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Bread and butter combos?


Smash Journeyman
Apr 17, 2009
So Falcon is a combo monster, that much is clear.

But his combos are crazy fast, and you don't have so much time to read and react. To me it kinda reminds a little of Fox in the original ssb. Alot of this is simply practice, practice, practice.

But it's easier if you know some cookie cutter basic combos. So I was thinking people could come with ideas, list good combos on different characters, with percent and maybe even DI info as well :)

It doesn't have to be cookie cutter, it can be creative as well. Also, it really doesn't have to be 0-death or even anything to death. Just combos :)

I'll start with one I like. Tried it on Marth (cpu lvl 7)

Short version: knee>uthrow>nair?>uair?

Long version:
From 0% hit with L-canceled knee then immediatly dash to grab. Pummel once if you like, then upthrow into shffl nair. From there you can sometimes follow up with uair if the DI is on your side.

If he DI's too much after the uthrow, maybe a dashed shffl uair could get him?


Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2011
when i think "bread and butter" combos, i think simple two-step stuff that every falcon should know
everything else should be free style reaction to DI or techs

in other words, stuff like
uair -> knee
dthrow -> knee
dair -> anything

would be bread and butter stuff

and the rest should be falcon improv IMO


Smash Journeyman
Apr 17, 2009
when i think "bread and butter" combos, i think simple two-step stuff that every falcon should know
everything else should be free style reaction to DI or techs

in other words, stuff like
uair -> knee
dthrow -> knee
dair -> anything

would be bread and butter stuff

and the rest should be falcon improv IMO
Without matchup/percent info, it's not really useful.

I can also tell you to do dthrow>uthrow>nair>uair>bair>moonwalk reverse knee

Or knee>knee>knee.

A little more specefic information would be nice.

Also, bread and butter for Falcon doesn't mean SIMPLE or EASY. It means combos that you can be more or less sure will hit.

Like Falcos pillaring.
Or Marth's spacies CG into utilt combos.
Or Jiggs bair>bair>bair>bair>bair

Difficulty has nothing to do with it. The thing with Falcon is, you don't have the same time to react like Marth or Jiggly, so it helps if you know your next move before you do it.


Smash Ace
Apr 4, 2009
This isn't really a bread and butter combo, but I recommend trying it anyways. This combo will give you a good idea of how falcon feels. At 0% against a ganondorf, I would use a empty controller so he doesn't di at all, stomp him into raptor boost, and then nair him all the way across final destination and then end it with nair--->knee or uair--->knee. It'll help you get used to aiming both hits of the nair and perfectly fastfalling and l canceling it. As far as legitimate bread and butter combos, practice all of your followups from stomp. This includes, but is not limited to, stomp knee, stomp falcon punch, stomp to bair to knee, stomp to uair to knee, stomp to waveland to knee, stomp to waveland regrab, etc... Also, make sure you can follow up all of your aerials very well, recognize where your opponent is going to go and figure out the best way to get there and threaten him again. Next, realize ALL of your grab followups. Know when you can regrab, when you have to techchase, how you have to get ready to techchase (positioning yourself to be able to react the best way possibly). Try learning uthrow uair uair knee on characters like Shiek and Marth. Also, make sure you're throwing as fast as possible, unless you plan on techchasing. It gives them a smaller opportunity to DI.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 17, 2009

stomp x5 --> knee with plats
Is really not useful. Please don't come here and post silly stuff, just because you might not need help with combos.
Alot of us out here do.

You're one of the people who can give alot of useful tips. So if you wanna help, please try and explain in the same manner as I did.
Or at least post SOMETHING that might actually help any CF player.


Thanks for the tips. Ganondorf is in for some painal soon ;)

But this
...stomp to waveland to knee, stomp to waveland regrab, etc...
I don't really understand. Do you mean a full hop stomp then waveland on the way down?


Smash Ace
Apr 4, 2009
Yes, I'm talking about a situation where you can stomp and then waveland to a platform with your victim hovering in front of you. You can knee if you'd like, but you also have other options which you should practice. For example, you could just grab them and u-throw knee if they're at the right percentage, and I like doing it because it looks stylish. But you could also chain a low nair into a knee, maybe a full hop uair into a falling knee, etc. Another thing that I think is fun to practice on marth is stomping him at like 40 or 50, and while he's in hitstun, dash far out and come in with an uair, and proceed to combo his *** off. Getting far away and then running in allows you to follow up on the uair much easier, since you land close to where the uair sent him. You can probably stomp, dash out, dash in with a shffl instant uair and chain it into a couple more uairs and a knee.


Smash Ace
Dec 8, 2007
Nicco, what you're looking for isn't going to help you much. Look at the Falcon index thread for character specific percentage/followup combinations to help build a combo tree. (ie: which moves can follow up which other moves at which percents with which DI.)

memorizing 4 hit combos that you tried on a CPU aren't going to get you very far in this game because there's too much variance. The combo you mentioned in the OP is not what i would call a bread and butter combo, because the third hit already changes a lot based on how they DI/respond, and the 4th hit has that much more variance as a result of the third hit varying and then how they DI that 3rd hit can vary too.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 17, 2009
Ok "bread and butter" might have been the wrong term. I just needed ideas, and I thought asking the community was a good way of getting some.

It's funny I did look in the index thread before but didn't really get it (fpalm). Looking into it straight away.

Guess this thread can be closed now.

And if anyone was offended because I "told off" S2J, I didn't mean any harm, so chill out...



Smash Ace
Jan 10, 2012
San Antonio Texas
Well if you just want an example, get marth to 20% and stomp->shffle nair->shffle uair-> shffle knee. Used to practice this to get more fluid with my combos.


Smash Ace
Apr 4, 2009
I mean, this game is complex enough that your combo game is always going to be evolving. My example on Ganon was a good way to get used to connecting both hits of nair and hitting the fast fall and l cancel. Have you been able to do it by the way? Also, I think that practicing dashing away and coming back in is really important. Here's an example of it http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=Yxgk2NfqOoM#t=65s
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=Yxgk2NfqOoM#t=233s is an even better example.


Smash Ace
Jun 29, 2011
San Antonio Texas
Well if you just want an example, get marth to 20% and stomp->shffle nair->shffle uair-> shffle knee. Used to practice this to get more fluid with my combos.
dat wakson combo!

but if a 20% startoff doesnt give enough breathing room, then start at 40% and
decrease the damage by increments of 5%

I can do this combo on marth at 12% (no AI or DI)


Chime and Twang
Dec 3, 2006
Taipei, TW
7.4 raptor boosts->pi/2 falcon kicks->300 falcon punches->2 taunts

thats with a tolerance of +/- 1 of each BTW

i put some mother phuckin garlic on dat bread n butter son


Smash Lord
Mar 22, 2009
the absolute most basic bread and butter (maybe just even bread) is the stomp to knee combo.

learn this for all the important matchups at all the possible percents and don't miss these. it might seem easy and really basic but you'd be surprised how many people screw these up cuz of all the different variations of percentages, heights, different jumps required...missing L-cancels on non-fast falled stomps etc. i've seen even top falcons mess up this combo once in a while...

it starts working on fast fallers at around high 40s iirc.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 15, 2011
Los Angeles
Im not that good but im gonna share some thoughts anyways. I dont know why nobody said this yet, but i think shffl nair to grab is extremely important. can start a lot of momentum at low percents. Stomp to jab reset is good too on spacies.


Smash Lord
Nov 13, 2011
Atl North
I have found much success with shffl nair -> grab on Marth. I am still learning to stomp -> jab reset spacies.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 18, 2012
fspecial on the ground > fspecial in the air > fair

If you do it fast enough I don't think they'll have time to DI very much.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 18, 2012
Heres another one, do this combo right by the edge

Fspecial > While opponent is in the air Uspecial > while hes falling to ledge grab, fast fall, FALCON PUNCH!!!! > jump up and Dair him

I did this to my little bro last night, I think he was at 67% after he died.

I wish I had a video or something to post with this but I don't cause I don't have a DVD recorder.:urg:


Smash Hero
May 26, 2006
I feel like your question was too vague so nobody really tried to answer

It doesn't help that the answer is "it depends" because Falcon's combos are heavily influenced by DI

Some general things to keep in mind I guess

Grounded stomp is the highest reward you can get because it always allows you to combo into Knee
Knee is the best combo move
Knee is the best combo move
Knee is the best combo move
Uair ***** floaties and in DI
Nair is mediocre at best against opponents who know how to DI away
Bair is a lot like Uair but has more stun and less good of a hitbox from below

Upthrow -> shorthop or fullhop uair is bread and butter against almost anyone that's not a space animal / Falcon
Various followups after the Uair depend on %, opponent's character, DI, stage positioning, whether or not you short hopped, etc.

This post by Magus has gifs. The first part involving full hop Nair is not used very much but the followup to the Nair should give you some kind of idea on floaty combos

In general - if you can do a late aerial, it's usually way better than doing one early, especially when it comes to upair combos

Space animals / Falcon you have to rely on techchasing, at higher %s you can start doing stuff like upthrow knee / Dsmash / Fsmash depending on DI
Techchasing however is a whole 'nother beast when it comes to "bread and butter" stuff and a lot of that is experimenting with how to cover multiple options

Honestly learning punishment should be the easiest part of playing ... just watch videos and pick up on what people do to link hits and beat up a level 1 Marth


Smash Apprentice
Jun 29, 2012
long island
i'm assuming by bread and butter combos, you mean combos that are easy and guaranteed.

Dthrow - another throw

Dair - grab

dthrow - sideb - upb

fair - grab

uair - uair - fair


Smash Journeyman
Mar 10, 2007
Someting I wanted to point out as I saw you're from Denmark and you must play PAL :

I don't know if ur aware of that but light knee doesn't send the same way in PAL than in NTSC.

So you can forget comboes like light knee -> knee (which will still happen in PAL, but very rarely) and focus more on light knee -> uair for a finisher.

If you want to mix up your juggles though, I recommend learning how to reverse Bair.


Smash Hero
May 26, 2006
Reverse Bair is as much of a mixup as using Uair to extend combos, neither will combo if they hold away and Bair isn't stronger by enough to outright kill them like knee


Smash Journeyman
Mar 10, 2007
I'm a little confused :

Reverse Bair has exact same knockback and power than Uair ?

I'm no Falcon main, but I was under the impression that reverse Bair had a different/weakest knockback than Uair ?


Smash Ace
Jan 10, 2013
reverse bair and uair are pretty similar
except uair's a lot more reliable for juggling floaties lmao

reverse bair is just a lot cuter looking


Smash Hero
May 26, 2006
Well it's true that reverse Bair has a super weak hitbox at some points but when they're at high enough % for that to be a viable combo move you should just kill them <_<
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