Facebook Page for Salt Gaming: https://www.facebook.com/saltgamingllc
Facebook Page for Heroes Hideout: https://www.facebook.com/HeroesHideoutGaming
~~~BYOC: "Bring Your Own Controller" is strongly enforced. Also bring your console + TV setup if you can.~~~
-Information: "Feelin' The Flo" is making a return! But this time the focus is on strengthening the community & capitalizing on the potential each player has!
Each week Serenade & Salt Gaming will be hosting a meet up on Mondays at 6pm to play Sm4sh & Dragonball FighterZ at no charge. On the last Monday of each month there will be a Feelin' the Flo monthly event.
A few setups for Smash 4 & Dragonball FighterZ will be provided, but we would greatly appreciate players bringing a setup if possible.
Tournament Organizer: Serenade +
Salt Gaming LLC's Tendo
Venue Location:
Heroes Hideout
*Food Notice: The venue has drinks & snacks available. Local restaurants like Cookout, McDonalds, Chick-fil-a, Zaxby's, Sonic, Taco Bell, and etc. are nearby. Please be mindful & respectful to ensure the cleanliness of the venue*
***DISCLAIMER: By attending this event, you authorize Salt Gaming LLC the rights to utilize photos of you in future advertisements. If you have an issue with this you must notify a Tournament Organizer at the event.***
During tournament days events include:
Sm4sh Singles: 6:00pm
Dragonball FighterZ: 6:30pm
Tournament Fee: $2
Sm4sh Singles: $3
Dragon Ball FighterZ: $3
!-PRIZE-! = Cash Payout from Event Fees
==== Payout ====
Events Payout*: 1st: 60% / 2nd: 30% / 3rd: %10
*Payouts may change due to size of participates-
If 2-5 entrants: Winner takes all
If 6-9 entrants: Top 2 split 70% / 30%
If 10-29 entrants: Top 3 split 60% / 30% / 10%
If 30-70 entrants: Top 4 split 55% / 30% / 10% / 5%
==Super Smash Brothers for Wii U Rules==
Singles: 2 stocks and 6:00 minutes
Team Attack On
No Items
Custom Fighters are banned
Custom Moves are banned
Custom Equips are banned
Miis are allowed but only with 1-1-1-1 settings
Matches are best 2 out of 3
Winners/Losers Finals are best 3 out of 5
Final Destination
Town & City
Lylat Cruise
Dream Land 64
Any Omega if both players agree. (Gentleman's Rule)
!!*Gentleman's Rule* ALLOWED - This rule allows players to choose any stage they want, including banned stages, if all players in the match agree
to it. This rule also allows previously played stages by the victor to be played again in the same set if agreed by players.
Extra Details Here:
Game Versions: PS4
Played in Versus Mode
Set to best 2 out of 3.
No Handicaps
All settings are default with time set to 300.
Players can change their controls before and after matches. NOT DURING.
Games should not be paused unless both player agree to it.
Players can use any controller they desire as long as it’s not modded. (Ex: Turbo buttons, macro input command buttons)
Winners must choose their character first before Loser decides.
All characters allowed.
Matches are best 2 out of 3
Winners/Losers are best 3 out of 5
Events will be STREAMED on Twitch & Youtube!