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Shroom for the Stars: Captain Toad for Smash 4! CHAPTER 11: IT'S A MII; TOAD!


Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.


Toad Brigade Captain.png

Who is Captain Toad?

Captain Toad is a Toad(and the closest thing we have to a 'The Toad') who has a great sense of adventure.

Equally arguably his very first appearance as the leader of the other Toads was in Super Mario Sunshine where he is seen with the other coloured Toad who later became his Brigade members. This was never confirmed however, and is merely a theory.

However it is Super Mario Galaxy where 'Captain Toad' not only received his rank but his notable headgear; the head lamp. Within this game he aided Mario in the collection of Power Stars. He continued this role within Super Mario Galaxy 2 where he was equally helpful...although he also needed to be rescued on a few occasions.

Super Mario 3D World gave the good Captain his first big break by giving him a dedicated game within a game; The Adventures of Captain Toad.
The gameplay of which was a refreshing break from the hectic chaos of the main game. In it Captain Toad, weighed down by his overpacked backpack is incapable of jumping(although it should be noted Toad's have ALWAYS been bad jumpers).
As a result Captain Toad must traverse a maze like assault course by merely using his wits and the Wii U pad to alter the perspective of the stage.

This puzzle minigame turned out to be such a rip roaring success with fans of the Mario series that the Miiverse became flooded with requests that it become the basis of a whole game.

Surprisingly; Nintendo actually listened. Captain Toad Treasure Tracker was announced at E3 2014 giving Toad his first starring role in a game in 20 years:

It came out late last year, and recently was upgraded to include amiibo compatibility!



Why VOTE Captain Toad?

Throughout the ages there have been many heroes. Some of these heroes are brave, filled with a heart full of justice and a desire to stop evil.

Every now and again comes along someone; an everyman, a person with a spirit of adventure that allows them to overcome their biggest fears and truly become courageous. Enter the brave Captain Toad; armed with only his wits, his impeccable throwing arm and the occasional pickaxe, Captain Toad has taken on Shy Guys, Flaptors, Magikoopas, Dragons, reanimated corpses in the form of Mummy-Me and the HUGE TERRIFYING MAGICAL BIRD WINGO.

Also; He's dreaming about participating! That's right; here he is downright asking for your vote to join Smash:

Don't shatter the Captain's dreams; VOTE CAPTAIN TOAD IN THE SMASH BALLOT!

With alts turning out to be a thing too, there's a very VERY good chance that if the titular Captain got in we'd get this cutie too:

That's a 2 for 1 deal right there. As Toadette did half the work in his game, she deserves half the alts here too. Scratch up another victory for gender equality(ignoring that Toads don't have genders apparently)

Arguments AGAINST Captain Toad:

Captain Toad doesn't deserve a Smash spot! He's not popular!

Toad is in actual fact one of THE most popular video game characters of all time over in Japan. Popular enough to rank 8th in the most popular video game characters of 2008 even. For an idea of how impressive this is; whilst Mario and Yoshi appeared in the top ten too, only these three ranked so highly. The likes of Sonic the Hedgehog for example, easily one of the most famous video game characters of all time, didn't rank at all.

Had it not have been for Peach's B move, he'd easily have been within the top most requested newcomers over there.

In fact bizarrely, it appears Nintendo have been totally unaware that Toad is in actual fact a very popular character amongst fans, and his exclusion from many of the sports titles has annoyed fans of him worldwide for the longest time.

But this is all about 'Toad' what about Captain Toad?

Captain Toad proved to be so popular after 3D World the demand for him to receive his own game was so overwhelming Nintendo actually sat up and took notice. Comparatively demand for a Majora's Mask remake or Mother 3 to be released world wide has, at the time of this writing, fell on deaf ears. No small feat at all.

The game itself won IGN's 2014 Best Puzzle Game - People's Choice award last year, and was received with almost exclusively positive reviews for what they're worth.

Captain Toad can't jump!

Ah, Captain Toad's version of Ridley's "2big".
The argument here is that the good captain cannot jump; jumping of course being a vital aspect of the Smash series...

Now, there's a few things to note here;
Firstly, not all characters can jump in their native games and yet ARE capable of jumping in Smash. Prime examples; Captain Olimar most notably, but also many of the RPG based characters haven't been able to jump in their games and yet here they are leaping about!
Let's not even talk about R.O.B. who as a plastic accessory in real life certainly can't jump, let alone hover.

Secondly; there are obvious ways around this. One suggestion is merely using the weight of his own bag to throw himself into the air(baring in mind Toads are quite strong), have small platforms appear under him to lift him up(like in his games) or take a cue from the other games in which Toad has been playable and just let him jump...albeit poorly.


Is Captain Toad 'THE Toad'?

This is a question that gets brought up a lot whenever we discuss anything Toad related. Technically there is no THE Toad, as his Japanese name we once thought was unique is in actual fact shared with his entire species.

However, Toad is a rare example of someone who isn't technically a confirmed singular entity, yet still has reoccurring playable roles within the series.

As for whether Captain Toad is the same individual? It was confirmed that the good Captain is not the one and same Toad from Wario's Woods in one interview which solves a question that was on everyone's lips.
The OP will be expanded on as time passes, but as for now, discuss.

See ya 'round!

Here's a moveset I knocked up waaaay waaay back in November 2013, prior to the reveal of Captain Toad Treasure Tracker but after 3D World had released;

Captain Toad explores the battlefield!
This is Captain Toad:

But what is a Captain Toad you may ask?
Captain Toad is by far the bravest Toad in all of the Galaxies; he has explored regions the average mushroom retainer could only dream of, has become Captain of the Royal Guards of the Toadstool family and is largely thought of(but unproven) as being the same Toad that bravely fought against Wart and Wario in the past.
Captain Toad has recently been given a starring role alongside Mario, Luigi, Peach, Blue Toad and Rosalina in Super Mario 3D World, in which he has his own single player adventures. His levels unlike the others are not platformers, and Captain Toad must instead navigate a 3D environment without the aid of such lofty things as power ups. Because he is a Toad that is overly prepared for everything, he has a nasty habit of bringing too much gear with him on his adventures which stop him from being able to jump(Toads in general are poor jumpers to begin with). Instead he must use his cunning, timing and wits to solve multiple puzzles and gather as many Green Power Stars as he can for his allies.

Moveset ideas:

Neutral B: Toad Spore

Captain Toad is not the most offensive individual, being a strong an honourable man he prefers to let his enemies throw the first punch. And then return their damage back at them two fold. Yes; the brave Captain Toad soon teaches those villains that such aggression can and will be turned back upon them.

Up + B: Power Star Grappling Hook

Captain Toad is nothing if not resourceful. Using one of the many Green Power Stars he's managed to find over his journeys, and his trusty rope this modern day Macguver can create a handy grappling hook to let him recover from big falls, or swing up to higher platforms. Being slapped in the face with a Power Star also hurts somewhat as anyone who has ever made the unfortunate mistake to cross the Captain will tell you. If their jaws were realigned that is.

Side + B: Headlamp

Utilizing his trusty headlamp, the courageous Captain Toad dares to bring light to any villain's lair. Hitting them in the eyes with his powerful light he can stop even the most determined antagonist in their tracks for a split second, giving them time to think twice about testing his mettle.

Down + B: Rucksack empty

Sometimes you need to pack for adventure. Other times, you need to lighten the load. Captain Toad is a mushroom man of experience and he knows that if you're being weighed down the best thing to do is ditch the dead weight. He turns his rucksack upside down and drops several items from it.
After doing this several times, Captain Toad's jump and double jump becoming significantly improved at the questionable cost of him being lighter and easier to KO. Is the recovery worth losing such weight? More importantly is it worth more than losing such beautiful treasures?

Final Smash, Taunts and other things coming soon!​
Did you think I'd finished yet? Too bad; Toad Time! YAA HAAA!

Final Smash: Toad Brigade!

What else could the brave Captain Toad's Final Smash really be?
With his courageous leadership skills, Captain Toad calls forth the Toad Brigade. Waving the Toad banner he announces the charge. During this final Smash Toad is given the banner as a weapon to attack the opponents and move freely as his teammates perform their own attacks:
Buckenberry/Blue Toad: Throws books at the opponents, deals decent damage.
Alagold/Yellow Toad: Yellow Toad yawns and makes any enemy near him sleepy.
BankToad/Green Toad: Strikes with his pickaxe. Acts similarly to the hammer.
MailToad/Purple Toad: Throws packages at the opponents. Effects vary. Similar to Delibird, some parcels heal, some explode.
After 15 seconds the Toads salute and leave their brave leader to continue on the fight alone!

Grab: Pack for Adventure!

Once again Captain Toad is a very well prepared individual, and likes to pack anything and everything he thinks will be helpful on his many adventures through the galaxies. Sometimes he can get a little carried away and pick up anyone and everything in his preparations.
Captain Toad can pick up various items as well as opponents, thus reversing the buffs and nerfs he received from using his down + B.

Grab + Run: Toad Trekking

Once Captain Toad is all packed for adventure, it's time to set off! With his super strength and speed, Captain Toad can run and walk around the stage carrying even the heaviest adversary, and forcing them along on his expedition like a young university understudy.


Side Taunt: Captain Toad whips out his map, checking his location. Even the most seasoned explorer occasionally gets lost, so don't feel discouraged brave Captain Toad!

Up Taunt: Captain Toad spins around as he gathers another Power Star whilst yelling, most truthfully "I'M THE BEST!"

Down Taunt: Forging new ground, Captain Toad claims the stage in the name of the Mushroom Kingdom and his Brigade! "YAH HA!"​

A rather excellent moveset by Munomario777 can be found here;

"Time for adventure!"
Hailing from the Mushroom Kingdom, Captain Toad is the fearless leader of the Mushroom Brigade! He is a brave, adventurous treasure hunter, searching for everything from Mushrooms and Coins to Super Gems and Power Stars. While his backpack might weigh him down a bit (and he's not the strongest Toad to begin with), his courage, bravery, and dumb luck help him through nearly any situation, and he's ready to tackle the world of Smash! As always, this set is made within the context of Smash 4, for balance and such. With that out of the way, let's venture into this set!


Weight: Samus; his backpack is very heavy
Size: about the same size as Mario
Ground Speed: Charizard; Toads in general are very fast
Air Speed: Luigi; Captain Toad falls straight down in Treasure Tracker
Fall Speed: Fox; Captain Toad falls very quickly in Treasure Tracker
Naturally, attack power and the like vary with each move, and will thus be explained in the attack section.


Captain Toad's most unique mechanic is that, like in his game, he can't jump!

Pressing the jump button will simply make Captain Toad attempt to jump, but fail due to his heavy backpack (which keeps him from moving/attacking for a second). This also means that Captain Toad can't double jump for recovery, but his recovery is still good, due to moves that will be explained in the Specials section. Anyway, while Captain Toad can't jump, he can still use aerials, air dodges, and the like if he does manage to get airborne.


Neutral Special: Headlamp
Damage: 1~5%

Captain Toad charges up his headlamp for up to two seconds, increasing its power and range. He then releases the energy to create a burst of light up to two Battlefield platforms long and 1.5 high. This only deals minor damage, but will also stun enemies for a short time (about the same as the time it was charged for). This is great for starting a combo, and has a good vertical reach (especially since it can be aimed while charging), but the charging period can leave Captain Toad vulnerable as the move has quite a bit of startup.

Side Special: Minecart Ride
Damage: 5~13%

Captain Toad hops in a minecart that appears in front of him and charges forward at full speed! This can travel indefinitely, but if Captain Toad isn't careful, he could go right off of the stage! Ramming into opponents will deal 13% of damage and great knockback, KOing at 100%. Captain Toad can press the button again to throw Turnips, which deal 5% of damage and decent knockback, KOing at 140%. It can be used for recovery, but the speed is reduced, the minecart still falls at Captain Toad's regular falling speed, and it can't be used again without landing. Captain Toad can climb out of the back of the minecart at any time, but it will keep going, dealing 7% of damage when hitting an opponent!

Up Special: Propeller Box
Damage: 1%

Captain Toad puts a Propeller Box on his head and uses it to travel up to four Battlefield platforms upward! The Box will stay on as long as the button is held for controlled amounts of ascent. The box will disappear after this, but if the jump button is held afterwards, the box will come back and Captain Toad will glide down with it, halving his fall speed (he can't attack/air dodge with this on, though). Releasing jump will make the box disappear again. The propeller deals 1% of damage even while gliding, and the move does not put Captain Toad into helpless (but it can only be used to ascend once in the air unless Captain Toad is hit).

Down Special: Pluck
Damage: varies

Captain Toad struggles to pluck a sprout out of the ground that appears in front of him, but he gets it out eventually (in about a second, to be precise). Naturally, this can't be used in the air. This sprout will be attached to one of a few random objects, which are listed below:

(Yes, the image is white. Sue me.) The Turnip is a vegetable with eyes that Captain Toad holds above his head. This will block one attack, but that will also make the Turnip disappear. It can also be thrown, in which case it deals 5% damage and decent knockback, KOing at 140%. Has a 30% chance of appearing.

The Super Pickaxe is a powerful mining tool with eyes that has Captain Toad swing it for five seconds, similarly to the Hammer item. Deals 10% damage and great knockback, KOing at 90%. While this might seem a bit overpowered, it's not as good as the Hammer item because of a few reasons. First off, the damage and knockback are a bit lower. Captain Toad's lack of a jump (and thus inability to get off the ground with a Hammer) also makes this easier to avoid. Finally, it only has a 5% chance of appearing.

The Super Gem is a large gemstone with eyes that Captain Toad can carry to create a shield on his front, blocking all attacks from the front until it is dealt 20%. Captain Toad can throw it at opponents to deal 7% damage and good knockback, KOing at 120%. Has a 20% chance of appearing.

The Coin will heal Captain Toad for 5% of damage. Has a 10% chance of appearing.

The Piranha Sprout is an enemy with... out eyes? What kind of Mario item is this?! Anyway, if this gets plucked, it will deal 10% of damage and minor knockback to Captain Toad! This is certainly the "Whammy" of this move, and prevents it from being spammed, especially since it has a 25% chance of appearing.

The Double Cherry is an item with two pairs of eyes (which makes up for the Piranha Sprout, so I'm happy :)), and it creates a clone of Captain Toad that will copy his every move! However, when Captain Toad is cloned, the first one to get hit is destroyed instantly, and the one that isn't becomes the "real" Captain Toad. Has a 15% chance of appearing.


Jab: Coin Pluck
Damage: 2% per hit, 3% for the finisher

Captain Toad plucks Coins from the ground rapidly. This works similarly to Meta Knight's jab in that it can be used an infinite number of times in a row. The finisher has him pluck a sprout so hard his hands go up into a sort of uppercut to deal 3% of damage. Also, unlike other instances of Coins in the moveset, these do not heal Captain Toad.

Forward Tilt: Green Star Smack
Damage: 14%

Captain Toad pulls out and smacks the opponent with a Green Star, dealing 14% damage and good knockback, KOing at around 130%. However, this move is rather laggy, given how large and unwieldy the Star is.

Up Tilt: Headlamp Swing
Damage: 9%

Captain Toad takes off his headlamp and swings it above him, dealing 9% of damage and decent knockback, but not enough to KO at reasonable percentages. This is a nice, quick attack, but not a KO option by any means. This attack also has an electric effect.

Down Tilt: Mushroom Pluck
Damage: 14%

Captain Toad plucks a Mushroom out of the ground, which takes around a second due to how big and heavy it is. When he gets it out of the ground, it deals 14% of damage, good knockback (KOs at around 120%), and heals Captain Toad for 3% damage! However, it is rather punishable due to the heavy start lag.

Dash Attack: Trip
Damage: 10%

Captain Toad trips out of his own clumsiness, which leads into a somersault to damage opponents and deal knockback that can KO at around 140%. However, Captain Toad is put into a prone state after the attack is finished.

Edge Attack: Get Up
Damage: 1%

Captain Toad climbs up onto the ledge. His feet have a small hitbox that deals 1%, but doesn't attack opponents otherwise.


Side Smash: Turnip Cannon
Damage: 8~17%

Captain Toad pulls a small lever that appears on the ground in front of him, which causes a Turnip Cannon to sprout out of the ground! Captain Toad then hops on top and fires the cannon, which causes a Turnip to exit the barrel at high speeds. This can be aimed up and down in the same way as many Forward Tilts/Smashes, and deals heavy knockback, KOing at around 90% at maximum charge. However, the major start lag makes this hard to use properly (but the ranged nature of it can help give Captain Toad some room to breathe).

Down Smash: Spinwheel Spin
Damage: 6~14%

Captain Toad pulls another lever, but this one creates a Spinwheel! Captain Toad spins it around by walking around it in a circle to wind it up during the charging period. When the charge is released, the Spinwheel recoils like it's spring-loaded and spins Captain Toad around three times the amount of times he wound it up at three times the speed (so it lasts about the same amount of time as the charging period). KOs at around 100% at maximum charge, and when the attack finishes, Captain Toad will fly off in the direction he was facing when he started the attack due to losing his grip on the spinwheel. This is treated as horizontal knockback at Sonic's dash speed, and while it will leave him in prone, Captain Toad will not take damage from this.

Up Smash: Ladder Climb
Damage: 7~15%

Captain Toad pulls yet another lever, this one turning into a ladder one Captain Toad tall. He then climbs it, and the ladder grows up from the ground as he climbs. At maximum charge, the ladder is about three and a half Captain Toads tall, and at minimum, it's about one and a half Captain Toads tall. Captain Toad then descends down the ladder at high speed to deal damage to opponents. KOs at around 100% at full charge.


Neutral Aerial: Power Star Surge
Damage: 10%

Captain Toad holds out a Power Star towards the camera, and a surge of energy is sent out from it in a star shape about one and a half Captain Toads tall. This damages opponents and pushes them away from Captain Toad, but doesn't cause flinching.

Up Aerial: Coin Stack
Damage: 12%

Captain Toad pulls out a stack of Coins (six, to be exact) from his backpack and tosses them upwards. They spread out a bit in midair, and the top one goes two Captain Toads up. If an opponent is hit by this, they will be dealt 12% of damage and be knocked upwards, KOing at around 120%. This is a bit laggy, since Captain Toad has to both get out and toss the heavy Coins.

Down Aerial: Ground Pound
Damage: 15%

A stall-then-fall, Captain Toad does a midair somersault (which takes about .75 seconds) and then descends in a sitting position at about 1.5x his normal fall speed. This cannot be cancelled, so it should never be used offstage! KOs at around 110%.

Forward Aerial: Backpack Bash
Damage: 14%

Captain Toad spins around and swings his backpack in front of him, dealing damage and KOing at around 110%. This has about the same amount of start and end lag as Mario's Forward Aerial.

Back Aerial: Backpack Empty
Damage: 2% per hit, 7 hits, total of 14%

Captain Toad opens his backpack, and a bunch of random items (including Coins, a map, tools, etc.) fly out behind him. This is a multi-hit attack, dealing 14% total and KOing at around 130%.


Grab: Grappling Hook
Damage: 5% (aerial version)

Like any true adventurer, Captain Toad always carries a grappling hook! This functions as a tether grab, with the same range as Toon Link's Hookshot and, but end lag comparable to Pac-Man's grab when it misses (since he has to gather up the rope and put it away again). The Grappling Hook can also be used in the air to either deal damage or grapple to ledges, with, again, a similar range to Toon Link's Hookshot.

Pummel: Coin Pluck
Damage: 2%

Captain Toad plucks Coins from the ground to damage the grabbed opponent. This is slower than the Jab, since he is only using one hand (the other is holding the opponent), and like the Jab, these will not heal Toad.

Up Throw: Ladder Drop
Damage: 17%

Captain Toad climbs a ladder three Captain Toads tall and leaves the opponent at the bottom, tying them up with the grappling hook. He then drops them to the ground and stomps on the opponent similarly to the Down Aerial, dealing 17% of damage but little knockback.

Forward Throw: Straight Toss
Damage: 7%

(Ignore the glitchy enemies please.)
Captain Toad picks up the captured opponent, holds them over his head, and throws them a short distance, dealing only 7% of damage and little knockback. However, this will also deal 5% of damage and a good bit of knockback to opponents hit by the tossed opponent!

Down Throw: Opponent Pluck
Damage: 10%

Captain Toad buries the grabbed opponent with a shovel and plucks them like a sprout, sending them high into the air! This takes a while depending on the opponent's size and weight (Bowser takes longer to pluck than Mario, for example), but deals a good amount of damage and good vertical knockback, KOing at around 120%.

Back Throw: Reverse Turnip Cannon
Damage: 3%

Captain Toad pulls a lever to reveal a Turnip Cannon, stuffs the opponent inside, aims it behind him, and fires it, dealing only 3% of damage, and this takes about a second and a half. However, this has great knockback, KOing at around 100%, and will also deal 8% of damage and knockback KOing at around 120% to opponents hit by the launched opponent. Uniquely, this throw can be aimed up or down during the startup, which can help hit other opponents in a free-for-all or team battle, as well as getting the best angle to launch the victim at depending on the stage's layout.


Final Smash: Starshroom
Damage: 20%

Captain Toad hops into his Starshroom from the Super Mario Galaxy duology and flies it around. While he's flying the ship (which moves at around Charizard's dash speed, by the way), the three members of his Toad Brigade dangle from the ship in a rope-like fashion. The bottom one is holding a souped-up Turnip Cannon, which fires explosive Turnips! These deal 20% of damage and create an explosion one third the size of a Smart Bomb on impact, and can be fired via either attack button. The attack lasts about 15 seconds.

Up Taunt:
Captain Toad turns his headlamp on. This stays on until he uses the Up Taunt again, in which case he turns it off.
Side Taunt:
Captain Toad looks to either side of him, like he does when starting a level in Treasure Tracker.
Down Taunt:
Captain Toad spins around rapidly and gets dizzy, falling on the ground before getting back up again. The backpack deals 1% of damage and minor flinching while Captain Toad is spinning.

Victory Pose 1:
Captain Toad collects a Power Star and does the same dance he does when collecting one in Treasure Tracker.
Victory Pose 2:
Captain Toad rides in on a minecart and crashes into a wall, flying out onto the other side and sitting down, looking dizzy.
Victory Pose 3:
Captain Toad rejoices with the other members of the Toad Brigade, celebrating their recent victory over a campfire, hot chocolate, and smores.

Victory Music:
A remixed version of this, with more instruments.

- Captain Toad's palette swaps include the three Toad Brigade members shown above, Toadette, and pink, black, and brown versions of the regular Captain Toad.

Captain Toad is a very ground-based character, mostly due to his lack of a jump. However, if he does manage to get airborne, his attacks can be quite potent! This lack of a jump (and thus a double jump) makes his recovery quite interesting, but the Propeller Box helps him get back on the stage, and since it doesn't put him in to helpless, the Propeller Box leaves Captain Toad available to perform aerials or his tether recovery before landing. The Headlamp is good for comboing into other attacks due to the paralyzing effect, and the Side Special is good for approaches as well as brick walling since Captain Toad can abandon cart at any time. He can try his luck with the Down Special, and while the Super Pickaxe can be a godsend, this might not end well due to the Piranha Sprout! The Propeller Box is Captain Toad's only way of getting up off of the ground (other than getting knocked up by opponents), and helps for approaching certain situations. The tilts tend to be rather slow yet powerful other than the Up Tilt, but the aerials are surprisingly potent! Due to his lack of jumps, his projectile-based Forward Smash is crucial for edge guarding, and the Up Smash can help him hit opponents above him. His long grab range and potent grabs, combined with the lag on his grab, make the grab game a very risk-versus-reward aspect of the character. The Final Smash is also good for attacking from a distance, and provides great mobility to boot. Overall, Captain Toad's greatest weaknesses are his inability to jump, his somewhat lacking and predictable recovery as a result, and lag on many attacks. That said, Captain Toad is more than ready to tackle his next adventure in the world of Smash! As always, feedback is appreciated, and I hope you enjoyed the set! :)

Like what you see? See some more over at my Make Your Move Hub! :D

berserker01's Treasure Tracker moveset:
Diamond collecting mechanics:
> Each diamond adds 3% damage to any attack that involves using the backpack
> It also increases your attack speed and dodge speed by a certain amount of 15%
> Maximum limit for containing diamonds is at 3
> While having at least one diamond, you walk as fast as Brawl Peach and dash as fast as Brawl Kirby
> While having no diamonds, you walk as fast as Brawl ZSS and dash as fast as Brawl Sheik
> Whether or not he has diamonds, his air mobility is still great. His falling speed by default is heavy
> Each diamond also weighs his falling speed down
> Each diamond also adds to the move's base knockback
> Each diamond adds to Toad's weight. Toad's default weight is on par with Ness. Maximum it can go is on par with King Dedede
> Can only be gained through mining while GROUNDED



Neutral B: Mine
> Adds 1 diamond to Toad's backpack
> While grounded, it does NOT damage
> Animation lingers as long as Ike's eruption
> In air, it deals 10% damage. Potent meteor smash

Forward B: Throw away
> Throws one diamond away which deals 18% damage
> Arc can be manipulated (Diagonal up/down or straight)
> Can do moderate shield damage
> Fast start-up

Hold Forward B: Empty
> Holding down forward B will make C.Toad empty his backpack. The disposed items act as projectiles
> Can do moderate shield damage
> Arc can be manipulated (Diagonal up/down or straight)
> All the diamonds still deal the same damage
> Somewhat slow start-up

Downward B: Wall pop-up
> Acts as a barrier
> Absorbs 25% damage
> As tall as Mario
> Can only summon 1 at a time

Upward B: Windmill platform (The ones where in you blow on the mic for it to move in SM3D World)
> High vertical, mediocre horizontal
> Deals 8% damage in 4 hits



(A) Turnip throw
- Throws a turnip which deals 8% damage
- Fairly spammable
- This is also Toad's attack when pressing A while in air
- The turnips are a bit floaty so it can last longer on stage

(Dash A) Mine cart
- Akin to Wario's bike except it's uncontrollable and you can only go at one direction
- Deals 9% damage
- Can absorb 15% damage. If the cart blows up (losing all its "health"), Toad receives 10% damage
- While dashing, you can press A to throw turnips which deals 8% damage each

(Forward A) Bag smack
- Smacks the target with your bag dealing a base damage of 11%.
- Has long range and high priority. Quick attack.
- Negligible knockback. It's only meant for for starting combos
- Diamond feint: Frontward direction hit

(Upward A) Headlamp intensify
- Aims headlamp upwards. Somewhat slow start up. Quick ending lag
- Deals no damage but it automatically stuns the target for 2 seconds
- Affects both grounded and air borne foes

(Down A) Coin pluck
- Plucks a leaf which releases a bunch coins from the ground
- Deals 9% damage in 3 hits. Quick attack. Can be reflected
- Was made to pop enemies up into the air.
- High hitsun
- Despite the sound of how the move functions, it's not really that much of a good anti-air. The coins occupy as much area as... let's say Toad's model and it pops up

right in front of him

(F-smash) Bag whip
- Whips the target with your bag dealing 15-23% damage. Long ranged attack. Slow start up
- High knockback
- Diamond feint: Frontward direction hit
- If you have at least one diamond in your bag, it can reflect projectiles
- If you have at least two diamonds in your bag, it deals high shield damage
- If you have at least three diamonds in your bag, it has some super armor

(U-smash) Chuck up
- Throws bag upward dealing 13-21% damage. Bag has no priority. Medium start up
- High knockback
- Diamond feint: Upward direction hit
- If you have at least one diamond in your bag, it can reflect projectiles
- If you have at least two diamonds in your bag, it deals high shield damage
- If you have at least three diamonds in your bag, it has some super armor

(D-smash) Power star spin
- Ties a green star on a rope and spins around dealing 12-20% damage. Medium priority. Quick start up
- Above average knockback
- Reflects projectiles

(N-air) Turnip throw
- Throws a turnip which deals 8% damage
- Fairly spammable
- This is also Toad's attack when pressing A while in air
- The turnips are a bit floaty so it can last longer on stage

(F-air) Pack spike
- Spikes the target with the backpack dealing a base damage of 11%
- Meteor smash. Relatively quick start up
- If you have at least one diamond in your bag, it can reflect projectiles
- If you have at least two diamonds in your bag, it deals high shield damage
- If you have at least three diamonds in your bag, it has some super armor

(B-air) Backward swing
- Swings pick axe backwards dealing 12% damage
- Very quick attack overall
- Mainly used as a combo stringer
- Hitting the opponent with the base of your pick axe will knock them away
- Hitting them with only the tip or "axe" part of the pickaxe has non-existent knockback but very high hitsun

(U-air) Whip up
- Similar to Marth/Lucina's except with a whip w/ a green star
- Deals 10% damage. Very long range. Juggle with it
- Minimal landing lag
- Covers a HUGE arc. Can also reflect projectiles

(D-air) Meteor Toad
- Dives downward dealing 14% damage. Relatively quick start up
- Meteor smash
- Similar to Sonic's dive kick or something like that

(Grab/Tether) Power star grapple
- Deals the same damage and functions similarly to Link's hookshot

Blah. Bored. Bags suck. Too complicated

Edit: Updated

And a stage by The Drilling Juggernaut:

Alright, I made a mock up of the Captain Toad stage with the Walleye in it this time


Captain Toad's Trek (Walleye Redo)

Like last time, the gimmick is that after a set time the stage camera rotates, just like in Captain Toad. When it rotates the platform formation changes depending on the angle: one large platform in the middle when viewed from the "front" and "back" and two smaller ones off to the side when viewed from the "sides." Same as last time. The big change is there is now a Walleye in the center of the stage that walks back and forth to smash players.

The Walleye's charging is a moderate threat to the players, but it too is affected by the stage rotation, and the degree of danger it presents depends on the angle the stage. In side 1 it is the biggest threat, that said it is far from menacing. It simply slides back and forth in a predictable fashion staying underneath the platform: it looks left, it charges left, it looks right, it charges right. It charges quickly and does decent damage and knock back, but the area and timing it does these charges makes it more likely that you'll be thrown into it by an opponents then actually caught in it's path. Now the stage rotates after 45 seconds and the function of the Walleye changes. Now in side 2 it stops walking and acts like a wall. It's tempting to have it continue pacing and go from the foreground to the background, but having it stand as a wall is less chaotic and gives it a more interesting function. Instead of being a simple hazard it breaks the stage up. It's only dangerous if you touch the top of it's head, which does light damage and just pops you up a little. The stage rotates again and in side 3 the Walleye is broad sided again, but now it's in the background (indicated in the picture by the darker colors and black "Xs".) While in the background it doesn't effect the fight at all. Just walks back and forth harmlessly. Now players have the whole stage at their disposal. The stage rotates again, and in slide 4 the Walleye is facing right, but again it's not a part of the battle and simply stands in the background. After 45 seconds the camera rotates and we are back at at the beginning with the Walleye moving back and forth in the foreground and the cycle repeats.

Basically, at two angles the walleye is in the foreground and effect the fight in some way, and two angles it's in the background and doesn't effect the fight at all. When broad side it walks back and forth, when facing left and right it stops moving and acts like a wall.

Other changes:
The stage is slightly diffrent with the Walleye in mind. The obvious one is the gap in the middle is out and replaced with the Walleye. The stage is also larger and doesn't change size based on the camera angle. This is so players have more room to fight since the middle is now taken up by the Walleye. I also got rid of the walk off since a lot of Smash fans dislike that. The middle platform in sides 1 and 3 (when the Walleye is broadside) is larger to allow players to run over the Walleye.

I like this version much better. The Walleye gives the stage a more Captain Toad feel to it and much more personality in general. The Walleye also plays into the stage's gimmick without making the changes too radically each time the camera spins.

Toad Brigade members:
Louie G. (Former Captain)
YoshiandToad (Current Captain)

Azure Warrior
Ben Holt
Berserker01(Leader of the Toad support thread)
Captain Toad(whoa!)
Diddy Kong
Epic Neal Time
Geno Mallow
Iggy K
Iko MattOrr
L2 Sentinel
Lord Goomy
Mask O' Gears
Pikablu Pikachu
Princess Toady
Propeller Toad
random rendum
Second Power
Shiny Porygon
Sonic Poke
Sun & Moon
T the Mewtwo fan
The Drilling Juggernaut
Young Horsetail
Zap tackle

*fans of Captain Toad, but unsure if they want him in Smash 4.

Here's a sig icon for you all. Show your support!

Here's a wonderful Smash icon made by Manic Rykker:

And here is the Captain's theme.

(image by YoshiandToad)

Don't forget to vote for Captain Toad(if you want to) on the Smash Ballot!

(Image by Captain Toad himself!)

Last edited:

Manny Toons

Smash Journeyman
Sep 26, 2013
What is the point? I mean really.

For speculation. That's the whole purpose of this section. So what if Toad is "likely disconfirmed"? That doesn't mean people don't have the right to propose new ideas in relation to him. I think it's creative and fun.


That's a paddlin'
Dec 31, 2011
I'm not knocking others down about it, I'm more questionning why it can't just be in the Toad thread instead.

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
I think that Toad Brigade Captain would work a lot differently than if Toad was in Smash Bros.
For example, Toad Brigade Captain using moves from Super Mario Bros. 2 wouldn't really work for me.
Because of this, I would want the Captain's moves to be from Galaxy 1 and 2, 3D World, and some from scratch.
They would work very differently I believe, despite being very similar (or the same) characters.


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2013
this guy can't jump right?

And he seems to be a separate character from Toad, so I think that merits its own thread.


Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
this guy can't jump right?

And he seems to be a separate character from Toad, so I think that merits its own thread.
I believe the reason they stated Captain Toad couldn't jump was because he was weighed down by his backpack.

Which is odd since he's often thought of as the SMB2 Toad that had super strength.

Regardless, I of course support the inclusion of Captain Toad no matter how unlikely he may be.


Smash Master
Jun 12, 2013
Appleton, WI
This is stretching it, man. But, I still support. Toad, Blue Toad, Toad Captain, I want one in.

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
Happy to see support coming in, especially from Toad fans like YoshiandToad.
I wasn't sure if it would cause backlash or if they would like it.
Anyway, does anyone have any moveset ideas? I have a few, and I'll post them soon, but in the meantime I'd like to hear some of your ideas.


Smash Master
Jun 12, 2013
Appleton, WI
Interesting... apparently, Toad Brigade Captain is the same Toad we all know and love (from the original game, SMB2, and so on), and Blue Toad is the one from New Super Mario Bros. Wii (a.k.a. not Toad.)

So, the Toad in Super Mario 3D World is not the Toad from Super Mario Bros. 2, it's just the one created for New Super Mario Bros. Wii.

So this is the REAL Toad now. So, I still support this one, even more over Blue Toad.

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
Interesting... apparently, Toad Brigade Captain is the same Toad we all know and love (from the original game, SMB2, and so on), and Blue Toad is the one from New Super Mario Bros. Wii (a.k.a. not Toad.)

So, the Toad in Super Mario 3D World is not the Toad from Super Mario Bros. 2, it's just the one created for New Super Mario Bros. Wii.

So this is the REAL Toad now. So, I still support this one, even more over Blue Toad.
Interesting, huh?
So if we DO get Captain Toad, it will be the closest thing possible to Toad Toad.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 26, 2013
I'd also like to point out for Louie G. that the Toad Brigade Captain is going to be a playable character in Super Mario 3D World, but only in some timed puzzle levels.

EDIT: Oops, I just realized that you guys already knew. Wow. Sorry! :glare:


Smash Apprentice
Oct 21, 2001
The Infinte Beyond
I thought Blue Toad was thought to be THE Toad. What's Nintendo's position regarding the three Toads? One in the same or three separate characters?


Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
Toad fans are tenacious.
Our spirit only dies for like a week max and then comes back more powerful than before.*


*Terminator jingle*

As for movesets; I think it'd be important for Captain Toad to use and abuse that wonderful flashlight atop his head for a Mewtwo disable-esque stun attack. I'll have a proper think about a Captain Toad specific moveset later, but for now I feel like his flashlight stun is essential.

*Unlike before I don't see Toad as likely to be playable, but that doesn't mean I have to stop supporting him. I stand by Toad; Blue, Captain, Mushroom Retainer or otherwise as being the 5th most important Mario character overall.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 7, 2013
Has anyone considered the possibility that since the Super Smash Bros. series does not follow any conventional logic and tends to break patterns when we least expect it, that the Toad with the red spots and blue vest (of which there exist more than one) can be both Peach's meat shield AND a playable character? Why must these two outcomes be mutually exclusive?


Smash Journeyman
Nov 26, 2013
Has anyone considered the possibility that since the Super Smash Bros. series does not follow any conventional logic and tends to break patterns when we least expect it, that the Toad with the red spots and blue vest (of which there exist more than one) can be both Peach's meat shield AND a playable character? Why must these two outcomes be mutually exclusive?
Well, I still think Toad has chances, but not for this reason. First of all, there is not just one Toad. There are TONS of toads. So... Just because one is part of Peach's neutral special, doesn't mean Toad is totally out of the question people. :confused:


Smash Ace
Jun 8, 2013
Has anyone considered the possibility that since the Super Smash Bros. series does not follow any conventional logic and tends to break patterns when we least expect it, that the Toad with the red spots and blue vest (of which there exist more than one) can be both Peach's meat shield AND a playable character? Why must these two outcomes be mutually exclusive?
Because I hate the idea of a playable Toad and crushing the morale of people that support him gives me some sick satisfaction. That doesn't mean I can't admire your perseverance.

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
As for movesets; I think it'd be important for Captain Toad to use and abuse that wonderful flashlight atop his head for a Mewtwo disable-esque stun attack. I'll have a proper think about a Captain Toad specific moveset later, but for now I feel like his flashlight stun is essential.
You're right. It was my plan all along to include the flashlight as a stun attack. :)

Deleted member

My most wanted Mario character is Bowser Jr. However, I feel heavily sympathetic to the Toad fans that have been waiting for his Smash appearance (and he does deserve it to be honest). So, I'll support. I like rooting for the underdog, I do like the Toad Brigade in SMG, and the Captain Toad levels in SM3DW were very creative and fun.

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
I'm probably going to make a moveset very soon. I feel like he could be something like Villager, taking random items out of his big fat backpack to fight with.
He should definitely use his light, and likely a dash side-b, like the random boosts of speed that characters get in 3D World.
His jump should be horrible, and he should be quite heavy for such a small character.


Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
Captain Toad explores the battlefield!​
This is Captain Toad:​
But what is a Captain Toad you may ask?
Captain Toad is by far the bravest Toad in all of the Galaxies; he has explored regions the average mushroom retainer could only dream of, has become Captain of the Royal Guards of the Toadstool family and is largely thought of(but unproven) as being the same Toad that bravely fought against Wart and Wario in the past.​
Captain Toad has recently been given a starring role alongside Mario, Luigi, Peach, Blue Toad and Rosalina in Super Mario 3D World, in which he has his own single player adventures. His levels unlike the others are not platformers, and Captain Toad must instead navigate a 3D environment without the aid of such lofty things as power ups. Because he is a Toad that is overly prepared for everything, he has a nasty habit of bringing too much gear with him on his adventures which stop him from being able to jump(Toads in general are poor jumpers to begin with). Instead he must use his cunning, timing and wits to solve multiple puzzles and gather as many Green Power Stars as he can for his allies.​
Moveset ideas:
Neutral B: Toad Spore
Captain Toad is not the most offensive individual, being a strong an honourable man he prefers to let his enemies throw the first punch. And then return their damage back at them two fold. Yes; the brave Captain Toad soon teaches those villains that such aggression can and will be turned back upon them.​
Up + B: Power Star Grappling Hook
Captain Toad is nothing if not resourceful. Using one of the many Green Power Stars he's managed to find over his journeys, and his trusty rope this modern day Macguver can create a handy grappling hook to let him recover from big falls, or swing up to higher platforms. Being slapped in the face with a Power Star also hurts somewhat as anyone who has ever made the unfortunate mistake to cross the Captain will tell you. If their jaws were realigned that is.​
Side + B: Headlamp
Utilizing his trusty headlamp, the courageous Captain Toad dares to bring light to any villain's lair. Hitting them in the eyes with his powerful light he can stop even the most determined antagonist in their tracks for a split second, giving them time to think twice about testing his mettle.​
Down + B: Rucksack empty
Sometimes you need to pack for adventure. Other times, you need to lighten the load. Captain Toad is a mushroom man of experience and he knows that if you're being weighed down the best thing to do is ditch the dead weight. He turns his rucksack upside down and drops several items from it.​
After doing this several times, Captain Toad's jump and double jump becoming significantly improved at the questionable cost of him being lighter and easier to KO. Is the recovery worth losing such weight? More importantly is it worth more than losing such beautiful treasures?​
Final Smash, Taunts and other things coming soon!​

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
Captain Toad explores the battlefield!​
This is Captain Toad:​
But what is a Captain Toad you may ask?​
Captain Toad is by far the bravest Toad in all of the Galaxies; he has explored regions the average mushroom retainer could only dream of, has become Captain of the Royal Guards of the Toadstool family and is largely thought of(but unproven) as being the same Toad that bravely fought against Wart and Wario in the past.​
Captain Toad has recently been given a starring role alongside Mario, Luigi, Peach, Blue Toad and Rosalina in Super Mario 3D World, in which he has his own single player adventures. His levels unlike the others are not platformers, and Captain Toad must instead navigate a 3D environment without the aid of such lofty things as power ups. Because he is a Toad that is overly prepared for everything, he has a nasty habit of bringing too much gear with him on his adventures which stop him from being able to jump(Toads in general are poor jumpers to begin with). Instead he must use his cunning, timing and wits to solve multiple puzzles and gather as many Green Power Stars as he can for his allies.​
Moveset ideas:​
Neutral B: Toad Spore​
Captain Toad is not the most offensive individual, being a strong an honourable man he prefers to let his enemies throw the first punch. And then return their damage back at them two fold. Yes; the brave Captain Toad soon teaches those villains that such aggression can and will be turned back upon them.​
Up + B: Power Star Grappling Hook​
Captain Toad is nothing if not resourceful. Using one of the many Green Power Stars he's managed to find over his journeys, and his trusty rope this modern day Macguver can create a handy grappling hook to let him recover from big falls, or swing up to higher platforms. Being slapped in the face with a Power Star also hurts somewhat as anyone who has ever made the unfortunate mistake to cross the Captain will tell you. If their jaws were realigned that is.​
Side + B: Headlamp​
Utilizing his trusty headlamp, the courageous Captain Toad dares to bring light to any villain's lair. Hitting them in the eyes with his powerful light he can stop even the most determined antagonist in their tracks for a split second, giving them time to think twice about testing his mettle.​
Down + B: Rucksack empty​
Sometimes you need to pack for adventure. Other times, you need to lighten the load. Captain Toad is a mushroom man of experience and he knows that if you're being weighed down the best thing to do is ditch the dead weight. He turns his rucksack upside down and drops several items from it.​
After doing this several times, Captain Toad's jump and double jump becoming significantly improved at the questionable cost of him being lighter and easier to KO. Is the recovery worth losing such weight? More importantly is it worth more than losing such beautiful treasures?​
This is amazing.
I had a big fat smile on my face the entire time.
Adding it to the OP right away.
And I love the drawings.


Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
Did you think I'd finished yet? Too bad; Toad Time! YAA HAAA!

Final Smash: Toad Brigade!​
What else could the brave Captain Toad's Final Smash really be?
With his courageous leadership skills, Captain Toad calls forth the Toad Brigade. Waving the Toad banner he announces the charge. During this final Smash Toad is given the banner as a weapon to attack the opponents and move freely as his teammates perform their own attacks:
Buckenberry/Blue Toad: Throws books at the opponents, deals decent damage.​
Alagold/Yellow Toad: Yellow Toad yawns and makes any enemy near him sleepy.​
BankToad/Green Toad: Strikes with his pickaxe. Acts similarly to the hammer.​
MailToad/Purple Toad: Throws packages at the opponents. Effects vary. Similar to Delibird, some parcels heal, some explode.​
After 15 seconds the Toads salute and leave their brave leader to continue on the fight alone!​
Grab: Pack for Adventure!​
Once again Captain Toad is a very well prepared individual, and likes to pack anything and everything he thinks will be helpful on his many adventures through the galaxies. Sometimes he can get a little carried away and pick up anyone and everything in his preparations.​
Captain Toad can pick up various items as well as opponents, thus reversing the buffs and nerfs he received from using his down + B.​
Grab + Run: Toad Trekking​
Once Captain Toad is all packed for adventure, it's time to set off! With his super strength and speed, Captain Toad can run and walk around the stage carrying even the heaviest adversary, and forcing them along on his expedition like a young university understudy.​
Side Taunt: Captain Toad whips out his map, checking his location. Even the most seasoned explorer occasionally gets lost, so don't feel discouraged brave Captain Toad!​
Up Taunt: Captain Toad spins around as he gathers another Power Star whilst yelling, most truthfully "I'M THE BEST!"​
Down Taunt: Forging new ground, Captain Toad claims the stage in the name of the Mushroom Kingdom and his Brigade! "YAH HA!"​

Capybara Gaming

Just Vibing
Feb 5, 2013
Big Talking Volcano
There's no such thing as deconfirmation. Smash doesn't make sense. It doesn't have to.​
4 of the same character can fight each other.​
Samus and ZSS are the same in Metroid canon, but are different in Smash. Same with Zelda and Sheik. Thusly, Toad still has a chance.​

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
Did you think I'd finished yet? Too bad; Toad Time! YAA HAAA!​
Final Smash: Toad Brigade!​
What else could the brave Captain Toad's Final Smash really be?​
With his courageous leadership skills, Captain Toad calls forth the Toad Brigade. Waving the Toad banner he announces the charge. During this final Smash Toad is given the banner as a weapon to attack the opponents and move freely as his teammates perform their own attacks:​
Buckenberry/Blue Toad: Throws books at the opponents, deals decent damage.​
Alagold/Yellow Toad: Yellow Toad yawns and makes any enemy near him sleepy.​
BankToad/Green Toad: Strikes with his pickaxe. Acts similarly to the hammer.​
MailToad/Purple Toad: Throws packages at the opponents. Effects vary. Similar to Delibird, some parcels heal, some explode.​
After 15 seconds the Toads salute and leave their brave leader to continue on the fight alone!​
Grab: Pack for Adventure!​
Once again Captain Toad is a very well prepared individual, and likes to pack anything and everything he thinks will be helpful on his many adventures through the galaxies. Sometimes he can get a little carried away and pick up anyone and everything in his preparations.​
Captain Toad can pick up various items as well as opponents, thus reversing the buffs and nerfs he received from using his down + B.​
Grab + Run: Toad Trekking​
Once Captain Toad is all packed for adventure, it's time to set off! With his super strength and speed, Captain Toad can run and walk around the stage carrying even the heaviest adversary, and forcing them along on his expedition like a young university understudy.​
Side Taunt: Captain Toad whips out his map, checking his location. Even the most seasoned explorer occasionally gets lost, so don't feel discouraged brave Captain Toad!​
Up Taunt: Captain Toad spins around as he gathers another Power Star whilst yelling, most truthfully "I'M THE BEST!"​
Down Taunt: Forging new ground, Captain Toad claims the stage in the name of the Mushroom Kingdom and his Brigade! "YAH HA!"​
Sorry I didn't respond earlier, the website crashed.
I love this too, and Peach's face is priceless. Great job once again.


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
Toad or Captain Toad, whatever, I personally consider them to be the one and the same... THE Toad. That said, Captain Toad in Smash should use vegetables and the pickax because that's what he is using in his own game.
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