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Pac NORTHWEST: WA - OR - BC - ID [social]


Smash Cadet
Jan 26, 2015
I'm carpooling and teaming with Steven, he's the one that convinced me to travel that far on a Wednesday.


Smash Master
Sep 20, 2005
When is the next 'clucks? I heard there isn't going to be one next month - if that's the case, who's running a SSB4 tourney next month?
And special shoutouts to Robotnik, Grimlock, and Locke for jumping in with me to help run those brackets. I really think we should be given some kidn of a discount on our venue fee in compensation for keeping the entire event from being a debacle like what happened at Regionals. Maybe in Gameclucks credit like a few free entries waived at the monthlies? :^]


Smash Rookie
Aug 12, 2012
YO.... I live in downtown Seattle (Belltown) and would be hella down for some Sm4sh (or even Melee/PM but I suck at those so).

Will see if I can make it to one the Gameclucks gatherings. If anyone else is nearby in the area let me know too. Apartment is still pretty bare w/o furniture so I can't host games here, but I have a wii U and the game so I can always bring my setup to other locations.

Also, how old are most of you guys ? Typically house gatherings are more my style 'cause I can get those beer sips in between matches to help neutralize the salty tears. Not sure if that's cool w/ everyone or if everyone is over 21 and all. Would be good to know.

Might be down for a road trip to Eugene in JULY too. We will see.
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Smash Journeyman
Feb 3, 2009
Orlando, FL ---- HomeTown: Boston, MA
Nah, I know I told Cel that I was gonna make it to the smashfest today at EPG, but I had to take my GF to the hopsital today for surgery. Now that shes home, she needs me around to assist her for the time being. For some reason that didn't cross my mind when I told him I'd make it, Hahahha.

So while I was gonna try and make it out, I got held back by life Johns.

Anywho, hope the tourney went smooth and that you guys placed well. Get stronger, better, faster, smarter!

I think we need a crew name?........
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Smash Rookie
May 1, 2015
Seattle, WA
Does anyone live near or in seattle? I play melee and PM, i'm looking for some people to practice with, good or bad. Personally i'm not the best but i'm getting better. Anyways if any of you are near Seattle hmu cause i need people to play with.


Smash Cadet
Jan 26, 2015
@ Gasai Gasai If you can make the drive up to Lynwood on a Monday there are typically a dozen or so people playing PM and 4-8 people playing Melee at GameClucks, you might be able to network there.


Smash Master
Sep 20, 2005
The next UO tournament down here in Oregon stated they will not have SSB4; I am wondering what is up with that? It's the 2nd most popular Smash game next to Melee and a good number of us in Eugene are going to EVO so would like to represent Oregon and the Pacific Northwest in general - how are we going to do that without some good practice?

Wondering what advice the Pac NW Smashers would have on this matter.


Smash Cadet
Jan 26, 2015
@ T0MMY T0MMY I'd inquire why they don't plan on holding a smash 4 bracket. I can understand that consoles are sometimes hard to come by for tournaments, the past two large brackets haven't gone all that well, and there may be space and time constraints. I believe it would be beneficial to respectfully voice an opinion as a group from the smash 4 community showing interest in an event being held and offering to assist in holding the event for our game.


Smash Master
Sep 20, 2005
@ Celestial Celestial
The past two tourneys they had plenty of setups for SSB4, so that wouldn't be an issue to cut the event. Thanks - I went ahead and posted saying I could help with setups.


Smash Cadet
Jan 26, 2015
@ T0MMY T0MMY My apologies I was extremely unclear. I was referencing NWM and NWR for the two larger events that didn't go as well as we as a community would like. I'm very curious about their reasoning for not holding a bracket for SSB4 with how quickly it's growing. If they share that information with you would you be willing to share that with us? I'd like to do my part to make sure that this game has its fair share of larger tournaments and to possibly improve any events as much as I can.


Smash Master
Sep 20, 2005
Hey, remember when I mentioned that we should get a PNW PR rolling?
This thread is posting PRs

Melee is pretty well being taken care of with PRs, so I can send them a link to what they have going.
For SSB4 I think what we can do is compile the results for the past couple months and put up a v 1.0.5 list reflecting the first quarter of SSB4 and then when we get enough results we can do a (post Diddy nerf) update to the PR.

Just need a couple PR reps who attend events to get the PR in order.
Let it be known here if you want to be part of the PR (or in the PR thread when it is created).

@ T0MMY T0MMY My apologies I was extremely unclear. I was referencing NWM and NWR for the two larger events that didn't go as well as we as a community would like. I'm very curious about their reasoning for not holding a bracket for SSB4 with how quickly it's growing. If they share that information with you would you be willing to share that with us? I'd like to do my part to make sure that this game has its fair share of larger tournaments and to possibly improve any events as much as I can.
Yeah, I'm with you on that. Both on getting a reason why SSB4 wasn't announced in the post and how Northwest Majors was run.
A good number of Oregon players didn't show up to NWM because NWR was not run up to their expectations. I'm not sure how the other fighters were run, but I feel like SSB4 was only kept from being a debacle due to the Smash community stepping in and running it - we brought all the setups and ran the events. Also the SSB4 players helped run other Smash events as well (like Melee).
I really enjoy meeting and playing with the Smashers in other regions, but can't say I am interested in going to the next one, so I'll have to find a way to meet up with everyone other places (I attend Gameclucks every month).

And I'll let you know what's up with the SSB4 issue down here at the UO tournament when I hear.

Edit: Someone else why no Sm4sh and one of the TO's responded. It was reposted here: Oregon Social
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Smash Master
Sep 20, 2005
Since I didn't want to get infracted for a "double post" spam (yeah, it's happend before, lol) I just linked to the post that quoted the TO of the tourney. But since it's a brand new day I can double post just fine as per SWF rules).
Here's what a TO had to say regarding why no SSB4:

"Sorry for the low visibility. I've been in class most of today. A lot of this is just speaking for myself and how I feel.

FoF3 is happening two weeks before finals week and I'm swamped with classwork because I'm trying to graduate this term. The building that we host in is closed throughout the majority of the summer so our options were to either host a tournament now or don't host anything until September, and Smashnest isn't happening this month so Oregon wouldn't have had anything otherwise.

Because it's so late in the term, I didn't want to host anything unless it was more manageable and less stressful than the other FoFs (100+ person tournaments are a lot of work and TOs get no compensation), and excluding Smash 4 was my way of having that smaller, more manageable tournament. I'm an almost PM-exclusive player, so of course I'd like to see PM happen. Additionally, the UO Smash Club is hosting this tournament, and we get primarily Melee and PM players. PM doubles had 8 entrants at FoF1, so that was kind of an afterthought.

Honestly, there is discussion among the TOs to keep FoF Melee/PM centered. None of us have felt like the Sm4sh brackets so far have been up to the same standards as the other brackets that we've run, and none of us are Sm4sh players. It's a logistical nightmare to try to run 6 spotlight events when we've got nearly 200 unique entrants across all the events, and it's super stressful on all of us. Especially when we feel like we're constantly 2-3 hours behind schedule. Furthermore, a lot of our leadership is busy, and/or not returning, so in order to make the improvements in quality that we want to as well as to make FoF something more enjoyable as organizers, we've decided to drop a time-consuming event that we feel like we're bad at running and don't have fun running.

We want to take a break and try to run this one without Sm4sh to see how it goes. Please understand that we're not trying to fragment the community or exclude people based off of the game that they like, but we just feel like we've been taking on too much and it's affected the overall quality of the event and our own enjoyment running it."
A couple of Oregon TO's offered to step up and run the SSB4 event and disallow anyone from entering who entered Melee to keep it from interfering with how the brackets ran. But, that solution was denied from what I heard.

This part was odd though:
None of us have felt like the Sm4sh brackets so far have been up to the same standards as the other brackets that we've run, and none of us are Sm4sh players.
Odd because Sm4sh had more entrants than P:M at their previous events.


Smash Rookie
Jan 20, 2015
Hey guys thought i should mention that recently there was a tournament for smash 4 in the tri- cities and the host plans on keeping it up with 2 tournaments rotating between smash 4 and melee. https://m.facebook.com/groups/417107905083901?ref=bookmark the facebook page for the local scene and https://m.facebook.com/Event52?ref=bookmark the event itself if anyone is interested. Melee tournament should be the 16th of may and the next smash 4 tournament should be may 30th(all these events are taking place on a saturday) entry fee is $5 and top 3 takes a piece of the pot.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 29, 2015
Let's all focus on gathering numbers. I have several people who live right next to me that don't have SmashBoards accounts that would be interested in a tournament. That being said, I think that it's a good idea to discuss hosting - Whoever ends up hosting a possible Smash 4/PM/Melee/64 tourney should be centrally located, because it seems as though we're all spread pretty far here.
So far, on the north side of the lake, we have:

StokeTheForge (and others)

and on the south:


and, off on the side,

As it is obvious to see, It will be difficult to centralize a location - Such a place would be in the middle of Lake Washington.
Please note that I have listed the smashers here only by their locations on their profile, or as otherwise stated in a post. If I have not posted your name, it is because your profile says "I'm from [INSERT PLACE THAT IS NOT IN WESTERN WA.]," or you have not told us where you're at.
Contact me with your general area and I'll put you on the list.

Anyone have any streaming setups?
idk where washington lake is (:awesome:) and this may be outdated (:awesome:) but I live in spokane and would love to play some melee/pm


Smash Master
Sep 20, 2005
idk where washington lake is (:awesome:) and this may be outdated (:awesome:) but I live in spokane and would love to play some melee/pm
The Eastern Washington players don't come to this thread too often (they should!), but I think they have Smash tourneys at a place called Black Wolf.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 29, 2015
The Eastern Washington players don't come to this thread too often (they should!), but I think they have Smash tourneys at a place called Black Wolf.
ohhh I live right by that place I always thought it was a strip club :gova:

Deleted member

Hey guys! Dewey's playhouse 3 (super official name) is happening tomorrow (wednesday) at .... well, whenever you get here! Come anytime after 4, going 'til 11:30-12, at my house per usual (south everett, pm me for details if you want in). We've had good turn out so far, 9-12 people, not bad for a small start up smashfest. We'll start a small bracket at 8, possibly leaving us time for a gimmicky one afterwards if people are down. Last gimmick bracket was for a sonic Amiibo, with our characters decided by the Zelda Social thread here on smash boards, it was awesome, X-Factor took the bracket down like the champ he is. Stupid Kirby.

Also, T0MMY, a group of us are interested in coming down to RTG next month. I talked to my grandparents in Eugene though, and we can't stay with them that weekend. Would anybody down there be willing to accommodate a few smashers from the Seattle area? I know I would personally be willing to pitch in money, cook, clean, or buy food (whatever) for whoever that showed us hospitality, and I'm sure my crew would feel the same way. Regardless of whether someone could house us or not, we should definitely have a bbq. You guys host and provide beverages, we'll provide food? Haven't discussed this with my crew but they'd be down I'm sure. Either way, it would be good to connect with all you Oregon Smashers, met a few of you at NWM and you were all super chill.

If y'all don't like my super long posts.... come to Dewey's Playhouse and let me know about it! Haha..
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Smash Cadet
Jan 26, 2015
Dang, you'll be missed X, no one is left to represent Lucina or Little Mac.... they both must be bad characters ~


Smash Master
Sep 20, 2005
Also, T0MMY, a group of us are interested in coming down to RTG next month. I talked to my grandparents in Eugene though, and we can't stay with them that weekend. Would anybody down there be willing to accommodate a few smashers from the Seattle area?
I would be willing to house you and your crew at my place, but we don't really have any furniture here since we had to throw everything out due to a mold outbreak that got us sick from our former landlords not keeping the roof up to code (no worries about current mold - we don't live there anymore).

The curren landlords don't like too many visitors so we'd just need to keep a low-profile like keeping noise to an acceptable level after 10pm, and not having a lot of people loitering out front with cigarettes or something, the usual stuff.
I've housed @Beardbot and @Sideslick for the first RtG and we had a good time.

And there might be another Smasher who'd be able to house you guys and loves things like BBQs, so I'll ask him about it and if he can offer you a place to stay then I'll hook you up.

Don't worry about compensation, being a Smasher has its perks and housing is one of them - just come and have some fun, smash it up, and the more contributions to a festive time with food/snacks the better. You're not just a guest to our house, you're a guest to our Smash Community - Just let us know how to make your experience a fun one and we'll see what we can do :^)
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Smash Cadet
Jan 26, 2015
@ vindian vindian I completely missed your post, I'm so sorry. Of our core group I'm the youngest at 20 the rest are completely open to a beer or two. It would be a good idea to come out to an EPG held every other Thursday or a Gameclucks weekly held every Monday to meet a few people offline.


Smash Rookie
Feb 20, 2015
Kenmore, WA
So I'm a very young smash 4 player at 13. Does anyone know any tournaments around which I could go to? I'm also trying to pick up melee but I suck at that right now so... Lastly when's the next GC? I've been meaning to go but every weekend it's on, I've had tons of HW.


Smash Cadet
Jan 26, 2015
Hey @ FearTheJiggles FearTheJiggles , welcome to the scene! For Smash 4 I would recommend actually attending a Gameclucks weekly, they occur every Monday starting at 2 and go to 11 (you can show up and leave whenever you like) and we've been having between 8 and 16 people show up and enter a small bracket (bracket starts between 5 and 6). It's not as grand as a monthly, but it's a good way to get your feet wet and meet a few of the people in the area. As for the next GC monthly I don't believe the specific date or location has been announced yet, however rumors are that it will be held at Highline Community College sometime early next month.
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