they're coming from. Maven just seems to be pushing an agenda.

Spak is still someone we should look at tomorrow.

At this point, I think I'm fine with Zaix or Maven being lynched.


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2014
decisive games
Thus I've come to the end of my thoughts and the big question mark I still have is J. I really hate this slot. I really, really hate this slot. I don't hate you J, and I think your'e a fantastic dude, but you've gotten on my nerves this whole game and you've made me look so damn twisted just trying to figure you out. I'd rather die knowing I gave a full shot trying to nail you over jsut letting you pass because I've been frustrated that people have been doing so. Maybe Maven was right about what I was doing, but laundry is also right in that I shouldn't feel bad or feel like I'm constantly wrong. I was going to do a re-read but I simply don't want to let go even if it means I get lynched because of it. I'm fully prepared to try and get you lynched, though I'm pretty sure it won't happen today even though I tried.
This went in the exact opposite direction I thought you had been going in

I'll be voting Zaixl or Maven at deadline, and I'd prefer the latter.
This also went in the exact opposite direction I thought it would based on the above paragraph

Maven's a bit twisted himself but right now the thread is in a disposition where not only is Zaixl scummy and bad, but also you have players whom are sitting their votes on him and those who just decided get off of him for unknown reasons, which would lead to good discussion regardless of what he flips. I don't want to feel this game will just be Laundry getting mad and asserting his position on everyone too weak to make one of their own, either.
But you're going to vote for me when you only have me as a scum lean and two others as scum, and just gave a vow to do a possible suicide attack on J

I'm really not buying any of that and really dislike the whole J vow because it just looks like he's planning to excuse a tunnel despite acting like he was listening to people before

Just gonna say, in the last game I was in with Zaixl he self-voted twice during day 1 as town. He's playing pretty similar, except less active. Honestly right now I don't see any way to tell with him yet, he hasn't really done much.


Smash Champion
Jun 14, 2013
Man explain that
Sure. Who are you currently gunning for? Your whole thing seems to be "You guys are dumb, don't listen to Laundry", or at least it was. You don't seem to be going after Glyph much anymore (If I'm wrong, correct me), but you were going after him very strongly. To me, it feels less like you're scum hunting, and more like you're just trying to make sure nobody trusts Glyph. Your whole

"Also unless I'm wrong people are still overexagerating our pushes on Glyph, I don't believe either me or Mello insisted Glyph had to be scum, we just believe he could be and thought it was the best avenue to push"

I think you made it pretty clear that Glyph had to be scum earlier on, and this seems like a politician who has secret interests. Moosy and Mallo seem to have a 1 track mind. Even though I disagree with them, I think they're a little too 2 dimensional, but that's pretty common with town.

Not saying anything is wrong with your playstyle, it's just that when I look at the current "somewhat active" players, your posts are the most suspicious.

It's mostly a gut feeling. Whether you disagree (which I imagine you will) hopefully you at least understand why I believe that now.


Smash Champion
Jun 14, 2013

I actually didn't see that Soup thing right before where he says he'll vote for Zaix or Maven. That's... interesting.


Jun 7, 2012
Also as for yesterday i got off work and got invited to my ncos house for drinks and pizza. I'm not gonna mafia when I'm out being social lol. I dunno what happened with rake.


Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2007
Oh look I changed this
Look over the J wagon. The original push on the wagon, alongside people exclaiming J being scum, was bonkers. Early game pressure is nice, but it got taxing and to a point where it was convoluting the thread; there were better and tastier fish to fry. Glyph was tunneling J and everyone knows it. What good can come from an incessant tunnel convoluting the thread when there are other slots to look at?

Did you read the full post with respect to me entertaining J as an option? I'm pretty against it on the premise that it's just not the time and place for it, and that the wagon wasn't leading us anywhere good. I only phrased it that way because Glyph wanted me to at least entertain the option and be open to J on the table. Check the interaction, I'm a bit lazy for quotes at the moment.

Fanny, where's your head at? Apologies if I missed a reads list or something to that effect, but I didn't immediately see anything of the sort from you.
I haven't re-read, but from what I remember the J "wagon" was only Soup and Glyph voting J, Laundry was just more or less expressing dislike towards J's playstyle. Fair enough on not wanting J dead at the moment, but you still haven't exactly explained why would you entertain it as an option at all (i.e what do you dislike abut J)

Where my head is currently at: Laundry and Soup are most likely town, Laundry has been tackling every subject, and has been trying to effectively scum hunt. Soup is more or less the same, except his obsession with J is something I am just trying to grasp, he seems to only be posting anything related to the subject, and even ignored one question I made for him (unless I missed it and he replied to it)

J and Ryu are town leans. J's been consistently active in the game, nothing the slot has done seems scummy to me, but J's ****ing huge walls make the slot a pain to read both in the alignment sense, and in the actual literal sense. Ryu's mosy push seems fine to me, I don't know why Laundry think its so bad.

Glyph and Thug are my scum leans, Glyph because pretty much everything surrounding his actions just don't make sense to me, and I don't buy his explanations, Thug because I really disliked his entry into the game, and subsequent posts, with only a few posts where I truly saw scum hunting intent that have stopped me considering the slot at the moment. Laundry's reasoning for going against you seem solid to me, but I haven't been able to re-read your slot like I said I would cause LIFE and WORK.

The rest is more or less null (Aside from slick) because the game has been sort of spread of between few very active slots and a significant number of inactive slots popping in and out.


Jun 7, 2012
Yes, part of my reasoning that Glyph is scum is because I townread J after the thread developed after the shot.

Also, Glyph's explanations behind his shot is flawed anyway. Getting out of RVS is a BS excuse and while I understand having difficulty reading J, that's even more reason to try and obtain a read first before justifying a shot. It's also really ****ing weird because people kept hinting that there was a reason that Glyph would have scum read J that early, but Glyph apparently didn't even have this reason and just randomly shot J.

And saying I didn't consider the alternative is BS too. If you find my post from the last few pages, I lay out to FullMetalLynch the two scenarios where Glyph is town and scum and analyze his reasoning from these two perspectives. And I show that his reasoning as town is so weak while there's more reason as scum to shoot a strong townie early on and then BS it away with meta.
this makes that glyph knew j to be town, and that j is even town to begin with


Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2007
Oh look I changed this
I mean there's so much about Glyph that makes no sense and contradicts his actions.

Glyph's justification for using the shot to get us out of RVS makes no sense because RVS is hardly an actual real issue in these games for the most part, and the game was too early for anyone to complain about RVS.

Glyph's reasoning for targeting J doesn't check out, as pointed out by Maven.

Glyph claims he didn't need to tell us he made the shot, but he starts the shot by making it look like a command action (bull**** mixup) then later is when he tell us he didn;t really had to say. Why not just say, "I am gonna shoot J" why disguise it as phase-active power role?

He's been gone from the thread for a considerably amount of time despite being the game's focus point.

I tried to pressure the slot into giving answers, but after a while he just stopped, and I wasn't satisfied with the ones I got anyway.

I think this is the best direction for the day, only reason why I'd be okay let Glyph live is because of his "d2 ability" and I find that a poor reason at best, considering I have no reason to actually believe him.

I want everyone's thoughts on this, but specially @#HBC | Laundry 's opinion.

Vote: Glyph


Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2007
Oh look I changed this
a lot of people townread bardull. he's playing safe this game and has a very small presence. he's one of the few that's said back off glyfe vs j early. his points he's made are solid. i just see no reason to townread him and i don't like his handling of his soup read.

What you don't like about his Suop read?

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Maven I'll vote you to hammer or to avoid a nl but zaixl/J are my main votes and I know j isn't happening


Hero of Neverwinter
Jul 30, 2014
I have re-read the game and tend to agree that that Glyph seems pretty scummy. In addition to everything that went on with the shot (only slightly scummy because apparently that's normal meta for him), he didn't respond well to pressure, instantly dropped my case whenever I unvoted him, has been completely inactive since Tuesday, tunneled a slot that has looked fairly town-ish all day long after trying to shoot him, had a weird post saying that his slot didn't need to make it to endgame for him to win, said that he would self-vote in an instant if it meant his reads were followed up on (which assumes he knows more about people's slots than the average townie), and he hasn't really contributed much to the thread other than being hotly debated for his controversial actions.

I probably won't be able to come back until the start of D2, but I'll go ahead and do this:

Vote: Glyph

Zaixl Zaixl , you better contribute a heck of a lot more content tomorrow. If you don't, you'll be cruisin' for a bruisin'.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I won't be able to get to a computer so just read #877 - #881(?) until I can which wont be until about 7 pm est

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
This went in the exact opposite direction I thought you had been going in
I won't have time to reassess J but basically I don't want to back down i shouldn't he scared to be wrong. That's the simplest way of putting it.

This also went in the exact opposite direction I thought it would based on the above paragraph

But you're going to vote for me when you only have me as a scum lean and two others as scum, and just gave a vow to do a possible suicide attack on J

I'm really not buying any of that and really dislike the whole J vow because it just looks like he's planning to excuse a tunnel despite acting like he was listening to people before

Just gonna say, in the last game I was in with Zaixl he self-voted twice during day 1 as town. He's playing pretty similar, except less active. Honestly right now I don't see any way to tell with him yet, he hasn't really done much.[/QUOTE]

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Messed up quote mobile sucks

Maven89 Maven89
I won't have time to reassess J but basically I don't want to back down i shouldn't he scared to be wrong. That's the simplest way of putting it.


Jun 7, 2012
it's enough. I wasa truthfully just giving Ryu the cattleprod because he needed it, my early feel on him was mostly due to my instincts pointing to him because he has a literally ongoing streak of doing nothing as mafia and just trying to coast and not doing anything to rock the boat which includes just throw things at the wall and see if they stick without backing them up, when he scum read you i def felt he was throwing names at teh wall but now that I see how he appraoched it, even if he did misunderstand you i don't think he made it up because thats too dumb for how safe ryu plays as mafia. Pretty ok with ryu now that he's showed he at least has a brain behind the push on you. I still disagree with him and think the push is misguided but that doesnt make him a bad dude at all. Liking him more now although I just wish he'd say something that wasn't "well I'd lynch " well so would anyone, like cmon.
literally the post above the one you quoted


Smash Apprentice
Sep 5, 2015
Behind you
Had Wifi problems for a while and I'm stuck like 5 or 6 pages back, I'm gonna try and catch up and post before N1 so please don't hammer anyone yet


Smash Champion
Jun 14, 2013
Had Wifi problems for a while and I'm stuck like 5 or 6 pages back, I'm gonna try and catch up and post before N1 so please don't hammer anyone yet

Just playing. I can't hammer since I've already voted. I noticed there are several very influential people on this thread, and I need to make sure I'm not swayed by them anymore. So going off my own judgment, you're still the best candidate. But it sounds like the thread is moving away from you, so you might be saved.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 22, 2015
Ok, working on catching up. I just finished grabbing the votes though, so here's the votal while I work on that:

Zaixl (1): SlickWylde (#561)
J (1): DtJGlyphmoney (#296)
RedRyu (1): J (#769)
DtJGlyphmoney (3): MoosyDoosy (#552), Fandangox (#892), Spak (#896)
Maven (3): Raziek (#754), Laundry (#853), RedRyu (#870)

Abstaining (6): mallorean_thug, Zaixl, Maven, BarDuIL, FullMetalLynch, Soup


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Anyone voting Glyph is probably scum.

What you guys don't seem to be able to answer is "why would glyph come out of the gate, bring all of this attention to himself with an ability he has GOT to know would make him look incredibly suspicious, especially upon a J townflip, and then start tunneling J while bringing even more attention to himself AS SCUM?"

We know they aren't partners. Looking over the interaction, it seems pretty clear to me that momentum was pushing towards a J lynch despite what Fandango is saying regarding "only like three people were on J though." J was easily looking like the best option for the day at that point. Fandango was even questioning J in a fashion that seemed to doubt J's innocence. That being said, Glyph's incessant push on J despite the building pressure on J's slot (alongside J's subsequent response to it) makes me believe that there wasn't any foul play involved (aka they aren't scum mates). That means that this is incredibly likely to be either SvT or TvT.

That being said, no one has been able to point out a good reason why Scumglyph would ever do this. You'd think even his partners would tell him not to do it. This looks like a clear-cut case of Glyph flying solo and doing his own thing as Town, and he's done it before in other games where he's done some BS **** to get people riled up.

Sure, it was anti-town. I even said it was anti-town when I first came into the game. It's not scummy though, and it allowed the game to progress significantly.

One of the worst kind of lynches in the game is when you lynch someone for being anti-town, but not for being scummy. People end up reading into his actions mechanically and then say "yeah duh he's clearly scum hurr durr," but the fact remains that no one has provided an even decent explanation for the entirety of Glyph's play in terms of being scum. No one has written a compelling enough narrative that has me convinced.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
I haven't re-read, but from what I remember the J "wagon" was only Soup and Glyph voting J, Laundry was just more or less expressing dislike towards J's playstyle. Fair enough on not wanting J dead at the moment, but you still haven't exactly explained why would you entertain it as an option at all (i.e what do you dislike abut J)
I did explain it; J actually isn't on the table for me at the moment. Did you not see Glyph tell me that he'll drop it as long as I entertain J as an option? What's your angle here for asking this question?

Where my head is currently at: Laundry and Soup are most likely town, Laundry has been tackling every subject, and has been trying to effectively scum hunt. Soup is more or less the same, except his obsession with J is something I am just trying to grasp, he seems to only be posting anything related to the subject, and even ignored one question I made for him (unless I missed it and he replied to it)

J and Ryu are town leans. J's been consistently active in the game, nothing the slot has done seems scummy to me, but J's ****ing huge walls make the slot a pain to read both in the alignment sense, and in the actual literal sense. Ryu's mosy push seems fine to me, I don't know why Laundry think its so bad.

Glyph and Thug are my scum leans, Glyph because pretty much everything surrounding his actions just don't make sense to me, and I don't buy his explanations, Thug because I really disliked his entry into the game, and subsequent posts, with only a few posts where I truly saw scum hunting intent that have stopped me considering the slot at the moment. Laundry's reasoning for going against you seem solid to me, but I haven't been able to re-read your slot like I said I would cause LIFE and WORK.

The rest is more or less null (Aside from slick) because the game has been sort of spread of between few very active slots and a significant number of inactive slots popping in and out.
I'm not really getting the Mallo-thug or glyph scum leans at the moment.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Back to this because I thought zaixl still had majority of votes.

vote zaixl


Smash Apprentice
Sep 22, 2015
Hey Zaixl Zaixl , just because your wagon disappeared, doesn't mean you can coast out the day. Please remember your promises. In fact, let me remind you:

People I haven't paid enough attention to/have been inactive (Will probably gp back and examine later)
(This list is too long I really should examine them)
Okay I'm gonna read back through the thread a couple times and post the thoughts I gather on the people I have as infoless. After I've gotten something decent on everyone I'll elaborate on J relations.
Please note this might take a while, maybe even over a day at very worst
Slot thoughts #1: Fandangox Fandangox
After reading up on him I gotta say he is probably my favorite slot right now. His posts are short and to the point instead of needless extrapolation, he analyzes pretty well, and every single serious post from him has helped us. My only problem with him is he doesn't post often. If we could get him (Our best interrogator) and Laundry (Our best analyst) to be on at the same time consistently then the game would become a lot easier.

As for the question from Spak Spak my initial town lean was because his reasoning seemed pretty sound. For after that see the beginning of 622.
I'm gonna try and catch up and post before N1 so please don't hammer anyone yet
On a different note:

Hey, BarDulL BarDulL , what are your thoughts on Soup? Because the biggest thing that stood out in my mind from the last couple pages, was this increasing feeling that his slot is grody as ****, to use this site's parlance. The only lynch we have on the table that I even kind of feel good about is Maven, and Soup's "Abstain, will vote Zaixl or Maven at deadline" makes me really want him over Maven toDay.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I'd be down for Soup toDay. However I would vote Glyph>Zaixl if we couldn't swing it with how the votes are.

I also heavily disliked Bardull's last post of anyone voting Glyph is probably scum. Like, what even?


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
I'd be down for Soup toDay. However I would vote Glyph>Zaixl if we couldn't swing it with how the votes are.

I also heavily disliked Bardull's last post of anyone voting Glyph is probably scum. Like, what even?
He's not scum, and I'm surprised you're providing any kind of support for that lynch.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Lol J thought glyph was town and now suddenly wants him for no reason


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Hey, BarDulL BarDulL , what are your thoughts on Soup? Because the biggest thing that stood out in my mind from the last couple pages, was this increasing feeling that his slot is grody as ****, to use this site's parlance. The only lynch we have on the table that I even kind of feel good about is Maven, and Soup's "Abstain, will vote Zaixl or Maven at deadline" makes me really want him over Maven toDay.
I'll come back to you on this in a bit, I wouldn't be against the Soup lynch though if it happens.

Nope, soup's play has definitely been pretty scummy. It's just that he spams a lot to seem like he's participating and to cover up his own mistakes.
Wasn't referring to Soup, was referring to Glyph. Check the last sentence.
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