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Any instruction videos to chain grabbing


Smash Champion
Jan 30, 2006
South Africa, playing in the World Cup
I don't think any have been made but here is a video that has a pretty good example of their down throw to forward air chaingrab.
Which, other than this chaingrab in this video is probably their most effective. Though this one is an infinite so it will likely get banned.
u dont need an instructional video. u can figure it out. its exactly how it looks.
that second vid seems very easy to get out of
Who can IC's do that chain grab to(the one with the fair to grab)?
pretty much everyone to at least ~60%

Lightning Ice

Smash Journeyman
Sep 25, 2007
u dont need an instructional video. u can figure it out. its exactly how it looks.
that second vid seems very easy to get out of
Actually that chaingrab is an infinite, the person just wasn't very good at it at the time of the video. As for their forward air chaingrab it usually works until they are about 40% and after that they hit the ground and can tech but you can follow their tech for another grab or if they don't tech you can jab them and regrab quickly. If they are at a high percent you can also follow off with a smash.
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