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Apex Legends Mafia: Boosted GAME OVER Who won?


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
Uhhhhhhhhhhh, I'm gonna ask Chaco Chaco in public since I would just be asking in private and relaying it to which others would have to ask in private to confirm.

Are factional night kills (mafia or indy teams) allowed to NKill their own in this game, mechanically speaking?
Yes. There is no rule barring that action, but would be considered playing against WinCon.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
I gotta post every 24 hours? Lame I was celebrating my dad's birthday right after I got off work.

Anyways I will read up at some point today before I gotta head out for something.

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
Can you explain for players like me who would be unfamiliar here? You seem to know Sabrar.
I wouldn't go so far as to say I "know" Sabrar but I do have a couple games with him under my belt and Sab's increased expressiveness and openness in this game felt off, here are some examples of what I would have expected more of:

You've articulated your suspicion on Xivii but haven't committed with a vote yet. Is there a reason you're holding your vote?
Incorrect because reasons.
There is purpose behind the madness.
However, in contrast we have:

I feel Xivii is getting desperate if he wants wam's help to yeet me while he himself is voting wam. He's not even reacting to the points I made.

  • he wants flavor claim with an argument that makes no sense and for which there is no town-motivation
  • he lives in the moment and doesn't have progression from his past self. This is shown a) by him discarding entirely his page 1 read on bessie in favor of a 'not voting' sus (which he should know from Sumthing - that he likes to bring up - is not relevant) and b) by not remembering what his earlier stance on the claiming was.
  • he misrepresents my attack on him by wanting to get favors with Eido (wrong because timeline). Also Malak independently had the same suspicion as me and because of that this should be taken as a legit read. However he's not acknowledging that, he treats Malak gently because he's confirmed but he's attributing malice to me.
with the following response from another XKCDer
Vote xivii

I havent seen a case that thourpigh my sabrar day 1 as town for a long time. So I'm convinced 1 of them is scum. Good news if XV flips scum sabrar is town.
additionally there's the LAMIST from early in the game with the rolling laughing emoji which seemed entirely out of character for Sab, he just isn't that whimsical in my experience

long story short Sab did not pass my baseline vibe check

What does this mean for Wam? Is this a good/bad thing? Seems to have generated a strong response from you.
it's another deviation from the baseline I was expecting given his play as a town neighborizer in the most recent completed game on this site, Things I Like Mafia. Wam massively coasted that game, was on the chopping block twice in early game and still managed to coast his way out of those yeets, and still continued to be mostly checked out by the time the game got to 4v1 and then 2v1. I distinctly do not recall much impassioned/highly motivated play coming from Wam in things I like so here where I was perceiving him to have some fire under his ass and him being aggro on the lynch all liars thing (which I now realize was him being sarcastic and trying to make a point about dogmatic adherence to lynch all liars) felt very out of character. so tl;dr, Wam's baseline deviation is a bad thing imo and pings scummy but the aggro portion of that read re: lynch all liars i've now disregarded given my mistaken read of his post that I thought was aggro but was in fact just sarcasm

#HBC | FrozeηFlame #HBC | FrozeηFlame , dear, why did you like this?
is this a joke or legit? Because Sab's LAMIST def pinged for me

Also doubly suspicious that both have now ignored me.

Sabrar normally loves any excuse to vote me day 1.
because he confirmed that he was being legit re: his shared read that Sab's LAMIST was scummy and he was being attentive to slots that he perceived as ignoring him and not letting non-responsiveness go unnoticed which is something I generally pay a lot of attention to as I'm sure you've picked up on at this point

I have noticed this as well. Wam is one of those players who actually does often come across townier when they are mafia, so he is definitely someone I'm looking closely at right now.
I've only payed in one game with Wam and my takeaway from that game, Things I Like, is that town!Wam is awful at looking towny. Wam was in my can-go pile the entire ****ing game. this game I would've been inclined to town lean Wam in a vacuum, but his deviation from expected baseline pings hard

The fluffy posting is a bad sign for her though. She is a very analytical player and thinks very deeply about the game. She usually does not post very much, but her posts are very high quality.
what's your take on her response my callout of the fluffyness? it's entirely deflection

There’s not one other post in this entire game that you would consider fluffier? Not one? Even Maven’s #193 which is his entire game content thus far?
Me too. And with Sabby hinting at it, I want to see a claim. Especially since I claim Town Mason.
this entirely checks our with how ryker has been playing this game. He's far less aggro than a ryker without a reliable way to self clear would be playing. belies an inner confidence that he doesn't need to browbeat the town into submission because he has a friend to help him move wagons where he wants and additionally that same slot can help prevent kneejerk blowback misyeet on ryker his one of his powerplays goes south. I didn't want to say anything early on to out him as a strong PR but it was immediately obvious after a few pages in that he had something in his back pocket that warranted a style adjustment that shouldn't be very subtle to people with experience playing with him

#HBC | FrozeηFlame #HBC | FrozeηFlame Wagons are shaping up. Which one do you want to be on?
legitimately both and I can't decide which is the better play. I originally was preferring Wam because his play is deviating from baseline more than Sabs, but that could me being biased and salty because 1.) out inability to get a read on wam in Things I Like was a major factor in us losing to fonti and co. and 2.) I have a great deal of personal sympathy for people who get NK'd N1 a lot having lived thru that experience myself and as such I was very reluctant to yeet Sab D1 given the fact he died N1 in Things I Like and generally speaking I feel like I've have no real opportunity to learn how to read him and him constantly being elim'd early makes developing that skill extremely difficult and tbh kinda lame considering he's a strong, competent player that I just want to see more gameplay from

however, given Sab has now replaced out, factor 2 is now irrelevant and in fact my own personal bias against replacements is pushing me the other direction. I'm also getting flashbacks to Things I Like where LITERALLY EVERY SINGLE ****ING SCUM SLOT EITHER REPLACED OR ASKED FOR REPLACEMENT. I don't expect Sab would lie about his reasoning for seeking replacement, like I legitimately believe he felt you were being disrespectful by continuing to call him by Sabby, but at the same time that doesn't necessarily have to be the ONLY reason why he was ready to get off the ship, especially with pressure mounting and multiple slots commenting on baseline deviations in his play. Fwiw I totally agree with you that mafia is a confrontational game and expecting perfect civility is a bit of a pie in the sky expectation for a game like this, but I'm definitely sad to see him have that reaction and replace out because sab is a player I think that sharpens up everyone's play regardless of his alignment

Unvote: Red Ryu
Vote: Sabrar/UtopianPoyzin

Here's where I'm at:

Good guys:

13. Malakandra

Good guys prob:

8. Ryker
10. LaserGuy
3. Xivii
4. Eido


5. Vicarin
12. Fontisian
7. Bessie
11. Somitomi
9. Red Ryu

Can go:

14. Maven89
1. Wam
6. Sabrar/UP

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
That list is remarkably close to my own.

I have Somitomi higher on my list, but for the life of me cannot remember why. I'll have to go back and reread that slot's post.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 26, 2020
So, do we take Sabrar's claim to be NAI?

Wam Wam I didn't understand the last sentence of your reply here:

Nope 1 game together. I still think fonts reactions and day 1 play is scummy. At the moment though I think it's being obe.


Smash Ace
Sep 2, 2020
I have only played 1 game with font. I still thing font is scummy but at that point it was all kicking off with sabrar and ryker so felt OBE (overcome by events)


Smash Journeyman
Mar 8, 2020
Because in the two posts presented to me, you had one nebulous comment on which you didn't take a very strong stance and LaserGuy posted a more thought out conclusion that sounded more sure of himself. Uncertain how you could read that any differently.
Ok. Let me be more explicit. You’re buddying LaserGuy from his opening post onward.

It shouldn't be hard to guess the reason that I believe this to be the case. But color-coding alignments is standard here. Green is more conventionally Town though. I just find it odd that when you weren't sure if that was Malakandra's role or flavor, that you didn't consult your own role PM to check.
Your entire argument is faulty. I did not even notice the color. It’s not like I was hmmm, blue, is mine blue too?
Something I have posted many times, in many games: Nothing is confirmed unless it is in bold from the mod. Ok, you assume different alignments are different colors. You don’t know this. You are using an assumption about how you believe the game is set up to extrapolate a scum read of me for it. Or you do know it because your role PM is a different color and that’s why you noticed the blue?

Vicarin was scum in B99 and Town in Stellaris so it seems kind of a wash to me.
Yes, it’s NAI for Vicarin. You’re missing my point. This is different behavior for Vicarin, and some players that I expected to note this difference didn’t note it.

@All This is what I mean by active lurking. Sabrar is trying to pursue content that can keep him posting but isn't particularly relevant to the game. bessie bessie what are your thoughts on this.
I think this discussion between Sabrar and Vicarin is within their interests, by which I mean it is something which makes the game interesting for both of them, and at this level is NAI.

I'll have to make enough time to read today then.
Interesting, again you didn’t want to read stuff I linked, but when LaserGuy asks you for something……

Page 10. Ok. This game.

#HBC | Ryker #HBC | Ryker
#379 was completely unnecessary. Sabrar has left the game, and you still can’t drop it?

@LaserGuy It's getting lonely and I think Bessie here is jealous of the bond we share. Is this sort of green-eyed reaction scum coming after me or a townie unable to control their nastier base instincts?
It appears I’m not the one who can’t control my nastier base instincts.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
PS: since I'm town bessie won't get the chance to vote me off. :joyful:
bessie bessie what was Sabrar referencing here and why did you not respond to it?

Also can you answer this:
Bruh. Changing the color serves the same purpose as bolding something -- it distinguishes it as something important. How did you not notice that it was a different color than everything else when you were focused on looking for characteristics that distinguished it???
And respond to this:
bessie pinged me initially because she missed my secret townie handshake.


Smash Journeyman
May 1, 2020
Ok, I'm just gonna type this while catching up, because I had basically no motivation to do anything all day and I feel like a pile of garbage.
who do you find most suspicious for in-game reasons? (Not knowing how to read someone isn't an in-game reason).
I know and I got my well-deserved flak for this sentiment in a past game. I find wam's attack on fonti a bit weird because to me it seemed like fonti posted a bunch and then went to bed or something before the discussion picked up speed. I also got a small ping from one of Vicarin's responses about reading some old game. Those are the thing currently rattling in my recollection, which is the best metric of notability I can come up with.
Did you not read B99 recently?
I read a couple pages, realised it was too long to read in one sitting and then never got back to it because of all the other distractions at my disposal.
he lives in the moment and doesn't have progression from his past self. This is shown a) by him discarding entirely his page 1 read on bessie in favor of a 'not voting' sus (which he should know from Sumthing - that he likes to bring up - is not relevant) and b) by not remembering what his earlier stance on the claiming was.
Honestly, a page one read has about the same chance of being correct as a coin toss. Do you really expect Xivii to treat it as a guiding light for the rest of the day?


Smash Journeyman
Sep 26, 2020
Wam Wam This is unclear to me:

Vote xivii

I havent seen a case that thourpigh my sabrar day 1 as town for a long time. So I'm convinced 1 of them is scum. Good news if XV flips scum sabrar is town.
Can you talk about this?


Smash Journeyman
Mar 8, 2020
Also can you answer this:
Bruh. Changing the color serves the same purpose as bolding something -- it distinguishes it as something important. How did you not notice that it was a different color than everything else when you were focused on looking for characteristics that distinguished it???
Ok fine. On xkcd we had an explicit rule against discussing the specific format aspects of the role PM. But if we are going to make this about the format of my role PM, so be it.

Chaco Chaco will this discussion be in violation of Rule #9?

09. You can not post screenshots containing any private data, or reference any private data such as the time a PM was sent, etc. You can not directly quote any PMs from the mod or reference any pictures. Screenshots of personal notes are OK to post, as long as they contain no mod data.


Smash Journeyman
May 1, 2020
On the topic of the claims so far, I feel like IC, Masons and doublevoter seems to be a lot of power on the town side. I'm not familiar with Ryker's style, so I can't gauge if what Frozen said about the aggro tone is true, although logically it makes sense. The thing twisting my brain into a knot is the possibility of a gambit as wam suggested, especially since Ryker admitted to pulling some pretty wild ones in the past. I'd find it kind of weird that scum-Ryker would so readily provide examples of gambits as scum, but maybe that's part of the crazy gambit?


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Ok fine. On xkcd we had an explicit rule against discussing the specific format aspects of the role PM. But if we are going to make this about the format of my role PM, so be it.

Chaco Chaco will this discussion be in violation of Rule #9?
I'm not asking anything about the role PMs. I don't care about your role color. It has nothing to do with the point I'm making. The point I'm making is that his role was distinctive from the rest of the text. It's weird that you're not acknowledging that. Are we reading the same opening post? How is it being blue not the same thing as it being bolded (and it was bolded, but that's not the point I guess).

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Dude, you're being an ass. Call Sabrar what he wants to be called.
Yes, yes I am.

If I'm misgendering someone, then that's one thing. Let me know and I'll stop. If I'm being a bigot in general, then I should be made to **** right off. If you can't handle someone giving you a condescending nickname in a game where manipulating the other person's response is a primary part of the game, then that's on my boy, Sabby.


Smash Champion
Apr 3, 2020
On the topic of the claims so far, I feel like IC, Masons and doublevoter seems to be a lot of power on the town side. I'm not familiar with Ryker's style, so I can't gauge if what Frozen said about the aggro tone is true, although logically it makes sense. The thing twisting my brain into a knot is the possibility of a gambit as wam suggested, especially since Ryker admitted to pulling some pretty wild ones in the past. I'd find it kind of weird that scum-Ryker would so readily provide examples of gambits as scum, but maybe that's part of the crazy gambit?
Somi's town. I really doubt scum!Somi thinks it's a good idea to question town!Ryker's mason claim, and I'm pretty sure Ryker is town anyway.

I'm down for yeeting Sabrar slot, his focus on semantics in his arguments with Vicarim and then Xivii are bull.

Frozen shade rescinded.


Smash Champion
Apr 3, 2020
Yes, yes I am.

If I'm misgendering someone, then that's one thing. Let me know and I'll stop. If I'm being a bigot in general, then I should be made to **** right off. If you can't handle someone giving you a condescending nickname in a game where manipulating the other person's response is a primary part of the game, then that's on my boy, Sabby.
I am asking you to please stop.

I play this game for fun with people I like. You can be respectful of other people and still apply intense pressure. You can go all in on solving while still recognizing this is a game and we are here to have fun.

Sometimes ruining someone's experience can't be helped. Sometimes they're just the type of scum who gets salty as you run them up, and it sucks, but you're still going to yeet them. This isn't one of those times and Sabrar isn't one of those people. You can pressure and yeet him while still treating him like a fellow human being or even a friend.
  • Like
Reactions: Wam

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
You can give me a tongue lashing in post where I can discuss it without the WIFOM of mafia clouding the conversation.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
bessie bessie nevermind about that question. I'm more interested in:

1) What did Sabrar mean by being town meant you couldn't lynch him? I get that he was referring to that pre-game post, but what's the reference to being town? Please feel free to explain like I'm 5 if the obviousness of the joke is just going over my head.

2) Why did you not respond to it?

3) Why did you not respond to Laser's handshake thing?

4) What is your current read on Ryker with the Mason claim? Do you find it believable? Is he still a good lynch for today?


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
Chaco Chaco will this discussion be in violation of Rule #9?
No. A sample has been provided for Role PM in the opening post (As well as win conditions for Town and Mafia). You may not directly quote to the thread or screenshot your Role PM. All information shared from Role PM besides direct names of roles, abilities, etc must be paraphrased.


Smash Master
Writing Team
Sep 10, 2018
Not sure, I’ll get back to you when I find out.
Switch FC
SW 1975-0838-2970
27 people viewing? Have those numbers always been that high?


Hopefully my slot didn’t actually vote yet. Can confirm I’m a quote on quote double voter with minor complications

Haven’t read anything, also going to be busy for a few hours.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Alright time for business.

Let's get at this.



Smash Journeyman
Mar 8, 2020
I'm not asking anything about the role PMs. I don't care about your role color. It has nothing to do with the point I'm making. The point I'm making is that his role was distinctive from the rest of the text. It's weird that you're not acknowledging that. Are we reading the same opening post? How is it being blue not the same thing as it being bolded (and it was bolded, but that's not the point I guess).
As I already said in Posts #140, #262, and #412, I did not even notice the different colors in that post (check: some text and two player names in blue, 12 player names in orange). I don't pay close attention to the colors in posts on this forum, unless I specifically think about it. Town is blue, so is Xivii and Red Ryu. Most player names and links are orange. Some forum members have custom text colors. Skim: You are using colors in #54 and #241. fonti has used colors to vote but has used blue and red. More colors scattered throughout the thread. There are a lot of quotes of Xivii's posts with colors in them. Also, I’m surprised at your failure to recognize that this can’t be discussed without discussion of my role PM or the context is lost.

bessie bessie nevermind about that question. I'm more interested in:

1) What did Sabrar mean by being town meant you couldn't lynch him? I get that he was referring to that pre-game post, but what's the reference to being town? Please feel free to explain like I'm 5 if the obviousness of the joke is just going over my head.

2) Why did you not respond to it?

3) Why did you not respond to Laser's handshake thing?

4) What is your current read on Ryker with the Mason claim? Do you find it believable? Is he still a good lynch for today?
1) Sabrar claimed town in his opening post. So did fonti. So have you in the past. So has Sabrar in the past.

ELI5: Some players sometimes like to claim town as part of their opening, or at other points throughout the game; sometimes explicitly and sometimes implicitly. If a player is town, it is not usually in the best interest of town if that player is eliminated (there are exceptions). If Sabrar is town, as he claimed, then it is not in the best interests of town that he be eliminated.

For an example of what I mean about an implicit town claim, Sabrar likes to open with “Sheep me for an easy win!”

2) What was there to respond to? You want me to respond to every “joke” post so that FrozenFlame can have more evidence to support his accusation me posting fluff?

3) Because I still don’t know what it is. Unless it is the hound reference. He never catches my breadcrumbs either. My question is, why did he vote for me in his opening post, for a reason he stuck to and which we are still discussing, but he tries to give me a secret townie handshake in the same post?

4) I would like to reread the game content in light of this claim. It’s not like mafia claiming masons hasn’t been done in the past, as referenced here .

Bessie, are you voting me because you believe I am scum or because you dislike me?
I voted for you for being non-town. You would not respond to my questions re Post #33. In the previous post up to #33, Malakandra was mod confirmed, fonti and Sabrar claimed town, Xivii declared me town. You make this post:
How many clears does it take to make a mass claim worth doing?
This implies that you have accepted at least some of these as clears. Why? You refused to respond to any of my questions regarding this. I am considering that your refusal is recognition by you that you slipped.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
This implies that you have accepted at least some of these as clears. Why? You refused to respond to any of my questions regarding this. I am considering that your refusal is recognition by you that you slipped.
I..... I claimed Mason. Did you miss that entirely?

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
I ignored you because it was a silly question and I felt I would get more out of stirring the pot than telling you "Nobody else is cleared, obviously."


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
“I feel most alive when rapidly approaching my death.”

Vote Count 1.3:

Vicarin(1): RedRyu
Wam(3): Fontisian, Laserguy, Ryker
Xivii(2): Wam
UtopianPoyzin(2): Eido, FrozenFlame
Ryker(1): Bessie

Not Voting(6):
Vicarin, Somitomi, Maven89, Malakandra, Xivii, UtopianPoyzin
Last edited:
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