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  • Pichu Power of The Mouse
    4.00 star(s)
    A very useful guide on how to use Pichu in melee. Sidenote: Codeman is the best Pichu main now
    • Pedrosupersmashbrosfan
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Villager Overview / Moves / Percentages / SetUps / Usage Myougi
4.63 star(s) 30 ratings
Greninjutsu - An in-depth Guide to Learning Greninja! Ludiloco
Beginner to Intermediate Guide - Contains video for reference
4.89 star(s) 18 ratings
Weegee vs The World (OUTDATED) MM720
The Former #1 Guide on SSB4 Luigi's Advanced Techniques and Matchups (Pre-Patch)
4.89 star(s) 18 ratings
【SSB4】[v1.1.2] Peach Neutral Game Guide Hybrider
Peach's Uncontested and Complex Neutral Game
5.00 star(s) 15 ratings
Ganondorfs Missed tech Flame Choke  followups list TheOrangeJacket
5.00 star(s) 15 ratings
Dr. Mario: A Playstyle, Combo, and Anti-Edgeguard Guide KeeblerGuy
4.76 star(s) 21 ratings
A Ness Advanced Tech Video Guide
4.88 star(s) 17 ratings
4.88 star(s) 17 ratings
The Ninja With an Actual Scarf Showdow
Advanced in-depth guide to one of Sm4sh's top characters
4.70 star(s) 23 ratings
Ike-Striking Hard and Quick Chief Hotsuin
A punishing tank with great footsies and combos who has the potential to crush souls.
4.83 star(s) 18 ratings
Super Smash Bros. Brawl(er) - A Mii Brawler Guide and Analysis Esquire
An in-depth guide to Mii Brawler for both competitive and new players, including configurations!
4.83 star(s) 18 ratings
From Dinosaur to Dragon ATH_
Beginner's guide to understanding Yoshi. [Updated 12/16/14!]
4.83 star(s) 18 ratings
PSI Magnet Reference Guide Yink
Smash 4 - Hurt %s and Heal %s - Character Moves/Stage Hazards/Items (WIP v. 1.5)
5.00 star(s) 14 ratings
Meta Knight Guide Part 2: Combo Game, Mixups, Kill Setups, Etc. Freakzoid9000MS
A multipart Meta Knight guide that will discuss everything about the character by Freakzoid9000
4.93 star(s) 15 ratings
You're to-I mean Sonic Speed! Furret
move explanations, set ups and combos
4.55 star(s) 29 ratings
A Wolf Guide: ‘Beep is your Destiny’ (Unfinished) TimeMuffinPhD
4.82 star(s) 17 ratings
Improving your Practice Routine to be more Efficient and Productive
4.87 star(s) 15 ratings
How to play as Dankey Kang by DKbill ft. DKwill Blueberry Kong
An intermediate guide on how to play as Donkey Kong.
4.87 star(s) 15 ratings
Dendrology - A Guide to Trees Indigo Jeans
In-depth guide on the technical details of timber
4.87 star(s) 15 ratings
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