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A nasty MK mindgame


Smash Champion
Mar 5, 2008
Once more people have experienced this, it will probably become far less useful, but there is a really evil mindgame you can pull with the drill rush as a recovery.

You are out of jumps, and for some reason your shuttle loop will not be a good decision (You are horizontally too far from the stage). Try using your drill rush right at the side of FD. You will helpless drill right into the side and your opponent will laugh in your face. Strangely enough, the popup at the end will slide up the angle of FD's ledges and put you back on.

The real reason I made this thread is not to post something unobvious that's fairly useless. As anyone tried ledge spiking from this position? Just as your opponent is expecting a shuttle loop, you drill them indo the edge, your final hit spikes them off the side and you pop back up?

If I get a chance I will test this soon, but its sorta late and I know I wont feel like typing this tomorrow :D


Smash Rookie
Apr 6, 2008
Close but no cigar.

sounds good but iI was wondering about the opponent standing on the edge luaghing in your face thing, um, what opponent stands at the edge and waits to see you fall, unless i heard that wrong. >_>
im going to try what you just said kk brb

(edit) Um, i dont know if i did this right. :confused: um, i tried to do it. it worked but after i hit the enemy i boucned back and was unable to grab the edge, again i dont know if i was doing this right ^^;


Smash Apprentice
Mar 18, 2008
San Ramon, CA, USA
Thats a good point. If i saw the drill into wall, I know that thats going to pop back, and I'd have nothing to lose by doing a run-off-edgehog for good measure...


Smash Champion
Mar 5, 2008
Originally Posted by Tru=
hey guys i just put a small vid up to vid up pertaining to some of these facts =0


also: heres the thread for it if you have any questions =D


Actually, this was not what I was referring to, although I have to try out your methods. I was pretty far horizontally off the edge during the game that it happened, and I knew that b up wasn't going to cut it, I did drill rush try to get back up, but I DI'ed up too late and got stuck under the ledges. At the end of the drill atttack when he popped up, he slid up a pretty large amount of FD's sides.

Haha, this probably had a larger effect because all my friends thought I was dead at 1 life left and then I came back and owned them because of it.

I will go right now and test it more, but I can't record stuff without it being low quality...so yah.

EDIT: A slight update. I tried this out and got it pretty fast, and the recovery works as long as you can touch the side of FD. The key is that after you are in the wall on the rush, DI out away from the wall, not up or down. Try it out, test the spike, and lemme know.

UPDATE: Haha, double edit. I tested the recovery on this a little more extensively. If you DI a drill rush correctly (up) you can actually drill rush recovery from directly BENEATH Fd right under the middle very effectively. If you ever end up in a tight spot I guess drill rush is the way to go.

Deleted member

get a vid up so i can understand what your saying


Smash Champion
Mar 5, 2008
Uh, I guess I can take a video with my camera recording my tv. Don't have a capture card yet...
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