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6-4 Matchup 27: - November 30th, 2013 - Toronto, Ontario, Canada


Smash Cadet
May 11, 2012
I'll try and make it to this, its like 2 days before my calc and physics exams so I'm not a 100% sure yet.
although smash definetly takes priority over calc and physics so I'll see :D


Smash Lord
Apr 10, 2006
Guelph, Ontario, Canada
tmk people who t.o. generally are busier/more stressed and can't practise/warmup and perform poorly in the actual tourney

ryan recently demonstrated that, and i recall in the past how much effort josh put in his tournies in loo and other randoms that ppl had like nightmares too

bing also eagerly wants to make it out of pools but continually makes odd main attempts and dittos ppl and then johns later

...so... why not just focus on your game?


Smash Lord
Apr 10, 2006
Guelph, Ontario, Canada
i didn't mean to post it earlier without justifying the post/reasoning to deduce the conclusion that i had and come across rude/an ***

i was simply bored /absentminded (which happens a lot lately) and was remembering my games with josh in pools and waswondering how they've changed over time (since i play him on spans of maybe twice a year and enter touries equally as infrequent) and it was seemed like most of the times i've previously played him (i.e. in loo ) he was always busy. this time he was just here to have fun and he wrecked my ***

<3 josh


Smash Master
Nov 8, 2010
St.Catharines, Ontario, Canada
bing also eagerly wants to make it out of pools
good call

but continually makes odd main attempts and dittos ppl
Wrong, I post that I'm considering picking up a character, might use them for about 10 minutes a night for about 3 days, get bored and move on. I truly feel that using other characters once and awhile helps to freshen up your style and show you things from another perspective.

In regards to the dittoing everyone, I hardly ditto'd anyone, I used fox and marth in 80% of my friendlies. If I wasn't using them in was falcon or falco. So please don't read **** on the boards and post like you know so much more.
And for the record, people who I played the most like Juan, dylan, tasty, even the newer guy joe. These people should agree that this is true

...so... why not just focus on your game?
apparently wanting to be a t.o means I don't want to get better. I spend hours and hours at home working on my tech skill and other stuff like that.



Smash Journeyman
Feb 1, 2010
In dat a**
Bing he means that instead of being a t.o. At the next tourney you could spend that time playing friendlies and improving...imo makes sense especially cuz you have nobody to practice with at home



Smash Lord
Apr 10, 2006
Guelph, Ontario, Canada
So please don't read **** on the boards and post like you know so much more.
apparently wanting to be a t.o means I don't want to get better. I spend hours and hours at home working on my tech skill and other stuff like that.
Yeah but at the same time
A) want to become a t.o anyways.
B) am one of the t.o's for impulse so a warm up would be good.
C) he's saying stuff that isn't exactly true
a) organize your goals
b) make priorities
c) turn practise into results
d) the above are mutually exclusive

it's not unreasonable of me to judge the way you post since i see you like twice every 6 months and within that timespan i see you post jank and perform equally jank in tournies :urg::embarrass:


Smash Master
Nov 8, 2010
St.Catharines, Ontario, Canada
Bing hes got you there, you do post alot of stupid shit on the boards.
Im aware, I get really bored and start thinking about stupid ****, when I play at home, and you play by yourself so much you get a bit bored of repeating to the same things, and eventually flip to another character just to take a break, enjoy using said character. etc etc..

Damn son. Bing's gonna just take it like a *****

No I dont want to keep a stupid fight going. Im tired of having people on my *** 24/7. I dont even feel like playing this ****ing game anymore because of some of the people. Its sad really, Im sick of fighting with people and honestly I wish people would just leave me the **** alone instead of calling out **** like that, and how Im bad, how I john, how I make stupid decisions. Its my time Im putting into this, I can do whatever the fact I want with it, if I decide im going to play ****ing Kirby and stick to it, guess what Im going to ****ing play Kirby. If I want your opinion, I'll ask for it. Otherwise I really dont care.
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