Guess I'll be updating everyone here on my Nuzlocke Journey. Using these rules:
Nike. said:
-If a Pokémon faints, you must release it as soon as possible.
-You can only catch the first Pokémon you encounter in a route / cave / town / area. If you defeat the first pokemon you see, tough ****, you get nothing from this area.
-You must nickname your Pokémon.
-If a town you go to contains a body of water or a gift, pokemon like Bill’s Eevee in G/S/C/HG/SS, that may be considered a Pokemon of a new area.
-If your entire party faints, they all must be thrown away. If you have a pokemon left in a box somewhere, you may continue, otherwise you must start your game over.
-You are, under no circumstance, allowed to use healing items outside of battle.
-You may not switch out before the enemy trainer sends in a new Pokemon.
-You are not allowed to use legendaries in battle.
Chapter 1: Close Calls Already
Version: Heartgold
Trainer: Nike (Almost went female)
Badges: 0
Location: New Bark
Status: Prepping for the journey to Violet.
SR'd for a Modest Cyndaquil, since it's the only chance in the game that I'll be able to. I named him Blaze. Did the errands for the professors. ***** my rival who I named Reigun. Got my first poke balls and found the first route for pkmn. Rattata/Geodude/Spearow roams the area. Wanted anyone but Rattata, guess who pops up? I named him Penis cuz I realized how much of it I'd receive this challenge. However, Penis has an adamant nature, so he's growing on me.
Next route was hoping for anything not rattata. Spinarak. Penis gets poisoned after first tackle. Second tackle will put him in yellow/red. Crithax, Spinarak dies. Walk to the next patch of grass to initiate a battle to heal. When I make the grass, 1HP. Heartgold automatically heals poisoned pkmn at 1HP but you still have to sacrifice them if they get to zero. So I made it barely.
Went to the route past Violet City. BEGGING for a Mareep that I know won't pop up. Hoppip. Yuck. Named it wind, though she's PC fodder for now with her splash/synthesize movepool.
At this point things aren't looking good for the Gastly I want in Sprout Tower. Every move I have is normal/fighting, leveling for anything else will OHKO at that point. I can get Zubat for stall catch with leech life or unknown for hidden power. Check dark cave. Geodude. Though I needed zubat this oneee time, at least Geodude makes a nice addition. Named her Rammus (lol).
Unknown is my last chance. Caught one and named if Life. Went to Sprout Tower. No idea what type HP is, god forbid it ends up super effective. Game was nice enough this time to let me see my 85% rate gastly (srsly, **** cubonehax). HP does half life. First pokeball catches it, a strike of luck.
Burned through Sprout Tower til my starter evolved into Quilava. Got rock throw with Rammus and ***** the gym. Got togepi egg afterwards.
In a perfect world I'd have gotten Geodude/Mareep/Gastly, so getting 2/3 isn't that bad. REALLY gonna miss not having Mareep, though
For the road ahead, Eevee is free in Goldenrod. Abra's in the route before then. Taunt is in Ilex Forest, so I'll teach that to Gastly. Combined with Hypnosis and Night Shade (no crithax) and just maybe I'll get my Abra. Lapras is free in Union Cave (repeling during first runthrough lol). Won't be using the free Dratini since I'm hardcapping my team at 42 for the Elitefour, and Dragonair sucks at that point. Few routes with Abra/Mareep/Flaffy before then, could get lucky. By then I'll know what to evolve my Eevee into.
As for now:
Current Team said:
Blaze lvl 14
Penis lvl 9
Ramms lvl 12
Sweetooth lvl 3
Off to Azelea.