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Smash Ace
Nov 28, 2005
East Coast.
Wow thats pretty sweet. I think you may have took out a few characters that should have been left in but other then that I like it.

Ferro De Lupe

Smash Lord
May 12, 2006
Shawnee, OK
Wow thats pretty sweet. I think you may have took out a few characters that should have been left in but other then that I like it.
Who? All four of them need to go.

Although I am a bit angry (not suprised...just angry) at the lack of Hitmonlee support...

Great job.


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
lmao @ hitmonlee. u hitmonlee/chan, etc fans need to give it up :(
Theres 2 types of new-character-lists. Ones that you think are deserving and realistic. And then theres your "dream teams" which aren't worth brining up.I want Pico, from F-zero in. I know he may be "deserving" by his potential move sets, and "realistic" in how he could fit in the game, but he has too much other f-zero competition, as with F-zero, itself, having too much competition with other, more "deserving" and "realistic" game worlds that simply bury his chaces unless by shere luck.

Zodiak....i 99% agree with EVERYTHING you have presented. I'd say how well you made your selections, choice by choice...but like i said..i just basically agree with everything, lol.
Not so much enlightened by it,...but i have thought all the same things in the past.

The ONLY...things i can disagree with is
...the absense of a new Earthbound character. Ness needs to be given Ness's moves (not paulas) and Poo would make a fine addition with his own moves, as well.

...and wolf o'donnel. you said yourself...he's your favorite character. But falco = fox's clone, already. I know none of them have to be clones....but starfox deserves 4 characters. Krystal is enough. That slot is more valued for other nintendo characters who have their own moves.
And i don't acknowledge over half the wolf and krystal support, due to the rapid increase of furry-fetish biasness growing these days.

So i'd drop Wolf for Poo. Give ness his own moves. Put krystal in better proportions and if everything else you had came true, i would be the happiest smasher in the world.

Hector > all other FE characters.

Deathborn > all other f-zero characters(i refuse to be bias, just because Pico is my favorite) Deathborne is just more fitting, in the need for villains and his availability for moves. swords are overused anyway. and samurai goroh simply is not cool. Most people that like him, have no idea of the f-zero world and story lines.

Lucario > all other pokemon. Deoxys looks stupid. lucario actually looks cool. yes....even cooler than hitmonlee. (who actually, for the record, is not cool)


Smash Champion
Jun 13, 2005
UK (Edinburgh, Scotland)
Very well done, you put forward interesting ideas on what should be included in Brawl.

For the record, Marth's dair WAS eventually made into a spike in version 1.3 (AKA European).

Falco's dair is still crazy powerful, but only for the 1st quarter. After that, it sends people at a 90 degree angle.

EDIT: OMFG?? 100 POSTS!? HALLELUJA! "Somewhat original again!"


Smash Lord
May 14, 2006
Walnut Creek, CA.
The ONLY...things i can disagree with is
...the absense of a new Earthbound character. Ness needs to be given Ness's moves (not paulas) and Poo would make a fine addition with his own moves, as well.

...and wolf o'donnel. you said yourself...he's your favorite character. But falco = fox's clone, already. I know none of them have to be clones....but starfox deserves 4 characters. Krystal is enough. That slot is more valued for other nintendo characters who have their own moves.
And i don't acknowledge over half the wolf and krystal support, due to the rapid increase of furry-fetish biasness growing these days.

So i'd drop Wolf for Poo. Give ness his own moves. Put krystal in better proportions and if everything else you had came true, i would be the happiest smasher in the world.
I thought about this one a lot. I was trying to give every series some representation but I kept the number limited to 40 characters. I thought about adding Lucus, but to me he seemed like the Squall to Cloud in the final fantasy series. They look different but they are basically just the new generation of the same character. I also have not played much of the earthbound so I do not have the biased of potential movesets for each character. Poo was on my last character select screen as just by looks and humor wise, he seemed like a great character. I WANT a new earthbound character in the game but there was no one that I wanted to get rid of to make room. I understand why you want to get rid of wolf, but in everyones list theres always the favorite. Wolf is one of the few people that I will be very disappointed if he is not in the game.
Another character that I was thinking about putting in was Isaac, he too was in my last list. Golden Sun is a very popular game with no representation yet I know. That is another game that I have not played so I do not know the characters as much. From his character design he looks too much like a generic anime sword wielder and like Poo, I could not find anyone that I wanted to sacrifice to get him on the list.

The Franchise

Smash Journeyman
Jun 13, 2006
Amazing detail and great character choices. There's actually only a few there that I disagree with but you make impressive arguments for all of them. Good job.


Smash Hero
Jan 13, 2006
Canberra, Australia
I don't like how there is only 2 DK characters and 4 starfox characters, DK is a bigger franchise any way and DK did not debut with Mario that was Cranky Kong curret DK debuted in Donkey Kong Jr as Donkey Kong Jr and then grew up to become thec urrent Donkey Kong. Seperating Zelda and Shiek is a very very very very very very bad idea, that is what makes them unique it is one of the only reasons people play as zelda and plus they are the second most unique character together and apart they are just boring bland characters. Samus and Zamus seperated is also pretty Dumb, the official site pretty much says they are one character I mean with that description there is no way they will be seperate characters. Deathborn over Goroh another choice I dislike for 2 reasons 1 Goroh has been around since thew first one making him more well known and more popular and 2 Deathborn plays a small role in the fzzero series and you only see him for a little bit. No Vaati what the hell! you are ignoring the cellda part of the Zelda series with that I mean who better apart from young cellda link who you also forgot could better sum up the 5 almost 6 cellda games. Megaman X over Classic what's up with that? I have never played a megaman game so the only Megaman I know is the classic Megaman I hate all these stupid varients X, EXE whatever who can keep track! If megaman has to be in make sure it's the classic Blue Bomber. Skull Kid I don't think he's too likely I mean in OoT he was Minor in MM he was a major boss and in TP he is minor as well (from what we can tell) but I suppose he would be ok if he has to be included. Young Link is the true Link because Link was Young in the first one as confirmed by Miyamoto that is why he is so important. Apart from that it's a good detailed list, I was only going to rant about the DK thing but then I got into ranting mood.


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2006
I like it, but I think it's unrealistic. Sakurai will not have 40 characters, it's just way too many.


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2006
Where does it state that that's his goal? I don't remember ever reading anything saying that. If you do know where he said that, can you give me the link? The reason I'm skeptical is because he had said before on the subject of Melee that it was very difficult to get in the 26 characters they had promised, and that they barely reached their goal.


Smash Lord
May 14, 2006
Walnut Creek, CA.
yes it is a realistic number, ssb64 had 12, melee had 26 (14 more then 64), and if Brawl has 40 thats 14 more than melee. Also considering that Brawl was delayed to add more characters, (originally planned as a release title) I do not see it unrealistic.

To xianfeng: Like I said I do not want this to turn into a big arguement whether or not Z.S.Samus and Samus will be seperate characters, the wording on the site was not direct whatsoever. Also like I said for the X reason, I prefer him because he will than have access to Zero's saber. I would be just as happy with classic Megaman. I am wondering if you read the whole thing, I am aware that Gorah has a bigger fanbase than Deathborn I mention that in the list. I stated that I just really do not like him, thus he did not appear on the list. I get what you are saying about more Donkey Kong representation, but I do not see any character from the series that is better than anyone on the list. If you say K.Rool I am going to punch you in the kidney.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 3, 2006
Chicago Illinois. but I like mexico better :P
that, and considering that the wii disks are nearly 2x the memory capasity of the gamecubes says it's possible.

also zodiac, i like the list though i still say mm zero should go in. i mean, the gba was exclusive to nintendo, and he uses more than just a sword. but thats just my opinion.
honestly, i'll be happy with any mega man character in it.


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2006
OK OK, I wasn't trying to be hostile. I was just in the dark about an issue. I've been really busy with schoolwork over the past few weeks and haven't been able to keep up with current events.


Smash Master
Nov 3, 2004
Boulder Creek, CA.
I've pointed this out before, but it's been awhile.
Shiek would not get into Brawl on her own merits.

She is a minor aspect of part of one game, which was the best Zelda ever for an entire generation, but looks to be soon passed up by Twilight Princess.

You basically saw her 30 seconds at a time, 7 times in the game. That's three an a half minutes, before she revealed herself as Zelda. The ONLY way Shiek could get in Brawl is to continue hanging on Zelda's Coattails. As a separate character, she doesn't pass muster.


Smash Hero
Jan 13, 2006
Canberra, Australia
yes it is a realistic number, ssb64 had 12, melee had 26 (14 more then 64), and if Brawl has 40 thats 14 more than melee. Also considering that Brawl was delayed to add more characters, (originally planned as a release title) I do not see it unrealistic.

To xianfeng: Like I said I do not want this to turn into a big arguement whether or not Z.S.Samus and Samus will be seperate characters, the wording on the site was not direct whatsoever. Also like I said for the X reason, I prefer him because he will than have access to Zero's saber. I would be just as happy with classic Megaman. I am wondering if you read the whole thing, I am aware that Gorah has a bigger fanbase than Deathborn I mention that in the list. I stated that I just really do not like him, thus he did not appear on the list. I get what you are saying about more Donkey Kong representation, but I do not see any character from the series that is better than anyone on the list. If you say K.Rool I am going to punch you in the kidney.
What's wrong with Krool he's a King, a Pirate, a Scientist and a Boxer, he's better than Deathborn, 'X', Shiek solo and Zamus solo. What's not to like?


Smash Lord
May 14, 2006
Walnut Creek, CA.
I've pointed this out before, but it's been awhile.
Shiek would not get into Brawl on her own merits.

She is a minor aspect of part of one game, which was the best Zelda ever for an entire generation, but looks to be soon passed up by Twilight Princess.

You basically saw her 30 seconds at a time, 7 times in the game. That's three an a half minutes, before she revealed herself as Zelda. The ONLY way Shiek could get in Brawl is to continue hanging on Zelda's Coattails. As a separate character, she doesn't pass muster.
She maybe not very important important in the Zelda series but she is important in smash. Too many people use her to just throw her out.


Smash Lord
May 14, 2006
Walnut Creek, CA.
what makes her not worthy? Do not repeat yourself with the importance in Zelda, because that is not all that matters. You must also consider how popular of a character she is in Melee and also if she is a separate character how will it do more harm than good?


Smash Hero
Jan 13, 2006
Canberra, Australia
If she's seperate it means she won't be unique any more, one of the best things about Zelda and Sheik is changing characters mid battle so no one is ready for what you can do, take that away and they suck.


Smash Hero
Jan 13, 2006
Canberra, Australia
no what's wrong with K.Rool he is a very fit fighter and brawl worthy plus there are no other DK bad guys (anything from Jungle Beat is considered Mario not DK)


Smash Lord
May 14, 2006
Walnut Creek, CA.
I was backing off from the sheik arguement. K.Rool I do not have any problem with him not being a fighter. Just from my experiance he just seems like a very stupid character. I do not have any factual arguements, like Gorah I really do not like him and I am surprised how people can like him. If he gets in I will not be mad at all, most of the characters on my list I will not be too disappointed if they do not make it. It is more opinion than anything, like I said I just really dislike him. The whole "Punch you in the kidney" statement was for I am tired of hearing about him.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 11, 2006
Olympia, WA
Zodiak, I also have to agree with you on most of your points.

I think Shiek is unique enough to merit a return. There aren't really any other characters that use her kind of fighting style. This is of course, assuming she gets quite a few changes to make her interesting and challenging to play, instead of being this "noob crusher" who can dominate intermediate level players without using any real advanced techs or mindgames. I know a few people who've trained up their fox, falco, samus, captain falcon etc. to a decent level of technical skill only to be killed off by a noob shiek, and get so angry that they quit.

The lack of Donkey Kong representation is fine by me. They just aren't very appealing characters to me. Replacing Roy with Hector is a good idea, Hector is awesome (best lord in FE7 IMO) and I agree that axes are under-represented in fighting games, they're pretty cool weapons. Deathborn over the fat samurai - with you 100% on that one.

I do disagree with some parts however. I would rather see Young Link return, and made a bit more unique (OoT isn't the only Zelda game he can take moves from, c'mon people, look at older Zelda games for a change), than have them put in Skull Kid. I also personally don't like having Lucario, because the only Pokemon I've ever liked are the first-gen.

Ferro De Lupe

Smash Lord
May 12, 2006
Shawnee, OK
lmao @ hitmonlee. u hitmonlee/chan, etc fans need to give it up :(

Lucario > all other pokemon. Deoxys looks stupid. lucario actually looks cool. yes....even cooler than hitmonlee. (who actually, for the record, is not cool)
I'll give it up when Lucario fans give it up... I KNOW he isn't getting in, but that won't stop me from wanting him in. I know the difference between a "realistic" list and a "dream" list...and realistically I am going to dream about him being in the game. :cool: Realistically, I KNOW he's going to get pushed aside for one of these newer, "better" Mon.

And, just so you know, there is only ONE Mon cooler than Hitmonlee. And his name doesn't start with an "L" and he ISN'T one of these second-rate newer generation Mon. The only good generation was the first one.

Iggy K

Smash Ace
May 18, 2006
This is a good roster, Zodiak, I agree with most of it, except Sheik as a seperate character and Deathborne and X before Goroh and the original Megaman.
And, just so you know, there is only ONE Mon cooler than Hitmonlee. And his name doesn't start with an "L" and he ISN'T one of these second-rate newer generation Mon. The only good generation was the first one.
It's Diglett, right?


Smash Cadet
Sep 27, 2006
just to tell u and all the other fox fans out there fox is definatily goin 2 be in brawl cause it ONM it says he will make his wii debute(sp) on brawl.


Smash Champion
Jun 4, 2006
Glen Cove/RIT, New York.
Well, I don't play megaman, but smash is not a game that keeps incredibly high standards about accuracy to the plot of the original game. So you could just have megaman (a more important and recognizable name) and have him with the saber or whatever you fancy.

Sheik however does NOT deserve her own spot, as she is a very minor character in one game. "She was popular in melee" does not cut it as a reason, because the only reason she is so popular is because she is incredibly broken at beginner-intermediate play.

I myself want Zamus as a seperate character, I respect you for that. Zelda and Sheik are very unique in that they are a 2 in 1 character (Sheik just needs to be nerfed and Zelda buffed so you actually want to use both), and I don't think samus should take away from that. Sure some people see it as a waste of a character space so you only really get 39 characters, but look at melee. There are 25 character slots, and 26 characters. Whether or not she occupies her own slot on the selection screen, she is already taking up a character space in the game.

Oh, and Diglett IS the coolest pokemon, followed by Paras and Hitmonlee.


Smash Lord
May 14, 2006
Walnut Creek, CA.
Dude, that pic is friggen 1337. But who the hell is Deathborn?
thanks and he is a villain in F zero.

to ameerali: new costumes is something that is not really debatably, so I did not even bother to mention it on the list.

I was expecting to get more hostility from gorah and young link not being on the list....


Smash Hero
Jan 13, 2006
Canberra, Australia
I am angry for not having Goroh, Lyn, Young Link or K.Rool on the list, if just one of them on the list I would be less angry but no. I'm also angry that you used that hideous Donkey Kong Jungle Beat render for Donkey Kong remove it right now, it is the ugliest Donkey Kong has ever looked. Use this Donkey Kong instead, he actually looks like Donkey Kong, the fur is the correct colour and there are no large repulsive teeth either.

This was the original version of Donkey Kong in Donkey Kong Jungle Beat, then they changed it and decided to stab the Donkey Kong series in the back and replaced it with the putrid render in the final version of the horrible game.


Smash Lord
May 14, 2006
Walnut Creek, CA.
the render I used is fine...he doesnt look that bad in the game. Besides its not like thats the offical style he is going to be in the game. That was just the best render I could find, and I am not changing it. It is not that big of a deal.
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