Chapter 1: The adventure begins
So I begin, and my starter pokemon of choice was chimchar, who was nicknamed FOW. My rival Zork of course chooses piplup and challenges me to a battle on the spot. After almost losing the very first battle of the game, I didn't feel too confident about this challenge, considering it would get immensely difficult as it goes on, considering my beliefs prevent me from evolving pokemon. So, I go to see professor Rowan to get my pokedex, and shortly after Dawn showing me how to catch pokemon as if I haven't done this 20,000,000 times already, she gives me much needed pokeballs so I can begin this thing.
I arrive in my first area, thinking my first pokemon is going to be a bidoof, but I managed to find a starly first. This will be quite important as securing a flying type early on will pay off, as I will not have a chance for a while. I named the starly Justin, and continued on. I arrive at the first pokemon trainer you encounter, and man did it not go well. He managed to get a crit on FOW and get him down pretty low. I couldn't try to hope to kill it since it was using quick attack, so I had no choice but to switch out to justin. They exchange blows in starly dittos for a little while, and it gets down to this, my last chance. If I did not win with this hit, quick attack would kill Justin next turn and FOW the following turn, quickly ending my journey before it even starts. I put all my faith into Justin's next tackle, and sure enough he comes through for me and delivers the finishing blow with 3 hp to spare. I quickly rush to the nearest pokemon, and take the necessary precautions to make sure I don't have a close call like that again. It was gonna be a long journey.
Continuing on up to jubilife city, I get my poketech and move up to the area above the city. There, I encounter a shinx that I nicknamed El Campeon. It has intimidate, so I was happy, since that will be very heplful in this run. I then go up into the cave above and catch myself a zubat. If he manages to live long, he will be one of my best pokemon with poison/confusion hax. I named him Bokkie and continued back to Route 203. Unfortunately, I encounter another shinx in this new area. Not caring to name it, I just call it Madoka since it will be useless for now and sit in my party until I need it. I destroy Zork in our second encounter and arrive in Oreburgh city. I'll have to make sure I'm ready for the gym, so training will commence so I'm prepared.
Current Team:
FOW the chimchar lv 12
Justin the Starly lv 11
El Campeon the Shinx lv 11
Bokkie the zubat lv 8
Madoka the Shinx lv 4