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The Study Of Link Project M 3.5

Update 4
Hello my names Curse. I'm new in a lot of ways but i'm pushing myself to get better in competitive SSB.
I play alot of both Project M and Melee and well I have unique styles in both but i found myself enjoying Young Link In melee and as you can see I'm working on Link in Project M in 3.5

It seems that the popularity in curiosity in Project M or at least 3.5 has died out considering that there are at most 25 guides, 1 per each character at the maximum so i thought it wouldn't hurt to make my own if no one else will~

The point of this guide "The Study Of Link Project M 3.5" is originally to teach myself and write down what i see and what i've noticed when I practice. For those who choose to follow my foot steps will read this guide and learn what I have which I think should be affective.
Since this is kind of a study, I'll be updating this for as long as I have an interest in this character. As I dissect what i know about him it will be put on this guide for those who wish to see.
Those who think my information may seem far fetched or underdeveloped do not DO NOT hesitate to notify or add-on cause it wont only help me it will help others too. If your reasoning is valid and obviously triumphs mine then I shall gladly edit this guide to your opinion.

(NOTE!: I NO LONGER USE ANY OTHER CONTROLLER BESIDES SOME FORM OF GAMECUBE CONTROLLER. Idk how many of you still use wii remote or a classic or something but i can't give too much instruction on input when it comes to those due to my lack of knowledge on the controls)

Please exscuse any spelling mistakes or abuse of bad grammar. This apperently is a lot of work.
News: for THOSE who are new to competitive super smash brothers terminology i left a link to were you can access definitions here:( http://supersmashbros.wikia.com/wiki/Smashpedia ) This is the smashpedia website. This is basically a smashbrothers dictionary if not its a handbook that can give you information on how somethings work. Somethings I couldn't even explain for you but they can~ If you have questions on a vocab word you don't know just type it in the search bar.
Tech Chapter: This is a Chapter that contains technical skill that I find out and explain how to perform into your advantage. This will be a way later chapter but as you can see this is a far from finished guide so I'm putting this on top for people who may know the basics of Link 3.5 and want to know the more advanced. Plus this keeps out of my in progress work space below.
(NOTE: some of this tech are just tips in how to apply some of links moves into game play and make you a more wide spread player. Not all the tech listed are game breaks~)

Tethering: Link was one of the first SSB characters to have a tether in his kit. Although being able to tether walls and ledges was introduced in Melee, doing it in PM is just as important! Tethering is a tactic were pressing Z with a character most often when recovering when you are a certain distance away from the ledge to shoot some form of grappling hook, vine, wire, whip or any kind of stringy tool to latch to a wall or ledge (NOTE: definatley NOT every character has a tether! Many do and some you dont press Z Some require imputs like Side B or Up B ect. If your character does not have a Zair/tether then they will do their Nair instead). Doing this prevents countless edge guarding options your opponent may have starting with the dreaded edgehogging, (A tactic were holding the ledge so your enemy cannot grab the ledge causes them to be forced in to Up B or fall to their death (which is something you cannot do in Smash 4)) dunks/spikes/meteors, most projectiles, and other unaware gimps are avoided because when you teather you swing out of most harms way and pressing A slides you up to the Ledge you have latched to. (NOTE: Tethering to walls is a Melee exclusive. In Project M your tether automatically latches to the ledge but only if you are in tether range!)
Practice Tips: The most common way to tether with a Zair is to Air dodge first! If you are air dodging there are only a few things you are able to do during the animation. 2 Main ones is to catch something or to Tether! During all frames of the air dodge and a little bit after you are able to press Z or A and your tether will activate! Using this to your advantage is one of the best ways to return to stage! Using the air dodge in different directions when tethering at the right time allows you to anticipate your opponents edge guards and follow up with your super safe recovery. (NOTE being too high above or too below the ledge or being too close to the ledge is often unsafe cause at that point your tether has a higher chance of missing or just not latching all together.) (NOTE: air dodging before your tether is exclusive to character who use Zairs to tether. Up B and Side B and other tethers dont work that was (to my knowledge)

Rang Resets: This is kinda something I made up. The name atleaste~ I know tons of other Link mains use the boomerang in this way but I think its important to examine. I call a Rang Reset simply using the Boomerang as a projectile soulfully to trip your opponent up. For example if you catch wind that your opponent is going to charge you (depending on the distance and duration of their rush), throwing your boomerang the opposite direction and dodgerolling toward your opponent to swap places with them can leave you in a safe position for many reasons. (NOTE: dodge rolling in fast pace SSB is normally a bad idea cause they are common and easy to read. I use it as an example though cause its the simplest to explain. There are many other ways of going about this.)
1.(this is the most likely) Your opponent may want to continue their offense and turn around to either combo or grab. This is good if they are going for damage cause if they jab or use weak tilts the boomerang will interrupt what they are doing and give you a free opening( this is literally bating your opponent.)
2 . or your opponent will evade. This outcome is very open ended cause of the many possibilities. If they jump back and space you they could still possibly be hit by the return of the Rang but rushing them back after the reset can be dangerous if the enemy was farther away due to the rang's weak hit stun. if they jump up onto a platform or something then your back to square one and nothing was accomplished.

There are other examples of a rang reset. Since the boomerang is the most flexible of the 3 projectiles if your opponent miss techs short hopping then curving your rang downward into he missteched enemy causing them to either shoot up slightly or stand up to be continued to be comboed across stage. However, this tactic is somewhat difficult cause the boomerang is easy to miss but If your opponent is on a miss tech or is off the edge trying to recover you wont be heavily punished, in fact your second option of rang reset is baiting your opponent with the return of the rang.
The Boomerang is probably the most tricky option you'll have in Links kit cause it sets up a lot of mid ranged mind games that can easily give you an upper hand!

Bomb Tricks: Link's competitive kit has always strongly been based on his projectiles. This being said his most experimented use of tech is within his bombs. In project M especially there has been game brakes that people abuse that allow bombs to be one of the most inconsistent but outstandingly good techniques that will help you survive on and off the stage. Further experimentation in this category can expand your style as a link main cause of the many possibilities.

Bomb Jump: This is one of Link's more famous Techs. I think it blew up (no pun intended) most in Melee cause it was so useful and I don't think it was very possible in 64 or Brawl (I could be wrong). Anyway Bomb Jumping is a little difficult but definitely easy to learn. Some may say its not a very important tech especially if your percent is too high you can definitely kill yourself, but if there's any way to make your recovery or aerial game more interesting by spreading those options out. Its better to learn than not. Bomb Jumping is basically pulling bombs when (commonly) knocked off stage so you can drop them, throw them, or somehow make them explode near you when recovering to not only knock you up so you can DI in a certain direction... but so you can also reset you Up B recovery. There's a lot of explaining behind the controls and mastery behind this tech but what better way to display that than showing you a video? (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WNrI1O9zqIk) This is an extremley reliable video (that I do not own. Credit the YouTuber) that explains how to do it in BOTH Melee and Project M and its differences. I find it very very helpful. (Note: Keep In mind this video was made for Versions below 3.5 so small adjustments to your tech may need to be tweaked. Although i promise you this tech DOES work.)
-Practice tips: As shown in the video, I suggest practicing as the CPU on High damage in training mode off stage and dropping the bomb near edge and using an aerial or what ever method you plan on using. (To practice as CPU on high damage go to training mode and set your CPU to a high percent like 50-100% and then set the CPU action to Control. Then if you use a gamecube controller or another wiimote you can plug it into second slot or turn on the second wii mode to control the CPU)

Bomb Punting: I found this video that displays an odd example of inconsistant but good bomb tech. Its called Bomb Punting! Essentially its a tech that launches one of links bomb way farther than you can throw it manually, but well.. in place of consistent accuracy: ( https://youtu.be/mMJbK_r2HLo?t=323 )(Credit the Youtuber I DONOT own this) At 5:28 If you hop or short hop slightly backwards when holding a Bomb. Tap Z with no direction on the control stick to then quickly drop the bomb (Note: the bomb has no momentum that follows Link) and press Z again to Zair right after, the grappling hook will then push the Bomb forward similar to a distance farther than a normal bomb throw.

Aerial Glide (Bomb) Toss: This is one of the most abused Bomb techs after Bomb Jumps that allowed safe landings for link when returning to stage in earlier versions of Project M. Aerial Glide Toss is a type of bomb throw that can allow you to glide in air right before you throw your projectile in various directions. Remember though, In my opinion, may it be one of the most useful Bomb Tech that I've seen.. but iits also the most difficult and dangerous. Its an extremely confusing process (with a simple input) that requires a good deal of discipline in training mode. To do it you make sure your in the air so you could just jump if you wanted to, but make sure your holding a bomb before hand (Most cases you are knocked off stage so you have time in the air to pull one out). When you are in the air you wanna do an air dodge when holding a direction so that the momentum carries you in that direction. Right after the input of the air dodge is read you need to quickly tap A in any direction to throw the bomb that way. Regardless of were you throw your projectile you will still glide in the direction of which you air dodged (thats why it gets confusing) and doing this cancels the air dodge and allows you to continue to carry that momentum for a very short distance (Very much like an aerial wave dash) Doing this consecutively in the air (may not allow you to hover for long at all) but can create a crud ton of recovery options and aerial mind game. (Note: To do this tech requires fast fingers. The time between you pressing L or R to air dodge in your preferred direction and A... Is faster than the timing between X or Y and L or R for Foxes wavedash (for those Fox mains who like Link like me.)) ( https://youtu.be/mMJbK_r2HLo?t=323) In this same video you witness Aerial Glide tosses a lot!
Practice tips: I recommend NOT using the A button at all when doing the process of Aerial Glide Toss. I mention the use of the A button cause thats the general input of the action. Do keep in mind that you can throw hand held projectiles with the godly C stick! SO starting out easy is a simple way to get the timing down. I suggest Final Destination as a map choice. Any stage can work of course just flat grounds leads to less distraction. When you pull your bomb out just full hop and press L or R (I prefer L cause your left hand controls direction of your character and if you use L AND direction your self with the control stick all on the left side of your controller makes it less complicated.. idk some don't think that way though) at the point of L or R's input you can choose any direction at this point but i would suggest up so that you can notice when Link floats up higher when he shoots his bomb. Now after Inputting L or R and Up on control stick, instead of using the control stick and the A button to throw your bomb you can flick the C stick in any direction making the Input just ONE less button combination. Make sure your timing the bomb throw correctly! If your C stick is late you'll Zair/tether if you C stick early you'll either throw the bomb before you Air Dodge or you'll throw your bomb when Air dodging before your control stick reads your directions (so you hover in place a short time when throwing.)

Double Aerial Glide (Bomb) Toss: This is the second more advanced stage of the Aerial Glide Toss. I bet when i gave you a breakdown on how to do the first stage you were wondering "How do it twice like that Gus guy?" well if you haven't gone the extra mile I'll explain! If you watch closely you notice he does the AGT twice by catching the same bomb that he AGTed downward then AGTs it upward making a velocity similar to a smaller second jump (NOTE: If you have yet to use your second jump and you have AGTed you can still use your jump or any aerial or even Up B cause you have no recovery cancel like you normally would AFTER air dodging.) To do this you have to be somewhat relaxed with your fingers. after you've mastered the first stage of AGT then this will be rather simple. Essentially if you want to perform this correctly you wanna be in training mode on FD again (Its one of my favorite training stages) You have to do this off the edge cause doing this requires ALOT of air space and worry doing this correctly will allow you back on stage but don't be afraid to SD in training mode lol. Any way when you are off the edge you wanna AGT down and throw your bomb down aswell (NOTE: to do this correctly you MUST make sure you fast fall or you wont be able to perform the catch). If you did this correctly your bomb will be falling almost in between Links legs. At this stage at anytime (but preferably before you die) you can recatch the bomb by Air dodging a second time. This is were it can get a little tricky because when you catch the bomb you are already air dodging so as soon as it happens you have to make sure you're not wasting ANY time. As soon as the bomb is caught you wanna make sure your air dodging upward (That is if you're trying to get back on stage) and soon after the air dodge you flick the C stick Up to regain the air you need to Up B back to ledge.
This second stage can be abused very well. because you gain so many options being able to airdodge twice or even 3 times before dying or touching the ground. After a successful AGT you can AGT (only if you AGT down though) again or simply use the second Air dodge as a tether option!


Chapter1(Ch1) Character Play Style:

Link Is a very awkward and clunky character in PM version 3.5. I say this because a large amount of his approaches kill at decent percentages, but if they are spot dodged, wave dashed, or avoided in some way they are easily punished due to lag. Link is also not very good at early kills to my knowledge. He slows down the game a tiny bit unless you can string combos. All of his moves deal high percentages of damage so once you get your enemy to 90% in 2 combos minimum you can start fishing

WATCH YOUR OPPONENT'S CHARACTER AT ALL TIMES! I know that may seem obvious but when I say this I literally mean keep your eyes glued to your opponent. I will guarantee you that you have reached a certain level as to were you don't even have to look at your own character when you play. That's because you shouldn't. This portion is for all characters that require space like Marth and Peach. At all times you must look at your opponent and it will keep you more aware of what their plans on approach will be. It will also make you more evasive. Your first thought may be (wow.. im campy) but that's not quite how your running the show. Your just preventing your opponents attacks from landing.
On top of that you will also notice that YOUR attacks land easier because your focusing more on your opponents mess ups and bad habits. When your fully aware of your opponent your able to find openings easier. If you stare at your own character, your more focused in the wrong area. Think of it as... your character follows YOU. YOU are your characters guide, so the character watches you and you watch the enemy. That may or may not make sense. If it doesn't.. don't mind it just remember to watch your enemy (NOTE: I have no knowledge of how well this works in a multiplayer setting. Most of my information is for a singles set.)

So I found Link a very passive style to play with that again I wouldn't necessarily call campy.( If you ever find M2k's young link in Melee in any video especially one of his Ironman marathons you'd know what I mean (I'll post a link here later)) Basically I would call this style Baiting. I think the best idea to have when baiting is to set up mindgaming traps for your opponent to fall into. Make him believe he has you so that when he notices your in control.. you already hit him hard with a grounded Up B.

Hit and run
Link also can be used as a hit an run character. Even though his speed is impared, starting out your moment of offense and defense with a baiting game allows you to become aggressive in no time! Again Think of it as planning traps for your enemy. After your done hitting and slamming damage in, I suggest backing off before you become targeted for a well deserved beating, returning to a safe midrange area again to dash dance or moonwalk to bait your opponent into another trap would be a good suggestion.

Its super easy to start fishing for a K.O with Link. A lot of his moves can kill including the bombs (if the enemy is around 150%) but sometimes it requires them to be at higher percents OR for your enemy to be near the edge or even off stage. FEAR NOT due to baiting tactics, getting your opponent near the edges of the stage is easy. Make sure your mind games are set up correctly and an early kill can be yours. However if you do rely more on mid stage kills.. then again worry not cause alot of links moves do 12% or more so racking up the damage to kill from mid stage doesnt take long it just drags a little.

End of Chapter 1

Ch2 Kit:

For now im only getting into the normal moves that require the A button cause they are the most important to learn how to use and the descriptions of each one will probably clear up why.

starting with Tilts

F Tilt(:GCL:or:GCR:)+:GCA::DMG:<13-15%>
-Link strikes with his sword forward covering his front and a small part of his upper back with one strike.
-it has a laggy start up and a laggy end
-knock back only becomes worth it after 60%
-this isnt a move i would use regularly. Perhaps if my opponent is in position to be juggled.

D Tilt:GCD:+:GCA::DMG:<11%>
-Link swipes low covering only the low front side
-Its not as laggy as F tilt but Its start up has a small hesitation but its ending lag is minimal
-It sends your opponent directly up even at low percents and can be a great "Back off" keep space, kind of combo starter.
-I suggest using it with good timing to trip your opponent up, keep em off ledge, and when you dash cancel.

U Tilt:GCU:+:GCA::DMG:<9%>
-Link swings high above him making a hit box that covers all of links front and back. This attack covers the same amount of space as other sword handed U tilts like marth.
-Its start up is rather speedy if your opponent is in the front, but it takes a few frames to get behind link making it most useful when your opponent is in front or above. This attack is not spammable
-at early percentages the knock back is low so its a great juggling tool.
-This attack wouldn't be much of help in combos until percentages above 45% Unless your opponent is in the air. This move is kind of pointless unless you combo it into an Usmash cause I find that the only appropriate move thats fast enough to continue the juggle. After that I'd just end it with a grounded Up B cause its a great finisher in most combos

Fsmash(:GCL:or:GCR:)+:GCA: or (:GCCL:or:GCCR:):1sthitDMG:<14-18%>CHARGED(chrgd)<18-19%>2ndhit<20%>Chrgd<24%>
-Link swings his sword in front of him twice covering just his front side.
-This is a 2 hit smash attack witha laggy start up that allows you to controll the second hit as if it was apart of a combo.
-This move has a small bit of knockback for a smash, although I do consider it a kill move (yes like most smash attacks). The first swing does less damage and knockback as the second obviously but its knockback still grows along with your enemy's percentage.
-Its dangerous to try to kill early with the second swing of the F smash. Your better off getting them up to 100%+ and using the first swing to kill instead.

Dsmash:GCD:+:GCA: or :GCCD::<11%-17%> Chrgd <15-21%>
-Link swings his sword twice. Once in front of him then once behind.
-One of his faster moves. There is absolutely no beginning lag and almost no ending lag after animation but because its a smash it can't compare in speed to other moves.
-The knock back shoots your opponent upward but its limited distance makes it far from a satisfying kill move.
-I would use this as another "get off me" move used for rolls, but again its great for kills use this often.
U smash:GCU:+:GCA: or:GCCU::<17% If all attacks connect> chrgd <23%IAAC>
-Link swings his sword upward 3 times covering both of his front and back with wide hitboxes.
-This attack also comes out with a fast start up. but the animation is long making the ending seemingly long.
-This deals a decent amount of knockback that provides a great source for aerial game and juggling but it also doesn't kill well at ground level till around 116%.
-This move is a great example of what i mentioned way earlier about moves that can be easily punished. This move may have no starting lag, but if the first 2 swings don't connect, your opponent has a great opening to punish you, although, because it has an almost instant start up I highly advise using it to catch your opponent off guard. This move is a move to use often, but if its not safe to do don't make yourself a target.


-Link shoots his foot forward into a Karate Kick aerial stance with a hitbox that basically covers his body.
-This move comes out instantly like most one hit Nairs and has a long lasting animation when in the air, and its landing lag is rather minimal compared to his other aerials. Its speed is a tie for fastest ariel along with his Bair.
-This attack is a very weak move but its knock back is combo decent since its very very short. the distance is shortmid range starting from 20%to 80% but it will kill if your opponent is around 160%.
This move is a somewhat good approach if your L cancelling well, but I'd say your follow up options are slim at low percentages so I would use the nair to break enemy aerial combos, keep your opponent away, or Links nair is used as a fantastic edge guarding move. besides his projectiles, his Nair and his Bair are his gimpiest.

Fair:(:GCL:or:GCR:)+:GCA: or (:GCCL:or:GCCR:)first swing<14%> second swing<10%>
-Link slowly spins once with his sword covering his front with 2 forward swings.
-This has a laggy start up and a little bit of landing lag unless L cancelled.
-This moves first swing doesn't have any decent knock back until your opponent reaches the percents around 50 and it becomes a decent kill move around 90%. The second swing does barely any knockback and instead of shooting your enemy forward like the first swing they shoot up. if your enemy is at a high percent around 100, and your willing to style, the second swing is a great combo starter.
-This move is surprisingly safe if you L cancel it well. Dont make it a bad habit cause its easy to screw up your good arial habits with this move. I would suggest using this often when your fishing and only when your fishing.

Dair::GCD:+:GCA: or :GCCD:<22%> \
-This move is one of Links most famous kill moves in Smash Brothers. He tucks his sword between his legs and croutches in hopes of stabbing the enemy below him.
-This move is probably a tie for the laggiest aerial with the Uair becasue of the ending lag and the animation time in the air. Its start up is laggier than the Uair though.
-Landing this move is difficult alone. You really have to catch your opponent off guard to successfully land it, which normally doesnt happen with out making the opponent misstech or be caught in major hit stun like a D throw. Other wise this move is one of Links most powerful and can kill as low as almost 80% near the ground.

Bair: (:GCL:or:GCR:)+:GCA: or (:GCCL:or:GCCR:): each kick is <7%>
-Link flurries his legs into two back kicks to hit his enemies behind him. This move is probably my favorite aerial Of all link clones.
-Its speed with fast animation, fast start up, and low landing lag and low knock back this move will rack up a ton of damage fast and give you enough time to land and space out.
-This move does very little knockback, weaker knockback than the Nair. And after around 70 or 80% the second kick gets harder to land after the first.
-The Bair is definatley not a kill move, i would call it a move used for quick hit combos when your opponent gets close enough for you to spam it.
Uair::GCU:+:GCA: or :GCCU: when falling <12%> when rising <16%>
-Link shines his blade upward to stab his enemies above.
-This is one of Links slowest aerials. it's start up is almost instant but the ending lag is similar to the Dair.
-For this move to be affective at all in my opinion, you really need to be warry of your position . its easier to catch if your opponent is above you on a platform. If you spam this move with perfect L cancels from under a platform or L cancel into a few Utilts or a Usmash its harder or your opponent to try to punish with out getting stabbed. Especially when you land with the U Air theres a hitbox on Links hilt when he lands that deals similar damage and knockback.This move is a horrible kill move and I wouldn't suggest attempting to kill with it causes your opponent needs to reach around 150% on a platform.


Neutral B: :GCB:uncharge to fully charged<5-15%>
This attack is were link uses his Bow and arrow. I group all of links projectiles in the same boat in PM cause they all generally do the same things but for different situations. The arrow I would say is most useful from affar of course, but more so when your opponent is off the edge. Its hard to dictate what projectiles on a character are for but i think becasue of the dip Links arrows have and the range its a great sniping tool. Its a great gimp and also can be a combo starter or prolonger if you aim and time our shots correctly. I think the measerments take a while to get used to but after you feel confadent dont be afraid to shoot a few wild shots.
Up B: :GCU:+:GCB: in air with all swings that hit <16%>on ground<15%
-Link spins with his sword out covering all horizontal blind spots with his blade. Using this move on the ground is very important cause its probably his best surprise attack, his best spacer, his best "get off me" move, and it can kill at percentages around 100%. This move has a crazy amount of knockback and using it on the ground makes it so you can breath. Sadly even though it has an abrupt speed in start up, its long animation only hits once when your opponent is in range and the animation creates a good deal of lag so I wouldnt use this move unless it was the absolute end of a combo or to inturrupt your opponents ground combo. In the air its a different story. In the Air its exactly the same interms of lag, but its hit box goes from horizontal to diagonal. It makes it difficult for an opponent to edge guard when recovering with this move, and if it lands in the air it does a decent amount of damage, but the knockback is increadibly weak unless the very last hitbox lands and even then its not worth anything really. Using this in any aerial combo would be 100% style in my opinion cause it has low benefits in the air and after you use it your locked in a state i call recover cancelled were your character blinks black and you cant jump, attack or dodge which is a scary situation almost ALWAYS.

Although I can garuntee there are many who argue this point. I leave the Up B to you to decide how you implament it in your play style. It is a very good move both in air and on the ground. Mostly on the ground.

Side B: (:GCL:or:GCR:)+:GCB: the more distance the weaker <6-11%> when returning <3%> Link projects his boomerang infront of him dipping down shooting forward or lobbing up and then eventually returns to the original owner dealing minimal knockback and damage. The boomerang or the Rang is a move that completely stops your opponent in their tracks. Its not a move thats used for knockback, its no kill move, its soulfully used (by me atleaste) to trip up your opponent and start a combo. This move is also a great gimp if you learn how to curve up or down with your throw cause its so good at stopping your enemy in their tracks. In many ways it triumphs the arrow in mid range combat.

Down B: :GCD:+:GCB:if explodes inhand<6%> <7-11%>: This is were all the experimenting comes in. The bomb is the most abusive projectile because it is a hand held projectile meaning running around with it before it explodes is an option. There is a giant learning curve on Links Tech like Bomb Jumps, Aerial Glide Tosses, Bomb Punting and more that I have yet to discover and will explain later in this guide in another chapter. Otherwise for now, this is a hand held projectile that when it lands it will deal approximatley as much knockback as the arrow and does a great job at a mid range space, just be careful not to get yourself blown up cause you might get vitally punished for it. Bombs CAN kill at percents above 150% just dont always rely on that method.


Jab Combo::GCA:+:GCA:+:GCA: or :GCA:+:GCA:+Rapid:GCA: hit 1:<5%> hit 2:<3%> hit 3: <6> rapid per hit<1%> This jab combo is just as good as other jab combos. The rapid is better than most, but like most rapid combos i dont really suggest using it cause it becomes a habit. The final hit instead of the rapid is ok ish but the hesitation you need to perform it so you dont start the rapid combo is too long making it not really worth it. I would just stick to a 2 hit combo if i were you.
Dash attack: (:GCR:dash)+:GCA: or (:GCL:+dash)+:GCA:<13%> This move Link swings his sword infront of him and shoots his opponent directly up and somtimes behind link. This move is a wonderful combo starter but yet another move that requires caution cause its definately easy to punish, especially if spot dodged or shielded. I would use this most to read rolls or miss techs or again just simply catching the opponent off guard, just dont be too risky.

Zair::GCZ: if just chain hits<4%> If claws close<9%> Link shoots out his grabbling hook and snags his opponent dealing an upwards knockback if the claw closes on them. This is a great spacer move in my opinion but its landing lag is terrible (cause you cant L cancel it) making it just a little difficult to follow up afterward. Its also hard to hit the sweetspot when it closes casue you need perfect spacing. I feel as if this move can be used well but i find it more trouble than its worth.

The Zair also acting as a teather also has many techs that need to be discussed in later parts of this guide.

Chapter 2 Unfinished.
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Please Finish this guide. As a seasoned Link player, these are well thought out strats that I use in most every game. Spice up the organization with different colored fonts and bold letterheads. But besides that, excellent guide so far.
FINISH IT. It's very informational in terms of not only what the move does but also in application and I see this becoming more in depth as you finish it. Also I'd suggest having a second set of eyes check spelling cause it happens and it's hard for us to see our own mistakes.
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