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Roll Tier 3 Onslaught ~90 people


Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
Roll Tier 3 Onslaught

64 Teams-10 teams
1: bpow.jim$
2: Smeesh. Tacoom
3: Blake. Tony (Blake. Tony)
4: Echo.MikeMo
5: StinkySpaghetti.ExpiredWang
5: Hankypanky.HuberNeutron (Hanky.Neutron)
7: Amrio. Derek$
7: GravyKnight. Deku
9: Walf. Zora
9: MrRodgers.NOOT

64 Singles-28 people
1: Jim$$ Fox
2: Smeesh Pika
3: #NoahSucks Yoshi
4: MMRob Kirby
5: MikeJMoffitt
5: Derek$
7: Amrio
7: Blake Campbell
9: GQDang
9: BPow
9: ExpiredWang
9: Zora
13: Staphf
13: Deku
13: NOOT
13: MaJik
17: Corey Reichelt
17: Mr.Rodgers
17: HankyPanky
17: Maconga
17: zteetsy
17: Satisfyler
17: HubertNeutron
17: Proficient -BC-
25: StinkySpaghetti
25: Gravy Knight
25: ZWhite
25: Logious

PM Doubles 26 teams
1: Strong Bad. RFrizzle
3: Blank.Joker
4: Echo.MMR
5: Schizm.Yosh
5: Smeesh.Majik
7: David.JBM
7: Blitz.DMX
9: Hankypanky.HuberNeutron (Hanky.Neutron)
9: Gamegenie.Yeerk
9: GQDang.EndGamer
9: Cyris.RBK (Cyris.RBK)
13: GravyKnight.MPSam
13: nino29.zteetsy
13: StinkySpaghetti.ExpiredWang
13: Deku.Zora
17: AllorNothing.Jester (All or Jester)
17: Ike.Wang
17: OpSV. Zelga (OpSV. Zelga)
17: Blake. Tony (Blake. Tony)
17: Spencer.Curtis (Spencer/Curtis)
17: Trent.Noah
17: Disxus.Silver (Disxus/Silver)
17: SilentProtagonist.Manzano
25: Uttecht.Beck (Uttecht.Beck)
25: Koshn.Dagwood (Koshn/Dagwood)
25: Sanic.Walf (Sanic.Walf)

PM Singles 64 people

1: Strong Bad Wario
2: RFrizzle Captain Falcon
3: DMX MetaKnight
4: DaveCue Falco
5: Smeesh
5: BPow
7: Echo
9: Blank
9: JBM
9: Proficient -BC-
9: Manzano
13: Joker
13: #NoahSucks
13: Yeerk
13: Trent
17: Ikey
17: MMRob
17: Doodler
17: Schizm
17: MaJik
17: Satisfyler
17: Proficient CBK
17: HankyPanky
25: SilentProtagonist
25: z3r0
25: Tam
25: Deku
25: BlitzkriegDeity
25: Wang
25: Byron Villalta
33: Gravy Knight
33: oo13
33: Jester
33: Zelga
33: Bryce
33: Nino29
33: WeSnipes
33: AllorNothing
33: OpSV
33: Qazzy
33: RBK
33: Walf
33: MikeJMoffitt
33: Cyris
33: GameGenie
33: ExpiredWang
49: zteetsy
49: Quaz
49: NOOT
49: Cumbie
49: Sanic
49: StinkySpaghetti
49: Dixsus
49: Skrai
49: MPSam
49: Nurse Joy
49: Zora
49: Devyn
49: FTilt
49: APOC
49: Staphf
49: TheSkaLife

Melee Singles (note: Some of these players left or in the case of Tony22 were mistakenly left in. Some of them got refunds, some didn't, I don't know, I wasn't there for anyone getting a refund for melee singles or the people not being taken out of the bracket who got refunds.)

#1-CueDavid Falco
#2-MegaRobDad Sheik
#3-Rfrizzle Falcon
#4-JBM Marth Fox
#25-Vince <3 Emily
#33-Tony 22
#33-Stinky Spaghetti
#33-Gravy Knight

Things were worked out and things for Roll Tier X4 are going to be so much better ran, there are like 11 people planning it with me right now and it is a full team effort. There is no excuse for failure, especially now that we are having 2 events on 2 different weekends to compensate for the smashing that needs to keep happening in Nebraska and the Midwest as whole.

RTX4 (oct 11th) will be PM/Melee/free sm4sh single elim tourney with $1000 going towards PM/Melee Singles/Doubles.
It has begun (oct 18th) will be 64/brawl/sm4sh.
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Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
Thanks for coming everyone, especially those coming from far away, Mexico, New York, Team SD, PM roll train KS/MO, even the fields of Iowa southern Nebraska and everyone else who came far to make Roll Tier 3 happen and be the biggest tournament since I have been a part of the scene.

The tournament running the way it did (late) is my fault, mostly due to my computer not working, completely making pre-registering worthless and basically putting us 2 hours behind. There only being one monitor for all of the games going was a mistake, and it will be fixed at the next RT.

We got overwhelmed by their being a bit more than double the preregistered PM doubles teams and quite a few more PM singles entrants than we were expecting considering the drop outs. 26 PM doubles entrants was beyond my wildest expectations for this, and having 64 doubles going on with cross people holding it up, as predicted, was problematic.

If we had 13 teams, it would have been fine, but we had 26. It honestly felt like every time I called a match no one could play for whatever reason, and I went on ghost hunts for people a lot because people were MIA. Some of it was cross entrant "bottlenecking", but a lot of it was just people weren't reporting their matches (or didn't properly and clearly give the results to the TO) and weren't trying to play their next match afterwards for whatever reason.

Due to this, we were forced to completely drop brawl as a game for the event and melee doubles as well. I am very sorry about this and I humbly apologize to the people who came out for any brawl games or those who enjoy melee doubles. I personally thought we could have done melee doubles but I was outvoted in favor of going home earlier than 4 am, which was the right decision though I don't like it.

Next roll tier the changes will be pretty huge. There will be a team of TOs per game and a computer for each game. We will be using pools. There won't be 64 or brawl doubles (but they may come back for a local). It won't be the summer so it won't be so hot,, but we are investing in a couple of fans just in case. There might be a couple of crazy incentives to look out for to keep you coming as well.

Drama continued:

Someone told me after the event and another a few days afterwards that they were entered into events they didn't pay for because they pre-registered but actually didn't pay for them, which is the fault of me and my staff entirely, again if my computer would have worked I don't think this would have been a problem. The staff handling the money was also entering things on the computers and their workload would have been made less maddening.

That all being said, people, please be honest and at ALL future events (not just in Nebraska) tell the TO "Hey, I didn't enter that, quit sucking and take me out" (even if you got a bye and the bracket sucks) because it ends up ruining payouts and drama, etc...(also TO may just pay for your entry).

I promise to everyone that we will work hard to make your tournament experience improve 1000 times more for RT4.

Thanks to steph and kevin for all their hard work today, they really did an excellent job keeping things together in such chaos.
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Strong Badam

Super Elite
Feb 27, 2008
Holla holla get dolla

GGs everyone, thanks for teaming with me Frizz and thanks for hosting Rob. Not necessarily pleased with the organization but I can definitely sympathize with the issues you ran into and wish you luck running future events. And getting air conditioning in the venue. XD It was good to see the OG Nebraska folks again and get some hang out time. Was fun to just hang outside with people and talk about whatever.

ALSO thanks Yulai for bringing Ultra! I had a great time getting destroyed in Street Fighter :D

Until next time~
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