It's funny to see the same old arguments around Wavedashing reappear every few days.
Is there a reason you don't wavedash? Have you not learned how to do it yet, or do you choose not to do it because you feel obliged to keep a certain "code of honor"? Because if that's so, it's ridiculous.
If the ability to use advanced techs are there, use them. If you're given lemons, make lemonade. It's that simple. You do what you need to win. And no, advanced techs are not glitches.
Let's say I was like you (assuming you choose not to wavedash because you think it's unfair). Let's say I choose not to use the control stick, because I think it gives other people a fair advantage over me. Will NOT using the control stick help me? No. Is it fair for me to want to make it so nobody else can use the control stick either, just because I happen to hold an elitist viewpoint? No.
So please explain why you're so adamant about WDing not being in Brawl.
You've got me all wrong. I would never call wavedashers "cheap" for implementing abuses of the physics engine into their gameplay. It's there, and people are going to take advantage of it. It's the way of things. I totally understand and accept that for Melee.
There are two main reasons that I'm not a wavedasher. First of all, my mains--the characters I have the most fun playing--all have high traction, and don't benefit much from wavedashing anyway. I've been experimenting a little with it for Link, and his wavedash is so short that even something so simple as wavedashing into an edgehog doesn't seem to be a good idea. The odds of over- or under-shooting it are so bad that I might as well just shorthop onto the edge and be done with it. The amount of work that would come from memorizing the exact timing for wavedashing and the stress using it would put on me outweigh the seemingly marginal benefits I'd get from doing so. If I played Samus, maybe it'd be worth the effort, but for Link and Ganondorf, not so much.
"But why do you consider learning and using wavedashing to be so stressful? I find that it's easy." That's the second reason, which is probably the more important one for the purposes of this discussion. The thing that originally attracted me, as well as many thousands of others, to the Smash series is that it's so intuitive. Whereas other fighting games are all about memorizing button combinations and hammering the timing for them into your head, Smash is all about cleverly combining incredibly simple, easy-to-grasp mechanics into a working combat strategy. You take a very narrow and obvious list of abilities--run, attack, jump, dodge, fall, etc.--and unlock infinite potential using just those few maneuvers. That's the charm of the series. Wavedashing is very much like a Street Fighter-esque multi-button combo maneuver and very much NOT a clever application of jumping and dodging. I'm sure that five-button Street Fighter combos are easy and natural for people who play Street Fighter games, but I don't like Street Fighter. That's why I play Smash instead.
The basic idea of wavedashing isn't what bothers me. If wavedashing had a totally equal effect on all characters, and a hypothetical wavedashing tier list was exactly the same as a hypothetical non-wavedashing tier list (hopefully with the gaps between the tiers as narrow pas possible), then I would not have much of a problem with it.
(DON'T TELL ME ABOUT MELEE'S TIER LIST IN RESPONSE TO THIS. I don't care. I'm thinking about what Brawl might look like in the future, not what Melee looks like now.) But wavedashing as it is now does NOT affect all characters equally, and as a result, if the developers take wavedashing into consideration, balancing around wavedashing will result in adjusting non-wavedash mechanics to compensate for the benefits it provides (or fails to provide for some characters). Wavedashing would become NECESSARY for playing the game as it was balanced to be played. Those who loved the original theme of Smash and who don't find the concept of wavedashing appealing would be directly disadvantaged so those who DO wavedash can have
their perfect game. I don't think the developers are going to be willing to do that to their target (and majority) audience, and that's how I know that wavedashing won't stay the same as it was in Melee. That doesn't automatically mean it has to disappear completely and all of its effects on the game gone without a trace, but there are going to be changes.