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Wario Wario Wario
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  • I know I shouldn't be looking this deep into a comedic character like this, but despite being a villain Ripper Roo is probably one of the most positive portrayals of mental illness in gaming considering he actually had successful rehabilitation and went on to a very successful career
    Why isn't there a Broodals spirit?
    Spirits team probably couldn't find usable artwork, SOMEHOW.
    Wario Wario Wario
    Wario Wario Wario
    they do have individual artwork, so maybe they couldn't find a way to put them together that looked natural? because IIRC there aren't any shared spirits that consist of 4 or more characters, and I'm guessing it's because of the horizontal shape the artwork would have to take - but then again, there is the Kururin spirit...
    Yeah, that makes sense. I briefly thought of that possibility.
    e-e-ex-excuse me, what's this about Bubsy?
    Yeah about that, Verge said Nintendo isn't it either, so no promotions.
    Wario Wario Wario
    Wario Wario Wario
    must be an indie. there's literally nothing else it could be - I think Accolade or Interplay would be too Western (as in, mostly unknown in Japan) for Sakurai to notice (also I really don't want Earthworm Jim since Doug TenNapel is a jerk) and I don't even think Treasure owns the copyright to any of their notable IPs (and even then, Dynamite Headdy, Gunstar Heroes and Sin and Punishment wouldn't be most people's "notable"), not sure about Type-Moon or CyGames (through I'm pretty sure Dragalia Lost would count as a Nintendo game) and other than Cooking Mama herself (who, if she were 1st party, would be a sensical addition, but as somewhat of a joke character she'd be a waste to go through all the negotiations for), Cooking Mama Ltd's games are so unnotable they aren't even listed on their Wikipedia article.
    The most sensible options I can think of are Miriam, and an Inti Creates character.

    One possibility I would find hilarious is Gainax's princess from Princess Maker 3, given the recent announcement.
    can someone link the Legacy XP Lite Netplay download for me please? Brawl Vault is blocked for me for some reason and XP Lite isn't on Modulus of Gamebanana.
    Butch Hartman must be constantly trying to one-up himself in terms of clickbait - he just posted a video called "Why I was fired" with him looking all sad on the thumbnail, which would lead most people to believe admitting to lying about leaving Nick (which I'm not saying he did, but knowing him it wouldn't be surprising) - he actually talks about how he got fired from the 80s My Little Pony. it's still an interesting story, but the false advertising really hurts it.
    I try not to care where people are from, what languages they speak, what religions they practice, what turns them on, what they smell like, how they identify, what media they enjoy, e.t.c. - it can be hard, but I still try.
    There's a slight bit of truth to the Roto-discs in Bowser's Castle being mistaken for waffles since they're called Cookies in Japan. not the same, but still food.
    I do NOT remember Den of Doom (a UK kids' game show with coyote puppets) featuring a fake severed hand, but it did. I had to double check and EVERY SINGLE IMAGE of the show I could find had the hand. it's got blood and everything - jeez, and people said Ren and Stimpy was gory.
    I'm not trying to get my or anyone else's hopes up, but I think a Waluigi reveal would be perfect for the Game Awards - not gonna bet a single penny on it, but if I were Sakurai and adding Waluigi as DLC (which probably isn't gonna happen, through he's almost a lock if there's a Smash 6/7 (depending on how you count For 3DS as an instalment)) it'd be obvious - he's one of the top Smash requests in the west (especially among casual fans and good boys and girls), and the Game Awards is a major western event.
    Not to mention it will open the possibilities for future playable assist trophies. Such as skull kid, Issac, and shadow.
    if any First Party gets in the Fighter's Pass, it's probably gonna be Waluigi. he's the only really big, universally iconic First Party A-lister (at least excluding disposable enemies and characters based on disposable enemies) who isn't part of the roster already. I doubt there'll be a 1st Party in the fighters' pass at all through.
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    Deleted member
    Fighters Pass is mostly 3rd Party. We can get a 1st Party Pass later on.
    Waluigi is bigger than Paper Mario? I doubt it, but dang
    Wario Wario Wario
    Wario Wario Wario
    I'm not referring to their roles in games or Smash popularity, I'm referring to their overall popularity among both, gamers and non-gamers.
    I have no clue what I watched to get a YouTube recommended about a Chuck E. Cheese Elvis lion animatronic, but I'm guessing it was to do with me watching the Club Disney Defunctland episode.

    the video's pretty cool through, so I'm not complaining
    Kirby has bad games. not many, but he still has them. Kirby's Pinball Land is an inferior version of Revenge of the Gator with more content but worse table design.
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    And yet they're still better than the bad games of other series. Granted, even I couldn't care about Kirby Battle Royale...
    having an "easier to use" character or class designed exclusively for beginners in a multiplayer game is horrible game design.
    Sony are probably the sole reason console wars are still a thing today. I love PlayStation and its games, but damn Sony needs to co-operate more!
    Do you remember that awful edgy Space Invaders reboot, Space Raiders? in the UK, they renamed it (to Space Invaders: Invasion Day) for the most ridiculous reason: because there's a brand of crisps (potato chips for you 'Mericans) called Space Raiders. THEY HAD TO RENAME A GAME BECAUSE OF CRISPS!
    I'm a huge Nintendo fanboy, but I'm gonna be 100% honest here: the PS1 is way better than N64. in fact I'd dare say the N64 and GBC are Nintendo's worst consoles (not counting side consoles like Virtual Boy and Pokemon Mini)
    From what I have played with the PS1 (Only Tomb Raider) I am not impressed XD
    Wario Wario Wario
    Wario Wario Wario
    What types of games are you into? I might be able to give some recommendations.
    My problem with Tomb Raider is that the controls are horrible. Especially when jumping (and almost the entire game has parkour one way or another). You have to be very precise on making a big jump and not a little jump. I can go on and on about my problems with Tomb Raider. I have been playing a bit of FFV on it. I need to get back to it.
    Sesame Street's marketing department must be on something considering they did a video with vanity fair where Big Bird takes a lie detector test.
    I knew before seeing the leak it was fake, but even if I saw it without context I'd know the KH leak is fake due to the lack of a glow around the individual artwork. plus I think Sakurai would probably make an exception to the no-non-game-characters rule for Mickey, Donald or Goofy as KH spirits
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    Either that or go "it's actually too expensive to license Disney characters, please understand". Either outcome is likely.

    In all seriousness though, I'm genuinely shocked that Disney were onboard with Mickey Mouse games being on the Genesis Mini.
    Wario Wario Wario
    Wario Wario Wario
    yeah, especially considering the content of some of the other games on the Mega Drive Mini! then again, look up "10 Little Mickey Kids" and you'll see the House of Mouse was never all that innocent.
    Shopkins are the magnum opus of capitalism. Adam Smith would be proud.

    also, since they're owned by the same company, do discarded Shopkins become members of the Trash Pack?
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