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An obvious reason why no SSB64 stages were included


Smash Cadet
Jan 11, 2008
they redid the graphics on all the characters whats stopping them from doing a couple of stages

Your Hero

Smash Champion
Oct 27, 2007
Ontario, Canada
If stage builder had the pipes from the mushroom kingdom stage (luigi's stage) from 64, I would have been the happiest man ever.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 9, 2007
Well it still would have been better if a few of the more popular SSB64 stages would have been released with it too. I don't think it would have been very hard, and even if there was some problem with the contrasting artwork, the whole game is a mish mash of things so it should have been included.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 6, 2008
Nice AT's though I kinda want to keep them a surprise. I would have been really impressed to see that andross and not know about it first hand :(


Smash Lord
Oct 1, 2007
stage builder exist for this awesome purpose

take what you love and make a few friendly modifications if you want


Smash Apprentice
Nov 20, 2007
Freeport NY
I wish they put in the old star fox and pokemon levels, but this game is so perfected already that I probably won't even realize they're not in it.


Smash Ace
May 21, 2007
Richmond California (northern)
What happened to all that "graphics don't matter" talk I used to see a lot of. If you truly don't care about the way the graphics look then playing in a SB64 stage shouldn't affect you. I know I would like to have some SB64 stages back regardless of their graphical status.

If thats your only reason for not including stages then I must say its a pretty bad one.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 12, 2007
In all honesty, I could care less whether or not the Smash 64 stages were in Brawl or not. There's a video on YouTube somewhere of a guy who perfectly recreated the Saffron City stage, so I guess if I wanted a Smash 64 stage I'd make it myself.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2008
You can recreate anything except scrolling stages, specific hazards, and background animations in stage builder.

And those are the main things that make the stages unique and fun to have.
Also the 64-bit argument makes sense. We had them in Melee, and even Brawl is even further advanced graphically that doesn't mean it's too good to include 64 graphics.
If graphics were the reason Sakurai didn't suggest including 64 stages then it's obvious the developers handling stages had some mental impairment issues.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2008
In all honesty, I could care less whether or not the Smash 64 stages were in Brawl or not. There's a video on YouTube somewhere of a guy who perfectly recreated the Saffron City stage, so I guess if I wanted a Smash 64 stage I'd make it myself.
Still not the same but can I have the link?
'be cool to see.


Smash Lord
Nov 19, 2007
Corneria, Oregon, US - Melee: Roy, Link, Ganondorf
To everybody saying "Just use Stage Builder", I'd like to remind you all that you can't use created stages in online matches. So essentially, any match against SWF members can't be on a classic stage recreation.

So the argument holds.

And I wish they could recreate the old stages, but then have an option after stage select like:

Graphics: Original < Updated >
Interference: Metroids < None >
Music: Constant < Change >



Smash Apprentice
Dec 18, 2007
, but this game is so perfected already that I probably won't even realize they're not in it.
Everyone, I want you to listen to this man. He knows what the ****'s up.

The next time you think about whining about the feature you want not being in Brawl, remember his words.

[Roy's not back], but this game is so perfected already that I probably won't even realize they're not in it.
QFT, my friend. QFT.


Smash Ace
Dec 29, 2006
Final Destination
To everybody saying "Just use Stage Builder", I'd like to remind you all that you can't use created stages in online matches. So essentially, any match against SWF members can't be on a classic stage recreation.

So the argument holds.

And I wish they could recreate the old stages, but then have an option after stage select like:

Graphics: Original < Updated >
Interference: Metroids < None >
Music: Constant < Change >

While it would be awesome to have the 64 stages back (SSB64 stages are my favorites,) you have to see this from Sakurai's standpoint. Sakurai said in a volume of Iwata asks, that he didn't view simple stages as that important due to Stage Builder. (Think of all the default stages. Not too many of them are simple, flat, nothing-going-on stages, except maybe Final Destination, and Battlefield.) It's not that he was being lazy, it's that he didn't see a point.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2008
What happened to all that "graphics don't matter" talk I used to see a lot of. If you truly don't care about the way the graphics look then playing in a SB64 stage shouldn't affect you. I know I would like to have some SB64 stages back regardless of their graphical status.

If thats your only reason for not including stages then I must say its a pretty bad one.
Good graphics DO matter to an extent, but they're not as big of a deal as many people make it.
The graphics argument works here though because the point of classic stages is for them to be CLASSIC. Everything goes as unchanged as possible and although I'd be happy with new graphics it takes away that feel of 'classicness'.

Btw, GOOD graphics aren't a requirement if they're good enough to not take away from the game. This time it's backwards, so there's a difference in arguing about this and arguing about something like PS3 vs. Wii.

AH EVEN MORE BLAH BLAH: It's funny how people like myself on the Wii side can argue that graphics don't matter when our graphics aren't better than competition's. I don't see it (but you wouldn't expect me to) as a bad thing like I don't see this defensiveness as a bad thing, but rather I think it helps. Being on the less green grass all the time causes you to think, and I have a point right?
That had nothing to do with Brawl really but I get like that sometimes.

To everybody saying "Just use Stage Builder", I'd like to remind you all that you can't use created stages in online matches. So essentially, any match against SWF members can't be on a classic stage recreation.

So the argument holds.

And I wish they could recreate the old stages, but then have an option after stage select like:

Graphics: Original < Updated >
Interference: Metroids < None >
Music: Constant < Change >

Very true and that would be a cool idea. :chuckle:

Everyone, I want you to listen to this man. He knows what the ****'s up.

The next time you think about whining about the feature you want not being in Brawl, remember his words.

Him not realizing something isn't there because of distractions by great things is different for everyone. Everyone who wants these stages in won't forget they're not there because they play great modes, it doesn't work that way. And no one's complaining, they're just stating what they wished was there along side the greatness.
Know that this thread was created as a statement on something, not a complaint about it. ;)


Smash Lord
Nov 19, 2007
Corneria, Oregon, US - Melee: Roy, Link, Ganondorf
While it would be awesome to have the 64 stages back (SSB64 stages are my favorites,) you have to see this from Sakurai's standpoint. Sakurai said in a volume of Iwata asks, that he didn't view simple stages as that important due to Stage Builder. (Think of all the default stages. Not too many of them are simple, flat, nothing-going-on stages, except maybe Final Destination, and Battlefield.) It's not that he was being lazy, it's that he didn't see a point.
You quoted me, and yet you missed my first paragraph.

Can't be used online.

Not very important? So online isn't very important?

Terywj [태리]

Charismatic Maknae~
Aug 23, 2007
香港 & 서울
Some of the SSB64 stages you can make on the Stage Builder, it's just you can't have that specific background. I am definitely re-making Hyrule Castle!


Smash Ace
Feb 2, 2008
Salem, Oregon USA
That's for nostalgia purposes. There's nothing nostalgic about a poorly textured/modelled stage. Maybe in the next one they'll have retro stages, but I never saw it happening in this one.
there is plenty of nastalgia there for people who played SSB64, I don't see how having nastalgia for a NES game with poor visuals is any different from having nastalgia for an N64 game with poor visuals.

They easily could have included all smash bros stages and there wouldn't have been anything bad about it. Everyone says Sector Z and Corneria are the same (both Great Fox) but I swear that great fox is bigger and longer in relation to the characters in sector Z, which is why I miss it. Also hyrule castle is like my favorite stage of all time.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 15, 2007
You can recreate the Stages but they wont look as good as they would if they were still the N64 stages. Thanks to lame stage building blocks offered by stage builder that don't look too good together. You don't get any pieces or blocks with windows in them, so you can't make Saffron City look good at all. Not like it did in the N64 game anyways. I've also seen a Hyrule Castle remake, B-O-R-I-N-G. The lack of tornado is horrible.

It's also IMPOSSIBLE to recreate Peach's Castle (one of my favorites) on the N64 Smash bros because of the HUGE moving Platform that was on the bottom of the stage. I guess you could go ahead and just make 2 small moving platforms, but it doesn't capture the stage like a SIMPLE recreation by SAKURAI would have.

All in all,
waste of potential
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