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Social Banjo-Kazooie Social Thread - Project Dream Come True!

Organization XIII

Smash Champion
Apr 10, 2015
I think the important thing to remember is that the community is much larger than those of us who get online and talk about Smash. Even the characters like Isabelle and Inceniroar, while seemingly "unpopular" picks, both come from franchises who's sale numbers most games can only dream of. So I think popularity is a very key factor, but to suggest the minority of fans who go online and vote should decide the whole roster with the ballot, when the more casual fans would probably love to see someone like Isabelle I think is something Sakurai also must consider.

And I'm always leery of the advertising angle, if they add K. Rool to a Donkey Kong game now will that be advertising to try and get Smash fans or could it just be they see that people want K. Rool to come back so they added him back?
Sales aren't the same as popularity. Recognizability can play a factor in that but just because Pokemon pulls more money than most series combined doesn't make Inceniroar a popular choice even if more people would know him than other choices. Piranha Plant was picked with recognizability in mind and you'd be hard pressed to call him a popular pick even to casuals. Besides, it's not that the whole roster should cater to the hardcore fans but rather I just mean I'd rather popularity seem to matter more than just a passing justification something was added. Like if Sakurai calls a character a ballot pick I want to look at and see a popular character first and promotional or personal reasons a bonus rather than the other way around. K Rool and Ridley look like that and there were plenty of others that could have as well. Though I would challenge your notion that casuals wouldn't be excited to see the characters the more hardcore fans would. Thanks to social media they usually come across these characters do to news sites or just get swept up in the reveals themselves.


Smash Master
Jan 18, 2019
Using "Ballot pick" is actually really brilliant from their side of things. Because they will never be wrong. A character could have gotten one vote. But it's still technically a ballot pick. Since we will never see the true results they can manipulate it as they please. They might have wanted to add a Dragon Quest or Minecraft rep from the very start and they will use the ballot as an excuse to prevent potential fallout from the community. I really do feel like there is no way Banjo was any lower then top 5 in the ballot. If we knew the results, and Steve was added instead. Hell would be raised by the community.
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Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
You ever figure that there's a handful of people who decided to vote for Richter, no matter how likely he seemed? It really is Schrodinger's ballot, when you think about it, especially with various fan poll results that have been gathered. Even with the poll Source Gaming had organised a while back, there's no way it covered every character people might have decided to pick, from around that time.

In any case, some character additions are added for gameplay practicality reasons. The possible only reason why Decidueye was skipped over as the mandatory Pokémon pick had to be because Sak wanted to introduce a pure grappler for the first time.


Smash Hero
Jan 22, 2014
I can buy that Castlevania as as series got a considerable number of votes and Sakurai chose Simon as he's the most obvious choice.

I can also buy that Dixie's strong support helped Sakurai see the need for another DK rep, and went with the more requested K. Rool.

ryuu seika

Smash Master
Jul 21, 2010
Amidst the abounding light of heaven!
echo's are not trash I prefer to play as some echos over the original fighter
So? Dixie has helicopter hair and unique moveset potential. Shadow has alien weaponry, jet shoes and chaos emerald powers. Whether you'd prefer them over Diddy and Sonic were they echoes is irrelevant when they could actually be relevant fighters.

You do know that people have suggested that Banjo be a Duck Hunt Duo echo, right?


Smash Ace
Aug 24, 2018
Only dumb people think banjo could be a duck hunt echo like nintendo would pay all that money to just make banjo an echo & M$ rare would allow that despite ever other 3rd party character getting the royal treatment

who ever actually thinks that needs there brain checked as its just a dumb meme


Smash Rookie
Nov 30, 2018
Ehh it's happening in every thread, we're in an information drought and people are out of things to talk about. In this case the conversation of ballot picks is at least tangentially relevant to Banjo as someone who would likely get in because of his results on the ballot.
Yes at least this is better an the Square Enix thread where people have heavily implied the ending of the game to the point that I'm actually quite disappointed I clicked on it


Smash Apprentice
Oct 24, 2018
Yes at least this is better an the Square Enix thread where people have heavily implied the ending of the game to the point that I'm actually quite disappointed I clicked on it
As in SSBU, or a SE game? There isn't much to spoil about WoL...


Smash Master
Jan 18, 2019
Yeah we are becoming starved for any type of news. The scary part is I am not expecting any Smash news, besides Joker's release date and gameplay, till at least March or April.
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Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
Ehh it's happening in every thread, we're in an information drought and people are out of things to talk about. In this case the conversation of ballot picks is at least tangentially relevant to Banjo as someone who would likely get in because of his results on the ballot.
Yeah. It's sad when the most accurate rumor we've had this month is a Nindies stream. The temperature up North doesn't help with the wait.

On the subject of polls, the one Source Gaming compiled results for had Conker with an overall rank of 100, which isn't too shabby for an underused character, all things considered: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1riZ4HDxzIjb8OmJyV2T9KgG6M1X-r6siXljFH1nQwdw/edit#gid=0

Yeah we are become starved for any type of news. The scary part is I am not expecting any Smash news besides Joker's release date and gameplay till at least March or April.
And considering that the FP bundle deal only lasts until Feb 2020...we may end up with a big character dump again if that ends up happening.

Well, not that big since it's just the four, but you know.
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Nov 23, 2018
I really think there’ll be a second season of the fighter pass. And not just to stretch out my hopes of Banjo joining. A Season 2 just makes too much sense. Smash Ultimate has sold gangbusters on a console that’s insanely popular, on top of the fact that Nintendo’s president said they plan on embracing DLC in their popular games. With that said, Banjo in Smash is constantly looming over Nintendo and Microsoft’s head and as long as Smash is being supported, it feels inevitable that they address it, just like they did with Ridley and then again with K Rool. I just really feel like it’s going to happen, whether it’s sooner or later.
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Smash Master
Jan 18, 2019
I really think there’ll be a second season of the fighter pass. And not just to stretch out my hopes of Banjo joining. A Season 2 just makes too much sense. Smash Ultimate has sold gangbusters on a console that’s insanely popular, on top of the fact that Nintendo’s president said they plan on embracing DLC in their popular games. With that said, Banjo in Smash is constantly looming over Nintendo and Microsoft’s head and as long as Smash is being supported, it feels inevitable that they address it, just like they did with Ridley and then again with K Rool. I just really feel like it’s going to happen, whether it’s sooner or later.
If you think the Banjo support hanging over their heads is high now. Just imagine the ****storm that's going to happen if it's Steve with no Banjo in sight. It's going to be one nasty cleanup that can't be fixed until Banjo is in Smash. Here is the thing about Banjo. It's like the Geno effect but much much more wide spread. I haven't encountered a single person that plays Smash that says Banjo shouldn't be in Smash. A large majority of people say he outright deserves in. Even if it's not because Banjo is one of their choices. They understand what it means to the Smash community and to everyone who grew up with the Nintendo 64 or knows what Banjo means in Nintendo's history.


Smash Ace
Aug 24, 2018
I will not buy steve if there is no banjo DLC simple as that ! it would be a HUGE insult from Nintendo M$ Rare Phil Spensor & Sakurai to the point where I will never play minecraft again !
Nov 23, 2018
If you think the Banjo support hanging over their heads is high now. Just imagine the ****storm that's going to happen if it's Steve with no Banjo in sight. It's going to be one nasty cleanup that can't be fixed until Banjo is in Smash. Here is the thing about Banjo. It's like the Geno effect but much much more wide spread. I haven't encountered a single person that plays Smash that says Banjo shouldn't be in Smash. A large majority of people say he outright deserves in. Even if it's not because Banjo is one of their choices. They understand what it means to the Smash community and to everyone who grew up with the Nintendo 64 or knows what Banjo means in Nintendo's history.
Exactly. I’d say Banjo is the only character who actually does “deserve” to be in Smash. Banjo was one of Nintendo’s big mascots in the 90s. Smash is first and foremost a celebration of Nintendo. And yet Banjo is excluded from it. It just doesn’t feel right, and as we’ve been saying, they can’t ignore the massive outcry for their inclusion much longer. Ignoring them much longer, or even going as far as working with Microsoft to get Steve instead of the character people have been asking for for ages would not go over well and they’d never hear the end of it.
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Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
I really think there’ll be a second season of the fighter pass. And not just to stretch out my hopes of Banjo joining. A Season 2 just makes too much sense. Smash Ultimate has sold gangbusters on a console that’s insanely popular, on top of the fact that Nintendo’s president said they plan on embracing DLC in their popular games. With that said, Banjo in Smash is constantly looming over Nintendo and Microsoft’s head and as long as Smash is being supported, it feels inevitable that they address it, just like they did with Ridley and then again with K Rool. I just really feel like it’s going to happen, whether it’s sooner or later.
Let's not forget Sakurai himself saying that he'll do as much for the game as possible.


Smash Master
Jan 18, 2019


Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
It is really scary how perfect the slide matches Banjo. But I don't see what reason they would need to have them use the Kazooie run. Unless they allowed you to Switch between playing as Banjo or Kazooie as a fun little gimmick.
I'd love that, since it would both be a creative way to incorporate Split Up, while still justifying the use of another stance change mechanic.


Smash Ace
Aug 24, 2018
It could be like inkling where when you run they go into squid form, maybe banjo & kazooie go into talon trot when you run ?


Smash Master
Jan 18, 2019
It could be like inkling where when you run they go into squid form, maybe banjo & kazooie go into talon trot when you run ?
I can't imagine the transition animation from walk to run to look that good though. Considering how the animation needs to be instant.


Smash Ace
Aug 24, 2018
A LOT of smash characters have quick animation switches like inklings run sakurai could make it work


Smash Master
Aug 26, 2007
I think the important thing to remember is that the community is much larger than those of us who get online and talk about Smash. Even the characters like Isabelle and Inceniroar, while seemingly "unpopular" picks, both come from franchises who's sale numbers most games can only dream of. So I think popularity is a very key factor, but to suggest the minority of fans who go online and vote should decide the whole roster with the ballot, when the more casual fans would probably love to see someone like Isabelle I think is something Sakurai also must consider.

And I'm always leery of the advertising angle, if they add K. Rool to a Donkey Kong game now will that be advertising to try and get Smash fans or could it just be they see that people want K. Rool to come back so they added him back?
I disagree. Especially with Isabelle. She comes from a series that isn't a great fit for Smash (i.e. her fans are not the typical Smash fans). She really doesn't fit either.

It is a lot like sticking Minnie Mouse in the next Avengers movie. Minnie Mouse has a lot of fans but you are putting her into an action movie which isn't her forte. I would have rather had a character that would be a better fit like Skull Kid or Bandana Dee. They would have been far more accepted by the fanbase.

I don't see anyone that wants to play Isabelle. (Although she does have a kind of WTF element that I am alright with). I have grown on some of the new characters but I really wishes we could have had other characters in it like Rayman or Bomberman instead of Richter. Basically anyone in the Grinch leak over Isabelle or Inceniroar would have been great too (and accepted better by Smash community).


Smash Ace
Aug 24, 2018
but issabelle fits right in she is snake's secretary & her fishing rod edge game is MAD OP ! she is a monster !


Smash Master
Jan 18, 2019
I disagree. Especially with Isabelle. She comes from a series that isn't a great fit for Smash (i.e. her fans are not the typical Smash fans). She really doesn't fit either.

It is a lot like sticking Minnie Mouse in the next Avengers movie. Minnie Mouse has a lot of fans but you are putting her into an action movie which isn't her forte. I would have rather had a character that would be a better fit like Skull Kid or Bandana Dee. They would have been far more accepted by the fanbase.

I don't see anyone that wants to play Isabelle. (Although she does have a kind of WTF element that I am alright with). I have grown on some of the new characters but I really wishes we could have had other characters in it like Rayman or Bomberman instead of Richter. Basically anyone in the Grinch leak over Isabelle or Inceniroar would have been great too (and accepted better by Smash community).
Is it bad how the Grinch leak was the only time I saw the whole community happy?


Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
To be fair, most would have wanted Tom Nook instead (if only to rough him up for his taxing ways), and with how she got in Mario Kart, her presence was going to be hard to deny as time went along.

But assuming no one wanted her is a bit uninformed. Every game character on the planet has someone wanting them in.

Is it bad how the Grinch leak was the only time I saw the whole community happy?
Basically, yes. :glare:
It proved that at least half of them are :179:. The fanbase is already seen as a laughing stock by outsiders, but that was a new low. More than with the chairs.
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Smash Master
Jan 18, 2019
No I meant like. It's probably the first time where most people were happy with the final outcome. The smash community is always in a constant war with one another over newcomers and who it should be. But that was all gone during the Grinch leak time. People were satisfied.

Like right now for example where people refuse to entertain any idea that Brave could be anyone besides a Dragon Quest character.
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Smash Ace
Aug 24, 2018
I know the grinch leak was better then the final roster it had the characters we wanted & voted for on it & NO INCINAROAR but BOX theory was to strong :/

Cap'n Jack

Smash Lord
Apr 23, 2015
Isabelle is more popular than you think. A lot of my friends are casual fans of the game and she was the most exciting new character for them


Smash Rookie
Nov 30, 2018
I was talking about the Kingdom Hearts 3 ending I just forgot to type that


Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2018
Houston, Texas
And I'm always leery of the advertising angle, if they add K. Rool to a Donkey Kong game now will that be advertising to try and get Smash fans or could it just be they see that people want K. Rool to come back so they added him back?
Both. The high demand for K. Rool during the Smash Ballot caught Nintendo's eye and they see money in that. And that is why they're probably going to let K. Rool finally return to his own franchise.
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Smash Ace
Nov 21, 2018
Both. The high demand for K. Rool during the Smash Ballot caught Nintendo's eye and they see money in that. And that is why they're probably going to let K. Rool finally return to his own franchise.
Right but at the end of the day isn't that the whole point of making a game, to give the fans what they want? I'm kinda confused where this became a negative thing and that doing something because it's popular is just advertising now because they want money. Of course they want money, I want money too, everyone wants money.

Do they have to add him in before he's popular for it to be "authentic"?


Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2018
Houston, Texas
Right but at the end of the day isn't that the whole point of making a game, to give the fans what they want? I'm kinda confused where this became a negative thing and that doing something because it's popular is just advertising now because they want money. Of course they want money, I want money too, everyone wants money.

Do they have to add him in before he's popular for it to be "authentic"?
K. Rool was always popular and Nintendo knew it. They kept him in spin off hell after Rare left and didn't use him for 10 years before Ultimate. Miyamoto and the higher ups at Nintendo clearly don't like to mention or reference Rare's work at all which, is why we haven't seen Krystal in a Star Fox game in 12 years and why there was never that much classic DKC music in Smash Bros..


Smash Ace
Aug 24, 2018
Miyamoto did say that he only likes to use characters that he made or that nintendo's made & prefers not to use characters others have made witch is why DKCR only had DK Diddy & Cranky run the shop it was miyamoto's request to only use them (they did the same to rare when they made DK64 he told them only use characters from DKC 1 for some reason ? )


Smash Ace
Nov 21, 2018
K. Rool was always popular and Nintendo knew it. They kept him in spin off hell after Rare left and didn't use him for 10 years before Ultimate. Miyamoto and the higher ups at Nintendo clearly don't like to mention or reference Rare's work at all which, is why we haven't seen Krystal in a Star Fox game in 12 years and why there was never that much classic DKC music in Smash Bros..
Yeah I don't buy it.

K. Rool not showing up in anything other than spin-offs since DK64 is more a product of DK not having any games other than spin-offs since DK64. There have been two games, both made by Retro Studio who could have decided they want to try something new. I mean its not the first time a character has had to fight a different bad guy, look at Kirby he gets a new big bad pretty much every other game.

And Krystal is more or less in the same boat. She showed up in both Star Fox games after she was introduced and has only been absent from one game which was clearly designed to try and recapture the appeal of SF64 and as such probably felt it was better to stick as close to that as possible. Not to mention Sakurai has already said the only reason Wolf got in over Krystal was because of development time.


Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2018
Houston, Texas
Miyamoto did say that he only likes to use characters that he made or that nintendo's made & prefers not to use characters others have made witch is why DKCR only had DK Diddy & Cranky run the shop it was miyamoto's request to only use them (they did the same to rare when they made DK64 he told them only use characters from DKC 1 for some reason ? )
But all the DKC characters besides DK was made by Rare, so that doesn't make any sense to me. The fact that K. Rool isn't a Kong is what probably kept him locked up in their cell for so long. He's farther away in Nintendo's opinion from being their child than any of the Kongs. He is 100% percent Rare blood and that is why Nintendo tried to bury him.
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Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2018
Houston, Texas
Yeah I don't buy it.

K. Rool not showing up in anything other than spin-offs since DK64 is more a product of DK not having any games other than spin-offs since DK64. There have been two games, both made by Retro Studio who could have decided they want to try something new. I mean its not the first time a character has had to fight a different bad guy, look at Kirby he gets a new big bad pretty much every other game.

And Krystal is more or less in the same boat. She showed up in both Star Fox games after she was introduced and has only been absent from one game which was clearly designed to try and recapture the appeal of SF64 and as such probably felt it was better to stick as close to that as possible. Not to mention Sakurai has already said the only reason Wolf got in over Krystal was because of development time.
Read this: https://smashboards.com/threads/news-how-fans-brought-back-k-rool.457451/

So as you can see, Nintendo tried to keep him dead.
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Smash Ace
Aug 24, 2018
Yeah just look at the "NEW" super mario bros game & how boring bland & samey they all are or what nintendo did to Paper Mario (even mario party)
Miyamoto hates story in games & just wants it to be boring & bland
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