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biggest problem

Seagull Joe

Smash Legend
Sep 14, 2008
i need help fighting ddd's i know its wolf's hardest matchup but i use wolf and bowser who both suffer the same thing versin a ddd with the exception that bowser can be infinited.i versed a ddd on norfair and barely lost but that was closest i came to beaten a good ddd and it was on norfair.i know i probably should use GaW,falco,or kirby but i cant use them as good especially against a ddd who knows what he is doin.


Smash Master
Sep 28, 2008
Shpongle Falls
From what I understand, spacing bair is the most important part.

And you'd better punish the hell out of anything stupid that they do. Getting grabbed = very deadly. Lazor is somewhat useful.

Oh, and recovery sucks versus a good Dedede. Better move quick/smart.


Smash Lord
Mar 22, 2008
NorCal, California.
Change characters, problem solved. You can't go all tourney with Wolf, expect to win and not have an absolute pain in the butt matchup. I deal with it by switching characters, it's simply the better option.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
Change characters, problem solved. You can't go all tourney with Wolf, expect to win and not have an absolute pain in the butt matchup. I deal with it by switching characters, it's simply the better option.
...................... no stick with wolf and find a way! anyone who switches are just lazy people who wait for other people to find strategies to fight DDDs for them.


Smash Lord
Mar 22, 2008
NorCal, California.
I call it counterpicking. How is DK supposed to find a way to beat DDD's infinite on him? Just space better? He has no disjointed hitboxes, DDD's grab range is really really good.

Feel no shame in counterpicking. Or rather, feel no shame in alleviating yourself of a horrid matchup.

And I'm not lazy, I already found a strategy that gives me better chances of beating DDD: Go Marth.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
i Call It Counterpicking. How Is Dk Supposed To Find A Way To Beat Ddd's Infinite On Him? Just Space Better? He Has No Disjointed Hitboxes, Ddd's Grab Range Is Really Really Good.

Feel No Shame In Counterpicking. Or Rather, Feel No Shame In Alleviating Yourself Of A Horrid Matchup.

And I'm Not Lazy, I Already Found A Strategy That Gives Me Better Chances Of Beating Ddd: Go Marth.
Lazyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy =P

I feel if you aren't gonna win a tournament anyways, you might as well try your hardest with the character you love.

Seagull Joe

Smash Legend
Sep 14, 2008
well my mains our bowser and wolf so ddd screws me.spacing bairs doesnt always work because he can camp then ill get cg'd if i attack head on.if i laser spam he will waddle spam blocking all lasers.so it sucks.my options for cp are basically norfair an jungle japes which both suck.ps1 and ps2 i can get infinited on a wall or cg'd.all neutrals give him priority and platforms just make it worse.rainbow cruise is kinda stupid and useless.castle siege sucks.i may choose halberd but still bad.my alts are falco,rob,and peach.i dont wanna have to use them.wolf is my best character.


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2008
Canada, British Columbia
well my mains our bowser and wolf so ddd screws me
You pretty much summarized it right there. Bowser and wolf both happen to get owned by dedede. Unless you practice extremely hard and try your best its going to be near impossible to beat a decent dedede. If you come across just counterpick someone like metaknight or game and watch for that match plus their pretty easy to play.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 20, 2008
Redlands/Berkeley, CA
Lazyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy =P

I feel if you aren't gonna win a tournament anyways, you might as well try your hardest with the character you love.
Stop going to tournaments thinking you're not gonna win anyways. You're probably not gonna win because you dont think you're gonna win.

Seriously dude, you should find a CP. Theres a reason why there are characters that dont get infinited. I learned wolf so that he can deal with some match ups i didnt like fighting with the characters i previously main'd and things have been going as planned.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
Stop going to tournaments thinking you're not gonna win anyways. You're probably not gonna win because you dont think you're gonna win.

Seriously dude, you should find a CP. Theres a reason why there are characters that dont get infinited. I learned wolf so that he can deal with some match ups i didnt like fighting with the characters i previously main'd and things have been going as planned.
I dont play tournies for the money. I play tournies for the fun, the experience and to make my wolf better. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one trying to advance wolf's metagame by playing wolf no matter who my opponent is.

When someone comes to the wolf boards and asks how they can defeat DDD with WOLF, it really frustrates me when someone on the board just says to switch characters. That person didnt come to this board asking how to win a tournament. He came to ask how to fight DDD with wolf. By telling him to just switch characters, you are ruling out the hope that maybe wolf can fight a DDD and discouraging new people who might even discover a strategy that can work against a DDD if they tried. If nobody even tries... then wolf will NEVER defeat DDD.

I'm gonna continue playing Wolf no matter who my opponent is. If my playstyle evolves (through sheer commitment) and I find a way to somehow even the playing field vs DDD, it really makes me hesitant to share it with a community filled with people who don't even try, and would just copy me once they know it works. I would def. be more willing to share all of my tricks if i knew the whole community was honestly trying half as hard as I am.

I am not trying to discourage people from trying to do anything they can to win a tournament. It's just a REALLY big pet peeve when people come for WOLF advice and all they receive is "get a secondary"


If you run away, short hop, and do a reverse blaster, the projectile will be at the perfect height and will fly over the waddle dee/doos and still be able to hit DDD. You can also reflect gordos back at him. In essence, Wolf can out camp DDD.

For counterpicks, I might recommend halberd because when the stage is flying up, the waddle dees/doos wont get in the way of your blaster. Also, if you are standing near the edge, and side B away from the edge, you will side b right onto the opposite side of the platform which may give you a quick escape-esque kind of move. Just food for thought


Smash Journeyman
Oct 20, 2008
Redlands/Berkeley, CA
I understand what you mean castorpollux, and i apologize, seriously.

You're right his question was how do you fight against DDD's not how can i win tournaments. My answer was for the latter and yea was not helpful in forwarding this thread. This question truly can be seen as a way for answering the latter as well though. I mean if you can beat DDD's with wolf, then its easier to win tourneys. Regardless the former is what should be answered.

Your best bet is probably sticking wolf and not going bowser against DDD's. Though I dont want to say you cant defeat a good DDD with a better bowser. The bowser chain grab isnt as good, but you get him off stage and can edge guard him hard (like im not saying that bowser's good at edge guarding DDD, im saying learn how to edge guard hard so this all goes down ^^)

For wolf, I actually do have a lil bit of experience playing good DDD's. The match up didnt seem impossible, but i was only grabbed once or twice per match, and after those grabs i lost those corresponding stock. You cant really camp as far back as you may like because of his waddle doo's. Reflector reflecting Gordo's sounds great, though dont try it on a non-gordo, cuz it wont work. Space your bairs and fairs high so that it hits the top of his shield. The shield pokes->juggling provided me with the bulk of my dmg (the lazors just werent cutting it). I wanna disagree with the stage choice castorpollux had. Recovering on halberd seems so terrible for wolf. Edgehog = dead wolf all too often, and the platform being in the middle doesnt really let you platform camp all that well. I would take DDD to either the japes or Battlefield. As long as you're on a platform below or above DDD, he cant grab you, and boy does he want to grab you. Whenever he jumps to chase after you, capitalize off it. Or if you're dancing from platform to playform on the japes, do the same. Try not to get grabbed on the left most platform with DDD facing left like ever. Dthrow to dtilt will leave you in some terrible situations or dead. The reason why i say left side specifically is because on the right side you can at least ride in the water if you survive.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 25, 2008
Philadelphia area
Sticking with your main even through the tough matchups is admirable. If that's what you want to do to prove just how far your character can go, I salute you, sir; it is a good thing that we have people who want to do that.

Nevertheless, picking a character with a better matchup is the most effective way to win, and calling people lazy for striving to win is super lame.

With all that said, I see what you mean. It's a thread on advice for beating DDD with Wolf, so suggesting a counterpick isn't that helpful. Calling people lazy just don't sit right.


Smash Lord
Mar 22, 2008
NorCal, California.
i need help fighting ddd's i know its wolf's hardest matchup but i use wolf and bowser who both suffer the same thing versin a ddd with the exception that bowser can be infinited.
He asked how to fight DDD players, then he stated who he uses.

How I fight DDD players: Switch to a character that he doesn't hard counter...
That's just my way of dealing with it, you obviously disagree, that's A-okay. If I know I'm better than the DDD, if only by a little bit, and the only thing holding me back is Wolf, then I'll adapt.

But I guess I could give my advice on how to beat DDD with Wolf. Camp like a *****, spam laser like a *****, play safe like a *****, space like a *****, don't get grabbed, run out the freakin' timer. Ledge stall, get a percent lead, then just camp his penguin *** off.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 23, 2008
Oddly enough Arc does have a point, catch a slight lead and run the timer, it could work but it's not the most admirable tactic to use.

Castor, the laser tactic you described really puts the laser over the waddle-doo's heads every time? I also feel the same way, I main Wolf and Wolf alone. I play him all the time to master him since he is my favorite character. I feel that players make characters, not the other way around. Just look at Azen and his Lucario.

So then what is the biggest advantage Wolf has over DeDeDe?


Smash Lord
Mar 22, 2008
NorCal, California.
Better projectile? Nope.

Disjointed hitboxes? Freakin' hammer.

Grab range? lol nope.

Better Dthrow? I think DDD's beats ours...

More aerial mobility ^_^

Faster aerials.

That's all I can think of.


Mother Wolf
May 20, 2008
Land's End (NorCal)
Save your double jump whenever possible. Don't go to a place with a low ceiling, his utilt will work better there (if he needs it for whatever reason). Good DI whenever you're being edgeguarded is also really helpful. Space and spam like a pro. Also, IIRC DDD's dtilt will hit wolf when he's on the ledge, but I'm not sure. Either way, the ledge is a bad place to be against DDD.


Smash Rookie
Oct 24, 2006
Castor is right, personal opinions aside, I think the heavier emphasis should have been on how to beat DDD with Wolf because we are in the Wolf subforum. If you want to mention as an aside that counter-picking DDD would be more useful, go for it but he wanted useful Wolf information.


I eat stickers all the time, dude!
Feb 18, 2008
Storrs, University of Connecticut, CT
For DDD's with wolf, just don't =p

I almost never play the match-up because I switch to Falco or Diddy. But with wolf the best thing to do it space b-airs and spam blaster and much and possible.
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