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Alabama Thread! (10/26/2016 update)


Smash Journeyman
Jul 2, 2008
No lie on the commercial breaks being excessive, but the only show I'm seeing on the list of their anime that was butchered is CC Sakura, and they had nothing to do with that dub, they just aired it b/c it was the best they could get.
Cardcaptor's dub opening always stayed in my head, regardless of how cheesy it was. Kinda like the 4kids One Piece op.

Toonami's promos always made the commercial breaks a bit sexier tho


"A boy has the right to dream..."


Smash Champion
May 31, 2006
Birmingham, AL
"I am not making a second PR list. I am making another PR list below it."
I'm, do you have trouble counting to TWO? Do I need to pull up the dictionary.com definition of ANOTHER?
it's weird how that's in quotes as if I said it or something
i'm pretty the phrase you used was "expand the PR list", which is different from "making another PR list", and holds a more detrimental connotation.

I stopped there, stunned, like Roy fighting Fox. Because the rest of what you said about this made no sense.

You realize by saying that Reflex is better than Will_ is because he has won more tourneys? That have more people? I mean my God man, you're talking about MATCHUPS, not TOURNEY RESULTS.

The PR list is based on tourney results because friendlies are friendlies. There is no pressure. In tourneys, sh*t's on the line. People choke. You don't choke when your sonic is playing grab a$$ with captain falcon. Performance is tested on pressure. Pressure is the difference between the carbon from the poop of your butt and the diamonds on my chain, foo'
I didn't say anything about friendlies
but tournament results vary for all kinds of different reasons
and we'd end up with an ugly list that's in no way an actual ordered list of the best players in the state, which is, if i'm not mistaken, the point of PR list.
Instead, we'd end up with a list that looks like this

T1 Reflex
T1. Will_
T1. George
4. moogle (had an easy bracket)
T5. George
T5. munkus (got sick at the end)
7. M3T (randomly got top 4)
8. elev8
T10. Kalm
T10. Cam (beats t1j in every tournament because he phails at fighting pikachu)

**** that.

in TN's list, for example, Milln went from being like #2 to like #7 or something within like two weeks. That's silly. What's the point of a PR list if it isn't really a list of the best players in order?

Also, doing a points based PR list isn't fair to people who fail to attend every tournament.
elev8 and mahgnittoc are almost certainly at least top ten...but they don't come to as many tournaments as everyone else, so they'd probably not make such a list.

a points based system is a very interesting concept, no doubt. don't get me wrong...and it'd be nice for someone to keep track of that honestly....but no one should confuse such a list as being an actual list of the best players in this state, in order from 1 to 10 because it wont be.

also you use way too many poop metaphors


Smash Lord
Aug 29, 2007
Honorable mention is just another word for "not good enough"
Honorable mention is whatever you make of it. If you wanted to argue it you could say that it lets people OoS know that these people aren't just some random scrubs, but people who go to tournaments and are actually alright.

BTW Janitor, Zigsta said he liked the bio under everyone's names. Most PR's don't have that and it made the people more than names to him.


Smash Champion
May 31, 2006
Birmingham, AL
pika cam is all about the tourney results.

this could better me in getting recognoized because alot of notable players think im a great player but if you look at my tourney results i come in last all the time. its cuz i use to freeze up during actual brackets.
but im getting better at that.
but truly i am the only one that knows my own abilitys. anyways, i think a 2nd ranking list of lower players would be good. like up and coming noticable players that are active.

its basically like the major leagues and minors right kevin?

oh yeah. im back after 2 weeks without brawl or internet.
i hope it doesnt affect me in tuscalooosa. the fact that i havent played in so long.
but you do understand that if said list does appear, you would still have to do better than last place to get on it :-P


Smash Champion
May 31, 2006
Birmingham, AL
anyway, I just thought it might motivate up and coming players if there was a more attainable step for them.

i'd like to rank everyone in the entire state that comes to tournaments so that everyone has a number, like golf or something like that...so that, (unless your Reflex), you always have something to strive for in the state...but that would be pretty hard and impractical. so this seemed like the best idea

maybe we should do a combination of opinion and results, like the BCS rankings sort of


Disney Film Director
Oct 4, 2008
Burbank, CA

But, yeah, Toonami was one of my fondest memories as a child.
This song was stuck in my head for sooooooo long. I never really had a problem with the 4Kids Dub... Until I saw the Funimation dub. Now I can't believe I watched the old dub. XD


Smash Journeyman
Oct 17, 2007
Ville of the Hunts, Alabama
PR lists are better off smaller. No honorable mentions.

And Cam's method will deliver the most accurate rankings.

This is a real world fact: You are not rewarded for your endeavors. You are rewarded for your accomplishments and results. It's all about numbers, gentlemen. That's what separates the boys from the men. When your boss expects you to get a task done by a certain deadline, and you do everything in your power to accomplish that task, but fall short of the deadline, you're not getting squat for anything. Or if you're a really good, hard worker, but don't show up to work on time every day as you're expected, you won't get any special treatment just because you're a "good guy." If you don't get results, someone else will.

God, I've been working at UPS too long...

ANYWAY, my point is that just because you had a bunch of bad matchups coupled with bronchitis and placed 4th instead of your usual top 3, doesn't mean that you should be ranked higher than what you yielded because a few people hold you in high regard. Everyone's gonna have his bad day. But there's always next time. The real test is performing under conditions like that and under pressure.

You can't argue with results. There's nothing to discuss or think about. "Shoulda, coulda, woulda's" are lies and have no bearing.

Honestly, though, I don't care what you do with the PR. You can make 5 lists, but the only one I'm ever going to look at is that Top Ten.

I see where you're going with it, encouraging other players and getting their names out. It would just seem kind of bittersweet to me.


Nov 10, 2005
Southaven, Mississippi
anyway, I just thought it might motivate up and coming players if there was a more attainable step for them.

i'd like to rank everyone in the entire state that comes to tournaments so that everyone has a number, like golf or something like that...so that, (unless your Reflex), you always have something to strive for in the state...but that would be pretty hard and impractical. so this seemed like the best idea

maybe we should do a combination of opinion and results, like the BCS rankings sort of
That was basically the thought process behind why we had a top 20 in the melee PR of old for the mid-south. All it really did was stir up a lot of arguments between people who were ranked 11-20 because it was hard enough to rank them because most of them didn't consistently go to tournaments and most of them consistently didn't place well enough anyway.

So yeah, my opinion on the matter...also perhaps sorry for droppin opinions on something that matters not to me? =x


Smash Lord
Oct 22, 2008
did majist get a warning for double posting??

cuz mods wold be all over me if i even think about doing that...


Smash Ace
Dec 22, 2008
Auburn, AL
Majist, Moogle, and Munkus: What's our driving situation for tomorrow? Are we riding down together or not? Also, I need to know if we are coming back Saturday or Sunday.


Smash Lord
Jul 13, 2007
B'ham, Alabama
If there is pre-tourny smash today, when and where is it? I know nu said there will probably be some at his place, but he didnt say when.


Smash Cadet
Mar 8, 2007
Huntsville, AL
Ok, I was screwing around against a computer in melee (with Doc) and I Up-B canceled into a Fair on a Falco. It was the most amazing thing I've ever seen and was a complete accident.

I will now spend the rest of my days trying to re-create this fluke.


Apr 10, 2008
Also, doing a points based PR list isn't fair to people who fail to attend every tournament.

maybe we should do a combination of opinion and results, like the BCS rankings sort of

There's a small chance I make it to TCS[V?]. I got back earlier than I thought. I'd really like to go, and maybe play Biglou cuz I have a relatively good amount of experience in the Luigi matchup. >:] Good luck in advance, Bama, if I don't make it.


Nov 10, 2005
Southaven, Mississippi
--> http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=237291 <--

People going to Tuscaloosa: I'm gonna stay in Huntsville tonight. :x Whoever wishes to ride with me to Tuscaloosa, show up to my apartment at like 8:30am Saturday morning.

Memphis peoples: I feel bad for missing out on the INN. >_<
The innsomnia thing got canceled cause of the bad weather, a lot of people didn't want to risk going out in it.

It's supposed to be rescheduled, so maybe you can still go =o
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