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☁ Wichita Kansas Area Discussion ☁ Let's Play Every Mario Party Board

Should we start doing the Kansas PRs again?

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The Real Inferno

Smash Hero
Jan 22, 2008
Wichita, KS
No, it's broken in half at the base so there's no way I can reattach it like I did last time without sending it back into the shop and having a mechanic do it. The money for such a thing does not presently exist.


Smash Champion
Feb 28, 2007
Walla Walla
If you guys get really desperate, I'll ask our school superintendent if we could use our concessions area of our gym for a tourney... It's potentially really big if they let us put the bleachers away, then we have a 30 by 100 ft area extra plus I'm sure the school would want to run concessions. Just remember, I live an hour away from both Wichita and Manhattan.

The Real Inferno

Smash Hero
Jan 22, 2008
Wichita, KS
If you guys get really desperate, I'll ask our school superintendent if we could use our concessions area of our gym for a tourney... It's potentially really big if they let us put the bleachers away, then we have a 30 by 100 ft area extra plus I'm sure the school would want to run concessions. Just remember, I live an hour away from both Wichita and Manhattan.
At this point, that would be better than going with any venues in Wichita. The only thing I'm looking at right now is 40 minutes outside of Wichita already.


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
Hey everyone,

As you know I am running a tournament on October 23rd for smash known as Viridian City 8. I have players from across the United States coming to this event to play their hearts out. That being said I wanted to ask if people can do me a huge favor. Normally, I am able to do this myself but because of a financial situation I cannot help out players get to my events.

UTD Zac is my favorite player. As a Game and Watch main I have learn everything I can from him and even hylian ....mostly Zac. Since I first met him, I have loved just hanging out with him and encouraged him to stay in the community to become a better player. I have always wanted him to come out to Viridian City and , due to medical reasons , he missed Apex...a tournament that I wanted him to attend MORE than anything. Yes it is silly of me to ask this but I was wondering if you guys can help him get a flight out here to VC8.

The tournament is Oct 23rd and I want as many of you guys to go as possible as well trust me I do. I encourage you all to find some flights out there and come down ( flights are as cheap as 213 right now ).

Please if you guys can help please either give him the money personally or just send it to my paypal AlexStrife@aol.com . Again the only reason I ask is that its for my bday and it would mean the WORLD...i mean that the WORLD if he came and I got to hang out with him that weekend.

thanks for listening guys and lets show that this community really can pull it together.

BTW if not enough money is given to zac it will go back to you guys and I will still post a thank you for everyone who helped...

thanks again guys.
Wanted to post here cause you guys are awesome and there's a chance you might help.


Smash Lord
Aug 18, 2008
Just a heads up for the car arrangements, if there isn't a 3 way split in gas or more it is very unlikely I will not go since I won't be able to afford.

This is info for people that are planning to go outside holm's car. (I know you all had it all planned out and organized already.)

4rce what is the issue with you going. You need a lift or something?


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2008
4rce what is the issue with you going. You need a lift or something?
Yeah, Trent's leaving Friday afternoon but I work Friday from 5-11pm so I'd have to come up Saturday night.

It's out of the way for you though but if you're up for it, I'd really appreciate it. I'm open to driving there too if you need me to. Also, I could ride back with Trent, so you wouldn't have to worry about taking me home.


Smash Lord
Aug 18, 2008
**** Friday is gonna SUCK for me...let me see if I can spot in to pick you up in the meantime give me the address and what not. Also if I come, you might need to spot me with some gas money.


Smash Hero
May 27, 2006
Wichita, KS
**** Friday is gonna SUCK for me...let me see if I can spot in to pick you up in the meantime give me the address and what not. Also if I come, you might need to spot me with some gas money.
Exactly how out of way is this going to be?...


Smash Hero
May 19, 2009
In Kokomo Circle Camping with Shadow1pj
I am sure two hours won't be too bad for you guys. Plus we all love 4rce (at least I think we do?).

That and I know some of you (and other brawlers) have done the same for me.

Plus, this tourney is gonna be SICK!


Smash Hero
May 27, 2006
Wichita, KS
Two hours.
If that's the case, I hope I'm riding with Mr. Doom... lol

Seriously though, if Clel doesn't mind riding with Zeton so he and you can talk teams stuff, Dalton and I could ride with Mr. Doom. That would make Mr. Doom' car: Mr. Doom, Holms, Domo, Me and Dalton.

Just a suggestion. Let me know what you guys think.

The Real Inferno

Smash Hero
Jan 22, 2008
Wichita, KS
I don't think Mr. Doom can fit five guys in his car. For some reason, I think he's mentioned he doesn't like to do that before? Edit: also 2 hours of more gas money from everyone? Ouch. Isn't there anyone else you are closer to than the Wichita guys?


Smash Ace
Sep 20, 2008
Pfft. Who talks teams in car rides anymore. You go into a match, decide which of the two are gonna camp, and then you play.

Mr. Doom

Smash Hero
Sep 25, 2008
I hate to break it to you guys, but these are the people riding in my car: Domo, Clel, and Holms. 4rce, PM me your address.

The Real Inferno

Smash Hero
Jan 22, 2008
Wichita, KS
It's cool, I'm not gonna go to HD, it's gonna cost me too much money, I'll just wait and go to something else, I don't even have a partner for it anyway.

Edit: Also I apparently have to stay in Wichita all day Friday because my dad wants to put the car in the body shop, meaning I have to ferry my parents to and from work.


Smash Hero
May 19, 2009
In Kokomo Circle Camping with Shadow1pj
It's cool, I'm not gonna go to HD, it's gonna cost me too much money, I'll just wait and go to something else, I don't even have a partner for it anyway.

Edit: Also I apparently have to stay in Wichita all day Friday because my dad wants to put the car in the body shop, meaning I have to ferry my parents to and from work.
If you went, you would have the same amount of people as Mr. Dooms car had XD (plus 4rce, so one more).

But w/e.

Everyone that is going to HD2: Prepare to be spammed :)

The Real Inferno

Smash Hero
Jan 22, 2008
Wichita, KS
It's just I don't know if I can get the money together now. I was more confident earlier, but now I don't know how late I'm even going to be stuck in Wichita. And if I went, who wants to team with me? I'm pretty high in circuit points for teams, but I'd need a partner, since my singles points are abysmal, it wouldn't be worth my time to go for just singles.

If Zeton could get me some numbers on how much gas money I'd be out, I might be able to say more certainly?

Mr. Doom

Smash Hero
Sep 25, 2008
Clel said:
strap your seatbelts folks =) though I don't think this can evolve into some full fledged drama, never doubt the power of wichita... this is 2.5, we releasing a quick blockbuster to keep everyone busy over the summer - by the time the viewers figure out how or why this **** started, it'll be october/november and time to release wichidrama 3
^ This from a long while ago. Oh well, I'll be working on my modded doom levels while this unfolds.

The Real Inferno

Smash Hero
Jan 22, 2008
Wichita, KS
Just running some numbers by what Zeton just told me of how far his car gets on a tank, I find that each person in a four-person carload (driver included) would probably be out 20-25 dollars total in gas (considering gas to be 2.50-2.60 a gallon). Venue fee is 15 dollars. Entrance fee for both events is another 20. That's 55-60 dollars, not including food. This does not account for the two hour jog to pick up 4rce if Zeton's car did this (this also is assuming that 4rce then pays an equal share of the total gas cost because I couldn't be ***** to figure out what it would be for partial traveling from here to pick him up).

According to him he is still driving and willing to pick up 4rce. However, I'm still not sure if I can afford that and probably won't know until tomorrow.

Edit: I guess I forgot Dolton. In that case, total cost should go down by about 5 dollars. I could probably fit some setups in the trunk if I go, which would cut cost on venue fee for me and whoever used my other one.

The Real Inferno

Smash Hero
Jan 22, 2008
Wichita, KS
I just looked at my checking account to see what I got to cover HD. Er.....I have a 120 dollars to my name right now XD. I think I'll stay here. Sorry Steve, Zeton. Just no way I can get the money in two days' time.


Smash Champion
Feb 28, 2007
Walla Walla
So I think I found a venue to use for tournaments a few miles east of El Dorado. I can get it for $75 for one day or merely $100 for two days cause my mom's friend owns the place. Unless I set it up though it's $100 for one day or $150 for 2. I was thinking that I could make the initial call and that I could give a reference to Mr. Doom and Inferno, as you two were the ones looking the most for a venue. I think I could get us the discount doing that... She said that she has rented out several times for game tournaments and my mom went ahead and told her that we smashers are much cleaner and nicer people than the halo crowd (which I believe to be true. There were some pretty creepy guys at the Reach launch in El Dorado...). So I think I can get us that venue if you guys want it. Also, my mom says it's pretty good sized and she's rented it out before.


Smash Hero
May 27, 2006
Wichita, KS
Doesn't look like Dalton and I are going either...

I just checked Blackboard aaaaaaand I have a lot more homework to do this weekend than I thought. Going out of town just isn't an option. Sorry guys.

Domo, I'll get a hold of Nappy and see if he wants to team with you.

The Real Inferno

Smash Hero
Jan 22, 2008
Wichita, KS
So I think I found a venue to use for tournaments a few miles east of El Dorado. I can get it for $75 for one day or merely $100 for two days cause my mom's friend owns the place. Unless I set it up though it's $100 for one day or $150 for 2. I was thinking that I could make the initial call and that I could give a reference to Mr. Doom and Inferno, as you two were the ones looking the most for a venue. I think I could get us the discount doing that... She said that she has rented out several times for game tournaments and my mom went ahead and told her that we smashers are much cleaner and nicer people than the halo crowd (which I believe to be true. There were some pretty creepy guys at the Reach launch in El Dorado...). So I think I can get us that venue if you guys want it. Also, my mom says it's pretty good sized and she's rented it out before.
That sounds amazing. If it can hold 80-100 people, I would say it's the best thing ever. What I was looking at was pretty cheap and in El Dorado too, I wonder if it's the same place? Either way, we can afford a 150 dollar rental easily. Do you think you could get me a phone number so I could contact them personally, and the name of the venue as well?


Smash Champion
Feb 28, 2007
Walla Walla
Yeah. I don't know what the venue itself is called, but it's located at the Deer Grove RV park a couple miles east of El Dorado, by all that other stuff out there. I'll call her sometime soon then tell her that you will be calling so we can get the discount =p

If it works out though, you and I are going to have to work something out so that I can participate in at least one major event, seeing as I'm unable to go to tournaments until dark on Saturday nights.

The Real Inferno

Smash Hero
Jan 22, 2008
Wichita, KS
Yeah. I don't know what the venue itself is called, but it's located at the Deer Grove RV park a couple miles east of El Dorado, by all that other stuff out there. I'll call her sometime soon then tell her that you will be calling so we can get the discount =p

If it works out though, you and I are going to have to work something out so that I can participate in at least one major event, seeing as I'm unable to go to tournaments until dark on Saturday nights.
I have no idea how I could compensate you on that though. There's no way to host a big event on any day but Saturdays. People have things to do one weekdays and won't turn out for Friday or Sunday-based events. And starting in the middle of the night has the problem of people wanting to be driving home or asleep at night. Why is it you can't just go during the day? Isn't it safer then anyway?


Smash Champion
Feb 28, 2007
Walla Walla
I go to church on Saturdays, so I was hoping that singles pools could start later and that a tournament with 100 people could be a 2 day event so that it wouldn't have to finish at 2 or 3 am again like NK2, whereas NK3 was a 2day with half as many players.

Since December has the earliest sundown time, could there not be a major event then where singles pools starts at around 5 and go that extra day?

The Real Inferno

Smash Hero
Jan 22, 2008
Wichita, KS
It's basically the same thing. When you do a two day event, it usually has to start early both days, because you're doing so much. NK3 was 2-day out of necessity, but when we toyed with NK2 being two day, it went over badly. When you run a two day tournament, you have to basically be guaranteeing a large scale event that spans all of both days, and it needs to be at a time when people can afford to be in another state on a sunday with work and school on monday mornings usually being a huge problem.


Smash Champion
Feb 28, 2007
Walla Walla
It's basically the same thing. When you do a two day event, it usually has to start early both days, because you're doing so much. NK3 was 2-day out of necessity, but when we toyed with NK2 being two day, it went over badly. When you run a two day tournament, you have to basically be guaranteeing a large scale event that spans all of both days, and it needs to be at a time when people can afford to be in another state on a sunday with work and school on monday mornings usually being a huge problem.
Well wouldn't mid December work well then? People wouldn't have to be back for school then.
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