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ACL FINALS - Brisbane - Sept. 24th/25th- $500+ Brawl Pot

Confirm Attendance

  • Total voters


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia

The Australian Console League comes to Brisbane for its Dual-Weekend Finalé!

Super Street Fighter IV: AE, Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 and Super Smash Bros. tournaments held at ACL events across Australia will conclude with victors from several states clashing at ACL Brisbane on the weekend of the 24th and 25th of September!

Please see the ACL Pro website for details:

ACL Website said:
Queensland Sports & Athletics Centre (formerly ANZ Stadium or QEII).
Under the stadium seating, opposite the practive oval.
Kessells Road, Mount Gravatt, Brisbane.
QLD, 4122.
Here's a map to help you find the entrance:

As of 05/08/2011 the pricing scheme sits at -

Super Streetfighter IV - $5
Marvel vs Capcom 3 - $5
Super Smash Brothers: Brawl $ Melee - $5 singles, $5 teams
Spectating - Free

This is subject to change, so please confirm closer to the date.


Brawl Singles Pot Prizes:

1st: Guaranteed $350 + entry fee payout percentage tba!
2nd: Guaranteed $100 + entry fee payout percentage tba!
3rd: Guaranteed $50 + entry fee payout percentage tba!
4th: ?
5th: ?

Brawl Doubles Pot Prizes:

Melee Singles Pot Prizes:

Melee Doubles Pot Prizes:

Saturday: Brawl Events
Sunday: Melee Events

More accurate times are to be fleshed out towards the date of the event based on expected numbers and arising information.


Super Smash Bros. Brawl:


General Gameplay Rules
1. 3 Stocks
2. 8 Minute Time Limit
3. Items set to "Off" and "None"
4. All infinites are legal.
5. Meta Knight's Infinite Cape Glitch and Extended Cape Glitch are banned.
6. There is a Ledge Grab Limit of 35 for Metaknight, and 50 for all other characters. (If a game goes to time and one player goes over the Ledge Grab Limit for their character, they will automatically lose the game. If both players exceed their Ledge Grab Limit, then this rule is ignored).
7. The act of stalling is banned: stalling is intentionally making the game unplayable: Such as becoming invisible, continuing infinites past 300%, and reaching a position that your opponent can never reach you.
8. Any action that can prevent the game from continuing (i.e., freezing, disappearing characters, game reset, etc.) will result in a forfeit of that match for the player that initiated the action. You are responsible for knowing your own character, and must be wary about accidentally triggering one of these effects.
9. If the Ledge Grab Limit does not declare one player the winner, the winner will be declared by what the game says in all situations, except for when players are presented with sudden death:​
o In the event of a match going to time, the winner will be determined by who has less percent (stock difference still takes priority but will be shown in the results screen).
o If the match ends with both players dying at the same time (either coincidentally or via suicide move) or if time ran out with both players at equal percent, a one stock three minute rematch will be played on the same stage. For a tie-breaker match, a Ledge Grab Limit of 18 is introduced for all characters.​

Modified Rules for Doubles:
1. Team Attack is set to "On"
2. Life stealing is allowed.
3. In the event of a game reaching the time limit, if a single player on a team exceeds their Ledge Grab Limit, that team loses. If one or more players on both teams exceed their Ledge Grab Limit, then the Ledge Grab Limit rule is ignored.
4. In the event of a game going to time and the Ledge Grab Limit can’t determine a winner and both teams have an equal amount of combined stocks, than whichever team has a lower combined percent is declared the winner.
5. If a player is using the character Pokemon Trainer, Lucario, or Sonic, either team may request that team colors be changed to make it easier to tell the difference between team players.​

Set Procedure:
1. Player Priority is determined if it can’t be agreed on. (See below for details)
2. Each Team selects one controller port to use for each Player.
3. Each Team selects one character for each Player. A double blind pick may be called by any player.
4. The first game is played on a Stage selected from the Starter Stage List either by mutual consent or through the Stage Striking Method. The order of stage striking will be 1-2-2-1 (Team 1 strikes a stage, followed by Team 2 striking two stages, with Team 1 then striking one of the two remaining stages).
5. The first match is played.
6. The team that lost the previous match may opt to re-pick controller ports (with themselves picking first).
7. The Team that won the previous match may announce one "Stage Ban" if they have not already done so in this set.
8. The Team that lost the previous match announces the stage for the next match from either the Starter or the Counterpick Stage List. Any Stage named as a "Stage Ban" by the either Team may not be selected. No Stage may be used by a Team that has already won on that Stage in this set.
9. The Team that won the previous match chooses one character for each Player.
10. The Team that lost the previous match chooses one character for each Player.
11. The next match is played.
12. Repeat steps 6-11 for all proceeding matches.​

Determining Player Priority:
If there is a dispute in controller port selection or initiating Stage Strike use the following method:
Teams agree to Rock-Paper-Scissors, otherwise it is determined with a coin-flip. The winning Team shall either elect to have first choice in port selection or first choice in Stage Strike. Whichever Team does not receive first choice in Port Selection will be compensated with first choice in Stage Striking.
Note: In Doubles, port selection is ordered 1-2-2-1 fashion (with Team-1 having first choice in controller slot select, Team-2 having both second and third choice, and the final slot going to Team-1).​

Stage List:

o Battlefield
o Lylat Cruise
o Pokemon Stadium 1
o Smashville
o Yoshi's Island (Brawl)​

o Battleship Halberd
o Brinstar
o Castle Siege
o Delfino Plaza
o Final Destination
o Frigate Orpheon​

Conduct Rules:
1. BYOC (Bring your own controller): Players are expected to bring their own controller and be prepared for every tournament set.
2. Pausing may be turned off by request and the request cannot be denied. In the event pause is on and is pressed, whether by accident or on purpose, the result will be a loss of the current stock for the perpetrating player.
3. Players who use the Wii Remote must take the batteries out of the Wii Remote when not playing. If the Wii Remote is still synced up to a Wii with the batteries in, you could unintentionally disrupt a match. If problems persist, a DQ may happen.
4. You are responsible for your own controller and name tag. Any malfunctions or errors that occur are your responsibility (including battery issues with a Wii Remote), so bring an extra controller if possible and always check to make sure you're using the correct settings BEFORE a match is played. Both parties need to agree if a match is to be paused or restarted because of these problems.
5. Intentional forfeiting, match fixing, splitting, and any other forms of bracket manipulation are not allowed and punishable by the TO.
6. No substitutions are allowed for singles or doubles.
7. Coaching is allowed only between games, not during. Failure to adhere to this will lead to punishment at the TO's discretion, which could include the removal from the venue.
8. DQ Rule: Arriving too late for a match will result in a DQ. Player(s) will have 5 minutes to show up before a loss of the first match. 5 more minutes results in a loss of the set. For doubles, both players on a team need to be present in order to play.
9. The tournament organizer has the right to save/record any tournament match if possible and has the right to upload said match.
10. Regarding textures and other game hacks:​
o Players may request that any texture, stage, or other hacks be disabled during a tournament set. If this is unable to be done, they may switch to a different setup if available.
o The BBR-RC recommends players do not use intrusive texture and stage hacks.
o Players are not allowed to use any game altering hacks, such as no-tripping or model hacks. If someone is caught setting up a system they brought with such hacks enabled can face punishment at the TO's discretion.​

Super Smash Bros. Melee:
Coming Soon


Smash Lord
Jul 26, 2010
Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Brawl Event Start Times:

Doubles Sign-up: 10am with brackets beginning soon after.

Singles Sign-up: Aiming for 2pm start for sign-up and pools starting soon after. If pools are not required (attendance pending) then brackets will begin shortly after sign-up instead. This all depends how long doubles runs for too.

There will be a break between doubles & singles events to allow people to eat etc, normally an hour.

Brawl players who have confirmed attendance outside of this thread, please still vote in the poll to let us know if you are attending just brawl, just melee or both :).

I have also had interest in a side event to be held over the course of Saturday. Possibly a Random only tournament.... See what people get back to me with.

Brawl Singles Pot Prizes:

1st: Guaranteed $350 + entry fee payout percentage tba!

2nd: Guaranteed $100 + entry fee payout percentage tba!

3rd: Guaranteed $50 + entry fee payout percentage tba!

Yet to decide whether 4th and 5th will have prizes on offer.


Smash Lord
Aug 9, 2007
Brisbane - northside
Melee Ruleset Draft 1

General Rules
• Items are set to off
• The stock is set to 4
• The time limit is set to 8 minutes
• Semi Finals and up are best of 5, all other sets are best of 3
• In grand finals, the player coming from losers finals has to win two sets to win grand finals while the player coming from winners finals only has to win one set.
• In the event of a dispute, controller ports will be selected by a coin toss
• No player may choose the stage they last won on unless agreed upon by both players
• Timeout matches will be broken by lives, then percentage. In the event of a percentage tie as well, the match will be re-played.
• The Ice Climber's technique 'Wobbling' is banned
• The Ice Climber Freeze Glitch is banned
• Jigglypuff's rising pound stall is banned
• Peach's bomber stall beneath levels where she is unreachable is banned (example: FoD)
• Any banned stage may be played as a counterpick as long as all participants agree

Set Format (in order of procedure)
1. Players choose their characters for the first match (double blind selection may be called)
2. The first stage is chosen by stage striking starting with the player from the smallest numbered controller port (i.e. 1 ->2 ->3->4); first player strikes one stage, second player strikes two stages, first player strikes the last stage
3. The winner of the previous match chooses a stage to ban for the rest of the set (note: this happens only once per set regardless of if it is a best of 3 or best of 5)
4. The loser of the previous match announces the next stage for the next match from the Random Stage List or the Counter Stage List (see general rules section for exceptions)
5. The winner of the previous match chooses their character
6. The loser of the previous match chooses their character
7. Repeat steps 3-7 for the next match and 4-7 for all matches following that

Singles Random Stage List
Fountain of Dreams
Dream Land
Final Destination
Yoshi's Story

Singles Counter Stage List
Pokemon Stadium

Teams Random Stage List
Pokemon Stadium
Dream Land
Final Destination
Yoshi's Story

Teams Counter Stage List
nothing =[

Additional Rules for Double's Play
• Life Stealing is allowed
• Set team attack to ON
• Note: Dream Land - Fountain of Dreams has been added to the Banned Stage List

Draft Schedule

10:00am - Doubles Sign-Up
11:00am - Doubles Bracket Start
1:00 pm - Lunch Break + Singles Sign-Up
2:00 pm - Singles Pools Start
3:00 pm - Singles Bracket Start


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
I'll just put it out there that Natalie and I are currently renting a 3 bedroom house in Sunnybank which is literally just down the road from the venue. We can fit a fair few people.

If anybody drives up, they can have priority for housing.


Smash Hero
Mar 1, 2009
Sticky? It's a major right :3

when you flesh out the OP a bit more at least


Top Tier Pillow
Nov 18, 2008
The land of Bogans, Australia
I have no problem getting the days off, its more so money might be an issue now since i have to get fillings replaced soon + extraction of wisdom teeth. Also I'm probably going to lose shifts at work because they keep hiring extra staff we don't need. So goodbye shifts >.<. July has just been the worst month atm... So many bad things happening.

So eh, I'll have to see what my balance is like in mid august. Someone would be cool with housing me yeah? I'll be helpful in anyway I can at least.


Top Tier Pillow
Nov 18, 2008
The land of Bogans, Australia
For some good news, Tiger might be coming back soon, so getting price matched flights with jetstar would be pretty ****.

This falls on the weekend I need to go to Sydney though, so yeah. Its still ages away, but I'm not sure on what to choose just yet. Really keen on going up to queensland though.


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
I hope this doesn't clash with spring battle roads for pokemon cards :S

That is to say, Queensland's next premier event hasn't been organised yet.


Jei Jei

Smash Champion
Aug 10, 2007
Kings Park, Melbourne
My bday is sep 24th so ima try treat myself to this. Weekend before bam makes it difficult though.



Smash Lord
Mar 4, 2009
Sydney, Australia.
I will have housing available. Can house 2 easily, 3 - 4 if they don't mind the couch for a night.
Wow, a couch! That's a luxury in the Smash scene.

Anyway... Luckily both this event and BAM fall inside my mid-semester break, so I'll most likely be coming to both.

edit: Actually I'll have to check my mid-semester exam/assignment schedule before I can confirm that...


It's ya boy
Jul 15, 2012
If Kaion's going, there I'll definitely be there.

If he's not then I'm only liek, 50% confirmed. (H)


It's ya boy
Jul 15, 2012
Kaion will be there. He wants revenge on me beating him last tourney :p

@ Zxv: People actually say the couch is more comfortable then the beds at my place.
Well then, I shall be there. :awesome:

I'll also need times. It takes about 3-4 hours to drive to Brisbane for me.

yay 5 am starts.


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
Whats the plan for the schedule?
Either seperated days or split like the other ACL events.

However, given the schedule of Brisbane ACL itself, it will probably need to be Brawl Saturday, Melee Sunday, since Sunday finishes at 6PM.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 21, 2009
Gold Coast, Australia
What day would marvel be on?
Most likely the Sunday, will be the big hoorar to Vanilla Marvel with Ultimate coming out in November and seemingly no interest to go down to Bam from anyone, so should have a big turnout.

Either seperated days or split like the other ACL events.

However, given the schedule of Brisbane ACL itself, it will probably need to be Brawl Saturday, Melee Sunday, since Sunday finishes at 6PM.
Can run late as the dates for Smash and Fighters are on the Lansmash the weekend before where we can run a little later


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
I see.

Still, I think I'll end up doing alternating days for the games. Given QLD's player demographic, there just isn't enough people who play both games to justify it anyhow.

TVs aren't a problem since I own a crap load, and I'm sure along with other people's we'll have more than enough. People just need to bring setups, because we usually end up with TVs without setups.


It's ya boy
Jul 15, 2012
I won't be able to bring a TV (Mine's a newer LCD model anyways) but I can bring a Wii.

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