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Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2006
Belleville, ON
I'm only posting this because to pull it off requires frame perfect movements, and I learned it by accident.

Quick version: You can auto-cancel Falcon's stomp. It's easier if you hit with it.

Long version: Yeah, I'm no pro melee Falcon, but from my experiences his Stomp was a huge part of his game. I'm having a hard time using Falcon in Brawl 'cause his play style is radically different. One part that I find a huge handicap (being a Falco main in melee rofl) is the lack of applicability of his dair. The lag on it is just too much. But now knowing it I can auto-cancel it makes me wonder how I can work it into my game.

So yeah, just making a random post here saying it's possible to auto-cancel Falcon's stomp from a short hop. When you're not hitting someone, it's REALLY hard, and when you are hitting someone, it has slightly tighter timing than auto-cancelling Pikachu's dair (Pika's my main).

[Edit] Sorry if this is known, I don't keep tabs on Falcon in Brawl and I'm not going to bother looking through the Falcon board to see if people know his dair can be auto-cancelled.
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