It seems to me that everyone on this forum only cares about wavedashing and shffl. Why do so many people look down on the dodge roll? Simply because it is "noobish" and requires no "true" skill to do it? I think that the dodgeroll is a very effective move and it easily catches a "pro" off guard because they don't expect such a noobish move.
Uhh. What?
People don't look down on the roll for being a "noobish" tactic because it takes no skill to perform. Most people choose to look down on constant roll-spamming, because it's so easily punished. Rolling and wavedashing both have their separate uses. And I had to chuckle when I read that you thought that rolling would catch a "pro" off guard. Don't even talk about pros; just the people I smash with will catch on in 30 seconds to roll-spamming, since it's predictable
and easy to punish.
I was wanting to know if anyone can explain to me why I should waste my time learning to wavedash when I can dodge roll 5,000x easier. Excuse me if I'm wrong and call me a noob and wish for my death if you want but... I really don't see why people look down on the dodge roll as if it's not an effective tactic. Plus wavedashing isn't even a real technique.... some loser was just goofing around and found out that you can airdodge into the groud and fly back. I asked people to rate some videos and all they say is "You suck, go die, you don't wavedash!!!" they couldn't look past the fact that wavedashing and shffling isn't the most important part of the game.
Rolling has its uses, alright. But in many situations, rolling just doesn't cut it due to its set distance and comparatively long lagtime. However, a wavedash is much more versatile. You can use it to edgehog, you can use it as an alternate method of movement, and best of all, you can control its length to suit your needs. Don't bash wavedashing because you're too lazy to learn it and it was discovered by some random player; that has absolutely nothing to do with the current argument.
Ok, this is pissing me off a bit. I just posted in your thread earlier, and I took care to give you some advice that wasn't just bashing. And now you say that everyone just posted that "You suck, go die, you don't wavedash"? Don't give me that bull**** if you're not going to take the time to read over the ****ing posts in your topic. Haven't you thought that if you weren't so god **** arrogant and defiant about not WDing and SHFFLing that people would take more kindly to you? And as I said earlier in your topic, shinespiking is so **** overrated; it doesn't take any techinical skill to pull off. I play with Frozenserpent. The man has god-awful techskill, aside from his ability to ledgetech everything. He can't even shffl and l-cancel properly. But guess what; he decided to play Fox for a bit, and within 1 minute, he got his first shinespike. Easy, no?
I think it's funny when some noob roll dodges 5062 times against a pro and wins... that just goes to show that pro's aren't all that and every move is fair. If I could just tap A and win the game I probably would...granted it would take every ounce of fun out of it but I wouldn't be losing to people who use imaginary moves to win. ^_^
That never has and never ****ing happen in the history of this ****ing game. It's this kind of blind arrogance that really pisses me off.
Actually, I'd have to say that L-cancelling is the most important advanced tech. Wavedashing is extremely useful to have, but it's not absolutely necessary. But incorporating SHFFLing into your game literally makes it twice as fast.
Again, sorry if I'm just a noob and I need to quit playing smash brothers all together and just go die under a rock but please explain to me the reason behind this thread before I do all the above. Seeya 'round!
Nobody wants you to quit SSBM. It'd be better if you could see both sides of the argument, and then decide for yourself what you want to do.
Of course, the flipside is, just because it's difficult doesn't mean that it is more effective. Players who say they are "strong technically but have weak mindgames," are usually just overusing advanced, difficult techniques and forgetting the easy ones. This results in flashy play, but it doesn't win. Sometimes it's better to run away, to roll backwards, to walk up and hit forward on the C-stick. Look at Masashi: his Fox isn't half as flashy as Mofo's or Zelgadis'. There are no fireworks of shine, or volleys of shffl's. He simply takes the best "technical" elements (like l-canceling into shine) and the best "simple" elements and combines them into a winning formula.
Actually, I have to disagree with part of this. You give the example that some players are "strong technically but have weak mindgames." That's okay, but then you use Mofo and Zelgadis for your example. Are you really saying that Mofo and Zelgadis have "weak" mindgames? In comparison to who? I can vouch for this, since I've played Zelgadis myself. Granted, you might say that his mindgames (I hate to use such a word for the mental aspect of the game) aren't the best, but they're pretty **** good. You can't label Masashi's playstyle as being good because it's simple, since that's what I'm getting from the gist of your argument. Take Bombsoldier, for example., who has insane amounts of technical skill. It seems that he overwhelms his opponent with just pure technical skill, but he needs a certain degree of mindgames, if you will, to predict the movements of his opponent so he can apply the appropriate tactic.
Thank you very much for stating that WD DOES have lag, and 10 frames of lag is a hell of a lot.... How many frames is a dodge rolls lag? -_-" and plus whenever I dodge roll, I don't let go of R immediately because as soon as I finish the roll, my shield is still up (I don't know about the lag sorry) and unless my opponent grabs me, I usually don't get hit.
Wow. Lag from roll > Lag from WD. You can also raise your shield immediately after a wavedash. And trust me, if you overuse rolling against any competent player, you will get grabbed.
I only dodge roll when the opponent throws out an fsmash or usmash...I just dodgeroll behind them and hit them before they can do anything... I don't understand why you people assume I would dodgeroll just to move around? I don't mean I just dodgeroll whenever but it is very useful in the situations when your opponent can't do much after they fsmash, etc.
I fail to see how a 'pro' could just chase you and grab/smash you...if your behind him and he is attacking the opposite direction?
Sure, that might work once. But you're assuming that the "pro" will swing at your randomly. Most players will combo into their finishers, which would be the smash in this case, and you'd be screwed because you can roll while you're being combo'd. You are correct that you can use it to avoid a smash, but in most cases it's better to just WD backwards then punish with a SHFFL'd aerial or a grab.