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20XX Music Manager v1.2f [Update 2016-04-14]


Smash Cadet
Feb 24, 2015
[ Disclaimer - Mileage May Vary; Experimentation Required: This program has a few issues which may cause your game to no longer boot. Use at your own risk, and be sure to create a copy of your game prior to use. A method that you can try if you experience problems can be found here. If you try that, please post whether or not it worked for you, and what you did. Alternatively, you can try the method given here. Although it is not known what exactly causes a problem, in some cases it seems less likely to occur if you keep the total number of songs in your game the same. ]

20XX Music Manager v1.2f


Ever since I heard about in-game playlists coming to 20XX, I was stoked about this feature.
Since Achilles delivered and I finally had the time on my hands, I wrote this tool to exploit their full potential.

With this tool you can extract your 20XX ISO, add or remove music tracks to your extracted root-folder, rebuild the ISO and even convert it to a file format, that is compatible with Wii USB- / SD-Loaders.


20XX Music Manager v1.2f (no mono and .m4a support atm)

20XX Music Manager v1.2e

20XX Music Manager v1.2d
20XX Music Manager v1.1
20XX Music Manager v1


v1.2f: Higher audio quality by utilizing dsp2hps.

The latest version has the ability to patch ISOs and root-folders alike.
That means you can now select your 20XX ISO or installation on your USB-Device (if it was extracted with GCReEx) and just patch that without any further steps.

If patching a folder there is virtually no size-limit to your 20XX installation. I tested this with a total of 137 custom audio tracks and a directory size of 1.9gb.

I've updated the "Usage Instructions" accordingly for those who want further detail on using this feature.

v1.2f (2016-04-14)
  • Uses a newer version of hpsbuilder. The new hpsbuilder version uses dsp2hps which leads to higher quality audio being produced than before.

v1.2e (2016-04-13)
  • Fixed all kinds of filepath related things. You can now run this program from wherever you want and however you want (as long as you're using a JRE that supports Java 8).

v1.2d and previous sub-versions this day (2016-04-11)
  • Fixed a bug for some USB-Loaders.
  • Fixed some bugs regarding directory naming.
  • Sped up the patching process for quite a bit when dealing with USB-Devices or slower HDDs.

v1.2 (2016-04-11)
  • ISO patching is now supported.
  • Overall process is more convenient now.

v1.1 (2016-04-09)
  • FST files will now be patched. So you can now select your 20XX installation on your USB-Device (if it was extracted with GCReEx) and just patch that without any further steps.
  • A log.txt file will now be created that holds reports and possible error-messages.


There are only 2 things you will need to use this program:

1. A working 20XX ISO of version 4.0 or higher.
Download the root files from here and follow the guide in its readme.txt or this one.

2. Java
If you haven't installed it already, just do so now, it only takes a few minutes.

Usage Instructions

Selecting your source-file / -directory

When you start the program for the first time, you'll see this window popping up:

You can now select you ISO or your existing extracted directory (on your USB-Device for instance).

Adding and/or removing music

You'll see two track lists, on the left is the one we are working with, the right one displays the tracks that are currently in you root-folder. You can safely remove all the songs in the left list, it will only be applied if you hit patch, until then you can happily close the program or hit "revert changes" as often as you like.

To add tracks, simply drag and drop audio files from your file-browser into the list.

You can then change the Title and other settings when selecting a track and either pressing F2 or CTRL+E on your keyboard or with doing a right-click on a track and selecting "edit".

Editing a Track

This menu should be pretty self-explanatory you can change the title, select a different source-file for the track, create a custom loop, or adjust the sample-rate for the resulting audio-file.

Note: As of this version loop- and sample-rate changes are not supported when having HPS files as source.

Selecting your output ISO /game-dir

Note: This step is only necessary if you do not want to patch your source ISO or directory.

In this step you'll select whether your output files will be an ISO or a root-directory, and where they will be saved. The default setting is, that you patch your opened ISO or opened directory.

Example: You loaded your 20XX ISO into the program, added/removed some music and want to get the result onto your USB-Device. All you have to do to achieve that is to select your USB-Device as your output directory.

Patching your ISO / game-dir

You just have to press "Patch" in the program's main-window. After that you should see this window opening up:

At this point you'll have to be patient for a bit. Depending on the number and length of your added songs, it can take a few minutes to convert them (~20s per 5min .mp3 on my machine).

Also if you're patching a folder on your USB, it can take a few minutes to copy the files.

FAQ and Common Issues

20XX freezes after being patched with this tool!

This can happen from time to time. While there are many possible reasons for that, here is what you can do:

1. Unplug your memory card and restart your Wii

If it works now, your previous 20XX had a music file, that isn't on the image anymore, which you selected in one of your playlists. This usually only happens, when the resulting number of tracks is less than before patching.

2. Test the tracks in Dolphin

There may have been a problem converting one of the music-files, the custom-loop was flawed, or my audio-tool simply derped. Test the songs each in Dolphin and make sure they at least start.

You can also test them in your Wii, but Dolphin will be more convenient, as on the Wii, the audio buffer sometimes just gives up and can't play a file when quickly switching through them.

The track-list looks weird and editing titles won't work!

If you are encountering these or similar issues to this post, please have a look at my responses to this and send me regarding information. I haven't encountered this problem myself so I can only fix this with your input.

The Playlist-Menu freezes!

Thats a weird one. It occured to me after I deleted most custom songs and only added a few of my own.
To fix this, just add some more tracks (per default the last track has a hex-number of 76).

What is up with those song titles?

The titles for songs in 20XX are limited to 32 characters in theory. I limit them to 31 characters, because 20XX won't display them correctly otherwise.

To deal with those limitations I've come up with a number of steps that my program automatically does to make up a good title for your audio file:

I first read the files metadata and look for the Artist's name and the Song-Title.

If the artist's name is longer than 15-chars, I look for a known abbreviation in my own little database. If there is none, my tool generates one automagically. My algorithm for abbreviations for example takes the name "Five Finger Death Punch" and puts "5FDP" out.

If the resulting form of "Artist - Title" is still longer than 31 characters I shorten the title:

Firstly I look for a leading "The" to be removed.
After that I get kinda desperate and remove vowels if there are any.

Why does the track-list behave weird sometimes?

I blame Java-Swing and me not having the nerve to fight it's stupidly designed Lists enough to fix all of the issues I had with it. This will probably be fixed in the near future though.

How it works

For the audio stuff, there's the thread about my conversion tool.

20XX's filesystem regarding audio files

In standard Melee the audio files have arbitrary names. For instance DreamLand64's music file is called "old_kb.hps"
This is different in 20XX, as they are now named after a 2 digit hex-value. They begin at 00.hps and would end theoretically at FF.hps which would be a max of 256 music files.

The first 49 of them, going up to 31.hps, are the default melee tracks.
They can be replaced but should not be removed or renamed.

Patching 20XX's binary file

In the new 20XX there is a binary file called "MnSlChr.usd".
Aside from refactoring it, Achilles uses this binary to store titles and pointers for the music files.

At 0x3EDD90 is the first 32byte entry, which is used to store the Song-Title for the 32.hps file. The entries go up from there, meaning the Title for 33.hps would be at an offset of 0x3EDD70.
These entries are ANSI encoded and contain one character per byte.

If you're curious, the titles for the default songs begin at 0x3EE1D0 and go down from there. Unlike the entries for custom songs they are tightly packed and can't be changed as comfortably.

Starting at 0x3EDDA8 there are 4byte fill values. I'm not exactly sure if these are pointers to file names/locations, or if they are just there, so 20XX knows how many music-files are on the image.
The first don't seem to follow a strict pattern and aren't of interest if adding or removing custom tracks.

The ones I have to care about start at 0x3EDE6C the values follow a simple pattern. They start with the 4byte value 0x80FDA4A0 going one entry down the file means substracting 0x20 from this value.

There needs to be one value following this pattern for every music file existing in 20XX's image, or you simply can't play it in-game. This is more crucial than the titles since you can theoretically just leave those blank.

Using Achilles' Playlists

I don't know how much you've looked into this feature already, but it's really easy to use:

You have to go into the Debug Menu and and then "Music Codes" in there is a preview for all of the tracks available on the image and a Menu Entry called "Custom Playlists".

There you can change the playlists for most maps and can even set up a global playlist!

Note: Watch the "Play Type" setting. If you leave it at "Single Song" you wont notice much change (unless you remove the original one in the playlist).

A setting I find very useful is turn on the global-playlist and set it to "Random - Customs only".


Achilles1515 Achilles1515 For making in-game playlists a reality, also shout outs for his great work on 20XX in general.

bsv798 For GCrebuilder (although no longer utilized since v1.2)

Crediar For DiscEx

Tueidj For GCReEx

@GenesisFan64 For MeleeHPS which is used in my "Melee Audio Converter"... which is used in this tool.

jmlee337 jmlee337 For dsp2hps which is used since version 1.2f. Also his work on a newer MeleeHPS gave me some hints how to make "Melee Audio Converter" more stable.

DRGN DRGN For helping me out with building the FST file.
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Smash Rookie
Nov 15, 2015
Thank you for the program I'm gonna download it right now and see what i can do with it.


Smash Apprentice
May 8, 2015
this is AMAZING. I love putting my own music into melee. Thank you so much for your hard work homie (: I will be using this a BUNCH


Smash Rookie
Apr 1, 2016
Thanks bro!

I already tested it on my wii running dios mios lite. Works like a charm!


Aug 20, 2005
Sacramento, CA
Awesome! This looks incredibly useful.

Do you have any future plans to integrate the ability for it to work on an ISO directly? If you want, feel free to PM me and I can show you the functions I use in DTW for rebuilding the FST (to allow for importing files larger than the originals). I know it's a different languange, but it might be useful as pseudocode at least.

Again though, good stuff. The audio field has been seriously needing these programs you've been making. Thank you!
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Smash Cadet
Feb 24, 2015
Awesome! This looks incredibly useful.

Do you have any future plans to integrate the ability for it to work on an ISO directly? If you want, feel free to PM me and I can show you the functions I use in DTW for rebuilding the FST (to allow for importing files larger than the originals). I know it's a different languange, but it might be useful as pseudocode at least.

Again though, good stuff. The audio field has been seriously needing these programs you've been making.
Thanks, I do have those plans, as automating the ISO creation would probably make the whole patching process a lot more convenient.

I was looking into building the FST file, but couldn't quite figure out how to calculate the file offsets.
Your code would definitely help a ton.
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Smash Cadet
Feb 24, 2015
I have an issue with the New Track List not looking correct as well as having inserted music not correctly appear. Renames aren't working correctly either.
That's a bummer.
Seems to me like filepaths won't resolve correctly, so that my provided monospace font won't be loaded and your .mp3 file won't be analysed (thus the faulty src sample-rate of -0.001 KHz).

Since I just released an update for the program, you can try again with the new version. If the issues persist be sure to post the content of the log.txt that will be created (new in the update).

A few other things come to my mind that could help:

- Make sure you have a clean and up to date Java installation. It could help to remove older installations.

- Don't run my program from inside a .zip file, extract the directory and run it from there.

- Don't copy the program into a directory in which it has no writing-permissions (in Windows 7 or higher that could be "program files" for example).

- Make sure the program's directory holds all files that are provided with the zip file. That's unlikely to be the issue, but if it's not a filepath problem, you could be missing the "res" and/or the "hpsbuilder" folder.

Also it might help me to know which OS you have running on your machine. Is it a 32bit or 64bit OS?
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Smash Rookie
Nov 26, 2014
Orange County,RSM
That's a bummer.
Seems to me like filepaths won't resolve correctly, so that my provided monospace font won't be loaded and your .mp3 file won't be analysed (thus the faulty src sample-rate of -0.001 KHz).

Since I just released an update for the program, you can try again with the new version. If the issues persist be sure to post the content of the log.txt that will be created (new in the update).

A few other things come to my mind that could help:

- Make sure you have a clean and up to date Java installation. It could help to remove older installations.

- Don't run my program from inside a .zip file, extract the directory and run it from there.

- Don't copy the program into a directory in which it has no writing-permissions (in Windows 7 or higher that could be "program files" for example).

- Make sure the program's directory holds all files that are provided with the zip file. That's unlikely to be the issue, but if it's not a filepath problem, you could be missing the "res" and/or the "hpsbuilder" folder.

Also it might help me to know which OS you have running on your machine. Is it a 32bit or 64bit OS?
Im running a 64bit version of Windows 7, AFAIK Java is fully updated, The program was extracted and its on my desktop :p

Ill try the update and get back to you.


Smash Cadet
Feb 24, 2015
Did a clean install of java and tried v1.1, nothing :/
Alright, that should at least eliminate some error sources.

Did my program at least dump a log.txt file?

Anyway I wrote a tool that tests out a few approaches on dealing with filepaths.


You could try to run it on your machine and tell me if there are log files being generated.
If there are any, please post the content of one of them and tell me their file-names.


Smash Rookie
Nov 26, 2014
Orange County,RSM
Alright, that should at least eliminate some error sources.

Did my program at least dump a log.txt file?

Anyway I wrote a tool that tests out a few approaches on dealing with filepaths.


You could try to run it on your machine and tell me if there are log files being generated.
If there are any, please post the content of one of them and tell me their file-names.
Cant find any Dump File, i ran the filepath test and there doesn't seem to be any log files that were created. In fact, the filepath test didnt even seem to do anything when i ran it.


Smash Cadet
Feb 24, 2015
Cant find any Dump File, i ran the filepath test and there doesn't seem to be any log files that were created. In fact, the filepath test didnt even seem to do anything when i ran it.
Well dumping log files was the only thing the test was designed to do.
Thanks for trying it out though.

Unfortunately there's not much left I could do to help you, since I couldn't recreate the issues you're dealing with on my computer or others I tried my program on.

I don't know if you're still willing to bother with this, but here is what you could do:

  • uninstall java through your "programs and features" menu.
  • ensure there aren't any java folders in your "Program Files" and "Program Files (x86)" directories left
  • delete any java related entries in your PATH variables (if there are any). To do so, press WINDOWS+PAUSE, go to "Advanced Settings" -> "Environment Variables" and edit the "Path" variable in your "System variables" and the "PATH" variable in your "User Variables" if there is one ( note that entries are seperated with a ';' )
  • restart your machine
  • download the windows x64 install "exe" from here (it's possible the net installer did something wrong) and run it
  • check if your java is ready to go by opening a CMD window and just typing "java" into it. if it reports that "'java' is not recognized as a command" you have to do the following steps, if not skip them and try out my program again
  • open up the menu for "Environment Variables" again and edit "PATH" inside your user variables (if there is none just click on the "New..." button and name it "PATH"). Add an entry with the path to your java install's bin folder ( mine would be "C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_60\bin" ) and do the same for your "Path" system-variable.
  • if cmd still won't recognize java as a command, restart your computer again
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Smash Rookie
Apr 1, 2016
The FilepathTest works for me. Sent the log files to Deconimus and everything's fine. Maybe you should check your java installation again. Windows has more than one way to connect a file type to a related executable. maybe you should try to run something like this command from your command line being in the directory of the "20XX Music Manager.jar":

"C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_66\bin\java.exe" -jar "20XX Music Manager.jar"​

Tip: You can start the command line in a directory of your choice by right clicking into it in the file explorer while pressing shift and selecting "Open command window here" in the opened context menu.


Aug 20, 2005
Sacramento, CA
You can also just type into the address bar, "cmd" and hit Enter, which I find pretty quick and useful.



Smash Cadet
Feb 24, 2015
You can also just type into the address bar, "cmd" and hit Enter, which I find pretty quick and useful.
That is almost too convenient, where has this been in my life.

I just now find this program even after I released MTB4.0

Welp better make a quickpatch.
Awesome, maybe you also want to have a look at this, a tool for audio conversion only.


Smash Journeyman
May 8, 2008
Deconimus Deconimus I have released the next version of my HPS conversion tool, which I am now calling 'dsp2hps' as it's more or less my own original work at this point.

Most importantly it now writes HPS block headers correctly, which completely removes the audio pops that are common with MeleeHps. I will emphasize, dsp2hps produces better quality audio than the old MeleeHps. I suggest dropping it in as a replacement to MeleeHps in your next release. Its front-end is still a .bat batch file, so the replacement should be trivial

dsp2hps is on github: https://github.com/jmlee337/dsp2hps


Smash Cadet
Feb 24, 2015
CPRDMBreaker2k CPRDMBreaker2k I just released a new version that should work for you even if you don't go through my suggested steps.
I'd still advice you to do these though, since it shouldn't be normal behaviour for your JRE to execute a jar in a different location (that is unless you specify to do so).

Doq Doq This will also fix the issue in your MTB, you'd just have to replace the "20XX Music Manager.jar" file.

Deconimus Deconimus I have released the next version of my HPS conversion tool, which I am now calling 'dsp2hps' as it's more or less my own original work at this point.

Most importantly it now writes HPS block headers correctly, which completely removes the audio pops that are common with MeleeHps. I will emphasize, dsp2hps produces better quality audio than the old MeleeHps. I suggest dropping it in as a replacement to MeleeHps in your next release. Its front-end is still a .bat batch file, so the replacement should be trivial

dsp2hps is on github: https://github.com/jmlee337/dsp2hps
Sounds great. I'd still have to change a few things in my tool, since I'm not just dealing with normal loops, shouldn't be that big of a deal though. Will probably put that into my next version, that isn't just bugfixes.
I suppose if I'd be to only use your "dsp2hps.exe", it would also support all kinds of sample-rates?
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Smash Rookie
Nov 26, 2014
Orange County,RSM
Deconimus Deconimus Newest version is working fine. Honestly i have no ****ing clue what happened to the last version, on launch it was fine, restarted my pc that evening and suddenly NOPE.


Smash Cadet
Feb 24, 2015
what exactly am i supposed to open? when i click the applications they never open...
You're supposed to execute the "20XX Music Manager.jar" file.
You should be able to just double-click the file to do so. If not you probably need to install or update Java first (download, run the installer and optionally restart your pc).

If that won't work have look at this.
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Smash Rookie
Aug 30, 2015
Brooklyn, New York
can you explain or show what path i should be taking? cause im tryin everthing but no application is opening, plus i dont have any jar file. my java is up to date as well

Deleted member 269706

Hey not sure if this is a known error, or if I'm just messing something up, or something else, but it would seem that whenever I patch my ISO, I'm not able to open it back up in GCR. Here's the message I normally get:

If I'm doing something wrong I would love to know!
(Used this on a fresh 4.05 ISO, only modification was through Music Manager v1.2f where I added 69 songs).


Smash Master
Jun 18, 2007
Cincinnati / Columbus OH
Hey not sure if this is a known error, or if I'm just messing something up, or something else, but it would seem that whenever I patch my ISO, I'm not able to open it back up in GCR. Here's the message I normally get:

If I'm doing something wrong I would love to know!
(Used this on a fresh 4.05 ISO, only modification was through Music Manager v1.2f where I added 69 songs).
If I remember back to my testing about a year ago, if your new ISO is larger than the standard size, GCR can't open it. How big is your newly patched ISO?

Deleted member 269706

If I remember back to my testing about a year ago, if your new ISO is larger than the standard size, GCR can't open it. How big is your newly patched ISO?
Strangely enough it's smaller. Comes out to be 1.31 GB.


Smash Cadet
Feb 24, 2015
can you explain or show what path i should be taking? cause im tryin everthing but no application is opening, plus i dont have any jar file. my java is up to date as well
If you don't see a .jar file your file-explorer probably doesn't show known file-extensions (default in win7 and later I think).
Editing the path variables is pretty straight forward actually, but maybe my description was a bit vague. I just looked for a guide and found this.

Hey not sure if this is a known error, or if I'm just messing something up, or something else, but it would seem that whenever I patch my ISO, I'm not able to open it back up in GCR. Here's the message I normally get:

If I'm doing something wrong I would love to know!
(Used this on a fresh 4.05 ISO, only modification was through Music Manager v1.2f where I added 69 songs).
Yep that's a known unfortunately.
If you want your ISO to work with GCRebuilder you will have to extract the root folder with that.
You can then patch the folder using my program and rebuild it with GCR.


Smash Cadet
Mar 20, 2007
I have an issue that after adding musics and patching my 20XX from USB, the game freezes on nintendont, and it freezes too on dolphin, in dolphin case it freezes after checking if there is an existing save file in the game, when you choose to create a save or use an existing one, it freezes after.
Apr 28, 2016
So I have a problem: I added about 5 tracks to my 20xx v.4.05 iso using this tool. Everything runs smoothly from nintendont recognizing the iso, but when I try to boot it up all I get is a blank screen. No sounds no video. I tried restarting my wii multiple times- I got the same result. And also put in a completely new 20XX iso and it worked fine. I only get a blank screen when I try to use the patched iso with the custom music. Help pls? (Booting via SD)
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Smash Cadet
Feb 24, 2015
I have an issue that after adding musics and patching my 20XX from USB, the game freezes on nintendont, and it freezes too on dolphin, in dolphin case it freezes after checking if there is an existing save file in the game, when you choose to create a save or use an existing one, it freezes after.
Unfortunately I don't use Nintendont and therefore don't know if there are any differences I should know about regarding this tool. Also the dolphin issue seems very strange, but I haven't tested saves until this point (saves aren't a problem when running it via DIOS MIOS at least).

Until I come around to write a potential fix, there are two easy things you and Relentless Eccedentesia Relentless Eccedentesia can try:

1. Don't run from a patched ISO but a GCReEx folder. To do so go to "select output" (second button from the top menu-bar) and select a directory rather than an ISO file (i.e. you can just select your SD-Card or USB-drive, my program will look for a "games" folder and potentially create one).

2. Use GCRebuilder. First extract your root folder using GCRebuilder and select that as your root-directory in 20XX Music Manager. After you patched the directory, you'll have to rebuild your ISO again using GCR (make sure you've checked "Do not use game.toc" as an option in GCR).

I made these two pictured guides when GCR was still needed for using my tool:
Extracting your root files
Rebuild your ISO
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Apr 28, 2016
Unfortunately I don't use Nintendont and therefore don't know if there are any differences I should know about regarding this tool. Also the dolphin issue seems very strange, but I haven't tested saves until this point (saves aren't a problem when running it via DIOS MIOS at least).

Until I come around to write a potential fix, there are two easy things you and Relentless Eccedentesia Relentless Eccedentesia can try:

1. Don't run from a patched ISO but a GCReEx folder. To do so go to "select output" (second button from the top menu-bar) and select a directory rather than an ISO file (i.e. you can just select your SD-Card or USB-drive, my program will look for a "games" folder and potentially create one).

2. Use GCRebuilder. First extract your root folder using GCRebuilder and select that as your root-directory in 20XX Music Manager. After you patched the directory, you'll have to rebuild your ISO again using GCR (make sure you've checked "Do not use game.toc" as an option in GCR).

I made these two pictured guides when GCR was still needed for using my tool:
Extracting your root files
Rebuilder your ISO
I'm pretty new to this lol I don't mean to ask obvious questions but would I still have to go through the process of having to use a hex editor (as seen in http://smashboards.com/threads/the-...update-3-17-16.351221/page-113#post-20431568\) and if there is a guide on how to go from there it would be helpful to know. Thank you so much!


Smash Cadet
Feb 24, 2015
I'm pretty new to this lol I don't mean to ask obvious questions but would I still have to go through the process of having to use a hex editor (as seen in http://smashboards.com/threads/the-...update-3-17-16.351221/page-113#post-20431568\) and if there is a guide on how to go from there it would be helpful to know. Thank you so much!
Using a hex editor isn't necessary. Not wanting to do that manually was my primary motivation to write this program actually.

Aside from the GCR extra steps, all you need to do is follow my "usage instructions".
Ask away, if there's something unclear.

Deconimus Deconimus When rebuilding is it necessary to check 'Modify system files'?
This option is just for changing the game info (as in name, description etc.) from what I know now. Used to tick it anyway when I made the guide, just to eliminate one possible source of error for not knowing better.
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Smash Rookie
Aug 30, 2015
Brooklyn, New York
You're supposed to execute the "20XX Music Manager.jar" file.
You should be able to just double-click the file to do so. If not you probably need to install or update Java first (download, run the installer and optionally restart your pc).

If that won't work have look at this.
What do you use to execute the .jar file? i'm using winrar and everytime i try to open the file it gives me 4 folders called "main", ""org", "visionCore" and "META-INF"


Aug 20, 2005
Sacramento, CA
I have an issue that after adding musics and patching my 20XX from USB, the game freezes on nintendont, and it freezes too on dolphin, in dolphin case it freezes after checking if there is an existing save file in the game, when you choose to create a save or use an existing one, it freezes after.
So I have a problem: I added about 5 tracks to my 20xx v.4.05 iso using this tool. Everything runs smoothly from nintendont recognizing the iso, but when I try to boot it up all I get is a blank screen. No sounds no video. I tried restarting my wii multiple times- I got the same result. And also put in a completely new 20XX iso and it worked fine. I only get a blank screen when I try to use the patched iso with the custom music. Help pls? (Booting via SD)
It might help with troubleshooting to post the Game.toc file from your ISO. It can be extracted with GCR or DTW.

What do you use to execute the .jar file? i'm using winrar and everytime i try to open the file it gives me 4 folders called "main", ""org", "visionCore" and "META-INF"
It should just open just like an EXE, by double-clicking on it. If it doesn't, you probably don't have java installed.


Smash Rookie
Nov 18, 2015
After patching it shrinks the ISO file by like half and it won't load from dios mios; I didn't delete any hps files i just added like 15 of my own.

Deleted member 269706

After patching it shrinks the ISO file by like half and it won't load from dios mios; I didn't delete any hps files i just added like 15 of my own.
When running the music manager, don't select the filepath to your ISO but rather your root folder. After the program is done, rebuild it yourself and everything should be fine.
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Smash Rookie
Nov 18, 2015
When running the music manager, don't select the filepath to your ISO but rather your root folder. After the lrogram is done, rebuild it yourself and everything should be fine.
thanks, this worked

unfortunately it freezes everytime it tries to play a new song
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