I think that the most important thing that we should emphasis on is the physics of the land rather than the land itself...
I'm not sure what your getting at
Oh, shut up. How are we ruining the game when the key reason for this games development was to make money? If some one owns the game, the developer dosn't care about the individual consumer. I can hardly believe that a slight manipulation of the physics engine can cause such a catastrophic uproar umoung people beyond common sense. The Wavedash works like it does for a reason, not just because of a few specific functions.
I forgot to say something, and I knew this would happen.
Post was not pointing blame. I'll explain.....
If you think the developers whole goal is to make money, you are dead wrong. The publisher, yes, but not the developer. They are trying to create something. When you make something, you take pride it in, be it from something as simple as baking something, to building a birdhouse or even a car. You take pride in what you made, becuase you made it. Even on an economic standpoint, it's not just about finishing it, but also about making it good so the consumer will continue to purchase your product. Would any of use have bought Melee if Smash sucked.
So, why would they have a technique in a game if it wasn't meant to be manipulated? It doesn't make any sense. Individuals are free to make what decisions they want with their purchsed game as long as they agree with the copyright laws, and I don't see anything that labled the wavedash as a penalty of law if used consistently.
First, you logic is dumb. Why would they have a technique if it wasn't suppose to be manipulated? Becuase it wasn't suppose to be. I always see someone say "It's not a glitch, it was done so you wouldn't air dodge though the platform". If it's not obvious by now, it may never be. There is a difference between wavedashing and say, sidestep dodging. Sidestep dodging was a technique programed into the game, and was intended to be manipulated. Wavedashing never was, as all it is is to repair a glitch. It's not even close to Snaking, whioch was a technique that was manipulated and brought to the next level, which was not intended. The idea is that while you can claim wavedashin is a technique all you want, it doesn't change that fact that how it's used was never intended, by which means you are playing the game in which the developers didn't see, and probably don't want.
Also, your comment on copyright has absolutely nothing to do with anything, and thus phails.
And another thing, quit comparing Halo to Smash. One is a fighter and one is a First Person Shooter. Both of them are made by different companies, get over it.
So what if their different genres. In fact, Halo 2 and Melee are probably the best sources for comparison. They are both second games in a series, both sold well, being two of the top selling games last generation, have sequels coming out (which Halo 3 already did) and are renowned for their multiplayer, and have strong competitive communities. They are the best examples, despite different genres. But that's what bring me to my point. BXB and BXR are both "techniques" in the game used in the competitive community. But, they also change the game in an undesired way. They also make the Battle Rifle very over powered. As such, it was removed from Halo 3 (again, if you have other evidence, bring it up). Who's to say Smash won't end up the same way. I mean, competitive players liked it, but it was taken out.
But this also brings me to the point I made. Developers hate when people do this. Is it anyone's fault. No. But, by doing this, it shows fault in their game. Like I said, when you make something, it's yours and take pride in it. Wouldn't you be upset if someone found a fault you missed, regardless of how small. That's WD to smash. It's taking something that wasn't suppose to be used that way, and just gumming up the works. Sure, not hurting anyone, but it shows fault in their design and messes up their original intent. Also, another reason is that to be "n00b friendly". It's not fun to play someone who is wavedashing when you can't. Despite no leaderboard, I can assure you that people who WD online against random players (if it's in) will be disconnected on in a heartbeat. It's not fun for them. That's why I constantly hear people saying their friends don't like them wavedashing. They don't want to learn it, why should they be put at a major disadvantage. Yes, it DOES put you at a disadvantage whether you like it or not.
Must say dude, it wouldn't have been as hard if you didn't beleive you were right without fault 100% (besides, some styuff you said made little sence and was irrelivant). gg