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ASU Gaming League (ASUGL)


Smash Journeyman
Jul 20, 2005
Tempe, AZ
Hey kiddies, I know there has been some talk for a while about ASU Smash Club and whether or not it would ever be revived.

Well I have good news for you, it lives on!

This newest incarnation will not be known as the ASU Smash Club but rather as the ASU Gaming League (ASUGL) since we wanted to given other video game players in Arizona from different games the chance to have large scale tournaments such as the ones held for SSBM.

Expect a tournament every month during the summer, or monthlies, and more details to come about the normal school year schedule.

We are still in the forming process and we need members for our Executive Board (E-Board). There will be a small fee for membership but we will post more information as we develop it.

If you are interested in becoming a member please feel free to contact me,
Manny Dorado, at edorado@asu.edu or message me on AIM at mannydorado.

I am very pumped up about this organization and I think we can do a lot build AZ's gaming community through the tournament, events and socials we will plan.


Dec 13, 2005
2.412 – 2.462 GHz
I will be helping the ASUGL by organizing and running the tournaments. My official title will be "Smash Chancellor". But we also need others to help out in many ways, not all that involve a heck of a lot of work, necessarily. You'll get a nifty title like mine if you do... Maybe a Duke or a Lord...

For one, we would like to extend the ASUGL to other games perhaps such as Guilty Gear, Street Fighter, etc... Whatever has a good player base. So if anyone knows of a good contact that we might be able to use to attract these gamers, we could use you. Of course, I could just put up a post on these other gamer's Smashboards equivalents, but it won't likely be taken too seriously since I don't have much credibility in their circle.

About the tornaments themselves:

Being an official ASU club allows us some specific benifits, such as being able to use areas like MU conference rooms for free. That would be a great venue to hold video game tournaments. There's plenty of space in those rooms and being able to hold them there is something not normally afforded to tournament organizers. Also, I anticipate providing food for all participants. This is really tentative at this point, but I would extremely like to be able to provide Pizza, Subway, or whatever for the members.

Also, I plan to establish a mathematical structure for leaderboards to have in place for each game. Your performance during matches will affect your overall score, and we may have prizes and such at the end of a season based on these standings.

More to come very soon, this is going to be a blast no doubt!


Smash Cadet
Feb 23, 2007
Gilbert, AZ
I am definately down for this. I'd also be up to help organize tournys and what not. Goop, I'll email you on my ASU email. Would halo 2 be a possible game to have involved with the club.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 20, 2005
Tempe, AZ
I am definately down for this. I'd also be up to help organize tournys and what not. Goop, I'll email you on my ASU email. Would halo 2 be a possible game to have involved with the club.
Yes Halo could be possible. But it would need people who are familiar with the community, because I don't play or care to play.


Dec 13, 2005
2.412 – 2.462 GHz
Now, now, Goop. I don't "play" Halo either, but if we were to have so many games under one roof if would be a shame not to enjoy them all. (I never did like the dual analog control of the console fps's)

But he's right that it's important that we be able to contact a "representative" of the local Halo community. Assuming there is one. That goes for any other potential game as well.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 20, 2005
Tempe, AZ
Now, now, Goop. I don't "play" Halo either, but if we were to have so many games under one roof if would be a shame not to enjoy them all. (I never did like the dual analog control of the console fps's)

But he's right that it's important that we be able to contact a "representative" of the local Halo community. Assuming there is one. That goes for any other potential game as well.
Well said I meant only that since I don't have the interest in playing it it would take someone with dedication to get others motivated to come to tournaments and play.

That being said perhaps I could participate, I really haven't played it much so I would be up to give it another chance. :)


Smash Cadet
Feb 23, 2007
Gilbert, AZ
As soon as you find out some information let me know about it. I don't think finding people to play halo would be a problem but regulating matches would be a pain in the ***. You need to know the game in and out to avoid people from cheating and only using MLG style rules. So ya hook me up with some info and ill do everything i can to try and help.

Also ALT, since your a comp. Science major too maybe we could write a program or something to keep track of stats and rankings and whatnot.


Mar 14, 2004
MT. OLYMPUS, Arizona

No Gaylo please. I'd rather see like... Gears of War or even Tom Clancy games over Halo. There just isn't enough depth or something. It's just so... not interesting.

- Halo.
++++ Mighty Pang


Smash Journeyman
Jul 20, 2005
Tempe, AZ
We are a gaming league and if there is a large demand for Halo then perhaps we will have tourneys, we are more about spreading competitive gaming then just spreading fighting games.

Gears has a huge following at ASU so they could be viable.

I'm not saying we will or will not have Halo Tournament but I am saying that they will not be excluded if there is a large enough demand, however the tourneys will not come in conflict with the 3 tourneys we will have over the summer of just smash. So no worries there.
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